Triberg im Schwarzwald

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    • Day 10

      Black Forest

      May 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Took a break from chilling to go for a drive down to Freiberg and Triberg, in the heart of the Black Forest.

      Triberg, considered the home of the cuckoo clock, is a beautiful little town with stunning waterfalls and pine forests. A great place to end our visit to Germany.Read more

    • Day 20

      20. Triberg

      February 24, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Today we woke up to the most glorious crisp morning. We took Maddy on a walk around the woods before getting the van road ready and heading off. First stop was to get some food from Lidl, then we refilled the gas... (this was supposed to cost us about £13 and only cost us £7, so got me worried that we may be having issues somewhere in our gas system).

      We did a rubbish stop and then carried on to our next stop Tilburg, famous for Germany's biggest waterfall and cuckoo clocks. The drive down was super scenic and we drove through some really long tunnels under the mountain. Once we arrived we were greeted with old alpine style German houses and Cuckoo clocks everywhere. Eventually, after driving the town a few times, we found a suitable park up. We headed with Maddy straight to the waterfall, it was absolutely raging due to the rain fall and snow melting recently. We walked up to the top of the waterfall and saw it from all angles, we really enjoyed this.

      With our waterfall ticket , we had access to 3 more attractions around Triberg one was a photo studio with many amusing backgrounds for funny pictures- we had great fun messing about in here for a while. The next attraction was a Museum which was cool to see all the old clocks, Grace loved the museum as they had a huge section on crystals as many are mined here.

      We then decided to miss the last attraction which was a model village and head to some of the Cuckoo clock shops, they had literally thousands, one shop is famous for having 1000 on display. These ranged from £150 to about £20,000.

      Afterwards we headed quickly down to the "worlds biggest cuckoo clock" to chime at 5pm. It cost £1 million to build and has 30,000 uniquely made parts. The engineering behind them is great and massively ahead of the their time when they were originally produced.

      We then headed to our park up, approx 25 mins from Triberg. This took us over a mountain passing through the dark forests which seemed lit up from all the snow surrounding them. It started to snow which made it even more enchanting.

      We checked out the gas tank and had intermittent gas again... we think the regulator has failed but luckily this is a standard cheap item across Europe and should be fairly easy to replace ourselves or pay an engineer to fit.

      Had a nice curry and enjoyed sorting through the numerous photo's we took today.
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    • Day 6

      De Betovering van de Triberg Watervallen

      August 18, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      De watervallen van Triberg zijn gelegen in het Zwarte Woud van Duitsland. Ze staan bekend als de hoogste watervallen van het land, met een totale hoogte van ongeveer 163 meter verdeeld over zeven niveaus. Het heldere water van de Gutach-rivier stort zich naar beneden in een schilderachtige en natuurlijke omgeving, waardoor het een populaire toeristische attractie is voor zowel locals als bezoekers.Read more

    • Day 30–31

      Triberg Fantasy & Wasserfall!

      September 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      After a morning full of cuckoo clocks Parked at stellplatz near station €10pm managed to pay by app as machines don’t take any of my cards & id quickly ramp through my coins if not. No facilities but plenty of grass for the Boyz.Read more

    • Day 2

      Triberger Wasserfall

      July 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 15 °C

      Triberg im Schwarzwald is een plaats in de Duitse deelstaat Baden-Württemberg, en maakt deel uit van het Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis. Triberg im Schwarzwald telt 4.656 inwoners. Triberg is vooral bekend van de Triberger watervallen. Deze watervallen zijn een van de hoogste in DuitslandRead more

    • Day 25

      Triberg and Der Schwarzwald

      July 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Off we went to Triberg which is located in the heart of the Black Forest. Photos do the scenery in Triberg a huge injustice. It is a stunning place. Thankfully we elected to drive to the bottom of the town and had no problems finding a park as the top of town was jam packed.

      Leah struck gold and got her beloved cuckoo clock (thankfully it is well packaged for the onward journey). Any missed German lessons at school were compensated for by a belated coffee and torte for Mum's 50th birthday.

      Our time in Germany is drawing to a close. However we are in unanimous agreement that if the opportunity arose we would love to visit again and stay for longer, especially as we have experienced so much warmth from the ecclesia and also mastered the skills needed to drive on the Autobahn!! 🚘
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    • Day 6

      Tag 6

      September 23, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      3 Länder im September - Tag 6: Gestern Abend war ich zu müde und erschöpft, um den Tag hier zu dokumentiere. Nach ca. 113 km und über 1500 Höhenmetern entschloss ich, das dies immer noch am Folgetag gemacht werden kann.
      Tag 6 startete mot einem herrlichen Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Hirsch mit Cafe Klösterle in Enzklösterle. Gestärkt trug ich dann mein Velo aus dem Keller die Treppe hoch, belud es mit meinem Gepäck und fuhr im doch sehr frischen Morgenwetter los. Die Strecke war wunderschön aber doch auch sehr herausfordernd. Steile Anstiege mot genauso steilen Abfahrten. Nach einigen Kilometern durch den Wald kam ich an einem Bank an der Sonne an und entschloss, dass ich hier meine erste kleine Pause machte. Gerade als ich vom Velo abstieg kam ein Auto angefahren und hielt neben mir. Ein Jäger der zur jagt ging fragte, ob ich den weg suchte. So kamen wir ins Gespräch und unterhielten uns lange über die Welt. Es war ein sehr spannendes Gespräch. So gings danach wieder aufs Velo und weiter. Um die Mittagszeit kam ich in Freudenstadt an mit dem grössten Marktplatz von Deutschland. Ein sehr schönes Städtchen. Beim Bäcker holte ich mor dann noch ein Käsebrötchen und einen Johannisbeertaler für auf den Weg. Weiter immer wieder den Berg hoch und runter fuhr ich durch den schönen Schwarzwald und kam durch kleine urchige Dörfer. Die Strecke zog sich dann doch recht lange und kurz vor meinem Ziel, ca. 3km noch bis zur unterkunft, war dann die Strasse geaperrt und ich stand ziemlich ratlos da. Lange suchte ich nach einer Strecke, die mich um die Baustelle führte. Es blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, als eine Umfahrung von 6 km und wieder steil rauf und runter zu machen. Mittlerweile hatte ich schon den zweiten Akku drin. Als ich dann endlich kurz vor 17.00 uhr in Triber ankam, war mein zweiter Akku auch fast leer. Glück gehabt, dass die Energie dann doch gereicht hat. In der Nähe steht die grösste Kuckusuhr von Europa. Also machte ich noch einen Spaziergang zu dieser, eine halbe Stunde hin und eine halbe Stunde zurück. Danach war ich dann sehr hungrig und gönnte mir ein herzhaftes Abendessen mit Dessert. Geschlafen hab ich in meinem schönen, neu eingerichteten Hotelzimmer, herrlich gut.
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    • Day 50

      Day 50 - Cuckoo Clocks Cuckoo

      September 22, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Another dreadful night sleep, which undoubtedly is down to the ridiculously soft pillows. We are now looking forward to our own hard pillows at home.

      We had breakfast at 9.00am, it was the same fare of meats, cheese & bread.

      We then drove to Triberg Waterfall, which is Germany’s highest waterfall. It was a steep walk down a path to the entrance & we had to pay €6 each for the privilege. It initially seemed a bit steep, but a path took us around & over it. It wasn’t spectacular in size, but the fir trees & mossy rocks made it very atmospheric & probably worth the entrance fee. It was a long steep walk back to the car.

      We drove to Triberg town & invested €1 in 45 minutes worth of parking. We then located an ATM & got some cash out & bought two slices of Black Forest Gateau. Triberg is the home of Black Forest Gateau allegedly, so when in Rome....... Triberg is also full of cuckoo clock shops & workshops.

      At midday we departed Triberg & 5 minutes later just north of the town at Elbe Uhren-Park, we found the Largest Cuckoo Clock in the world, according to the Guinness book of records. The bumf describes the clock as 16.73 yards tall, the cuckoo as 4.9 yards long & weighing 331 pounds. Despite it’s size, it still delivers the typical Cuckoo Call every full hour and every half hour.

      We parked up, ate our BFG & waited for the largest cuckoo clock to do its thing. On the stroke of 12.30pm, the cuckoo appeared, spluttered a hardly audible cuckoo type noise & was gone before I could press record on my phone. It had been pathetic & quite frankly an embarrassment!

      We headed north & called in to the Spa town of Baden Baden. We saw a fountain, then continued around the French border another 150 miles to Trier. It wasn’t the most exciting drive, motorways with fir trees hugging both sides of the road. The only thing of note was that we passed by the Hockenheimring, a famous motor racing circuit.

      Around 5.30pm, we rolled into Trier & quickly located the Porta Nigra. The Porta Nigra (Latin for black gate) is a large Roman city gate in Trier. It is today the largest Roman city gate north of the Alps, built in grey sandstone just before the year 200. Again it was a case of abandoning the car, snap a few photos & move on. Trier looks like it deserves a proper visit in the future.

      We then drove a further 25 miles north to our Hotel, Vogtshof von Wettlesdorf in Schonecken. It turned out to be a bikers pub, but the accommodation luckily was in a separate building. We have a massive triple room.

      Whilst unpacking, I very annoyingly discovered I left my favourite t-shirt hanging up in one of the last hotels we stayed in. Jackie has emailed them. That evening we went to the local pizzeria and we both had exceptionally good Schnitzels with chips & salad.

      Song of the Day : Cuckoo by Lissie.

      Bonus Songs : Clocks by Coldplay.

      Cuckoo by I Am Kloot.
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    • Day 7

      Triberg es a vizeses

      June 7, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Baden-Baden után folytattuk utunkat a Fekete erdő belsejébe, hogy megnézzük Németország legmagasabb vízeséset, a Triberg vizesest. Már maga a városka is nagyon cuki, helyes, színes kis házakkal van tele, és a domborzata sem egyhangú, nagyon jó hangulata van. Ráadásul minden harmadik üzlet Kuckuksuhren-t árul, rengeteg fele, típusú, méretű van belole. Így nagyon viccesek, de azért ha otthon kakukkolna minden órában, lehet hogy nem lenne sokaig életben az óra. Miután megtaláltuk a vizeseshez vezeto park főbejáratat, kitaláltuk, hogy megcsináljuk a piros túrát, de előtte, hogy bírjuk ettünk egy jó kis feketeerdo sonkatalat ha már a Fekete erdőben voltunk 😃 így legalább volt mi lemozogni 😉 a vízesés pedig csodaszep, nem szabad kihagyni. Az egész termeszetvedelmi terület szépen gondozott és kialakitott, ha valaki nem csak a vizesesre kiváncsi 3 kulonbozo túra útvonal közül lehet választani, kulonbozo tavokkal. És rengeteg cuki mókus rohangál az útvonalon ami külön remek. A túra útvonalon talalhato egy Bergsee nevű to, aminek az érdekessége hogy 1924ben itt rendeztek meg a műkorcsolya EB-t mert Berlinben nem volt eleg hideg hozza. Szép a to nagyon, de nem mondana meg az ember h kori EB volt itt valaha 😃Read more

    • Day 36

      Happy to be hiking <3

      June 8, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      It’s rain rain raining again but that won’t stop us from spending the whole day outside! It was a great breath of fresh air to be in a forest and see a beautiful waterfall, Germany’s tallest, right in the Black Forest. We did exercises, made a snail friend and many slug friends, walked nearly every path in the park, and got a great booty workout as usual. Then also ran to the train station when we realized we were gonna miss it after finishing dinner! Again typical us.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Triberg im Schwarzwald, تريبرغ, Горад Трыберг-ім-Шварцвальд, تریبرگ ایم شوارزوالد, Триберг, Триберг-им-Шварцвальд, Триберг им Шварцвалд, Тріберг-ім-Шварцвальд, 黑林山区特里贝格

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