Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken

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Top 10 Reiseziele Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken
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    • Tag 2

      Von Hohenmirsberg nach Potsdam.

      23. April in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Wer nicht weiß, wo Hohenmirsberg ist, hat nichts verpasst. Einer der vielen kleinen Orte irgendwo in Franken in der Nähe von Bayreuth. Wir haben eine ruhige Nacht verbracht und heute nach dem Kaffee (ohne Frühstück) eine lange Wanderung gemacht. Es war zwar eisig kalt, aber die Wanderung war super. Allerdings ging unser Plan nicht auf, nachdem wir in irgendeinem der kleinen Orte, durch die wir kamen, ein feines Frühstück zu uns nehmen. Denn in diesen Dörfchen gibt es nichts: Keine Geschäfte,keine Bäckerei, kein Café - nichts, niente, nada.
      Natürlich konnten wir im Camper frühstücken, aber es ist irgendwie schon Routine, dass wir im Camper Kaffee trinken und dann irgendwo gemütlich frühstücken.
      Also fuhren wir dann weiter Richtung Potsdam und haben irgendwo auf der Strecke Halt gemacht. Autohof. Nicht empfehlenswert...
      Gegen 17.00 Uhr kamen wir in Potsdam an. Für den Balú fanden wir einen super Parkplatz. Wir verbrachten dann einen gemütlichen Abend mit feinem Essen bei Thomas Bruder Michael und der Schwägerin Birgit, wo wir heute auch übernachten.

    • Tag 26


      14. Mai in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We wandered down the street to have breakfast in a café, but not until 9am. It was a fantastic, warm spring day. We went around the town a little and up to the Catherdral and another church up on the high side of town. The biggest church is closed for renovations, and we have seen the many city buildings severeal times before. When Bamberg was a regional powerhouse the administrators had the high side and churches, while the people had the low side and businesses, with the town hall on the very border. It was the burghers saying their admin was as good as that of the lords and nobles.

      We met Max on the Rathaus bridge at 11:30, walked around, then had a coffee before he had to head home to see Jens, who was not well. His is not the easiest of lives.

      The afternoon was spent wandering around bits of Bamberg we had seen before, but only ever in winter (seeing Karl Orff's house again, the flying fox again, the cricket ground (for us) again, the river, the Rathaus etc), then going to Ilke’s flute practice for 40 mins. It was in the same street as the laundromat from the day before, so we knew exactly where to go. She really is good, and her teacher was delighted we came. Ilke also ha a favour to ask of us, which was on a secret English project we had to keep hidden from Max.

      Anne had mapped out dinner – two of Bamberg’s eight breweries were in the same street as the music lesson, so we tried the first one. It was simple Bavarian (or Frankish) pub life at its best, in a brewery that opened in 1649. It was crowded with non-tourists playing cards, talking and ordering very large (750ml?) glasses of beer. Dinner was simple pub food, but in massive amounts, and very good beer. After that we walked back through the town by going over a different bridge, from where we could see a SUP paddle-boarder on a very flat and still river, then back to the centre of town while the light was still so good.

      Tomorrow is a train to... drum roll... Luebeck, but not until 9:42am.

      19,124 steps, 14.5km and 6 flights…

    • Tag 25

      Paris / Bamberg

      13. Mai in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We were on the metro at 6:07 and at Gare de l'Est by 6:40 to catch the 7:25 train to Bamberg... a trip of 865 or so km. I had wanted to buy a Eurail pass for all our trains, but Anne thought it better to book and buy them individually, and she was right. Seats had to be reserved in any case on many of them, and for us they ran like clockwork.

      It was two trains together, so the walk along the platform to find our carriage was 250m +. It streaked to Strasbourg, then crawled to Karlsruhe and then Frankfurt at 11 (or a few minutes late). We changed platforms for the Regional train for the last bit. It left soon enough (11:30) but stuttered along, stopping everywhere (even where there were no stations) so it reached Bamberg at 14:32... plenty of time to look around.

      Bamberg is quite something. It is called the Frankish Rome, is built where two rivers meet, was first mentioned around 900AD, and is on the UNESCO world heritage list. It also has something like 8 breweries in the centre of the town. We have been here three times before, but always in winter, so summer was a new experience. The days are longer and the colours brighter... although it also brought lots of (mainly German) tourists. We stopped at a laundromat on the way, so did not check in at the hotel (Hotel Messerschmidt Weinhaus) until 3:30. It seems an odd name, but it is the building where Wily Messerschmitt (of Messerschmitt aircraft fame) was born and opened his first aircraft manufacturing business in 1923.

      We have a lovely bright room, and it is almost right in the old town. We organised ourselves, discussed our options for Wednesday /Thursday (still tbd), walked around the town hall just to re-acquaint ourselves, then headed off to meet Max at 6:30 at a restaurant/brewery near his new house.

      When I was an exchange student in 1975, I lived in Neumuenster (NMS), which is between Hamburg and Kiel. I lived with Max's family for perhaps half the year. Much of the other 6 months were spent with two other families, whom we will visit on Friday and Saturday when we are there. Max is a few years younger than me, but we got on well and keep in touch. Max moved to Bamberg perhaps 40 years ago, and began a website design business that did well. He married quite late (say 18 years ago) and has two children (13 and 11). Max was immortalised in the Great Bamberg Snowball Fight of January 2003, when Nico (in his first professional snowfight) was out-manouvered and hit by his own handfuls of snow, while Alistair picked everyone off because no-one could match his range. That was before we all had dinner in a brewery that made smoked beer.

      Tragically, Max's wife died about 15 months ago. Dinner with us had to fit in with school and flute lessons, since Max is now Mr Dad, and it was always going to be a bit tentative, I thought. In reality, it was fantastic. We were bowled along by the unstoppable enthusiasm of 11 yo Jens, who has taught himself English by watching Mr Beast on Youtube, and was speaking excellent English at 120 words a minute. We were stunned - but not nearly as much as his father! His sister Ilka was shyer to start with, but she was soon in control, and the two of them talked to us in English until they had to go home at 8:30. We had seen Ilka as a baby...before she won last year’s Bavarian State Championship for Flautist for her age. The three clearly get on well, but on all of them it must be so hard.

      The plan is to see Max again tomorrow so he can get more than the odd word in, maybe listen to Ilka's flute practice if the teacher allows and it is possible, and wander more through the town. We are also considering one of Max's suggestions for Wed/Thurs: Leipzig.

      The Messerschmidt hotel is excellent. 1. Feels like a traditional European hotel, not American. 2. Big, bright, quiet and clean room, with excellent wifi. 3. Right in the town. 4. Windows that open and small balcony. 5. No tea or coffee, but that's about the only flaw. 6. Jumping ahead, but breakfast (when we had it) was great.

      14,188 steps, 10.9km and 1 flight (which has to be wrong after the ups and downs at the stations...)

    • Tag 14

      Erlangen, Germany

      13. Juni 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Well, we arrived in Germany. It only took us one tram, five trains (I lost count really), one bus and 20 minutes of walking. We started at 07:45 and arrived at approximately 15:00. We were beyond tired as we took our last steps for the day! Note to self - travel shorter distances with three littles in tow. They really did great! The last train was the toughest as we loaded on, but found no seats. I was carrying a large backpack and Mabel, roughly 60lbs, I think. We had been trading off holding her, but at that point Seth was navigating us. Luckily, upon arrival we were greeted by Pablo, his friend's dog, which quickly perked our girls right up.

      We arrived into the Erlangen area in Germany just as the poppies came into full bloom for the season. This is their sign that summer is here. This also means warmer weather for me! We may have a couple days above 90 degrees.

      While in the Erlangen area, we spent time with old friends of Seth's. His friend was a big part of Seth's inspiration to go on this European adventure and part of his interest in learning German this past year. If you did not know, along with completing his Master's in Finance, he also began studying German quite intensely. Seth visited this friend last after our youth mission trip to Spain 21 years ago. This couple has been so kind to invite us into their lovely home and show us around Bavaria. They even lined up bikes for us all, so we can see the town like a local. This is a big biking community. His home is so funky and artsy with four levels surrounded by a flower and vegetable garden. He remodeled most of it himself and built his own furniture - lots of talent here.

      We have enjoyed many meats and Adalynn helped his wife cook a traditional German meal of potatoes, white asparagus and ham. We went to purchase the white asparagus the day before from a quaint, neighborhood farm. Mabel is very carnivorous and prefers the small cured sausages. Demi enjoyed beef tartare with cracked salt and pepper on pita bread. Addy really enjoyed the prosciutto the best. I prefer to stick with fresh vegetable from his garden and any chocolate.

      Here the kids have truly had a blast! They luckily had some toys on hand that were an extra surprise of fun for the girls. This couple is just so wonderful! Lots of fun and memorable conversations!

      Then we ventured on bikes into Erlangen for the best pizza of my life with this magical (just an exceptional parmesan) cheese and arugula made by an Italian family. Oh my! No words can describe it well enough!

    • Tag 105

      Erlangen, Germany

      12. September 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Well, here we are living in Germany just outside Nuremburg.

      Things we are learning:
      *Recycling rules are intense
      *Their "spicy" salsa tastes like Texas bbq sauce
      *They are not fans of doing things digitally, which requires lots of paperwork and extra bike rides
      *Google translate and deepl are my good friends now
      *We are trying to bike everywhere and have no car (by choice)
      *A picture of walking home after grocery shopping: Mabel chilling in the bike seat with her feet resting on my seat, a grocery bag on either handle bar, large backpack full and me walking trying to keep the bike upright over a 1km walk - a little bit much (I need to learn to make smaller trips)
      * There is a season here called fall where leaves turn gorgeous colors.... Hahaha
      * Most houses have total blackout window shutter things that are amazing!

      School attendance is quite strict, but they have lots of play time at school. The big girls are attending a German public school. Mabel will start a German kindergarten (Prek) in November. They really enjoy school and are learning to speak German quite quickly. Most kids walk solo to school by the age of six. I am working on feeling ok with this. They could totally do it.

      Our neighborhood is quiet and many homes around are built in the 30s. We live near a large forest and can bike so many fun places. Experiencing life from a different angle...

    • Tag 24

      Angersee/Baggersee Baiersdorf

      23. Juni 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We took a family bike ride to a sweet swimming spot! On the way we saw a ginormous bird nest that just seemed unreal. They have one on top of an old church here that they try to keep well cared for, so it's inviting for the birds to return to.

      There was a sandy beach on this little pond. Lots of children's sand toys laying around for the children to play with. Since school is still in session here, there weren't very many people there. The water was cool, but not too cold. The water was a little clearer than the ponds at home, we could see fish swimming. At least we knew no snakes were around. Seth and the girls had fun attempting to corral fish into their sandy pool creation.

      Our friend here borrowed some kick boards and an inflatable unicorn for the girls. They also lent us their beach blanket and shade tunnel. The shade tunnel was a nice alternative to a beach umbrella in terms of weight and bulk. This was important, since I had to load up everything on the back of my bike and my backpack.

      Nothing like a little relaxing at a local swimming hole. We only saw three people changing naked nearby! Many natural lakes here are spots to swim in the "natural," but they are discreet about it. They believe in getting close to nature often. Many of the swimmers seemed to pop in for a swim on their work break or something.

      Seth and I relaxed while the girls played for hours. We eventually had to head back since T-bones needed to be grilled.

    • Tag 20


      7. Juli 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today we went on a tour of Nuremberg with a local guide. We went by the ruins of a stadium where Hitler held his rallies. We went to the building where the Nuremberg trials were held but only saw a model of the courtroom since the actual courtroom is still in use. This afternoon a local historian spoke to us about the relationship between Russia & Germany throughout history.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 13

      Sömnbrist? Javisst!

      24. Juli 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Det blev inte mycket till sömn i natt💤🥱
      Tydligen kör man med full belysning här även på natten i tåget… ”Sovmasken” gick runt bland barnen och när de väl bestämt sig för att sova gick det fort.
      Dock slumrade jag själv mest med ett öga öppet😂
      Svårt att slappna av efter att ha hindrat Ville 4 ggr från att promenera iväg i sömnen…

      Vid 6.30 var tåget framme i Hamburg. Trötta men tappra barn som knallade av tåget och på nästa. Vi hade egentligen tänkt att äta frukost i Berlin men kände att barnen behövde sova lite mer så jag lade om rutten och tog ett tåg som kom in direkt på spåret bredvid så de fick sova 2 timmar till på resan till Hamburg (älskar interrail, några knapptryckningar så har hela familjen nya biljetter laddade i appen!).

      I Hamburg såg barnen en Harry Potter-affär som dock inte öppnat än så nu blev det frukost och sedan besök i affären😍

      Efter detta blev det en kort tur med tunnelbana då det är spårarbeten och tåget till Kiel då går från en annan station.

      Nöjda barn som äntligen fick åka dubbeldäckare!

      I Kiel blev det lyxfika och sedan incheckning på färjan som ska ta oss hem.
      Vi fick gå ombord på färjan redan kl. 15. Jag och Sigge gick på upptäcktsfärd medan de andra slappade i hytten❤️

      Nu blir det tax-free, minidisco, quiz och lite annat.
      Det gäller att gå ”all in” sista dagen😅

    • Tag 18

      Kleingesee, Germany

      17. Juni 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We loaded up like kids from the 80s (if you catch my drift), used our hand crank window downy thingies and left for the countryside. Let me tell you... "The hills are alive with the sound of music" and the car was full of giggly girls.

      The winding roads led us through small cottage towns, farmland, past breweries, into forests, and up hills to our destination called Pension am Kirschgarten. His friends (now our friends) put us up in this beautiful B&B for the weekend of my birthday, along with baking me a special chocolate cake! Seth and I were the same age for only 11 days. I am back to being older.

      Our room with a great balcony overlooked a cherry tree farm, small church and the forest. *Bonus- They also had a kids play room, geese wondering nearby, climbing wall room and shaded playground in the woods. We had lots of quiet time because the kids were so engrossed in playing. What a gem!

      The next morning (sun still rising at the 04:00 hour) a soft breeze rustled the trees and birds chirped as the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries, crept into our open balcony door. Breakfast was wonderful and the coffee was great too. She offered so many beautiful pastries, lovely fresh fruit with granola, handwritten specials on the board (pancakes!!!), small savory dishes (for example, mushroom stuffed with eggs and veggies) and even cappuccino. This place is an escape from the hustle and bustle where you rarely even hear a car. Although there are lots of hikes, caves, breweries and some coasters in the area, we decided to chill and enjoy the country.

      If you ever find yourself in the Fränkische Schweiz region, you should most definitely stay at this B&B.

      P.S. - Addy, the non chocolate eater, actually ate some chocolate cake and approved - unbelievable!

    • Tag 1–2

      Anreise 1.Teil

      22. April in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Gefahrene Strecke: 386 km
      Endlich sind wir heute um halb elf zuhause losgefahren. ( Geplant war um 9.00 😆)
      Beim Start zuhause wars saukalt. (4 Grad)
      Unser erstes Ziel ist Potsdam, allerdings fahren wir heute nicht soweit , sondern bleiben auf einem Übernachtungsplatz in der Nähe von Bayreuth. Der Ort heißt Hohenmirsberg und wir stehen direkt an einem Aussichtsturm. Auch hier ist es saukalt und es hat gestern offensichtlich ergiebig geschneit. Schneehügel liegen überall mitten im Grünen.
      Im Wohnmobil haben wir mit Sekt den Reisestart begossen, gekocht, Heizung aufgedreht und es uns richtig gemütlich gemacht.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Upper Franconia, Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken, Haute-Franconie, Alta Franconia

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