Politistikó Emporikó Kéntro

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    • Dia 37

      Athen 2. Tag

      5 de maio de 2023, Grécia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Wir wachen auf und es ist ziemlich bewölkt, kühl und sieht auch noch nach Regen aus.. Also was machen wir? Die Sehenswürdigkeiten sind ja fast alle draußen. Außer die Markthalle, nichts wie hin. Auf dem Weg dorthin kann man ja noch ein wenig shoppen. In der Markthalle lockt uns als erstes die Fischhalle. Schade, dass wir heute noch den ganzen Tag unterwegs sind und erst morgen zum Camper zurückkehren werden. Sonst hätten wir uns bestimmt einige Garnelen oder Fischfilets mitgenommen. Oder auch in der angrenzenden Fleischhalle wären wir fündig geworden. So viel gucken macht natürlich auch hungrig. In der angrenzenden Taverne bestellen wir uns Kalamaris und Dorade. So gestärkt gehen wir zurück und wollen uns die Agora anschauen, aber der Regen macht uns einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Als der Regen nachläßt, ist es zu spät dafür. Im Viertel Anafiotika kommen wir uns durch die engen Gassen und kleinen bunten Häuser ein wenig wie auf einer griechischen Insel vor. Und dabei sehen wir zu, wie einer Gruppe Zirtaki beigebracht wird. Als wir uns das Hadrianstor anschauen, entschließen wir uns doch noch zum Panathenaic Stadium, dem weltweit einzigen Stadion aus Marmor, zu gehen. Es handelt sich hierbei um das erste olympische Stadion der Neuzeit aus dem Jahr 1896. Es wurde als Rekonstruktion auf dem Fundament des antiken Stadions erbaut. Als wir auf dem Podium stehen, kommen wir uns vor wie Olympiasieger. Zurück in der Altstadt ist die Straße des Flea Markets auch am Abend sehenswert. Denn die Geschäfte werden mit Rolltoren verschlossen, die mit unterschidelichen Graffitis verziert sind. Und dann entdecken wir noch ein verrücktes Café. Das Little Kook Café wurde ganz von der Welt der Mary Poppins inspiriert.  An jedem Tisch, in jeder Ecke und in jedem Raum sind  viele Details des Disney-Films verborgen. Den heutigen Abend beenden wir schließlich in einer der vielen Rooftop-Bars mit Blick auf die beleuchtete Akropolis.Leia mais

    • Dia 21

      Blonde foils thanks

      6 de setembro de 2019, Grécia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Breaky at 8.00am

      We have booked a 10.00am appointment at the hairdressers, Theens and I, as our roots are a disgrace. Eddy is our hairdresser, whom speaks English well, and is silly and cheeky, and I like him a lot.

      He does a great job of our roots. I book a 4.30appt to have blonde highlights.

      My bank contacted me about fraudulent activity on my card. So I called them from reception.
      I had to argue with reception man re CBA reverse charges call. He told me I had to pay for the call and wouldn't listen to me. I finally got through and sorted out my funds.

      Theens cousin, Paul and Christina picked her up at 2.30pm for a catch up.
      I ate chinese food in my room and watched moreTimothy C on YouTube. I also sat up on the rooftop in the wind by myself lots listening to videos on headphones.

      I went to the hairdressers at 4.30pm and had a great time. They look after you here. 'Como' salon in Athens. I came out so so blonde!!

      The souvenirs here are not 'made in Greece' I discovered, however it is written as 'made by Greeks' !

      Dinner at our plaka restarant again and we eat like vacuum cleaners. Both have the veal mushroom and potato, because Athena would not stop talking about it yesterday.

      Walked all around the Plaka, bought some small souvenirs. One old man gave me lollies, then kisses then a couple of freebies. I walked out all emotional. Athena teared up too. Some of these Greeks give out so much love.

      Walking the streets I picked up, whilst sucking a ventolin. 'Hello princess'. (it is the hair) I just looked at him and kept walking. Athena laughed at this poor guys attempt.

      To the hotel rooftop bar we go, which is really our home, saying all the while 'God I love Amanda, she is amazing, I just love her.'

      Our hotels have been right in the middle of everything, and we really appreciate this. Along with breakfasts and transfers.
      Thank you Amanda, you are always our hero, whenever we explore.

      The golden Acropolis is there before our eyes.
      Once again, we get drunk, and we are the last ones up there and get kicked out.

      Waddled down to bed, Athena begins snoring and that's the end of our day.
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    • Dia 12

      From Delphi to Athens

      12 de junho de 2022, Grécia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      In this transition day, we visited the ruins of the Athena temple in Delphi, while the kids were mostly concerned by the humongous amount of insects getting too close. The next stop was a waterfall in a small town called Petra, not much advertised in tourist guides, but which is an oasis of peace to have picnic or BBQ for locals. The last bit of the trip was the arrival to Athens, where we returned the car as soon as possible to avoid the nightmare of city driving and parking. The apartment was cozy and very well located in the center close to the main shopping street, tourist sites and different restaurants. Bit probably what we enjoyed the most was watching the Monsters Inc movie all together before going to sleep.Leia mais

    • Dia 11

      Die Kathedrale von Athen

      11 de abril de 2023, Grécia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nur wenige Meter entfernt sind wir auf die sehr große und schön gelegene Kathedrale von Athen gestoßen. Die Kathedrale Mariä Verkündigung ist der Sitz des orthodoxen Erzbischofs von Athen. Nach der Griechischen Revolution wurde 1830 ein Teil des heutigen Griechenland vom Osmanischen Reich unabhängig. Otto von Bayern wurde zum König des neuen Königreichs Griechenland bestimmt. Im Rahmen eines umfassenden Bauprogramms, das Otto in der neuen Hauptstadt durchführen ließ und das von einem klassizistischen Griechenlandideal bestimmt war, begannen auch die Planungen für eine neue Kathedrale für die Hauptstadt des nach fast 400-jähriger Besetzung wiedergegründeten griechischen Staates. Den Grundstein legte der König 1842, geweiht wurde sie 1862. Rechts neben der Kirche befindet sich eine kleine Kapelle. Die Panagia Gorgoepikoos, auch Kleine Mitropolis genannt, ist ein byzantinisches Kirchlein aus dem 13. Jahrhundert mit zahlreichen antiken Spolien. Vor allem der Vergleich der zwei unterschiedlichen Kirchen, bezogen auf Alter und Größe, ist ein sehr toller Anblick! Nachdem wir auch im Inneren der beiden Kirchen waren ging’s weiter zum Abendessen.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      Athens churches and Acropolis

      29 de setembro de 2019, Grécia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      After a good night and splendid breakfast we assembled to meet our guide for a walk round some of the now quiet streets. First call was the metropolitan cathedral where a service was underway. Built in 1842 it was beautiful inside and busy. We saw several other Byzantine churches all busy with Sunday services.
      Then we visited the Agora with lots of ruins and a small temple. From here the traffic was very busy because many streets were closed due to a marathon being run. However we got to the Acropolis in time for a few to rush up the 200 steps to the top and down.
      A late lunch was taken in the hotel cafe.
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    • Dia 2

      Day 1 Athens

      8 de setembro de 2023, Grécia ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We arrived pretty jet lagged but rallied with a nice brunch and some lattes. Checked into our apartment and explored the city on the hop on hop off bus after a nap. Super fun and beautiful evening. So many people! I’d hate to see what it was like a month ago at the peak of tourist season!Leia mais

    • Dia 22

      On the edge of a volcano

      7 de setembro de 2019, Grécia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Our transfer to the Athens airport is due at 7.45am. We get up at 6.00.
      We grab some breakfast at 7.00.

      The restaurant is one floor below us.
      In the lift, I press the 'R'. Athena immediately tells me off 'where are you going?' and she presses floor 6.

      Me, I am confused-as the bar is up there??
      Athena looks at me as if to say, yes my hand automatically goes to 6.

      Doesn't that just say too much!

      I grab some of the sweet pastries on display at the breaky bar. Baklava, bougasta, My plan was to eat one a day. But Athens has been too fast. And it has slipped us both by.

      We summed it up with-
      Day 1 Thannassi's tour of Acropolis and museum
      Day 2 Meteora
      Day 3 Hair, bank calls and The Plaka
      So now it is over and out.

      Trying to get the lift down, with our cases, to reception was impossible. A truckload of Americans arrived yesterday and only 2 people plus luggage can fit.
      Everyone is off to breakfast, so it is full each time it gets to us.
      Finally I push in and get down.

      Another transfer and 45min plane trip.
      I capture on camera the many brown islands below from the plane window.

      OMG just landed in Santorini!!!
      I feel like site seeing is done with and holiday begins.

      The island is flat all around the airport.
      Terrain is like Phillip Island. With not much infrastructure.
      A single road into Fira. The sun is fully shining.

      White and sand coloured buildings.
      We go toward the back of the hill top of Fira. It is smaller than I imagined.
      The road is simple
      We hop out with a short walk to the top, dragging our heavy luggage up across the cobblestones, and this amazing view of the caldera is before us.

      Dark deep blue ocean meets baby blue sky, with the remnants of arms of a historic volcano circling around a centrepiece of land.

      It takes your breath away.

      Our hotel, The Theoxenia, is on the main top path and a 2 min walk.
      We haul our luggage up steep marble steps to the reception desk.

      Our room is simple and it has Athena's main requirements
      -a hair dryer, kettle and iron with board.
      For me it has a balcony. We have a half view of the street shops and half view of the ocean.

      For me this is heaven.

      We head straight out, as is lunch time.
      'Fanari restaurant' is our choice.

      Away from the 'tourists' we took a quiet table overlooking the ocean.
      The world below us spread out in a raw form. It is like we are viewing the earth from a satellite. So high up.

      Athena has a massive red octopus tentacle and I choose shrimp. They are served with carrots and rice cooked so divinely.

      We devoured our meals within minutes. Athena and I looked at each other and expressed that we were still wanting more food so we shared a full size calamari.

      The waiter took a couple of snaps of us with our glasses of wine and we were happy.

      Athena had the waiter very attentive toward her as he fully appreciated some Greek conversation, however her preference was more toward the wine.
      Athena has a few words-
      We found ourselves very sleepy and we decided to get back into the room & take a nap..... Yes your all thinking we have a hard life atm.
      We woke up & decided to have a coffee and baklava. We then went to the rooftop to watch the sunset.

      At bedtime,
      whilst I am reading my novel (Call me by your name), I ask Athena if she would like me to read aloud. She permits me to. I wish to share with her this magnificent story.
      My voice is monotone and soothing. Athena gets all cosy and she eagerly hangs on every word.

      She reacted perfectly to this beautiful prose that fully captures the innocence of first falling in love with someone.
      Athena-Wow, that is beautifully written!
      Me-I know, isn't it just!

      Shorty after, I hear her snoring.
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    • Dia 13


      7 de setembro de 2023, Grécia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Kaum was zu bemerken von den heftigen Regenfällen, die Athen noch am Mittwoch heimgesucht haben (s.u.). Dafür angenehme Temperaturen von 23° C. Sehr mild für Athen Anfang September. Zum Abend hin noch einmal ein paar Tropfen Regen. Leider hatte unsere Fähre über eine Stunde Verspätung. Die Überfahrt war auch etwas unruhiger, aber es ging.…
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    • Dia 10

      Der letzte Tag in Athen

      23 de maio, Grécia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Ich habe alle noch ausstehenden Besichtigungen absolviert. Angefangen habe ich mit dem Lykeion.
      Danach folgte ein Abstecher in die neuere Geschichte. In der Koraistraße 4 kann man einen Keller besichtigen, in dem die Nationalsozialisten während der Besetzung Griechenlands Menschen gefangen gehalten und gefoltert haben. Man sieht nicht viel, vor allem Graffiti der Gefangenen, ein paar Gegenstände, die man gefunden hat und die originale Hakenkreuzfahne, die vor dem Gebäude geweht hat, ist auch noch da.
      Danach war ich noch auf dem Kerameikos und auf der Agora. Weil es mir dann zu warm wurde, habe ich erstmal eine Pause gemacht und bin erst später zum Olympieion. Danach gab es noch Abendessen, ein bisschen Musik hier und da und eine Runde um die Akropolis zum Abschied.
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    • Dia 14

      Not an ordinary day in Athens

      14 de junho de 2022, Grécia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      After the intense sightseeing, we decided to take it easy. Still, we had a few items on our list: the national gardens (including the playground) and to see some of the remaining temples to use our combined ticket. However, the heat got us and it was very difficult to make kids walk, even if the ‘carrot’ was the playground. So we were stopping to rest under shade every 20-30 meters.
      Once we finally reached the playground, Neringa realised that she was no longer having her phone with her. So suddenly instead of enjoying the playground we started looking for the phone in the park. Neringa could remember placing it on one of the benches of the park but when David ran back to check, it was no longer there. Then Neringa and Elijas took their turn to look for it, in case it fell from the pocket… we looked until the scream of David on the other side of the park. We managed to find each other to learn that someone responded the call and is waiting hand over the phone. Happy end!
      We then ate at an Indian restaurant ‘Indian Havel li’ to conclude that our local resto in Østerbro offers much better food. But it came in handy as Alisa fell asleep and could rest in an air conditioned space while we were eating.
      Following the lunch we have reconsidered o it plan and reduced it to finding an ice cream place, which would offer fresh ice cream without traces of nuts. After some persistent search we found a ‘Chillbox’ frozen yoghurt place which offered soft-ice-like yoghurt without any traces of nuts. Supposedly. After enjoying the portion Elijas started scratching his ears and head and soon after Neringa discovered that he was having an allergic reaction. Luckily, we managed to get some medicine from a nearby pharmacy which stopped inflation of his eye and eventually calmed the itchiness which had spread all over the body. Neringa carried Elijas home as he had no forces to walk and then followed a series of calls to family, friend doctors, another pharmacy visit as Elijas had some cough attacks and really scared his parents. Luckily, the medication worked and we did not need to use the needle … All good what ends well!
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Politistikó Emporikó Kéntro, Politistiko Emporiko Kentro, Athens Center, Κέντρο Αθηνών

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