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Top 10 Travel Destinations Mumbai
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    • Day 12


      September 24, 2019 in India ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Ankunft: 23 Uhr .Das Zimmer in dem jetztigen Hotel war echt eklig.Es stank muffig und an der Decke war Schimmel zu sehen. Daraufhin verlangten wir ein anderes Zimmer,welches wir sofort bekamen.Es war wesentlich besser.Am nächsten Tag beschlossen wir noch einmal Hostel zu beziehen.Read more

    • Day 9

      A win???

      April 13, 2017 in India ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Today we were all saved with a late wake up. One match was played today. I wasn't playing, these were 12 years old not 15 year olds. We won easily and returned to the hotel for a fines session. I was mainly fined for my brightly coloured shorts. After dinner we headed to a gate in Mumbai were we were the main attraction. There was cues of men getting photos with us.Read more

    • Day 9


      April 13, 2017 in India ⋅ 🌫 29 °C

      Yet another early start, five o'clock. We then had a nice walking tour to a homeless children's centre in the heart of New Delhi. When there we met a few kids and had a few thumb wars. On the way we learnt a lot about public urination and how you can't do it in front of gods. We then got on a flight to Mumbai. Once landed and in the hotel we were turned around and straight to the IPL game. Mumbai Indians were playing Sunrisers Hyderabad. We supported valiantly with the locals and were told we weren't allowed to bully David Warner 😩😩😂😂.Read more

    • Day 15

      15. Tag - Nachtzug und Mumbai

      October 3, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Was für ein Erlebnis! Nach unser eher unspektakulären Abschiedsessen ging es zum Bahnhof von Kota - um 21:05 Uhr ging unser Nachtzug nach Mumbai. Zwischen zahlreichen indischen Passagieren auf 2 Waggons verteilt, suchten wir uns unsere Betten. Der Schaffner wollte unbedingt einen Fehler in unserer Buchung finden um bestochen zu werden - er prüfte alle Namen und Reisepässe aber alles war korrekt - er war sauer und Amrit sehr happy.
      Es war ziemlich eng und nicht ganz so gemütlich wie damals auf dem Weg von Shanghai nach Peking, aber durch das Ruckeln haben wir dann doch alle eine Mütze Schlaf abbekommen.

      Kurz nach 8 Uhr kamen wir in Mumbai Central an (leider nicht am Victoria Terminus). Mit neuem Bus und Reiseleiter ging es erstmal frühstücken, bevor wir vom Gateway of India aus mit einem Boot zum Tempel auf der Elephanta Insel fuhren. Das war echt spannend, nur leider dauerte es aus verschiedenen Gründen viel länger als gedacht (riesiger Schulausflug und gesundheitliche Einschränkungen unseres Reiseleiters). Zurück in der Stadt seilten sich dann einige Mitreisende ab, während der Rest noch eine kleine Stadtrundfahrt machte. Es ging zum Victoria Terminus, von wo aus wohl der 1. Zug Indiens abfuhr, zum Gandhi Haus und zu den hängenden Gärten, von wo aus wir einen tollen Blick auf die Stadt genossen.

      Endlich im Hotel wollten wir nur noch was essen und endlich ins Bett! Morgen besichtigen wir dann Mumbai auf eigene Faust bevor es abends zurück nach Hause geht.
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    • Day 13

      Elephanta caves

      January 26 in India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Elephanta Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Mumbai, about 10 km from the mainland. It is also known as Gharapuri (meaning City of Caves).
      The Elephanta Caves complex is cut from solid basalt rock over an area of around 60,000 sq. ft. There are seven caves on the island divided into two groups.

      The first group of five caves have Hindu sculptures, out of which the Cave 1 is the most elaborate. Beautiful artwork covers the stone walls, and the cave has a pillared mandapa along with a large hall. The mandapa is the home to Shivalinga, and the hall consists of stone statues of Shiva in different forms.

      Elephanta Island history is still a mystery. There are no known records about the creation of the caves. And local folks give the credit to non-humans and supernatural powers.

      However, based on speculations and excavations, historians date the caves to be built anywhere between 5th century CE and 8th century CE.

      Portuguese took control of the island in the 1500s and named it as Elephanta Island because of a huge elephant statue. That damaged statue today rests in the Jijamata Udyaan Mumbai. The caves also suffered serious damage during the Portuguese rule.

      British Indian officials made efforts to preserve the ruins in 1909, and later during the 1970s, and the main cave was restored to its present form. The government mended other caves too
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    • Day 51

      The best route planners

      January 2, 2020 in India ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      So.. Mumbai we didn't like so much.
      Too big
      Too overpriced
      Too polluted
      Too much contrast between extreme poverty and extreme richness
      Too little culture
      Too overpriced

      So we went down here thinking it would be fun for NYE, plus we were cold up north, plus we made a friend in Agra that lived there.

      The cheapest "nice" hotel we booked turned out not even to be in Mumbai but in New Mumbai which was 2 hours away from anything in Mumbai and with nye traffic would have taken about 4 hours with a very expensive uber ride. So we just had a nice night in for nye. Then we stayed in actual Mumbai to give it a proper chance but everything was still super far away! And everything was so expensive and not worth your money. So we quickly left that part of India. We will return to the south some day but probably skip GOA too as it will be the same story only more white people.

      Oh yea we did one activity which was supposed to be really good but with all the time and money spent on getting there it was again disappointing and we payed 600 rupees while Indians payed only 40 which is really the worst price difference we've encountered up till now. Nice cave, not worth the trip.
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    • Day 29

      Mumbai Maharaj Museum

      September 10, 2019 in India ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      È il museo più grande di Mumbai ospita collezioni di oggetti provenienti da tutta l'India. E' allestito all'interno di un un'imponente edificio sormontato da una cupola..Ci colpiscono molto per la bellezza dei pannelli del 700 a.c. e raffiguravano la battaglia assiro babilonesi.Read more

    • Day 29

      Mumbai Victoria Terminus

      September 10, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Il più esuberante edificio in stile gotico di tutta Mumbai, del 1888 che assomiglia di più ad una cattedrale che a una stazione ferroviaria. l'opera mirava a celebrare con estro eccezionale l'importanza della ferrovia presso gli inglesi e di conseguenza l'idea del progresso mto in voga alla fine del XIX secolo . Di fronte si erge il palazzo della Municipal Corporation disegnato dallo stesso architetto nel 1893. Giro nel bazar delle gioiellerie viviamo un po' la vera vita di Mumbai. Piccola pasticceria tipicamente indiana, Ale fa il carico. Cena al Lepold Cafe'Read more

    • Day 28


      September 9, 2019 in India ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      E' una città recente e la visita dei suoi luoghi storici si concentra nell'area del vecchio porto e nei quartieri edificati dagli inglesi dal XVIII al XX secolo nella punta meridionale della penisola dove sorgono i quartieri di Fort, Colaba, cuore all'Inghilterra di Buona Baia e Malabar Hill, quartiere residenziale di ville e giardini pensili. Iniziamo la visita dal Gateway of India , centro storico dell'antica Bombay inglese. consiste in un arco trionfale risalente al 1911 costruito per celebrare la visita di re Giorgio V d'Inghilterra e di sia moglie , era la porta d'ingresso degli inglesi. Di fronte si erge il Taj Mahal Palace edificato nel 1903 in stile Indo saraceno secondo il desiderio del potente commerciante, fondatore dell'impero economico della famiglia Tata, fu il primo Grand Hotel dell'India . Fu' il primo edificio inizia a dotarsi di elettricità non solo nelle stanze degli ospiti ma anche nelle lavanderie, negli ascensori e nei bagni. Ha sempre ospitato i più importanti personaggi del mondo. L'immagine del fumo che si innalza dall'hotel divenne il simbolo degli attentati terroristici del 2008 quando decine di persone vennero uccise e gran parte dell'edificio danneggiato. Noi dormiamo in un albergo proprio dietro al Taj Mahal, non è proprio la stessa cosa ma ci accontentiamo il Regent Hotel, deve essere di proprietà di qualche arabo perché bivaccano nella hall tutto il tempo , vestiti con i loro lunghi abiti bianchi. Per pranzo, andiamo al Samrat dove assaggiamo il loro famoso thali del Gujarat un trionfo di sapori e consistenze, dolce e speziato davvero eccellente, alla sera invece abbiamo voglia di cambiare un po' e prenotiamo al Burma Burma un elegante ristorante che propone la cucina del Myanmar. e ci lanciamo a scegliere i nostri piatti preferiti l'insalata con le foglie di te' , i noodles insaporiti nel brodo con latte di cocco, cipolla croccante , noccioline. Ci divertiamo a ripensare al nostro meraviglioso viaggio, un pezzetto del nostro cuoricino sicuramente è là, forse perché è stata la prima vera esperienza fuori dall'Europa tutti insieme o forse i colori della Birmania o la gente o la sua magia non so di preciso cosa sia ma qualcosa c'è sicuramente.Read more

    • Day 86

      Mumbai Elephant island ohni elephants

      December 25, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Hüt mache mer en usflug nach Elephant Island in Mumbai. De witz isch, es het garkei elefante uf dere insle. Es het früener grossi statue vo elefante ka, daher de name 😉. Mir hend mit ville indische lüte gschwätzed uf em boot.

      Uf dere insle isch e grossi tempel alag innere höhli, wo alli figure in stei gmeisled worde sind. Sehr idrücklich wemmer bedenkt das die höhlene rund 1500 jahre alt sind. De tempel isch am hindu gott Shiva gwitmed.

      Mir hend temporär en amerikaner i eusi gäng ufgno, de Jason. Er het eus de tipp gä am Marine Drive es Eiscreme-sandwich go esse. De lande isch sehr bekannt in Mumbai und es git Eiscreme-sandwich i allne sortä 😎😎✌️. Aschlüssed simmer in e rooftopbar vomene wahnsinning chice hotel. Mir hend öpis trunke und echli gsnacked.

      Uf em heiweg simmer öpe 2 stunde im vercher gstande. Am endi hemmer eus für mindestens e halbi stund nüme bewegt. Die strass isch total blockiert gsie vo Lastwege, wo vo hand belade worde sind. Mir hend gseh, dass es e zugstation ganz i de nöcht het wo en zug fahrt wo direkt zu eusem hotel gat. Wer scho mal e doku über Mumbai glueged het weiss, die züg sind total überfüllt und türe gönd nöd zue 🙈🙈. Mir sind also us em taxi usgstiege und hend eus agfange dur t autokolonä schlängle bis zu de zugstation isch alles volä mensche und autos gsie🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Mir hend en herr gföged ob er eus helfe chan billet poste. Mir sind mit ihm eimal quer dur de Bahnhof an en schalter und hend es billet für umgrechned 5 rappe posted. Da chan sich eusi SBB au mal e schiibe abschnide 🤣🤣. Wo de zug igfahre isch hend alli gseit t jeannine und t marion sölled is fraue abteil, will de zug so vollä isch. De adrian isch also ganz älleige gsie iquietsched zwüsched ganz vill inder. Es isch aber e super tolli faht gsie. Es gaht en wind will türr offe sind. Lüt läned us de offnige türe use und z skyline vo Mumbai wo am zug verbi ziet. Es grandioses bild. Vo detä aah isch de zug euses hauptverchersmittal gsie zum in Mumbai ume cho.

      Nach all dene erläbis simmer na im McDonalds euse hunger go stille. Es git natürlich kei hamburger mit rindfleisch, sondern alles nur mit poulet oder chäs. Natürlich hend alli hamburger au en indischr gschmack🤣🤣.
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