Shimla Rural

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    • Day 4


      February 19, 2023 in India ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Despite feeling shocking again after only four hours’ sleep, we got up promptly at 7am and were first down to breakfast! The day started with a very informative talk and slides about Shimla (the capital of the Himachal Pradesh region), surrounding geography, the East India Company in India and colonisation of India by the Brits. I discovered some woman had had 10 hours sleep and wanted to kill her! 😣

      We then all piled into taxis, 4 to a car, and went up to the Viceregal Lodge where the Viceroys of India lived until partition in 1947-the last Viceroy being Lord Mountbatten of Burma. Shimla was the summer retreat of the Brits during their rule due to the cooler mountain air and it was thought that one fifth of the world was ruled from here during the summer months, as the Brits couldn’t stand the heat. Indeed, Shimla saw some of the most pivotal moments of colonial history. We had a tour and a talk there and a stroll in the grounds.

      Back to the cars and the Hindu Sankat Monchat temple. As it was a Sunday lots of locals were visiting, ringing the bell before entering the temple and taking offerings. The only access for all these people was up a death defying set of steps (about 8) with a wonky handrail so lots of care taken here! A couple of poor old beggar women were seated opportunely at the top of the steps but we have all been warned not to make eye contact or give anything………. 😔. Good views of Shimla were had from here, Ted grazed his lower leg on something sharp, which bled but then, on return to the steps, we nearly lost a group member when she missed her step, grabbed the dodgy handrail, fell to the ground and nearly went backwards (head first) down an unguarded 12 foot drop, saved only by a quick acting Indian couple, plus Ted who leapt forward and grabbed her feet! As this is the same unfortunate woman who left her handbag somewhere in Delhi airport with her phone and credit card in I can only say this could be a holiday to remember, but for the wrong reasons!

      Back to the cars to a hotel for lunch then, during the afternoon, a stroll around Shimla with Raj, the local guide. We walked along the Mall, the main thoroughfare with its variety of shops, stopped for a visit to the Gaiety Theatre where a drama group was practising, stopped at Scandal Point where all the gossip was exchanged, visited Christ Church with a huge statue of the elephant god on the hillside behind. All along the streets are groups of Macaque monkeys who are aggressive and to be avoided as they will pinch hats and sunglasses from your face if they can, that’s if the stray dogs don’t chase them away first! A good 40 min walk back to the hotel and then Ted and I had a swim in the most delightful indoor heated pool prior to dinner. 🤞I sleep tonight.
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    • Day 14

      Shimla 1/2

      November 23, 2022 in India ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Heute Nacht haben wir in unser Unterkunft, dem AN Resort in Shimla verbracht. Wir hatten eine Familiensuite und sind mit einer wunderbaren Aussicht auf das Bergpanorama aufgewacht. Nach dem Frühstück geht's auf die Shimla-Marketroad zum Bummeln und danach zurück nach Chandigarh.Read more

    • Day 30


      August 27, 2023 in India ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gestern sind wir hier angekommen.
      Unser Gepäck wurde von deinem schmächtigen Mann getragen 🫣.
      Viele Stufen ging es hoch.

      Heute: Shopping und Essen!!!
      Vom frisch gepressten Saft bis zum Bun Tikki. (Ein Kartoffeltaler mit vielen Soßen und Zwiebeln in einem Brot)
      Es gab noch ein letztes Henna für mich 😊.

      Kulinarisch konnte man sich hier super ausleben. 😊
      Ein bisschen Shoppen. Hier habe ich festgestellt, dass ich einen Holzkochlöffel brauche. 😂

      Abends wurden wir wieder lecker bekocht. 😊
      Es gab Hähnchen. Zum Schluss stellte sich raus, dass unser Guide Nazir auch noch ein begnadeter Koch ist. Die Soße, die es zum Hähnchen dazu gab, löffelten wir.😍

      Morgen gehts nochmal auf die Märkte. Ich habe eine Jacke im Auge😅.
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    • Day 147

      Die Sardinen von der letzten Bank

      August 29, 2022 in India ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Spillow - Reckong Peo - Shimla
      38 km / 642 hm
      Aktuelle Höhe: 2050 hm
      Gesamtstrecke: 7.763 km
      Gesamt-Hm: 66.504 hm

      Wir gehen vorerst die letzte Etappe nach Reckong Peo an, denn von dort aus schnappen wir uns einige Verkehrsmittel in Richtung Nepal, um etwas Zeit zu sparen. Wir schnüren also 4 Räder auf den Bus und holpern lässige 11 Stunden und 200km nach Schimla. Was für ein Ritt?! Wir saßen in der letzten Reihe mit 7 Leuten bei 5 verfügbaren Sitzplätzen 😅...Also wie Sardinen gequetscht bei Straßenverhältnissen aus dem Mittelalter, kommen wir um 2 Uhr Nachts im Schimla im Dschungel an. Wir fahren noch ein paar Meter und finden eine alte Busshaltestelle an einem Hang - Perfekt. Morgens ins älteste Kaffeehaus der Stadt - Unbezahlbar.Read more

    • Day 12

      Shimla et Bishop Cotton School

      April 12, 2023 in India ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Réveil avec au moins 13 singes devant notre balcon, à se dorer la pilule au soleil😁Balade dans ville de Shimla, sans passer à côté du traditionnel henné.
      On file ensuite visiter l'école où à étudier Gursaant, la Bishop Cotton Scholl. C'est l'école de garçons la plus (re)connue d'Inde encore aujourd'hui. Nous avons de nouveau été très bien reçu. Rencontre du prof d'anglais, visite ensuite du réfectoire, de la salle de sport, de la salle de tir (où nous avons pu pratiquer), de la chapelle, la salle de spectacle. On a même pu prendre le même goûter que les élèves. Encore de belles découvertes et de belles rencontres.Read more

    • Day 13

      Fahrt nach Shimla

      November 22, 2022 in India ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute früh ging es Punkt 6- mit dem Auto und unserem Fahrer Abinaw los Richtung Shimla, einer Stadt oben in den Bergen und Hauptstadt vom Bundesstaat Himachal Pradesh. Unterwegs gab es einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang sowie einige spektakuläre Aussichten zu sehen. Shimla ist sehr eng und belebt, mal sehen was wir hier noch so erleben können..Read more

    • Day 113

      Derniers préparatifs

      June 6, 2023 in India ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Dernier jour avant notre départ en bus pour rejoindre le départ du trek.
      Il est temps de faire les permis.

      On se rend aux guichets en fin de matinée.
      Déjà, pour trouver le bon guichet c'est un vrai sketch. On nous envoie au 2e étage, puis au sous sol, et de nouveau au 1er étage. C'est seulement après avoir fait 3 aller retours dans les escaliers que nous comprenons que c'est dans un autre bâtiment. Rebolotte, on parcourt tout le bâtiment, on va gauche on nous renvoie à droite, on va à droite, on nous renvoie à gauche...
      Enfin, on trouve le bon bureau. On remplit tous les papiers nécessaires, et on attend qu'on nous rende nos passeport avec les permis. Les minutes passent, 5min, 10min, 25min... On apprend que la personne en charge de nous signer les autorisations est en réunion, il faudra revenir après le repas 😅.

      1h après, nous voici de retour dans leurs bureaux. Toujours pas de papier signé... Il faut revenir à 14h.
      Bref, en attendant on va se renseigner pour les bus.
      À 14h10, nos papiers n'ont toujours pas bougé d'un millimètre, toujours sans signature. On patiente encore de longues minutes.
      À 14h45, toujours rien. Ça commence à me gonfler cette histoire, on perd notre temps...
      Donc on décide de rentrer à l'hôtel et de revenir à la fermeture du bureau, quand on sera sur de pouvoir récupérer notre permis.

      2h plus tard, nous revoici dans leurs bureaux. C'est seulement en nous voyant revenir le visage bougon, qu'un mec décide d'apporter nos papiers dans le bureau de la personne devant les signer... A 17h, on a enfin nos papiers 🎉.
      Il faut être patient avec les indiens 😅.
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    • Day 13

      Temple Jakhu et sa statue d'Hanuman

      April 13, 2023 in India ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Au programme d'aujourd'hui, découverte du temple Jakhu et sa giganteque statue d'Hanuman que nous apercevons du centre de Shimla, sur les hauteurs de la ville, derrière d'église. Les singes y règnent en maitre. Nous avons bien ri en les voyant faire du toboggan et de la balançoire dans le petit parc pour enfant. Nous n'avons pas trop pris de photo, ne voulant pas nous faire piquer nos affaires par les singes.
      Déjeuner au resto et direction le fameux marché tibétain que nous voulions faire absolument..Et bien...nous avons été bien déçus et sommes revenus bredouille.
      Et dernier couché de soleil sur Shimla pour nous.
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    • Day 5

      Lord Kitchener’s Wildflower Hall

      February 20, 2023 in India ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      A good night’s sleep at last due to my best friend Nytol- thank goodness.

      Off into the taxis again up to the Kulfi region of Shimla. Shimla is in the northerly most province of India just 350 km from Tibet and not that far from the Pakistan border, hence the numerous military personnel, hospitals and establishments we have seen around here. Despite the overcrowded appearance of infrastructure on Shimla’s hillside only 20% of the province’s population live there whilst 80% live in the rural villages-15-20% on the mountainside terraces and the rest on the plains. The industries are agriculture and horticulture, the main crops being apples and other vegetables. An American missionary brought the sweet apple rootstocks here back in the day though they still have to import apples from other countries to satisfy their requirements. The healthcare and education infrastructures are good and all houses have electricity. Surplus hydroelectric power is sold to other regions of India.

      Our first stopping point was at 8,200 feet above sea level in the Kulfi region and in the middle range of the Himalayas (which means Home of Snow). Indeed, although the winter weather has been unseasonably warm this year (warmest February since 1901), there were still traces of snow on the roadside and the snow capped Himalayas could be seen in the distance.

      The usual photo opportunity was taken here along with a chance to use toilet facilities in the “glancing” tents where we were. The tents had 6 foot beds in them, faced a glorious view and western style “en-suite” facilities at the back (though the flushing system was not working 🫣 in the particular one I used!). No one was holidaying at that particular time but evidence of rubbish from other wild campers could be seen which was a bit shocking.

      Onwards then to a lunch at Wildflower Hall, where Lord Kitchener used to holiday between 1902 -1909. He apparently loved it there. It is now an Oberoi hotel, the same chain as the one we are staying in. Mr. Oberoi started work as a bell boy, rose to become the owner of this prestigious chain and died in 2002 at the age of 103. Pictures were duly taken on and from the terrace then all back into the cars for the return to Shimla where Ted and I had a swim! Main luggage has to be outside our door by 7pm for the 6.30 am start tomorrow.
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    • Day 7


      October 9, 2019 in India ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Mountainside city (literally) and capital of the state of Himachal Pradesh. This was also the summer capital of the British during the Raj.
      First is a picture of the city from up on the side of the upper mountain. The second is from the "Ridge" area looking back up to where the 1st pic was taken. No surprise to see an obviously Anglican Church. Notice the Hindu statue peeking over the trees at the top. Third is on the Mall, the other main gathering area in town. Third is the Viceregal Lodge, where the viceroy stayed in the summer, making this the center of government of India during the time he was in residence. Next is part of the garden at the Viceregal Lodge. Last is a view over the countryside from the city.Read more

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    Shimla Rural

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