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    • Tag 17

      Nusa Penida Tag 4 / Canggu

      27. September 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Ich habe heute Nacht bis zwei noch mein Buch zu Ende gelesen, weil ich es nicht mehr aus der Hand legen konnte. Dustins Wecker schellte um 6:30, da war meine Nacht dann leider auch vorbei, ich bin nicht gut im wieder einschlafen. Dustin war tauchen und ich packte alles zusammen, nahm mir ein Taxi mit all unserem Gepäck, verstaute dies in der Tauchschule und machte mich auf die Suche nach einem Fleckchen Strand. War alleine allerdings ziemlich blöd, wurde nur angequatscht und bin dann nach 2 Stunden zurück zur Schule. Als Dustin wieder da war ging es direkt zum Hafen, wo wir eine Stunde aufs Boot warten mussten und plötzlich rennen sollten. Hatten dann Plätze direkt am Motor 😂 (6 an der Zahl)
      Dann mit dem Taxi nach Canggu, eine Kleinigkeit essen und gleich fallen wir erledigt ins Bett.

    • Tag 30

      2 Fun Dives und danach ab nach Bali

      26. Juli 2022 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Sina und ich sind heute früh aufgestanden um mit Manta Rochen zu tauchen, der Tauchgang war super schön, aber wegen dem Neumond gab's keine Rochen. Muss man auch erstmals wissen.
      Schnell ne Pizza auf der Fähre und Elke vom Hostel wieder getroffen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2.422

      Island tour

      16. Juli 2022 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      The plan today is to hire bikes and explore the island. Bobby and I set out to enquire about prices, with him being so tall and having Ruth on the back he struggles to use the small ones but we find the big bikes are twice the price. We get approached by numerous people and also are given the option of a private driver which is going to cost £12 for the day each. We call Ruth and with the weather looking iffy opt for the car. Bobby has been craving croissants we find a lovely bakery but he has to settle for a brioche bun. The driver picks us up outside our hotel gives us an itinerary of our day ahead. Our first stop is Diamond Hills and the drive there takes just under an hour, the roads aren't the best here and when it starts to rain I'm really glad we took the option of the car rather than the bike. There are lots of tourists traveling around the island but it seems they have a system to all travel in one direction rather than pass each other coming in the opposite direction. As we're driving along the road the waves are crashing over the break water. We eventually arrive to a car park full of white transit vans, I'm glad ours is a different colour otherwise there would be no chance in hell of me finding it. These huge peninsulas sit high in the water with beautiful beaches at their base. Even though the weather isn't great the views are spectacular. There is the option to walk down to the beach but to be honest I don't think you could get a better view than here. We take a Balinese coffee and enjoy the view. A short drive down the road takes us to a tree house but they want 8 quid to take a photo so we walk through and take our own photos. Second stop is kelingking beach. Another perfect beach with stunning views. Even now there are so many tourists I'd hate to think what it was like precovid. Everywhere you go here you pay for a wee and nevermind spending a penny it's 30p a pop. As we leave there are two beautiful girls who are so sweet selling ice creams and drinks to the tourists. They have the most perfect English and if they were a little older I'd give them a Job tomorrow. We stop for lunch and a rule of thumb here is you buy the driver lunch too. We drive to broken beac but the craziness has started because cars that have already been there are starting to come back to the main road and the amount of near misses is crazy. We come around a corner and as we go to drive up the hill a young German couple are coming down and skid on the gravel coming off their scooter. Our driver stops and we all get out to help. They're obviously shaken an have minor cuts and bruises. We finally arrive at broken beach and billabong, there is a small peninsula that separates the two but as I walk to the other side I'm stood watching the waves crashing against the rock and sweeping into the bay. I can hear someone shouting and then I realise it's one of the locals telling me to "step away from the edge". Our last stop is sunset at crystal bay which im sure would be beautiful if the weather was a bit better but I have a wonderful packet coffee there that makes me wonder why I pay for Starbucks. As we're sitting here two women come up beside us really distressed and say they have been shouting for ages as they were nearly drowning. The waves in Bali are huge and that's why it's great for surfing but sometimes in the bays you get cross tides and this is where it gets dangerous. I give them what's left of my coffee to warm them up. On the way back we're caught in another traffic jam which is yet another accident. We finally arrive back at the hotel and Bobby heads back whil e Ruth and I grab food. Later in the evening I catch up with Judith who I first met in Penang it's so good to reunite. She's exhausted after diving today so a quick Beer and she's gone but it's wonderful to meet again.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 31

      Nusa Lembongan

      29. Januar 2020 in Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Die Nusa Inseln sind ein wunderschönes Ferienparadies. Das Wasser ist unglaublich klar und türkisblau, der Sand weiß und fein. Es gibt viele hübsch hergemachte kleine Bars und Restaurants am Strand. Eine Beachswing darf natürlich nirgends fehlen. Derselbe Ort am Vormittag bietet oft einen ganz anderen Anblick als am Abend. Ebbe und Flut, Sonne, Wolken und Einfallswinkel des Lichts gestalten ein abwechslungsreiches Bild.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 220

      Octopus-Dive-Tauch-und Schnorcheltrip

      4. Juni 2018 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Morgens um 08.00 Uhr ging es los zu unserem Trip mit einem brandneuen Boot. Wie man uns erzählte soll es auf der Insel wohl mittlerweile neun Tauchshops geben... Unser erster Stopp sollte der Mantapoint sein und das hieß einmal vom Norden der Insel Richtung Süden...immer an der schönen und zum Teil schroffen Küste entlang, an der sich der morgendliche Nebel langsam lichtete und die Sonne mehr und mehr zum Vorschein kam, vorbei an verschiedenen Strä legendären Broken Beach, am beeindruckenden Karang Dawa View Point, vielen interessanten Felsformationen, an denen sich die Wellen brachen mit hochspritzender Gischt, an großen Felsen im Wasser vor der Küste...und dann war da noch mitten im Meer ein wie ein Torbogen geformter Felsen...🏞🌅🚤🌞🌊alles soooo schön....Morgen schauen wir uns das alles auch noch einmal von der Landseite an....😊😍
      Bei all dieser Schönheit störte uns die doch turbulente Fahrt durch die hohen Wellen, hoch und runter, vom Wellenberg ins Wellental mit ordentlichen Schlägen der Wellen ans Boot sehr wenig...mein einziges kleines Problem war, dass mein Magen etwas rebellierte, da er die zum Frühstück gegessenen Frenchtoast einfach nicht akzeptieren wollte....😬😳🤨🙄...das konnte ja im Wasser nur noch besser werden. Mittlerweile sind wir mit Wassertemperaturen von 28 bis 30 grad so verwöhnt, dass Marc gar nicht auf die Idee kam einen Wetsuit anzuziehen...gut, dass er noch vom Tauchshop eine Empfehlung bekam und sich auf den letzten Peng noch einen Anzug ausleihen konnte...die Wassertemperatur hier lag bei für uns schon kalten 23 Grad....grrrr.....und ich war froh, dass ich Marc's Tauchshirt bekam.
      Diese Temperaturen stärkten unsere Hoffnung heute an der Crystalbay, unseren zweiten Stopp, einen Mola Mola zu finden. Vorgestern wurde schon ein drei Meter großer Mondfisch gesichtet. Dieser kommt nur aus der Tiefe hoch, wenn die Wassertemperatur unter 24 Grad liegt... und Saison für den Mola Mola ist bei Nusa Penida von Juli bis September...vielleicht haben wir ja Glück...🍀🍀🍀✊ Aber zuerst schauen wir mal, ob wir Mantas sehen....und ab ins Wasser...🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️🌊

    • Tag 143

      Odyssee Lombok - Lembongan...

      5. August 2018 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      ... oder wie aus 4 Stunden Überfahrt 2 Tage Anreise wurden.
      Es sollte gar nicht so kompliziert sein, um von einer Insel auf die nächste zu kommen; eigentlich nur eine 4-stündige Fährfahrt. Um 5h morgens waren wir in aller Frühe aufgestanden. Unser Taxifahrer kam auch nur ne halbe Stunde zu spät und etwas verkatert. 🙈 Wir kamen rechtzeitig zum Hafen, die Fähre fuhr zu unserer Überraschung auch zeitnah los und brauchte auch nur die o.g. Zeit zur Überfahrt. ABER dann hielten wir plötzlich ca. 1km vor dem Zielhafen an und eine Durchsage ertönte auf dem Schiff. Wir haben natürlich nichts verstanden und uns auch nichts dabei gedacht. Nach 1 Std. Wartezeit wurden wir jedoch unruhig, da wir so langsam unseren Anschluss nicht bekommen würden. Nach einigen Erkundigungen fanden wir heraus, dass alle Anlegestege im Zielhafen belegt waren. Dad Ende vom Lied war, dass wir insgesamt 5 Stunden (!) 😳😠🤬 in der Bucht warteten ehe unsere Fähre anlegen konnte. Als wir dann endlich auf Bali von Board gingen, gab es unsere Verbindung nach Nusa Lembongan natürlich nicht mehr und auch keine Alternative. Aber man muss sagen, es hätte schlimmere Orte geben können, um gestrandet zu sein, als das schöne kleine Fischerdörfchen Padang Bai. Wir machten das Beste aus unserem ungewollten Zwischenstopp, gingen lecker Essen und erkundeten die Gegend bei einem Abendspaziergang.

      Am nächsten Tag ging die Odyssee allerdings weiter. Die für 10h morgens versprochene Fähre legte letztendlich um ca. 14h dann auch wirklich mal ab. Bis dahin hatten wir uns - auch noch im Regen - die Beine in den Bauch gestanden. Die Fähre führte uns nach Nusa Penida, von wo aus wir nach einer kurzen Taxifahrt auf ein kleines Fischerbötchen aufsprangen, dann wieder aufs Taxi, um endlich im Zentrum von Nusa Lembongan anzukommen.
      Nun startete die Mission „Unterkunft finden“ bevor uns Dunkelheit, Hunger oder Müdigkeit einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen würden. Vor ein paar Tagen begann hier die Hauptsaison, was wir an den wenigen verfügbaren Unterkünften schnell merkten. Wir machten 3 Kreuze als wir endlich unser Schlafquartier gefunden hatten. Wat 'ne Reise! 😅

    • Tag 8

      Heimfahrt von Nusa Penida

      28. Mai in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Gegen zwei Bier 🍻 oben beim Kapitän 👨‍✈️
      Was für ein Tag - Insel auf dem Roller erkundet 😳🛵

    • Tag 14


      27. September 2019 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute wird geschnorchelt 🐠😀
      wow, war echt gut. Erst sind wir die Küste speedbootmäßig runtergedonnert (CO2 ist hier iwie gar kein Thema 🙈) und machten unseren 1. Schnorchelstop vor einem Cliff, vor dem regelmäßig Mantarochen zu sehen sein sollen. Und ja, wir hatten Glück! Wir haben 2 von diesen edlen Fischen direkt einen Meter unter uns schwimmen gesehen, phantastisch! Nach 3 weiteren Schnorchelstops war dieser tolle Ausflug zu Ende.
      Man muss aber auch sagen, es ist nicht idyllisch, es sind zeitgleich verdammt viele Boote mit Touris unterwegs, selbst auf Nusa Penida...

    • Seeing the Shaman

      13. März 2019 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Whilst at the yoga retreat the other guests requested to visit the Shaman, which is not something I really wanted to do, but as it was cheap and new experience I thought 'why not?'. I had heard from another traveler I read a bizarre but enlightening experience.

      A Shaman is a man that Balinese people believe is in touch with the spiritual world, he can communicate with spirits and read people's auras. To become a Shaman you visit a Shaman and they help it happen, but I haven't been able to get any clear answer as to how or why this happens really. With his gift he helps people in their life with physical, health and practical support. In Bali 50% of people will chose to visit a Shaman instead of a doctor, but this is perhaps because he is cheaper and they have to pay for all healthcare services.

      I entered the experience with an open mind, but am perfectly happy with my life and have nothing I need him to cure or give me guidance with. So perhaps this was part of the problem.

      For the experience we had to wear local clothing, which was a long skirt and lace top and a scarf around our waist. Then we were taken to the Shamans property. It was a typical Balinese building, within nice gardens and with many bird cages all around. They collect birds and on Sundays they have competitions to see whose bird makes the best song. The Shaman had some lovely birds, including a little owl. I couldn't help but pity them, a creature with the ultimate freedom-the gift of flight, restricted to a small cage for its' whole life.

      We sat for a long time on the floor outside the Shamans room whilst he pottered around the property blessing various things. Then eventually we were blessed by his assistant, which involved having water put on our hands, in our hair and we were to to drink it three times from our hands. The lady was putting it onto us with a lotus flower. I pretended to drink it as it felt like asking for gut trouble otherwise! Finally we were blessed with water on our foreheads and we had to put rice onto it. We then had to meditate whilst holding onto incense in front of our chest. It wasn't a nice experience because the incense was burning right into our noses and the ash dropping on our legs. But it meant we were blessed!

      After the blessing we entered the Shamans room individually and a man from our retreat sat in with us to translate. The room was small, had incense in it and lots of random statues, one of which was a scary looking pig. The Shaman sat on the floor and we sat in front of him. The Shaman blessed us and gave us a bracelet for our right hand and instructed us to wipe our bottom with our left hand because now our right hand was holy and in touch with the gods. He then put his thumb against ours and muttered some stuff, held the elbow tightly whilst still muttering and then did the same at our shoulder and head. From this he had sensed our aura. He told me that I still had good energy. Given how sceptical I am and how hungry I was after waiting so long for him I wouldn't have been surprised if my energy was bad to him! (he told Brooke she had bad energy, so he wasn't just being nice to us all.) Then I was to ask his a question. Thankfully as I was last I had been prepared for this, had I gone first I would have had no idea what to say because I have nothing I expect him to help me with and nothing in my life that needs to change. However with a stretch of imagination I told him I would like a partner to share my life with. He then did more of the holding arm and muttering stuff and then he replied telling me that I should use my god's as my support and guidance and speak with them. I told him I don't believe in any god's! So then he told me that in Balinese culture they believe everyone has four brothers on the earth who they can rely on and speak with and that I should use my brother's for guidance and support. So I said 'right, so I'm meant to live a lonely life but speak to my brothers more?!', 'yes' was my reply. I asked if he meant my actual brothers, because it was not really very clear from his lar-dee-dah description of brothers and guidance, and he said yes. He told me to ask my brother for guidance and advice and I told him my brother wants different things for my life than what I do, to which he had no reply. Then he asked what other questions I had and I told him I was perfectly happy with my life and had nothing else to ask I left his room thinking what a waste of time it was. I am sure he probably now felt I had bad energy, as I did not believe in the same things as him!

      After all our meetings with him we had a final blessing and then he came outside of his room. We were told that he loses his power once he outside of the rooms and so now he is a normal person, and did we want a photo with him?! I couldn't help thinking what a scam the whole thing was, and how they wanted to promote it with photos of him being taken. The other women were far less sinical so I kept my views to myself and went along with it.

      Kathy was told she had good energy and she was given advice about her career and her personal life and Brooke was told she has bad energy and then received advice about many parts of her life. I think my encounter was the shortest and by the sounds of it I got the most wishy washy reply, but perhaps this is because I didn't really expect anything of him and even though there some truth that I would like a partner I certainly don't expect that meeting an old man in Bali is going to make this happen! So maybe he really can read people's auras and knew not to waste his time on me, as a non believer.....or maybe it was just an imaginative and bizarre performance that had no real insight into my future, but was weird and wonderful enough to make someone believe. I'll let you decide.

      I don't doubt that for some people the Shaman can help them in their life, but I do doubt I need him to help mine. As a positive and secure person I have all I need. Personally I think people with less confidence and who have experienced a hard time in life they are looking for something to give them positivity. The Shaman could be this for them and once they believe they have been helped they then make more confident choices in life, which coincidentally helps to solve the problems they initially had. So whether he is in touch with another spiritual world or not, his contribution to those who believe is worthwhile and harmlessly makes a difference.

      I am glad to have the experience, it is fascinating to see how different our beliefs can be when we all live on the same planet and have the same basic needs. But as you can probably tell my life hasn't been changed and I certainly haven't given up hope in meeting someone, just because an old man in Bali told me it won't happen!

    • Tag 59

      Nusa Penida - the final stop

      1. Juni in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Hopping off the ferry, brakes squeaky and the chain rusty from the endless belts of spray thrown over deck from the ocean's voyage, I carefully carry the precious cargo off the boat onto the island of Nusa Penida. There is a quiet benefit to the misfortune with the bike; the squeakness of my breaks now act as my own personal sound horn as I roll between the large crowds gathered by the wharf.

      Nusa Penida, a quaint island off the coast from Bali persists with a low-key hustle, Hindu inspired culture of a developing island. It could may well be reminiscent of what Bali might have been before the insane age of tourism which makes Denpasar much busier than the current island goers prefer. Across the island, there are many beaches, cliffs, resorts and warungs one could consume their time at by choice.

      From the morning I woke up today, I set off with no gear on my bike and no shoes to my feet. I don't really know what I was thinking. I wasn't really. I had just started my ride acting out of pure impulse. I took myself over the back hills of the island, through the narrow roads and quaint villages with all their temples. I passed the resturants, villas and roadside shops, barely stopping for any of them.

      This might have been just my best day on the bike. I felt free. Freer than I've ever have been at any point of this trip. It was just me and the road stretching before me as continue to plod along.

      My main purpose for coming to Nusa Penida is to dive with the Mantas. Nusa Penida has a reputation for seeing Mantas as they are known to be based here this time of year as part of their migration parh.

      Tomorrow if the conditions allow, I'll be out on the water in full SCUBA kit surrounded by Manta, at Manta Point. After lunch, I'll bike over to Crystal Bay with my snorkel I'd bought for $200K back on Gili Air to spend the rest of the day doing that. On the next day, I'll take the ferry back to Bali, find myself a bike box and sit down on a plane. Before I know it, this will all be over and I'll find myself back in NZ.

      What a trip it's been! I may hope to backdate more of the stories but only if time allows. At the point of which updating the blog of the trip became work, I gave up on the blog and decided to enjoy myself instead. I am in fact on holiday, and I now occasionally consider it worthwhile to show how good of a time I'm having here. But in reality, I'd prefer to tell you all in person instead :)

      Anyways, thanks for following! I'll look to put a trip recap together soon. 🤙

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