Tukad Jemeluk

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    • День 15–19

      Küste Nordost-Bali

      16 октября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Es zog mich wieder zurück ans Meer und vor allem wollte ich unbedingt nochmals Tauchen gehen. Ich entschied mich aufgrund der Tauchbasis Ecodive entsprechend eine Unterkunft in unmittelbarer Nähe zu buchen. Volltreffer mal abgesehen von der Nasszelle (welche übrigens fast in jeder bisherigen Unterkünften mangelhaft waren). Nein, ehrlich! Wer baut eine Dusche so ein, bei der der Abfluss auf der anderen Seite des Badezimmers ist?

      Die Hauptaktivität war also Tauchen. Ecodive ist die älteste Tauchbasis in Amed/Jemeluk und weitum bekannt. Inzwischen schossen jedoch Tauchbasen wie die Pilze aus dem Boden... Amed ist ansonsten ein ruhiges, beschauliches Fischerdorf geblieben mit staubigen, holprigen Strassen und ein paar wenigen Geschäften. Nebst der Fischerei scheint der Tourismus unterdessen die wichtigste Einnahmequelle zu sein.

      Am Tauchtag 2 war ich bereits wieder alleine...sprich mit meinem persönlichen Dive Master. :-) Die Gegend ist fantastisch zum Unterwasser erkunden. Das vermeintliche Gerümpel wurde übrigens extra versenkt, um Korallen und Fische anzusiedeln. Daneben liegen das japanische Schiffwrack und das Wrack der USS Liberty in der Nähe. Beides gesunkene Schiffe des 2. Weltkriegs und beide herrlich dekoriert mit Korallen und Schwämmen teils in den schönsten Pastelltönen. Leider gibts davon keine Fotos...die Kamera hat gestreikt.

      Ich konnte die Tage voll und ganz geniessen und habe insgesamt 8 Tauchgänge absolviert. Nach 4 Tagen geht die Reise wieder zurück ins innere der Insel...
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    • День 7

      Klungkung,Tenganan,Tirta Gangga,Amed

      22 сентября 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Weiterfahrt zum nächsten Hotel Santai in Amed an die Ostküste Bali's. Auf der Strecke Besichtigung der königlichen Gerichtshalle in Klungkun, danach weiter in ein urbalinesisches Dorf in Taganan und dem königlichen Badeort in Tirhagonga.Читать далее

    • День 59

      Amed und der Osten Balis

      12 мая 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Vorbei an Palmenwäldern fahren wir durch die hügelige Landschaft Balis weiter nach Amed, am Straßenrand hin und wieder Affen, die nach Essbarem suchen, und unzählige Stände, an denen Fisch oder auch Bananen, Kokosnüsse und Durianfrüchte verkauft werden. In Amed beobachten wir am nächsten Tag einen herrlichen Sonnenaufgang am Morgen und leihen uns einen Roller für den Tag. Am Meer entlang geht es weiter ins Landesinnere, wo der Lempuyang Tempel mit seinem berühmten Himmelstor auf uns wartet. Auf der Weiterfahrt zum Wassertempel Tirta Gangga genießen wir es, den Menschen beim alltäglichen Treiben zuzusehen und den Blick über die fast kunstvoll angelegten Reisterrassen der Insel schweifen zu lassen. Am frühen Abend gehen wir am Hausriff noch eine Runde schnorcheln und entdecken neben einer Vielzahl von bunten Fischen auch eine große Schildkröte, die unweit vom schwarzen Strand ihre Bahnen zieht. Mit einem leckeren Essen in unserem Lieblings-Strandrestaurant geht ein ereignisreicher Tag zu Ende.Читать далее

    • День 204

      10 000 temples en 10 photos

      6 января 2021 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Alors que l'Indonésie est en immense majorité musulmane, l'île de Bali est une enclave hindouiste (ce qui a fait son succès auprès des touristes occidentaux puisque on peut y consommer de l'alcool, se baigner en bikini pour les femmes, etc)

      Il y a plus de 10 000 temples hindouistes à Bali, sans compter bien entendu les temples privés qui sont dans chaque maison (toujours bien plus beaux et mieux construits que les maisons elles-mêmes).

      Pour les Balinais, les montagnes rapprochent des dieux. Ce ne sont pas du tout des marins, pour eux la mer c'est l'enfer. Du coup, tous les pêcheurs de Bali viennent de Java....et les temples construits en bord de mer sont également javanais. Les villages de bord de mer se développent grâce au tourisme, pas aux locaux dont l'immense majorité ne sait pas nager.

      Les 2 grands piliers à l'entrée de la partie sacrée du temple représentent les montagnes et on retrouve partout la dualité : bien-mal, dieux protecteurs-mauvais esprits, bas du corps impur (qu'on couvre d'un sarong pour visiter un temple) vs haut du corps pur.
      L'architecture des temples semble "partout la même" ...en tout cas, pour nos yeux occidentaux pas habitués.

      Chaque temple fête son anniversaire selon le calendrier Balinais une fois par an (année de 210 jours) et 3 temples par village....et à chaque fois il y a au moins 1 journée de préparation de la fête où tout le village se réunit. Il y a une vraie vie communautaire autour du culte.

      Aussi, lorsque les gens meurent, on ne procède pas à une crémation immédiatement (difficile à organiser donc on les groupe). Du coup, les personnes sont temporairement enterrées puis déterrées pour la crémation qui a lieu environ tous les 5 ans.
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    • День 2 450

      Birthday boy

      13 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      At 4am I'm woken by a massive thunderstorm and all I can think about is the boys at the temple in the rain. I eventually drift back off to sleep and wake shortly after 9:00 a.m. I go for my usual morning 3 in 1 coffee and while I'm there Made tells me the boys are on their way back to the temple, but Nico seems to be on the missing list. We have another torrential thunderstorm and it absolutely pours down for over an hour. Once the rain dies down I take the bike to go where Nico is staying but as I ride along the road there's a big flood so I ditch the bike take off the flip flops and wade through the water. It's only a 5 minute walk but he's not arrived back yet. I walk back to bungalow and decide I will give it till 1pm before I start to panic. Thankfully at 1130 I get a message from Nico. He's fine and has spent the night at the temple and thoroughly enjoyed it so now I can relax. Alexandra messages me and after grabbing a bit of lunch we decide to have a go at snorkeling. The torrential rain has washed back into the sea, and as soon as we get in the water we realize the visibility is not going to be great. We swim a little further out but still it's pretty poor and decide to head back I meet a guy called Matthew who is from the Netherlands but lives just outside Ubud and is here for a 1 day dive but comes here once a month. He joins us in the evening where we celebrate Nico's birthday. I've ordered a cake and psalm wine which is produced by cutting the coconut from the tree and placing a container to collect the sap/juice. It ferments naturally and I'm shocked when the produce the large Jerry can. Are we really going to drink that all Tonight? We sit on the beach with Katut and Made playing his guitar and other members of the family who were at the temple yesterday with Nico. A glass of the psalm wine is filled and drunk and then refilled as it's passed around the circle. It actually tastes good and within an hour is the can runs dry. I order a bottle of Arak to continue the celebrations and Sali brings out Nico's cake. It's such a wonderful night. We finish the night in the bar just down the road and thankfully it's just a short walk to bed.Читать далее

    • День 2 448

      Big fish little fish

      11 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      My plan was to go to the 'gates of heaven' for sunrise this morning but I wake early with an upset stomach and decide to give it a miss. I fall back asleep and wake shortly after 8am feeling a lot better. I use snorkeling equipment from the bungalow and literally go snorkeling directly in front of my room. Wow there are the most beautiful fish within a few metres of shore and the biggest angel fish I've ever seen. The variation of fish are beautiful and it's really calm. I meet Nico for lunch and I'm ecstatic when I see mashed potato on the menu and order it with the Barracuda. It's so delicious even with the little lumpy bits. As I sit here women men and children walk along the beach with baskets on there head selling everything from sarongs to fishing boas and bracelets that they have made and generally I say no but today a young girl with impeccable English captures my heart and I decide to add to my bracelet collection, the problem is that within seconds there are 4 girls so I make a deal to buy one from each of them. I make my selection individually and the initial girl makes them all say thank, like they're little teacher. It really warms my heart and I pay a little extra for her one. In the afternoon we have been invited by Made to go fishing, we push out the boat which is pretty heavy. We get out there and just bob about on the water. Made attaches a weight to the line with a feather flight on it and nothing else. It's about 250m deep and we spend the time just dropping the line to the bottom and bringing it back up again ,whilst at the same time enjoying the beautiful sunset with the odd sip of Arak in between. Tonight the moon is in full view and I love just floating around with the views. When we arrive back the im relieved the boat is brought in on a motor pulley with a rod in front for guidance. Back on shore we have a few beers and eat dinner in Katut's restaurant. I definitely plan to go to the gates of heaven early in the morning so bid the guys goodnight and although I have plans to write my blog I feel so tired I just crash and burn.Читать далее

    • День 2 447

      Invited to a funeral

      10 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Getting up for sunrise has not been a regular occurrence for me as I've usually only just rolled in a few hours earlier but this passed few days I've made an exception, and wow has it been worth it. This morning I wake to the reddest sky and the cotton wool clouds enhance it. I climb out of bed and take a few short steps to a lounger on the beach and set up a timelapse so I can just enjoy it. In the morning I rent a scooter which is pretty much essential here as the beach spans about 7km and as much as I love to walk everything is set on the road behind. My data runs out today but when I arrive at the shop it's closed. The laid back way of life here is means most things don't open till 10 or 11. Back at the hotel Made tells us he will attend a cremation ceremony today and invites us to join. The ceremony is due to start at midday but when we message him it's been delayed till 2pm so I take the opportunity to get my phone sorted and grab lunch with Nico. We ride a little further along the road and there are hundreds of people. 200 souls are being honoured today and members of the family all dress in traditional dress to send them off. Because we are not dressed appropriately we can't go into the religious area but Made tells us to go to the beach. An hour later people start to arrive and down at the waters edge some lay their 'souls' to rest in the water privately The ashes are wrapped in rattan like mats or on big saucer like dishes and thrown into the sea, but further down the beach there is a much larger ceremony which when we arrive Made asks us to join his family. We sit with the crowd and watch as first flowers are placed between the hands and offered up in prayer and then the flowers sprinkled on top of the head where the traditional bandana catches them. Next the ceremony leaders walk through the crowd sprinkling them with holy water. The irony of tourists walking along the beach in Speedos is quite strange and I wonder how the locals feel about this. Next it's time for the placement into the sea. Some families have built big offerings of basket weave onto huge bamboo raft like structures, but as they lift them and head to the sea, none of them make it and end up being edged in on their sides. I've really enjoyed the ceremony and it's definitely another new experience for me. Rather than have the hecticness of driving back with all the traffic Nico and I decide to have sundowners on the beach and we get chatting to a lady called Sue and John. They have a yacht and have come ashore in they're dingy. I'm absolutely in awe as I discover they have spent the last 18years on the boat. I explain its my dream to get experience on a boat and she says she will send me details of connections they have. They actually spent a year in Langkawi during the COVID times, and I'm sure we will have connections with some of the same people. We bid farewell as they have to get back to the boat before it's dark but it's been such a pleasure meeting them. There are not many people who inspire me but they certainly have. The sunset is once again stunning tonight and the ability to find my bike as we head back is much easier. We share a few drinks with Coco a local Nico knows who plays in a band and have a 3 minutes walk back to my room. A perfect day.Читать далее

    • День 2 446

      Sunrise sunset

      9 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      I wake up in time for sunrise and as I lay in the hammock watching this marvelous display I'm tempted to do a timelapse but for once I just enjoy the moment. Time here is passing so quickly and I don't really feel like I've explored Bali as much as I should have but to be honest the feedback from places like Ubud and Changu aren't great so I have decided to spend a few more days here and chill. I haven't stopped for the last 7 months and this is definitely somewhere I can just unwind and recharge my batteries. I part ways with Bobby this morning and have shared some fantastic adventures with him but all good things come to an end. I try and book a grab but with no success so Bobby takes me rucksack and all onto my next accommodation. I've booked into a place recommended by Nico and it's half the price I stayed last night and literally on the beach, it's a family run business and the accommodation next door is run by Made's brother. I find it really strange how you are competing with your brother in the accommodation next door but families share everything here. Later in the afternoon Nico arrives so I spend an hour catching up with him before having a massage on the beach and discover the lady giving it to me is Made`s mum. We take a walk along the beach in the evening and stop at a little restaurant where we meet Audrey a French lady Nico knows, Nico recommends the fish MaliMali which is amazing. Every night here they have live music and you ask the locals and they will tell you where it is. It's only a couple of km away but Nico insists on taking the bike so I jump on and when we arrive am delighted to find they have 2 pool tables. I do my usual hustling and thoroughly enjoy a normal size table with normal size balls and cues with tips on as this combination of all 3 together is very rare. All bars here close at 11 and I don't know whether this is a post covid thing but to be honest I quite like it because as I lie here tonight writing this I'm listening to the waves crashing in on the shore and for me there's no better sound.Читать далее

    • День 2 442

      A day with the boys and girls

      5 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We bid farewell to Nico this morning, but I don't feel too sad as I really think I will meet him in Bali over the next few days. Rahman has invited me to go to Rangko cave today and I'm pleased when he invites the girls today as they have never been here before and it's only 30 minutes away on the motorbike. You have to leave after 11am as it's low tide and we arrive to the harbour to catch the boat just after 1. I'm totally with locals today and I love the fact the boat owners kids join us. They perch on the front of the boat for the short ride to the jetty and just before we reach it jump into the water. It's a short trek to the cave but I have to say is so beautiful. The inside has a pool of clear sea water that is tidal as it has an inlet to the rear left of the cave. The children join us and inside climb the stagnalite and jump into the water. We all spend time swimming in the cave and a little later Jan and Luzie arrive. After our time in the water we chill on the beach. It's not great for snorkeling here but I'm happy just chilling. Before long the dreaded water bottle comes out which is never filled with water only jungle juice (sopi) we plan to stay on the beach for sunset but plans change again and it's back to the hostel to shower and change. Tonight is my last night and Rahman has offered to have the DJ on again I eat with Amber Jan Luzie and Victor before we all head up to the bar. We enjoy a really nice night in the bar and I even have a little dance and eventually leave in the early hours. I have to say I've really enjoyed spending time with the locals again it totally changes the whole dimensions of my trip and Ive loved the vibe of labuan bajo, island life is definitely my preference.Читать далее

    • День 2 452

      Day of reflection

      15 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I wake for sunrise and feel a million dollars today. I really feel at peace at the moment and this morning with not a sole in site I take time on the beach for a little reflection. I'm very blessed to be doing what I'm doing although I've also worked incredibly hard over the years it also takes a lot of courage to put that rucksack on your back and leave the people you love for a whole year. There have been so many highs on this trip, with the occasional low, but when there's a problem there's always a solution. As I've traveled Asia I'm amazed at the mentality and the kindness shown by these amazing people, even when the chips are down their ability to survive with a constant smile on their face never fails to inspire me to do better. I have 4 months left of my trip and I know they will fly by but the journey will continue. I drink my coffee and have my boiled eggs for breakfast before taking to the sea. The water is much clearer today and I really enjoy just bobbing about mesmerized with the array of beautiful fish. I literally don't move from outside my bungalow today and this evening I've been invited to go with the family to the temple. I plan to get up for the football tomorrow at 3am so I take an afternoon nap to catch up on some sleep. I actually end up sleeping for 3 hours . When I wake I'm starving and I suggest to Nico we go for dinner but I really fancy western food. He suggests a place called Rimba cafe and when we arrive it's pretty full. Inside it's really beautiful and has various seating areas that are cordened of by natural foliage it should be named the secret garden. I enjoy the most delicious burger followed by a salted caramel soffle that even Jamie Oliver would be proud of. While I'm here I receive a message from a good friend at home and return to spend some time to speak with her. It's crazy how when you see things on Facebook you believe and read into how people have a perfect life, yet beneath the stories every one is having their own struggles. It's at times like these I wish I could time warp my way home just to give someone I care for a big hug. There's no beer again today as I want to watch the game so get to bed just before 10Читать далее

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    Tukad Jemeluk

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