Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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    • Gün 4

      4.1 GladiatorenTraining

      21 Temmuz 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Sehr anstrengend aber hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
      Eher viele Kinder unterwegs aber zum Glück war ein Vater dabei.
      Ich trage nun einen neuen Namen: *Ulfgard the giant*.
      Ich wäre wohl ein Murmillo geworden.
      Gelegen auf der Via Appia Antica außerhalb der alten Stadtmauern (Aurelianische Mauer)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 13

      Tag 12 | Roma

      12 Temmuz 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      In diesen Tagen widme ich mich organisatorischen Dingen. Angesagt sind also nur kleine Aktivitäten wie in den Park gehen oder Joggen. Ein weiterer schöner Moment wartet aber auch hier: eine Herde Schafe läuft mitsamt Schäfer einmal quer durch den Park, wähend ich mich auf meiner Jogging-Route Richtung Sonnenuntergang befinde. 🐑🥰🌇Okumaya devam et

    • Il Viaggio Comincia

      5 Mayıs 2023, İtalya ⋅ 🌙 63 °F

      Ciao a tutti!
      Today was an early arrival into Rome and a good amount of time fighting jet lag. But so glad to start the journey!
      Plot twist…two of the other three riders canceled for medical reasons so now it’s just me, Bob from Cali, and our tour guides Thomas and Franz. How’s that for individual attention?
      This afternoon was the welcome briefing and the transfer over of bikes (including some fresh gear, which I am proudly modeling).
      Onto Assisi in the morning!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Food Tour durch das Herzen Roms

      7 Eylül 2019, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Für was ist Italien bekannt. Gutes Essen! Aus diesem Grund haben wir heute eine Foodtour gebucht. Die Tour liegt in einem äusseren nicht touristischen Bereich von Rom. Im Quartier Testaccio. Hier wurden früher sämtliche Flüssigen Behältnisse in hohe Tonvasen gefüllt und dann überall in Rom geliefert. Testa = Ton, daher der Name. Wir reisen natürlich mit dem Bus an. Übrigens die Line 87 & 83 eignen sich gut auch als Stadtrundfahrt.
      Zusamen mit zwei anderen starten wir also zu viert unsere Foodtour. Luke unser Guide lebt seit 13 Jahren in Rom und scheint jede dritte Person der wir begegnen zu kennen. Erster Halt ist eine Bäckerei in der wir alles über die verschiedenen Backwaren erfahren und Pizza am Stück probieren. Eine mit Kartoffeln, eine mit Tomatensauce. Bei dieser Pizza sagt man einfach wie viel man will, das Stück wird gewogen und das Gewicht dann bezahlt. Nächster Halt ist das Masto ein Feinkostladen der Verkauft und auch kocht. Hier essen wir uns durch Käse, Prosciutto, Bruschetta und Schokolade. Dazu geniessen wir einen super Weisswein. Wir erfahren wie richtige Carbonara geht und das dort Schweinebacke (ja vom Kopf) reingehört, da dieses Fett viel cremiger ist. Mit einem Kännchen Olivenöl im Rucksack machen wir uns auf den Weg zum Markt. Auf dem Weg erhalten wir viele Infos über das Leben der Römer und die verschiedenen Quartiere.
      Der Markt ist voller Leute, laut und Italienisch. Hier lernen wir richtige Bruschetta herzustellen und danach gleich aus den restlichen Tomaten Caprese Salat zu machen. Natürlich wird hier auch der Büffel Mozzarella thematisiert. Und dann geht es auch gleich zum nächsten Stand mit frittierten Reisbällchen. Darin befindet sich Gemüse und Mozzarella. Einfach köstlich. Dazu noch ein kleines Gläschen Bier. Um etwas zu verdauen schauen wir und die Umgebung an. Dazu gehört ein altes riesiges Schlachthaus. Wie lernen wie man richtig aus den Trinkbrunnen in Rom trinkt. Zudem erfahren wir, dass der Hügel von Testaccio von Menschen gemacht ist. Anstatt die Amphoren immer wieder zu reinigen und neu zu verwenden, war es einfacher sie nach dem ersten Gebrauch zu zerschlagen und auf einen Haufen zuwerfen. Das ergab mit der Zeit einen grossen Hügel. Später fanden die Leute raus, dass es durch den Ton im Hügel dauerhaft 15 Grad kühl ist. Also wurden dort Weinkeller gebaut und später zu Restaurants umgebaut. In genau so einem gingen wir dann Pasta essen. Drei Sorten Pasta und ein Glas Rotwein später machten wir uns mit einem Halt auf einem Friedhof für nicht Katholiken auf den Weg zur ältesten Galateria in Rom. Dort erfuhren wir was ein Gelati ausmacht und wie es aussehen muss. Der Inhaber Luca betreibt die Gelateria in der vierten Generation und er weisst einem auch darauf hin, wenn eine Kombination nicht passt. 😉
      Nach 4h gehen und essen war die tolle Tour vorbei und wir besuchten noch die Orangengärten und spazierten dann zum Trevibrunnen wo wir noch eine Münze mit der linken Hand über die rechte Schulter warfen um unsere Rückkehr nach Rom zu sichern. (Der Petersdom fehlt uns ja noch).
      Erschöpft ging es zurück ins Hotel wo wir etwas entspannten. Zum Abendessen schafften wir es knapp über die Strasse für eine mittelmässige Pizza und dann zurück ins Zimmer wo wir packten und uns für die Abreise morgen bereit machen.
      Vom Essen haben wir übrigens nicht viele Fotos gemacht, wie waren da zum Essen, nicht zum fotografieren. 😉
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 427

      Ancient Rome

      11 Eylül 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Rome, The Romans’ Home
      In it's day,
      Enemies could seige it, nay,
      The armies were strong,
      And it was quite a throng,
      The gladiators fought,
      For the freedom they sought,
      The Colosseum stood tall,
      As did the magnificent Pantheon hall,
      Up the Tiber their ships came,
      And two thousand years later it still is the same,

      By Colm
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 15

      On strike!

      1 Ekim 2019, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Honestly could not walk another step so I am protesting right here with this bottle of wine... oh and him in doors! (The ruins are the Circo Massimo) chariot racing arena built in the 6th century BC and was the first and largest stadium built in Ancient Rome and is still used today. (Although the beast hunts have stopped!!) And in the 1980s they uncovered tiered seating and the starting gates but covered them up again to a depth of 9 m....Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Perfect day!

      25 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Hard to know what to include because you can get all the pictures you want of these places. Hard to describe the difference of actually being there!

      Lots of fun facts today: Arena is the Italian word for sand. It was built over a former lake. It was named for a colossal statue (colosi-eum) that was near it, and the statue was as tall as the Coliseum! No Christians were fed to the lions, only criminals. And I got a picture of the toilet trench, because.toilets.seem to be a focus of this tripOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Behind the Pantheon

      26 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Bonus points for the high fashion Cartheart jacket in the sales window. Who knew Dennis was Itiallian chic? Wr also found where the pope goes to shop. Also, ridiculously high doorknobs never fail to amuse.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4–7

      Our neighborhood: the hangout of Remus

      26 Ekim 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Our neighborhood is the most posh since history began and is on the most defensible hill that the Romans fled to when the empire fell and their riches were sacked. Also it was where Romulus' brother Remus wanted to start Rome, not one hill over. ROMULUS LATER KILLED HIS BROTHER. these are the guys who were raised by a she wolf and founded Rome. she-wolf is a euphemism for a prostitute. I
      Dad and I napped in the grass next to a temple to Hercules on the site of the original Livestock sale where Hercules was called upon the get sheep back from a thief who took them from the market and hid them in a cave. I could relate.

      We saw a church made from the stolen columns of a temple... like most of them ... but this one had a magic orange tree you can see through a hole that is always in bloom while always having Oranges ready to harvest. The oldest orange tree in the world they say. And indeed it had fruit.

      I got sad listening to a saiints tale about a son who returned home and died under his parents steps becuase he was too impoverished to return to them. Made me want to cry. They built a church for him that includes the actual steps.

      We had dinner next to the circus maximus where they had chariot races 2500 years ago, so I told everyone about Chuck wagon races. It was pizza.

      Pizza in Rome, ya'all.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 13

      Just Rome-ing Around…

      2 Temmuz 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 91 °F

      We made it to Rome, in the Lazio Region! And, once again, we did not take the easy route.

      We left our little Assisi albergo early enough to make sure that we could catch a bus to the Assisi train station. We planned on taking the veloce train, which means we’d be on a fast train without any changes (it’s the getting off one train and getting onto another, different, train that seems to be a tough task for us) all the way to Rome. While waiting at the bus stop, an older gentleman came up and asked if we were waiting to go to the train station on the 10:15 bus. We were. And, in very basic Italian, we explained to him that we were heading by train to Rome.

      We got on the bus with this man, another older gentleman and a young couple. We shared with the couple that we were heading to Rome directly by train. “E così sei tu? (and so are you?)” we asked. “Si! Si!” they affirmatively shouted.


      This should be easy! We were all on the same bus, on time, heading to the same train station, and then all boarding the same train to Rome.

      “What could possibly go wrong?” we dared to wonder. You would think we would have learned our lesson about that question a few wrong turns ago.


      The bus pulled up to a building and one of the men kept saying over and over again a word we were sure meant “church “ in Italian. He seemed to be saying it more towards the couple. Which, was confusing, since the couple had just told us by saying, “Si! Si!” that they, too, were heading to Rome.

      The bus driver then parked and turned off the bus in front of the building. The two old men motioned frantically to all of us to get off the bus and follow them. So, everyone got off the bus and ran to another bus with an engine already running. The same driver of our first bus jumped on board and whisked us away to our next destination. We could hardly believe our luck with how helpful these men had been! How would we have known to change buses so quickly?

      As the bus pulled away from where it had stopped and left the first bus, we looked a little more closely at the building fading into the distance; it had tracks and rail cars and, well frankly, train-y stuff.

      About six minutes later our second bus stopped and the 2 men were gesturing at us again, but this time to get OFF the bus. The couple jumped out. We followed. And the bus, with the driver and our 2 helpers, took off.

      As the bus pulled away, much like a curtain opening, we looked up and saw the most magnificent Chiesa Santa Croce of Assisi (there’s that word we heard!). Here we were, in 95 degree heat, not standing in front of a train station and definitely not in the mood to tour another church. The couple happily waved at us, while speaking in a language that was definitely not Italian, as they walked away merrily taking pictures.

      We now had only 20 minutes to make it to our train departing for Rome…

      So, we ran nearly a mile (okay, maybe it was less than that, but still…) back to the place where we’d been uomo-splained (yes, even in Italy, men man-splain, apparently). Sweaty and tired (sorry, but you needed that mental visual), we arrived in time for our train to Rome.

      And, then with 5 minutes before our train’s arrival, the screen started blinking, “cancelled.” One of us let out a cuss word a bit louder than expected. A young man nearby repeated the word and we all had a laugh (it beats crying at this point). We then walked together to the ticket machine, because there was no train employee around to explain what we should do next. We found another woman at the ticket machine in the same predicament.

      That young (26!) man’s name is Vincent.
      He is a 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Croatian German seminary student (to become a Dominican priest) studying in Rome. Vince shared with us that he was on his way to being a professional basketball player in Italy, until an injury changed the course of his life. Side note: he’s also a huge Damian Lillard fan.

      Rita is an incredibly kind Italian woman still living in Switzerland after the death of her husband. After figuring out the train situation, which would now include a transfer to get to Rome, we joked about being “Team Roma” (although it wasn’t a joke to us as we were now in trauma-bond mode with these 2 humans). We made sure to all sit together on the 2 trains to Rome, and spent the entire 3+ hours talking and asking questions about our families and our lives. Vince was the translator, tour guide, and absolute joyful and calming presence for all of us.

      We made it to Rome, exchanged contact information with our new friends, and set off to see the final stop on our abbreviated itinerary. And why not finish with pizza in the Vatican Piazza?

      Although this trip is shorter than we’d originally planned, we have had months of experiences in these past 2 weeks. Every situation that seemed unfixable or impossible became fixed for the better, leaving us with a reminder that there is a lot more good in the world than the news or social media, or even our own negative thinking, would have us believe. How lucky are we to get this mid-life lesson - and in Italy, too?!

      It’s worth repeating… La vita e’ bella!

      Thanks for coming along on this little adventure with us. It’s been fun to share these moments with you.


      Okumaya devam et

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    Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Citta metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Rom, Rome, Roma

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