diocese of Siracusa

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    • Day 180

      Tag 178.2: Siracusa

      February 13 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Als der Tagesplan endlich stand, machten wir uns abfahrbereit. Die Kinder konnten sich mal wieder schwer trennen, da sie mit Wasser, Sand, Grünzeug und Blumen gerade ein Süppchen gekocht haben.
      Uns führte der Weg weiter in Richtung Süden auf der Autobahn, auf der man gut vorankommt und von der man weiterhin links den Blick aufs Meer, rechts den Blick auf hüglige/bergige Landschaften und Plantagen durchzogen mit Blumen und grün hat. Unser Ziel war „Siracusa“: In der Antike war „Syrakus“ über mehrere Jahrhunderte die größte und mächtigste Polis Siziliens und dessen kulturelles Zentrum. Marcus Tullius Cicero beschrieb sie in seinen Reden gegen Verres als „die größte und schönste aller griechischen Städte“. Der Kern der Altstadt befindet sich auf der 40 ha großen Insel Ortygia. Diese liegt zwischen zwei Naturhäfen und ist nur durch eine enge Durchfahrt vom Festland getrennt.
      In „Siracusa“ angekommen, fanden wir gleich den Parkplatz und machten uns auf den Weg in die Altstadt. Jetzt begleitete uns auch wieder die Sonne durch die schönen Straßen und Gassen der Stadt. Hier war auch mal richtig Leben, ein Teil der Geschäfte und Lokale offen, Menschen auf den Straßen und in den Restaurants und Straßencafés. Die Kinder tobten sich etwas aus und alle hatten ihre Freude an der Besichtigung. Die Nachmittagssonne tauchte zusätzlich alles in ein schönes Licht.
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    • Day 36


      August 4, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      As our friend Bill says "sailing is like making plans in the sand at low tide". Essentially when you are working with an older, slightly temperamental boat and reliant on specific weather conditions it's near impossible to make any firm plans in advance. Throw in Covid and the fact the entire population of Italy seems to take the whole of August off and our original plans were a complete no-go. Luckily my parents had booked accommodation in Syracuse (where we had originally planned to sail round to meet them) with free cancellation so they rebooked a split week between Marina di Ragusa and Syracuse instead.

      It was a brilliant week and a nice mixture of being knowledgeable tour guides of familiar places like Marina di Ragusa and the Roman Villa as well as an opportunity to explore new places too! The luxury and comfort of an air-conditioned hire car was also a welcome relief after last week's scooter!

      On the way to the Roman Villa we stopped off in Scoglitti at a seafood restaurant known for its set menu. However, the menu wasn't particularly descriptive and didn't shed much light onto what to expect, so we decided to go for the antipasti (starter) and secondi (main fish dish) followed by lemon sorbet to finish. It was possibly one of the most delicious seafood meals I've ever eaten but spectacularly filling! After the fourth course had been brought out and already full to bursting I assumed we were just waiting for the dessert so watched with slight panic as the waiter brought out yet another set of knives and forks followed by our main course!

      We also took a day trip to Modica, another of the UNESCO baroque towns in the region, this time famed for its chocolate. If I'm honest I wasn't holding high expectations of the chocolate, as everyone who mentioned it described it as "interesting" or "different", adjectives usually reserved for things you don't want to be outright rude about but can't think of a positive alternative for. But following a tour of the oldest chocolaterier in the town we finally tasted some and I was pleasantly surprised even by the "meat biscuit". Apparently back in the day the Sicilian shepherds would take pasty shaped biscuits filled with a spiced chocolate mix that preserved a chunk of meat on the inside. We also stopped off at a watermill built inside a cave followed by dinner at our favourite restaurant in Ragusa.

      On our final day in Marina di Ragusa we took mum and dad out on the boat, with mum being even more prone to seasickness than I am, we decided not to attempt anything too adventurous, so anchored out just off the beach and then went for a spin outside the harbour once the wind picked up enough to put up the sails. Again, no one was sick, so another successful outing!

      For the second half of their visit we left Odyssee (who thankfully had now been fixed by the electrician!) behind and headed to Syracuse to meet up with Sam's parents Helen and Steve who had just arrived. Syracuse is another Baroque town on the east coast of Sicily with a rich varied history and both a Roman and Greek legacy. We spent the first full day exploring the old town based on Ortigia Island and stocking up at the rather impressive market.

      After a lovely week together mum and dad's time in Sicily came to an end and they flew back to the UK. Sam, Helen, Steve and I decide to venture out into wider Syracuse to explore the Archaeological Park on the outskirts where both the ancient Greek theatre and ancient Roman amphitheatre were located.

      We decided to head back to Marina di Ragusa with Helen and Steve so they could see the boat, but with a big decision still to be made about whether to sail back to Syracuse with them on board or not.
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    • Day 1

      Ortigia Sicily

      September 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Off to an interesting start.
      No problems with the car in Malta until I board the ferry to leave and it blows a fuse that powers the sat nav and phone charger. Fixed in two minutes so not a problem.
      The car ferry was smooth and comfortable and the drive to Syracuse was a bit bumpy.
      Arriving into Ortigia came as a shock. We were not expecting the sheer volume of people and cars. It took ages to find a place to park and in the end I've left the car in a covered car park full of graffiti and close to the bed of a street sleeper. I had no choice.
      Well if ever a place was overwhelmed by consumerism so its historical and cultural significance is diluted to a point where you find it impossible to enjoy. Ortigia must be the epitome. So much beauty and history surrounded by bars restaurants and thousand of people. Cars parked everywhere. Maybe winter is a better time to visit. Such a shame
      We did find some quiet areas eventually which was nice. If you like Aperol spritz this is the place to visit. It is advertised everywhere. Amazing marketing.
      We arrived as it got dark so most places of interest where closed including the cathedral. The temple of Apollo was surrounded by noisy bars as where must historical sights.
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    • Day 12

      Isola di Ortigia

      May 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This morning we left by car with Janet & Sinclair squashed into the back seat! Getting out of Taormina was a little stressful but the drive down to Isola di Ortigia which is part of Syracuse was fine. However, the last bit through the historical centre was one way, very small, narrow roads and quite painful. St Craig Rogers was outstanding and we appreciate his very Italian efforts. Our hotel the Re Federico Boutique Hotel is certainly in a good spot. We set out walking through this baroque town exhibiting all the histories of this area including Greek, Roman, Moors and more. We initially went looking for the daily market and had a nice, noisy lunch amidst all the fresh fish and Sicilians. Afterwards, the Santa Lucia Cathedral, the town square fountain, and various buildings were all amazing. The Cathedral was originally a Greek Temple in the 5th Century BC then later repurposed as a church. All the stages were obvious in the structure and the light shades looked ottoman like and it was a most interesting church to see.Read more

    • Day 18


      July 2 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Syrakus hat mir erst gar nicht gefallen, dunkel, enge Gassen, unbelebt, keine Plätze, das alles aber nicht auf diese malerische Art die sonst häufig enge Gassen in italienischen Städten haben. Die andere Seite der Altstadt ist dann genau das Gegenteil, ein Restaurant am anderen, Geschäfte, Leben auf der Straße, repräsentative Gebäude. Dort sind es dann aber enorme Mengen an Touristen. Also meinen ganz negativen ersten Eindruck muss ich revidieren, ein zwiespältiges Gefühl bleibt.Read more

    • Day 6

      Ein chilliger Tag Me(e/h)r

      January 16, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Wir haben uns spontan entscheiden noch einen Tag länger in Siracusa zu bleiben, da wir uns noch nicht am Meer satt gesehen haben und das schöne Wetter noch etwas länger genießen wollen☀️. Nach dem wir in der Post von Siracusa erfolglos waren, haben wir die Altstadt am Meer entlang🌊 umrundet und weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten angesehen. Wie z.B. die Süwasserquelle direkt am Meer oder die Burg an der Spitze der Halbinsel, auf welcher die Altstadt gebaut ist. Auf dem Gelände der Burg haben wir erst in der Sonne gelegen und das Meer beobachtet und haben uns dann die Burg genauer angesehen. Am Abend sind wir Pizza essen gegangen🍕
      Da wir heute den ganzen Tag über Mücken in der Wohnung gejagt haben, sollten wir eine ruhigere Nacht haben als die Tage zuvor🦟. Zitat von Siri: „Etliche sind gestorben, nur wenige sind entkommmen.”
      Somit stehen wir nur noch vor einem Problem: Wie sollen wir unsere Wäsche bis morgen trocken bekommen...
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    • Day 3


      February 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Po Catanii v Sirakuze, mesto na Unescovem seznamu, kjer sva prispela v popoldanskih urah in po rezervaciji v noro dobrem apartmaju in vljudnih lastnikih, ki so se odzvali v 10 minutah od rezervacije, že imela ključe v rokah. Italijani in angleščini, to pa bodo morali še malo vaditi. Gospodič si je pomagal s pred pripravljenimi osnutki na Google translate in nato samo izbral želeni jezik,...vse smo se dogovorili in po hitrem ogledu stanovanju že krenila proti centru. Sicilija bi lahko bila malo bolj čista, to govoriva že 3 dni. Ampak tu nas presenetijo ko skupina mladih in malo manj mladih ljudi z vrečkami in kleščami v rokah čistijo sosednji park. S Tamaro se pogledava in rečeva, no to pa je dober začetek ogleda mesta, res ponosna na njih nadaljujeva s hojo proti centru in kaj hitro ugotoviva, da so pa kakšno ulico le pozabili očistiti, mogoče pa jutri 😉.
      Center lep, ogromno arhitekture, okoli morje in prš dežja, naju spomni da ni ravno poletje. Kupiva kruh, šampanjec in jajčka, ker v tem apartmaju pa imava kuhinjo, da namesto sladkega zajtrka, le jeva nekaj slanega 🍳.
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    • Day 4


      November 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Von Catania nach Syrakus. Ein ausgedehnter Spaziergang durch den archäologischen Park und dann weiter nach Ortigia. Eis, akustische Gitarre und ein wunderschöner Platz mit der wirklich schönen Kathedrale. Bilder durcheinander.
      Mittlerweile sind wir in Noto. Bilder folgen, wenn wir auf Erkundungstour gehen.
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    • Day 52

      Ortigia Day 1

      May 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      May the fourth be with you! Mom and Dad woke up early and went to the food market. Dad got one of his favorite sandwiches of the trip. They came back home and brought us NOTHING. How dare they! We chilled for a long time because our tour was at 3:00. Mom made nachos, first time eating cheddar cheese in Italy. At 2:45, we left the house to go meet up with the lady. Her name was Carmina. She showed us a church with a replica of a famous painting by the artist Caravaggio called The Beheading of Saint Lucia. She was only 13. She is also the patron saint of Ortigia. Her feast day is this Sunday. Then she took us to a castle called Castello Maniace. Unfortunately, it was closed because it was being set up to host the Fendi Fashion Show next week. Last year, the castle hosted Dolce & Gabbana. Originally, it was the home to Emperor Fredrick II. The castle eventually stopped being a home, but became a prison, and most recently it was a military barrack, until 1979. We then went to the duomo. The most significant thing about it was when the Greeks came to Sicily, they built temples to their gods. The Greeks didn’t have walls between the columns. Eventually they left, Romans came and a bunch of different people came, but then, Christians came. The Christians put walls in between the columns and made it a Christian church. Originally, that temple was a temple to Athena, or Minerva (Romans). Then we walked to the remains of what was a Temple to Apollo. It was damaged and only a few columns remain. After we said goodbye to Carmina. We went back home to get some things, then we went to get on a boat tour. The boat took us into caves, and across the water. Andrew got to drive too! After the boat tour, Dad got some meat and made us more hamburger sandwiches and steak. It was good. Again, we watched Young Sheldon, Dad had calls and Mom was talking to Stephy.
      Ciao, Renee
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    • Day 51

      Travel to Ortigia

      May 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we had breakfast at the hotel and got on the road. Dad had gotten some sweets yesterday, so we ate them in the car. We didn’t stop for lunch. When we got to the apartment in a perfect location, in the piazza duomo. It was surprisingly good. Mom and dad went to the store and got hamburgers. My parents saw an instagram video about a smushed hamburger in a tortilla. We don’t have tortilla here, so we used panini bread. It was really good. Then, we stayed home for 5 hours. Dad got mad, so we went out. We went into flying tiger, one of the most organized stores I have ever seen. I loved it!!! I also got sour candyfloss and apple juice. We lost Dad and Andrew, so we went to find them, and they were staying by a cool boat called, My Secret. It was a tealish color, and it was big. We were all hungry now, so we were supposed to eat at home, but Mom stopped for fish and chips. Dad, Andrew and I ate pasta with tomato sauce at home. After dinner, Andrew and I watched Young Sheldon, and had a good night sleep.
      Ciao, Renee
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    diocese of Siracusa

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