Giardino Papadopoli

    • 日9

      Venedig - Impressionen Tag 2

      2018年10月5日, イタリア ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Tag 2 hat mich mit Venedig versöhnt. Es gibt sie noch, die ruhigeren Ecken ohne überquellende Touristenströme (auch wenn ruhig nicht menschenleer bedeutet). Abseits der Rialto Brücke und dem Markusplatz findet man noch ruhigere Kanäle und authentische Lokalitäten.もっと詳しく

    • 日18

      Venedig Teil 1

      2017年6月7日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Am Vormittag machten wir uns auf den Weg, kauften Fahrkarten und fuhren mit dem Bus nach Venedig. Hier liefen wir durch die zahlreichen Gassen und fotografierten. In der Mittagszeit suchten wir dann ein wenig Schatten am Markusplatz und versuchten einmal, die unterschiedlichen Leute dort zu fotografieren. Nicht immer ganz so einfach 😀 aber immerhin hat dieser Selfie-Wahn den Vorteil, dass die Leute nett bzw lustig posieren und so mit sich selbst beschäftigt sind, dass sie einen nicht bemerken 😊

      Am Nachmittag find es dann plötzlich an zu regnen und es donnerte. Zeit für ein Mittagessen in der nächsten Trattoria... 🍴Als wir dort fertig waren regnete es nur noch leicht und die Straßen waren schön leer. Das hätte gerne so bleiben dürfen aber auch die Reisegruppen fanden nach und nach wieder den Weg nach draußen.

      Am frühen Abend dann aßen wir noch eine Kleinigkeit🍽 und fuhren wir mit den Vaporetto, den Wasserbussen, ein wenig umher. Ein aufziehendes Gewitter sorgte für einen bedrohlich wirkenden, dramatischen Abendhimmel, den wir wie verrückt vom Schiff aus einzufangen versuchten. ⛅⛈🌫

      Zum Sonnenuntergang waren wir zurück am Markusplatz. Endlich Zeit, um die den ganzen Tag mitgeschleppten Stative zum Einsatz zu bringen! Das Gewitter entlud sich nicht direkt über Venedig aber es wurde schlagartig kalt und ziemlich stürmisch.🌬 Leider hatten wir keine weiteren Jacken, Pullover o.ä. dabei und somit hieß es schlottern. Was tut man nicht für 1-2 gute Nachtaufnahmen aus Venedig.🌖 Lange haben wir das allerdings nicht ausgehalten, es war einfach zu kalt. ❄

      Wir fuhren mit dem Vaporetto zum Busbahnhof, wo wir zunächst die richtige Haltestelle für unseren Bus finden mussten. Als wir den dann gefunden hatten, mussten wir noch eine Weile warten, bis der Bus uns durch die Nacht wieder in Richtung Campingplatz fuhr. Es ist gar nicht so einfach in einem vollbesetzten Bus ohne Anzeige oder Ansage von Haltestellen, nicht die Haltestelle zu verpassen, an der man aussteigen muss. Zum Glück hatte ich den Geo Tracker den ganzen Tag an und konnte darauf sehen, wann wir wieder am Ausgangspunkt ankamen. Ohne den Tracker wären wir hier wohl aufgeschmissen gewesen. So erreichten wir spät und komplett durchgefroren unser Auto und krochen sofort in die Schlafsäcke.

      Ein anstrengender und doch sehr schöner Tag ging zu Ende. Ich hatte es tatsächlich geschafft, bei anständigem Wetter und ausreichend gesund einen ganzen schönen Tag in Venedig zu verbringen und viele Bilder zu machen. 🍾 Jetzt bin ich nur noch gespannt, wie sie nachher an PC aussehen.

    • 日60


      2017年8月27日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Now we are into new territory... Italy! Venice was highly intriguing with it's wonderful canals, the cool churches and buildings, and the extremely overpriced scam of a Gondola ride. The Biennale Art Exhibition was highly interesting, and so was the beach and Burano with it's wonderful pizza, leaning tower and Artwork. The Campanile offered an outstanding view of the city.もっと詳しく

    • 日1

      Tạm biệt Venice à!

      2018年9月11日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 47 °C

      Tạm biệt Venice à...những ngày mưa, những ngày nắng, những ngày gió lạnh lùa vào từng lớp áo.
      Tạm biệt những buổi sáng êm đềm ngồi nhấp tách trà nghe nhạc du dương. Những buổi sáng mưa rơi ướt đầu chạy vội giữa dòng người đông đúc đi làm, nghe tiếng những con tàu chạm mạn thuyền cọc cạch vào bờ.
      Tạm biệt những buổi trưa lạnh giá đi qua bến tàu nghe hơi ấm phả ra từ các cửa hàng quần áo, nghe tiếng tàu chuyển bánh dần qua từng đường ray. Dòng người hối hả ngược xuôi nghe tiếng nhắc tàu chạy mà trở nên đông vui, tấp nập.
      Tạm biệt những buổi chiều lặng ngắm hoàng hôn buông dần phía bên kia cây cầu, nhìn những vầng mây đỏ như rực lửa chiếu hồng cả bãi biển rộng mênh mông. Phía bên kia bờ, những ngọn núi tan dần tuyết dần lẫn vào những đám mây hồng rồi tắt lặng khi mặt trời buông hẳn. Những buổi hoàng hôn yên bình bước đi trên hàng gạch cũ, chỉ còn nghe thấy tiếng sóng vỗ mạnh vào bờ từng nhịp, tiếng hải âu liệng cánh kêu vang quãng trời rộng. Đâu đó phía bên kia, tiếng bước chân của ai gõ vào nền gạch hòa vào tiếng chuyện trò êm êm.
      Tạm biệt những buổi chiều đạp xe khắp các con phố, lướt qua dòng người ngược xuôi. Chợt bắt gặp mấy đứa nhỏ chạy ván trượt đùa nghịch với nhau. Dừng lại ở những công viên xanh mát, nghe bọn trẻ chơi xích đùa vui cười nói tíu tít với mẹ mà lặng người nhìn những chiếc xích đu đẩy đưa. Hoàng hôn tắt dần trên hàng cỏ xanh mượt đợi người trở về nhà.
      Tạm biệt những buổi tối đi học về muộn. Một mình bước đi trên con đường gạch sâu hun hút, chỉ nghe tiếng bước chân mình vang lên đập lại vào không gian. Ánh đèn leo lét rọi lại từ các quán ăn xuống mặt nước hai bên bờ. Nơi đó, tiếng trò chuyện bữa tối, tiếng những ly rượu chạm vào nhau xé đi một chút bình yên vốn đã thân thuộc ở Venice.
      Tạm biệt Venice, những ngôi nhà sạch sỡ với mái nhà đỏ và ô cửa sổ màu xanh. Sau cánh cửa, cả ban công ngập tràn màu sắc của các chậu hoa đủ loại.
      Venice ơi, Venice yêu dấu thơ mộng yên bình. Mãi xinh đẹp nhé Venice!!!
      Hôm nay Venice cũng nắng vàng như hôm đến vậy. Từ ngày mai đôi chân này sẽ không còn bước chân những con đường ấy. Những ngôi nhà dọc hai bên đường kia cũng sẽ không còn thấy. Đi hôm nay thôi để muốn lưu giữ lại tất cả, nhớ hết tất cả. Mai này về nhà có những hôm chỉ còn biết nhớ Venice mà chẳng thể bay đến ngay được. Venice sắp còn lại chỉ ở sau lưng.
      "Khi ta ở chỉ là nơi đất ở
      Khi ta đi đất đã hóa tâm hồn"

    • 日1

      Venise !

      2017年1月15日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Nous voilà arrivés à Venise, sous le soleil. 😎

      Après quelques difficultés -modérées- de repérage, nous voilà à notre hôtel.
      On défait vite les bagages et c'est parti pour une première balade à la tombée de la nuit. 😃もっと詳しく

    • 日146


      2015年8月14日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Its an early start as we check out of Verona and set off for Venice... Everyone (except Travis) has sore bellies (Sukis theory is that everyone has O.D'ed on wine and cheese) and is a little cranky from the travelling. The boys and the girls split up: the boys take the car back to the airport and the girls check in to the accommodation. The accommodation is a gorgeous little apartment right in the heart of Venice so we are back on track! Once everyone is reunited we explore Venice, a spot of shopping, picking up some lovely Murano glass pieces and most importantly hit Happy Hour- 5euro spritzers with a free canape buffet! Everyone is happy :-) We end the evening sitting on the pier drinking red wine and whiskey out of plastic cups and chatting the night away... Its our last night with James and Steph and we have had an awesome time :-)

      The next morning we say goodbye to James and Steph as they set off for their morning flight. We spend our last day in Venice on Burano island- its a 40min ferry ride over to the quaint little island, well known for its picturesque colourful houses and lovely lace related items. The vibe is very relaxing- very difference to Venice and was definitely worth the trip over.

      We head out to Treviso for our last night in Italy, in preparation for our early morning flight tomorrow.. next stop Parree! (Paris)

    • 日5

      Day 5 | Venice, Italy

      2015年7月9日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Visit: Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit - interactive machines reproduced from Leonardo's codices. It is amazing to see all the mechanics and engineering that we use today...most of which started from one genius.

      Visit: Well, we did the number one must-do experience in Venice on our last evening....yes, we took a Gondola ride through the canals of this beautiful city. Our gondolier has been rowing for about 36 years and makes roughly $150,000 per year. Not too shabby, huh?! He was pretty darn good it his job, too, going around tight corners like nothing. Super impressive. :D

      After our gondola ride, we grabbed some dinner, bought some cute hats for our European adventures, had some fresh fruit cocktails and headed back to our favorite spot in the Piazza one last time. Off to bed, up early and on to our next stop...

      Lunch: Pizza Cafe (duh!)
      Dinner: ZenaVia Cafe
      Snacks: Pineapple Gelato, Magnum Ice Cream, Fruit Cocktails

      Temp: High 88 / Low 70
      Pedometer: 6 miles

    • 日11

      Venice, Italy

      2016年4月15日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Day 11 and 12 Venice.
      I can't even put into words how amazing Venice is.
      Unlike anything in the world.
      The streets are buzzing as you walk along the canals with boats and gondolas beside you.

      I had such a fantastic day. Definitely the highlight of the tour.

      We started with a glass blowing demo then had a local walking tour then finished with a classic Venetian dinner of salmon pasta.

      In my free time i walked the streets looking at the amazing masks and souvenirs.

      But the definite winner was the gondola ride.
      It was so peaceful and so magical.
      We asked our gondlier to sing but he said he couldnt. But got his fellow gondlier who was infront of us to sing loud enough for us to hear.

      I will remember it forever.

    • 日17


      2016年6月17日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Up early for a big day in Venice. We were on the bus by 8am, and began our 2 hour drive to services. This was just a quick toilet stop, then we had another hour until we arrived at our boat onto the island of Venice!
      The boat ride was a little rocky and windy, but we arrived at around 1pm.
      Tamara showed us where our meeting point would be for the day, and we had about 2 and a half hours until our gondala rides.
      I went off with Jorge, Jono, Nicole, Cam, Charli and Terryanne in search of our first authentic Italian meal. We found a lane a couple streets back from the main square and found a table.
      We all ordered our pizza and pasta, and received a free belini each (a peach wine mix). My pizza was delicious, as expected, however it's not all that different to what you can get at somewhere like D.O.C. back home, so I'll just have to keep trying it throughout Italy to see if there's better anywhere (I plan to eat ALL of the carbs in our 5 days in Italy!)
      We wandered around for a while, found some gelato, and then headed back towards the main square for our gondala rides.
      Tamara walked us to the canel where our gondalas were, and we made our groups of 6. I was with Jacinda, Terryanne, Alex, Alli and Colin. Our Gondala driver could have easily been mistaken for a young Peter Andre. It was a really peaceful journey, and how cool to say I've been on a real gondala ride in Venice!
      From there I went for a walk with Ebony and Brooke, for a bit of a window shop. We had about 45 minutes until we had to go back to our meeting spot, for our Tastes of Venice tour.
      We walked to meet our guides, and split into two groups. Our guide's name was Roberto (because of course it was), and he took us for a walk through Venice, and told us a little about the history. We went to three different restaurants, had red or white wines at each, prosecco at the final place, and also got some small nibblies at each place (beef and tuna croquettes, calamari and octopus, etc). It was cool to see more of Venice than we would have if venturing out on our own.
      During the tour, Ebony and I had seen one of those places where you get a fish pedicure, so we went in search of that.
      Managed to find it, and it was €10 for 10 minutes. We decided to do 20 minutes each, which seemed fine until we put our feet in and were worried that would be too long! It tickled heaps at first, but then it just became relaxing - plus they had free wifi, winning! The looks we were getting from passersby was hilarious, some looked disgusted, some intrigued, others amused!
      The 20 minutes passed super quick, and we had about an hour to find our way back to the meeting point, so we went in search of a takeaway pasta joint Tamara had suggested. Venice is like a maze, so after finding a few dead ends, we eventually found it and ordered.
      Delicious, as expected, and we ate on the walk back to the meeting point.
      So it seems Venice often floods, and as we got back to St. Mark's Basilica, nearly the entire square was flooded. The 'going on a bear hunt' song went through my head... Can't go over/under it, have to go through it! Pretty gross in my flats, but it seemed too difficult to find another way around, the water was about ankle deep.
      Our meeting time was 9pm, and for once everyone was actually on time! A bit of a miracle for our group! However, the boat was not... We had to wait around 40 minutes for the boat to arrive to take us back to the main land, and I think Jo was a bit mad as he assumed it was our fault. We zoomed to our hostel (there's a lot of laws in Europe about how late drivers of coaches can be out, and the rest that they need) and checked into our rooms by about 11pm.
      I was sharing with Ebony and Charli. Eb and I got ready for bed, and Charli headed out with some others - that little party animal!
      We called our mothers (what good little girls haha) and went to sleep about 11.45.

    • 日25

      Venedig, Italien 9 stop

      2016年9月29日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Ach venedig, eine sehr bezaubernde Stadt. Wir suchten uns einen Campingplatz in der nähe und fuhren daraufhin am nächsten Tag mit der Fähre nach Vendig. Es ist eine sehr kulturelle, jedoch auch turistische Stadt, die sehr viele kleine Läden bietet.もっと詳しく


    Giardino Papadopoli


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