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    • Päivä 2

      Victoria Secret Angel & Versace Adonis

      8. huhtikuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      (Short information for everybody reading this blog. This is a summary of all my thoughts and experiences, which I usually write down (quite tired) at the end of each day, without paying attention to any grammatical rules nor spelling, so please dont be surprised if suddenly the tense changes or letters are missing:))

      Turns out Italy did not disappoint us. When we woke up at 7:30 the sun was shining and it was warm enough to walk around without an anorak, gloves and scarf. We went to the Officina Zero, which is a 100% glutenfree bakery, to start of our day with some Croissants, coffee and a freshly squeezed orange juice. We headed to the metro station close by and took a train to the Duomo. Finally we realized what the tickets we had bought really were for. They brought us to the terraces on the rooftop of the building. It was absolutely insane, we didnt even realize it was possible to get up there. We were really happy and decided to stay there for a while and enjoy the sun. Later on we visited the inside and the archaeological area of the cathedral. Our visit made us hungry, therefore we walked over to Amorino (still the very best gelato ever) and grabbed an ice cream. First Kai only wanted to get chocolate but then I convinced him to try different flavours since he was at such a good gelateria, and even though he didnt admit it, I‘m quite sure he thanked me later. Although, what he didn’t appreciate for sure was the „short“ stop at Victoria Secret… well I just had to. What is a trip to Milan without some „serious“ shopping? I returned Kai the favour and spent at least an hour in shoe stores with him, because he couldnt decide whether to buy red, yes red, special edition vans or not. He bought them in the end and was happy, so it was worth the wait:).
      We strolled along the street, went to a supermarket, bought some drinks and snacks and sat down in a park next to the Basilica San Lorenzo. However, the park wasnt as nice as we thought, there were some really weird emo- teenies, walking around, smoking and drinking, which lead Kai and I to have an extended conversation about education which almost lasted throughout the rest of the day. Anyways, we walked on and found a very pretty bar outside, so we sat down and ordered two analcoholic cocktails. Felt quite fancy;))
      We stayed there for a while and enjoyed the sunrays tickeling on our faces.
      On our way to the restaurant „Bistró“, I had found on a „glutenfree guide“ website earlier, we walked past a canal with bars, cute little shops and art galleries. We hadnt seen such a charming part of the city before and I was glad we had come cross it.
      After a couple of minutes we found ourselves walking through a less touristic part of the city and saw an old man carrying boxes of wine out of his car. Kai stepped over to him and offered to help. The man was very surprised at first but accepted Kai‘s offer. They went inside the house while I looked after his cute dog. For a moment I was a bit worried because they took a while to get back. But then they came back and the man thanked us a thousant times. We talked for a bit and he offered to invite us to his house for a glass of wine, but when he looked for his keys to open up the gate he realised he had left them inside, so we waited for about 20 minues until he had called all his contacts and had finally found somebody who could open up the gate for him. Before we left he invited us again but we declined, saying we had a reservation, so he gave us one of his wine bottles and wished us all the best.
      Although I must admit the day was over all incredibly aweosme, my highlight was dinner. The Ristorante Bistró is a 100% glutenfree place where they offer all types of Lasagne, fresh homemade pasta, delicious burgers with soft buns and honestly everything somebody could wish for. I felt like I was in heaven. I can’t remember the last time I had such good bread it was just exquisite. I was more than full but I just couldnt say no to dessert, so we ordered a Tiramisú scomposto. Kai doesnt even like coffee, but he knew that for me this Tiramisu was just a „to die for“ so he shared it with me!
      We gave the girl a good tip and „rolled“ (at least I did) to the next metro station and drove home, packed all our stuff and went to bed where I am now currently reflecting on our awesome day and writing this blog!
      Good night to switzerland:)
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    • Päivä 2


      20. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      I've made it safe and sound to Milan. My second flight seemed to pass in no time at all. I caught some wonderful sights of snow-capped mountains on the few occasions that the clouds cleared away. I decided not to sleep on my second flight to make sure that I was tired enough to get a good nights rest tonight. That may have been a mistake as I'm sitting here eating dinner feeling a little shaky. I managed to hop on the wrong train from the airport to the city, and I also managed to lock myself out of my hotel safe (staff had to help me regain access). But I was able to recover both mishaps without too much drama. I heard from the BBC tonight that it has been snowing on the Alps. That may impact my ability to get to Grand Saint Bernard Pass. Also, I've had no luck getting tickets to see the Last Supper. I'm pretty heart broken. As I never give up, I will try again tomorrow in person.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3


      21. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      I exhausted myself today walking all over Milan. Thankfully, I'm travelling most of the day tomorrow on train and bus, so I should be rested to start my pilgrimage the day after. I was lucky enough to get a ticket to see the Last Supper, and it was, as expected, the highlight of the day. The tour guide really did enhance the entire experience. I was mistaken; I thought the French had super cute little cars. Well, the Italian's, if Milan is anything to go by, beat them hands down. I've added just one photo so that you can see what I mean. I really have a lot to say about today, but I'm too tired to make the effort. Rest assured, it was memorable and included a lot of churches. I have to add that the hotel I'm staying at has free beer on tap, Heineken, I'm enjoying one in my room right now.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 10

      Milano die Zweite

      18. elokuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Da es heute leider extrem regnet, ist unsere große Stadtrunde leider im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ins Wasser gefallen.
      Eventuell ist Italien traurig weil wir so kurz da sind oder überhaupt da sind. 🤣
      Nachdem wir uns mit Regenschirmen ☔️ ausgestattet haben, sind wir eine kleine Runde gelaufen.
      Haben uns die "wichtigsten" Punkte angeschaut und natürlich auch eine kleinen Snack zu uns genommen. Ich würde fast behaupten, il migliore panino del mondo. 😉
      Nun sind wir erstmal wieder im Zimmer und schauen was wir noch machen.
      Definitiv machen wir unseren Großeinkauf noch, da dieser wie bei jedem Italienbesuch Pflicht ist.

      Morgen geht es dann auf Heimfahrt.
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    • Päivä 1

      Milano - 1. Tag

      5. syyskuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir 3:00 bei Jojo gestartet waren, merkten wir spästens beim Abbiegen auf die A4 nach Milano, dass wir in Italien angekommen sind. Hupende Autofahrer, LKWs auf der linken Spur, Motorräder zwischen dem Autos und natürlich das berühmt berüchtigte Temperament ließen uns keine Zweifel haben. Angekommen in Milano ging es per Metro zum Duomo Milano, welcher einfach nur bedrückend auf mich wirkte, weil ich sowas zuvor noch nie gesehen habe. Weißer Marmor, der gotische Baustil und die schiere Größe ließen jedes andere Bauwerk, was ich bis jetzt zu Gesicht bekam wie eine alte Hütte aussehen… danach schlenderten wir durch die Gassen und kamen auch an der Bekannten Galleria Vittorio Emanuele vorbei. Ob Rolex, Omega oder Hublot; Gucci, Prada und Fendi alles war da. Nach der hohen körperlichen Anstrengung belohnten wir uns mit einem (riesigen) Aperol.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      Jour 8 - Visite de Milan

      29. heinäkuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      La journée a débuté par une grasse matinée pour récupérer les quelques heures de sommeil manquantes 😴

      Vers midi nous nous sommes rendus dans le centre ville par le train, ce qui nous a permis de découvrir la gare centrale de Milan, l’une des plus belles d’Europe. 🚈
      Nous avons ensuite marché à travers la ville en passant par le centre d’affaires puis le Cimitero Monumentale (cimetière monumental de Milan), impressionnant par le nombre et la richesse de ses caveaux.
      Nous sommes ensuite allés déjeuner dans un restaurant typique milanais (au menu: spritz, polenta, raviolis et tiramisu) puis nous avons pris le tram direction la fameuse cathédrale du Duomo. Nous avons déambulé dans les rues commerçantes jusqu’au Castello Sforzesco (château des Sforza) où nous nous sommes promenés dans le parc attenant.

      Dans la soirée nous nous sommes dirigés vers le Sud Ouest de la ville, sur les rives du Canal Naviglio Grande, où nous avons goûté un aperitivo local. Puis nous avons terminé la journée en dégustant le meilleur Tiramisu de la ville 😋

      Au total pour cette journée : 17km de marche. 🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻
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    • Päivä 46–49


      14. lokakuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Our last destination before we head back to the land down under.
      We've walked the old town on a historic walking tour which we loved. Walked around the Duomo, Sforzesco Castle, Naviglio Grande the canal area, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele ll where we window shopped in all the stores you can't afford except for a hot chocolate. We also enjoyed the Teatro alle Scala (opera house) and the Ambrosiana gallery where we saw a 15th century copy of The Last Super and of course lots of aperitifs.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4–5

      Mailand 🫶

      4. joulukuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Nächster Halt Mailand 🙌

      Wir waren schon gespannt was uns in der Metropole Milano erwartet - was soll man sagen, es war sehr beeindruckend. Aber seht selbst auf den Bildern 🧡

      Das Highlight des Tages: wir haben jemanden aus unserer Familie getroffen - Brüder und Schwestern aus Mailand waren mit dem Trolley unterwegs 🫶Lue lisää

    • Päivä 5–6

      Passage à Milan

      11. maaliskuuta, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Départ de Nancy le lundi 11 mars à 7h, et après quelques difficultés pour traverser la Suisse (trajet magnifique 😍🇨🇭), j'arrive à Milan à 17h !!

      Un milanais local, Filipo, m'a fait découvrir l'hospitalité des couchsurfers. Grâce à l'application Couchsurfing, j'ai pu le contacter et il a accepté de m'accueillir chez lui, me faire visiter Milan de nuit, manger une pizza ensemble 🍕 et me laisser dormir sur son canapé-lit.

      Après cette première nuit reposante, j'ai eu quelques heures pour visiter le centre de Milan, prendre un caffe et un "cornetto", visiter Pinacoteca di Brera (et leur musée d'astronomie 🤩) et passer au Château des Sforza
      (Castello Sforzesco).

      J'ai pas trouvé de Boulangerie pour le ptit déj, mais il y a chaque coin de rue des cafés, qui font bar & boulangerie (avec des croissants de tout les goûts 😋) !

      Direction Abbiategrasso maintenant, ville à quelques kilomètres de mon premier WWOOFing
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    • Päivä 2–5


      20. toukokuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Well I made it! Hello Milan, thanks for having me again!
      Feeling a little exhausted after the 26 hour long haul. Singapore Airlines were great. Yummy food, lots of gin amazing service.
      Off to a good start. I met the lovely Wendy Madden at the luggage claim area, got chatting and next minute we were getting lost in the streets of Milan together!
      We deserved those bloody cocktails, lol
      So here are a couple of photos of our afternoon exploring.
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    Milan, Mailand, Milaan, ميلانو, Милано, Milà, Milán, Milano, מילאנו, Milánó, MIL, Mílanó, ミラノ, მილანი, 밀라노, Mediolanum, Milanas, Milāna, Mилан, Mediolan, Milão, Милан, Milanu, Miláno, மிலன், มิลาน, Lungsod ng Milano, مىلان, Мілан, 米蘭


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