Municipio Roma XIII

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    • Day 5

      Day 3 Rome - Appian Way Tour

      August 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we went on a 26 km historic e bike tour through the Appianway, Roman aqueduct and the catacombs. The Appian way was a vital highway to connect Rome to other parts of Italy and the Roman Empire abroad including Egypt. The catacombs were where Christian martyrs were buried and was instrumental in forming Christianity in Rome and the aqueducts were a major feat of engineering bringing water from the mountains to Rome.Read more

    • Day 33

      Rome Day 1

      August 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Nice day 30, bit of cloud

      Fresh swim in the pool

      Walked into StPeters Square

      Sure did our steps today

      Got a bus back

      Looking forward to seeing uncle

      Bill and Cousins tonight for dinner

      Fabulous nite Bewdifull pasta and

      Vino, Bellisimo
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    • Day 10–14

      Florence to Rome

      May 10 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today, we leave Florence after visiting the Piazza Di Santa Croce, and the Basilica di Santa Croce the final resting place of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo among others and Piazza del Duomo and Senoria Square and the Cathedral of FlorenceRead more

    • Day 85

      ROME 22 miles

      October 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Awake early. Not over-excitement. Whoever lives upstairs leaves for work at 5.30am. A lot of walking backwards and forwards, initially in bare feet but later in shoes. Not a problem given my planned timetable but might have been annoying to the old me.

      One slight oddity before I left. The owner had given me a wee tour when I arrived which had included the fancy pod-type coffee thingy. But when I tried to use it, using the cup advised, the machine obviously expected a more substantial cup. Coffee everywhere. Hence I was quite awake when I left but more from having to sort the mess than the caffeine that I was hoping for.

      In the main square by 6.25am. 5 minutes ahead of schedule. Found a bar for the required cappuccino/chocolate cornetto (only taken me 6 weeks of daily consumption to twig that in Italy a croissant is a cornetto).

      Sunrise is 7.10am but helped I suspect by some cloud cover it was easily light enough by my 6.40am departure.

      A strange day’s walking. Half of it was beside increasingly busy roads and the other half in sheep pastures, a Nature Reserve and a Park. When in the Italian green belt it felt incredibly countrified, even though it finished within a couple of miles of Saint Peter’s.

      Took advantage of a bar after about 10 miles. Very odd to have completed that much before 10am. Had another Italian sandwich. These are strange things to the British eye. I had avoided them for ages as they were large, white bread dods that I thought would be stale as hell. Thinking a really bad supermarket sandwich. In fact they appear to be made fresh each day by the bar selling them and the filling is actually spread throughout the sandwich, not just at the cut edge as per UK. Mighty fine and a sandwich plus a litre and a half sparkling water can be had for 4€.

      No sign of any other pilgrims until I reached downtown Rome when I came upon a bunch of 5. Didn’t speak to them of course but judging by their gear and their age I very much doubted they had walked from Canterbury. They were nearer a third my age than a half and I doubt had 3 months to waste going for a mighty long walk.

      I had spent ages trying to work out the logistics of arriving in Rome. I wanted to get the Testimonium which you could get from an office which shut at 5pm. I wanted to see round St Peter’s again and it shut at 6.30pm but you couldn’t take backpacks in and you couldn’t wear shorts. My hotel was about a mile and a half away from Saint Peter’s. My plan was to arrive early enough to get the Testimonium, get to the hotel, change and get back to Saint Peter’s. By then the notorious queue should have died down.

      Arrived before 3pm. Told that the system had changed. I now got the Testimonium inside Saint Peter’s. But there was a special entrance for pilgrims and a toilet just beside it where I could change into the required long trousers. So here’s a wee tip for those going to Rome. If you have a pilgrim's credential you can skip the whole of a horrendous queue and just walk in.

      The biggest anti-climax was the actual getting of the Testimonium. Much is made of the requirement for having walked or cycled so many miles, having stamps for every day etc but what it now comes down to is the cloakroom assistant who checks in and out the large bags, coats etc will write anyone’s name on a Testimonium sheet of paper. He isn’t interested in anything. Just tell him your name and you will get a Testimonium. Bit of an anti-climax but I didn’t really need someone gushing about how amazing that I had walked so far.

      And that is about that. Wandered round Saint Peter’s which is just the most incredible building. I can’t think of anywhere which so successfully makes you feel like you are an ant. Just tiny and insignificant. Which I suppose was what was intended.

      Thanks for sticking with me on my journey. It has been amazing and not one I will be in a rush to repeat.

      But you never know…..
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    • Day 54

      Day 50: La Storta to Rome

      June 11 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      This morning, I was humbled and inspired by a solo French pilgrim who is just a few weeks away from her 80 birthday and had, from what I could gather, walked from Vercelli to finish the VF in Rome today! What a legend. Then, as I was on the Way, I met up with an American mother and daughter team (the little one was only 8 or 9) whom I obviously fell in love with as well. The walk today was much better than I expected. Yes, there was a fair amount of road walking, particularly at the start and at the end, but the middle was through two nature reserves (dell Insugherata and di Monte Mario). The first nature reserve was so funny, it was so overgrown - you had to fight your way through and the second ended with a locked gate that I might have been able to circumvent if I'd let myself take a step back and really look at my map, but me being me and on a mission to get to Saint Peter's Square, I decided to climb over (no mean feat, I can assure you). When I got to Saint Peter's Square, my credential got me past the line for Saint Peter's Basilica (which was huge), and onto the "Prayer Path" (for pilgrims), through security (Italian police, who confiscated my knife and gave it back to me as I left) and I went straight to the office (again credential only access) to collect my testimonium. After that, I WhatsApp called Alex, Marian, Bernadette, and Jenny to celebrate. Unfortunately, they couldn't hear me, but we all shared the joy! Yes, it was hot, yes, it was hard today - the VF in Italy has made me work for every metre - but I'm beside myself with joy that I've been able to do this. I don't care how hard it was, it was worth every step.
      P.S. for the record; I walked 994 km this leg of the pilgrimage.
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    • Day 56

      Day 52: Rome

      June 13 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I've walked my legs off today (23.7 km). My day started with a three hour tour of the Colosseum and Forum. I then visited the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. After that, I had a rest and then spent an hour and 10 minutes sending a parcel home! Rome is incredibly crowded. I don't like crowds at the best of times, but after weeks of spending a lot of time on my own, I have found it wonderful but overwhelming.Read more

    • Day 21

      St Peter's Basilica

      October 7, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Absolutely stunning, the 2nd building as the first was removed and this one replaced it. Very excited to see Michelangelo Peter. Unfortunately surrounded by glass after an Auatralian went nuts with a hammer. The Altar cover is made of 600 tons of bronze and is designed to draw the eye when you enter. 147 popes are buried here. Well worth a visit buy so crowded as had been closed for 4 days.Read more

    • Day 94

      Vatican City & Naples

      July 1, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Jacques and I got up early this morning to do a tour of the Vatican! Our guide gave us some interesting history about the Vatican and the story behind Michaelangelo who painted the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling & alter wall in fresco.

      📍 Vatican Museum - This was incredible. We walked through dozens of museums all showcasing different forms of art gathered by various Popes since the 17th century. Unreal 😍

      📍 Sistine Chapel - so amazing! The colours and detail were incredible. No photos allowed in there, but absolutely fascinating how he painting the ceiling with such precision! The whole project took him 11 years.

      📍 St Peter’s Basilica - the tallest dome in the world. I came here in 2015 but it was just as amazing! Such an incredible building. We were a little rushed here to get back in time for our train, but so worth it. Much better to get Sistine chapel tickets and enter the basilica afterwards, as it saved lining up in the huge line for free entry!

      Our air bnb host was kind enough to drive us to the station, ready for our train ride to Naples!

      📍 Arrived in Naples to our next host at the station (the Italian air bnb hosts have been so hospitable compared to everywhere else we’ve been in Europe). He was so cute and gave us lots of recommendations for the area. We headed out for a quick lunch and then I got a hair wash, blow wave and cut. Not bad for 24 euro 💇‍♀️
      We had some wine at home before heading out 🍷

      📍 We headed out to explore the historical quarter of Napoli. The streets were packed with decorations from their football team’s victory in Serie A. Being a Saturday night the town was buzzing! We had a couple of drinks at Piazza Bellini, before heading back home for risotto that Rach cooked 😋

      First impressions of Naples were interesting, quite dirty and streets really unkept, feels a little bit dodgy compared to other places we’ve been. Great location though as a gateway to the Amalfi Coast 🌊
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    • Day 45

      Tagesausflug: Rom

      November 2, 2022 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Da ich im 1. Monat auch jede Hauptstadt des jeweiligen Landes gesehen habe, dürfte Rom auf meiner Reise natürlich nicht fehlen! In einem Tag alles in Rom zu sehen scheint so gut wie unmöglich, ist es auch wenn man sich wirklich Zeit lassen möchte und die Stadt gemütlich erkundet… ich habe in Rom eher einen Speedrun gemacht. Kann aber sagen dass ich alle berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Plätze gesehen habe, die man in Rom sehen muss (Kolosseum, Forum Romanum, Trevi Brunnen, Spanische Treppen, Pantheon, Engelsburg und auch den St. Petersdom)
      Letzteres war (von innen) mit Abstand das beeindruckendste was ich jemals gesehen habe! Ich muss sagen das sich die lange Zugfahrt definitiv gelohnt hat und ich sehr gespannt bin, auf meine Analog Bilder aus der Hauptstadt :)
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    • Day 4

      Last day in Rome :(

      January 17 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Our last day roaming rome :( we started off by going to the Spanish Steps which had…wait for it…a bunch of steps. Then we made our way over to the Trevi Fountain which was absolutely gorgeous. We also witnessed a proposal which went successfully so yay for them! At that point the fountain was my absolute favourite thing about Rome (soon defeated by something else…) Afterwards we headed to the Piazza Navona which was also beautiful! Big square with lots of shops and cobblestone. Thennnn we headed off to the smallest country in the world! Vatican City was absolutely spectacular. We headed to the Sistine Chapel and wowzers. To say it was jaw dropping would be an understatement. I suddenly have a new appreciation for art and Michelangelo. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos inside but wow it quickly became my favourite. Then we headed to St Peter’s Basillica which was HUGE. To see Peter’s grave and see La Pieta (also Michelangelo!) in person was incredible. At that point it was pretty gloomy and getting late so we headed back to the air bnb for some rest before Gregory’s Jazz Club! We got there a bit early so we just had some drinks at the bar. One aperol spritz and I was in happy land. We experienced the best hospitality we’ve had so far, and met some nice people from the UK! The show started pretty late so we only stuck around for a little bit. It was a jazz trio with trumpet, drums, and bass! These Rome guys can PLAY. As much as we wanted to stick around we had to call it a night because of an early start the next morning. We walked back to the air bnb but unfortunately for us we accidentally detoured and accidentally got some gelato and accidentally ate it but ah well, these things happen. As soon as we were back zzzzzzRead more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Municipio Roma XIII, XIII Aurelia

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