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    • Day 8

      רומא! כמה שאת יפה! 💜

      August 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      אחרי 48 שעות של שכרון חושים ברומא,
      וכמעט 35 ק״מ הליכה במצטבר, אנחנו עכשיו ברכבת חזרה לנפולי שם נעשה את הלילה האחרון ומחר יוצאים לאזור האמלפי.
      אנחנו מרוצים ורצוצים! 😌🥱😮‍💨
      הילדים קצת מפורקים אם לומר את האמת, לא רגילים למרתון כזה.
      אבל כולם מבסוטים שהצלחנו לראות גם את רומא ואפילו הספקנו את רוב רשימת החובה לבקר.
      משתפת עוד קצת תמונות מהרחובות המושלמים של העיר הזאת, הפיאצות הרומנטיות, חלונות הראווה המדהימים (ממש יצירת אומנות) ואתרים היסטוריים מרתקים❣️
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    • Day 6


      May 25, 2023 in Italy

      Pictures are a mixture from last night and today. Last night we had a great dinner, the people here are great! Shared lots of laughs.

      Today we visited the Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, and the Colosseum!! We were in awe. A very cool experience. It was very hot today… 80 degrees with not a single cloud in the sky.
      Another great day, excited for dinner tonight:) the night life here is amazing!
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    • Day 15

      Rome - 26,000 steps

      June 1 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Each day we seem to top the previous day's step count. Today we set a trip record of 26,000 steps (and the day's not over yet). Our feet are sore, our legs are sore and we feel like we have walked from one end of Rome to the other ten times over.
      We got up early to see the Trevi Fountain on our own. WRONG! Everyone gets up early to see the Trevi Fountain. Then we passed the tiktokers dancing in front of the Pantheon. They nearly had an old bag doing some retro dance moves in the back of their vid.
      It is lovely just wandering the streets and taking in the sights. Probably my favourite thing to do. The coffee drinkers love rocking up for an espresso shot at the coffee bar. Cheaper if you stand at the bar and don't sit!
      My other favourite thing to do is escape rooms. We did one this afternoon and made it out. Started pretty bad- we were locked in the room and looking at each other with no clue where to start but got better from there. One clue was a slingshot that you had to shoot rubber walnuts through mesh to hit
      a target in the next room. Brett and Graham loved it but Bree and I were ducking and diving trying to miss the projectiles ricocheting back at us. Fun times!
      Edit: by the end of dinner we are up to 27,000 steps, 2 x handbags, a limoncello and a gelato.
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    • Day 3

      Tag 2 Teil 2

      June 4, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Hier nochmal ein kleiner Überblick über den Tag:
      Nach der langen Wartezeit haben wir es in den Petersdom geschafft, wofür wir 5€ Eintritt gezahlt haben (leider überflüssig). Trotzdem sehr interessant :)
      Anschließen haben wir uns kurz einen Snack gegönnt und sind zum Pantheon geschlendert.
      Zwei Mal waren wir auf dem Plazza Navona und haben die St. Agnes betrachtet.
      Den Abend haben wir in einer Bar ausklingen lassen 🍺🍹
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    • Day 3

      🇩🇪 Wie schön ist denn diese Stadt ?Am Piazza Navona müssen wir noch an der ´Touristation’ einige vorreservierte Tickets abholen - und dürfen bei der Gelegenheit den « Vier-Ströme-Brunnen » bewundern.
      Von dort geht es zur Tiber-Insel (Mittagspause), auf dem Weg besuchen wir noch eine Kirche in der 3 Bilder von Caravaggio hängen. Von der Tiberinsel gehen wir dann am Tiber entlang bis zur Engelsburg, von der wir atemberaubende Sichten auf die Stadt insgesamt und den Petersdom insbesonders haben.
      Abends besuchen wir den sehr belebten Stadtteil Travestere. Nach einem sehe verdienten Aperetivo haben wir ein hervorragendes sizilianisches Abendessen, dessen Hauptgang unmittelbaren Zugang in unsere Koch-Standards gefunden hat : Spagetti mit Fenchel-Anchovi-Tomatenpesto Sauce. Hmmm -ein würdiger Abschluss !

      🇫🇷 Qu’elle est belle cette ville !
      Sur la Piazza Navona, nous devons aller chercher quelques billets pré-réservés à la "Touristation" - et pouvons par la même occasion admirer la "Fontaine des quatre fleuves".
      De là, nous nous rendons sur l'île du Tibre (pause déjeuner), et en chemin, nous visitons une église dans laquelle sont accrochés trois tableaux du Caravage. De l'île du Tibre, nous longeons le Tibre jusqu'au château Saint-Ange, d'où nous avons des vues à couper le souffle sur la ville en général et sur la basilique Saint-Pierre en particulier.
      Le soir, nous visitons le quartier très animé de Travestere. Après un apéritif bien mérité, nous avons un excellent dîner sicilien, dont le plat principal est entré directement dans nos standards culinaires : des spaghettis avec une sauce au fenouil sauvage, à l'anchois mise en purée avec des raisins secs et au pesto de tomates. Hmmm - un final digne de cette journée.
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    • Day 8

      Rome: Museo di Roma … Palazzo Braschi

      October 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      By the time we left Palazzo Altemps, it was past noon. We wanted to visit one more palazzo/museum before we went in search of lunch.

      Museo di Roma’s Palazzo Braschi, located on the far side of Piazza Navona, seemed like the most convenient choice.

      Palazzo Braschi is considered a fine example of 18th-19th century civil architecture in Rome. It was built for the nephew of Pope Pius VI … Luigi Braschi Onesti. In addition to the frescoes that decorate many of the rooms, the palazzo is known for its excellent acoustics.

      This museum had more paintings and panel-based art on display than sculptures. I have to admit I paid more attention to the frescoed rooms and elaborate ceilings here than I did to the art. Luckily, of the two floors we focused on, the third floor had a small number of exhibits and the rooms were not decorated …otherwise we never would have made it out for lunch.

      One of the highlights of this museum had nothing to do with the art or the palazzo, however. Rather, it was the amazing aerial views of Piazza Navona from the windows on the third floor … picture-postcard perfect.
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    • Day 30

      Rome 2

      May 23 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      When in Rome...
      Four days in Rome - what luxury - so we could afford to take it at a bit of a slower pace.
      Derek and I went out for an early walk through Trastevere as it was coming to life, and along the Tiber River. After a compulsory coffee and pastry it was time to get back and start to make plans.
      Judith and I caught the tram to Piazza Venezia ( while Derek decided to head off to explore in the historic centre). After a visit to the Tourist Info Centre ( battling the crowds, construction of the new Underground, and the building of stands for the Giro finish) to arm ourselves with some maps and useful info, we headed into the centre towards the Pantheon, hoping to meet up with Derek. Needing a toilet stop we opted to stop at the aptly named 'Snack Bar' in a side street behind the Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. The bruschetta was fine, but we must remember -Don't order caffe latte/cappuccino! -as they are usually all milk and little coffee! Derek joined us there. We stopped in at the Basilica and thrilled to see a Michelangelo sculpture and what appeared to be presepe but was the story of the life of Jesus. And the on to the Pantheon. The lines were pretty long, so we opted for gelato instead, at what we had heard was a fabulous gelato shop. It was good (lovedvthe lemon and badil flavour) but for the price it should've changed our lives! Admittedly they were big cups - but still they replaced lunch and probably dinner!
      Derek headed off to continue exploring and Judith and I headed to Campo di Fiori, enjoying window shopping as we went. We stocked up on a few things at the market and then found a cafe for a drink of wine and people watching.
      Found our way back to the tramline and back home.
      We opted for a night in with Prosecco and nice nibbles.
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    • Day 4

      Rom mit Kinderaugen entdecken

      August 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Heute geht es mit einer Rasselbande durch die Hauptstadt Italiens. Genau mein Ding. So bleibt bei der kindlichen Erklärung selbst bei mir etwas von der römischen Geschichte hängen. 😉 Bspw. "7-5-3-Schlüpft Rom aus dem Ei." 😁 Somit werde ich zukünftig wie aus der Pistole geschossen sagen können, dass Rom 753 v. Chr. gegründet wurde. 😎
      Da es heute bei 35 Grad meist luxuriös im klimatisierten Reisebus durch die Stadt ging, konnte ich nicht allzu viele Bilder schießen aber es wird nicht mein letzter Stop hier gewesen sein. Fortsetzung folgt somit...
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    • Day 3

      Fiumi Fountain

      November 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      This 18th century marble-made fountain is a tribute to the 4 major rivers known at the time of it's creation; the Danube, the Nile, the Ganges and the Rio de la Plata. It's so hard to capture all of it's details and beauty in one shot though!Read more

    • Day 3

      The Horse

      November 9, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Although Bernini gets all the credit for the fountain, the majority of the actual construction of the fountain was carried out by his assistants; Bernini was only responsible for the design. This was common practice for the time: major artists like Bernini could not possibly complete all their commissions by themselves, and needed an army of helpers to finish them in a timely fashionRead more

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