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    • Dag 28

      Amalfi - Positano - Sorrento

      23 mei, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We could write a travel book on our experiences with Italian public transport! It's intriguing to say the least! There's a system, sort of ... People run around trying to find where to buy tickets and, as happened this morning, there was only one man selling bus tickets and he was sitting on a stone wall with no sign to say he was the ticket seller!
      We got our tickets by pure chance and boarded the bus to Sorrento. We had 2 1/4 hrs of white knuckles and being totally absorbed by the exploits of the bus drivers and all of the other motorists weaving in and around each other!
      We disembarked at Sorrento and found a delightful restaurant to have one of the best meals we've had since arriving in Europe (and reasonably priced too!)
      Back to the bus station for a 40 min wait for the return trip to Amalfi. Once again, people were herded into the bus like sheep and told to 'move back'. It was total entertainment. We were pleased to be seated each way - it would have been a nightmare otherwise!
      We enjoyed another meal on the rooftop of the Hotel away from the crowds and in the peace and quiet - bliss!
      We are packed ready for our ferry ride and 2 x train trips where we will end up in Caserta for 1 night.
      We've had a wonderful 3 days in Amalfi but we are keen to get back on the bikes in the Puglia region this Sunday.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5, Part 1/2— Breakfast & Boarding

      21 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Matt here again. Hey y’all. Today was a FANTASTIC adventure in the Amalfi/Capri region and the caps are warranted.

      We started with breakfast at Santa Caterina - I was kind of tired of the Florence brekky so this was a pleasant surprise. Cappuccino was the best I’ve had thus far and the breakfast buffet had versatility that the previous hotel was missing. Highlights for me were soft scramble eggs, prosciutto, buffalo mozz, amazingly soft bread (definitely an example of how bread changes from region to region) and next to the bread was my bestie aka a giant block of butter. They gave you a scraper that was reminiscent of a play dough toy and rest assured I had plenty of childish enthusiasm when scraping my own portion of butter when no one could tell me to stop. Meanwhile Katie was sipping her fresh squeezed OJ while over looking the Med. amazing place.

      Moving on to the day’s activity. Captain Alfonso picked us up in a 38’ ft beauty directly from the hotel dock. Credit me for organizing. El Capitan took us on a boat tour, heading west from our location past Praiano (a smaller town) and then Positano en route to Capri. Along the way we stopped in a beautiful cove, one of three La Galli islands, mythically known as Le Sirenuse (Same name as the hotel from last night’s dinner).
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    • Dag 416

      The Amalfi Coast

      31 augustus 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      ‘This could end up being an expensive little trip out to see the Amalfi coast’ whispers Ronan as he winds down the window of our rental car.
      The policeman informs us that we had driven through a red traffic light a while back. He is cross and exasperated, ‘You don’t even stop when you hear my siren?, Why?’
      We apologise profusely and explain that we hadn’t noticed the traffic light. We go on to say that when we heard the siren we supposed it was for someone else. We are surprised when he is satisfied with this and lets us off, we can’t believe our luck. As we continue snaking around the narrow cliff road we keep an eye out for traffic lights and cop cars.

      The driving is slow with lots of hairpin bends and oncoming traffic, I never go beyond third gear. Around ever blind corner there are incredible mountain views and beyond ever drop off there are spectacular sea views. Houses and hotels grip on to sides of cliffs above us and below us.
      We stop an hour out the coast road; we have already had a big day in Pompeii. This is far enough for us to get a feel for driving the Amalfi coast. We picnic on roasted corn and chocolate crepes from the promenade stalls in Minori and then wind our way back to Régal in Solerno.
      In two days time we will sail past here hugging the coast so we can savour the stunning views from the water.
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    • Dag 9

      Sorrento day 4 path of the gods

      4 juni 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Got up quite early to go on a hike called path of the gods its was sooo beautiful it was a 4 5 or 6 mile hike but we spent all day doing it so it was very leisurely it was just so beautiful and we went off the path a little bit and found an old abandoned rock house that four flights of stone steps to get to the different yards and such but the land shaping for how old it must have been was amazing 😁Meer informatie

    • Dag 17

      Naples for Sorrento and Pompeii

      21 mei, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Sorrento beach was cool...caught a lift down to it from the town above.
      Pompeii was so huge...the excavation takes so long with chipping away/around things with a tiny hammer... considering the whole city was buried!

      Craig was a trooper... pushing lady around in heat on cobbled paths...her daughter physically couldn't have done it.
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    • Dag 21

      Amalfi hopping 🌊☀️

      18 juli 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      "1 influencer holiday please" - Alfred
      Today we hopped around from Napoli to Bomerano, hiked the Path of the Gods around to Positano and finally jumped on a bus over the mountains to Sorrento! The hike followed the cliff line around the point so we got close to 360° views of the sea and the coast. Positano was gorgeous but also packed with people and kind of overwhelming because every second person was hardcore posing in their white linen dress or bikini trying to get Insta shots - I respect the hustle but it was impossible to move without getting in someone's photo by accident! We went for a swim under the colourful houses and had most of the swimming area to ourselves because Europeans like to stand in a line at chest-depth just off the sand because no one can swim 🤠 The beaches here are also volcanic and have black sand which gets unbelievably hot in the sun which was a fun added challenge! The bus trip over to Sorrento went along the cliff line too which would have been the best views of the day if we hadn't done the hike! Sorrento offended me greatly because they had no free beaches and as an Australian I consider it my God Given Right to swim at at beach. So we found some other Aussies and hopped over a sea wall and clambered down some rocks to have a swim just outside the fenced off area (dodging the SNAV's waves on the way in and out 😳). We then stumbled upon the only reasonably priced lemoncellos in all of Sorrento in what felt like some picnic furniture in an Italian Nonna's back yard which were just ridiculously strong and when combined with maybe a little bit of dehydration went straight to the brain. One train ride later we were back in Napoli and stopped for the best pasta of the trip so far at a restaurant on our way home to a big sleep!Meer informatie

    • Dag 150

      Sentiero degli dei & Positano

      9 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      On commence la journée tôt 😴 pour avoir une place sur le petit parking gratuit à Bomerano, un des points de départ du sentier des dieux 😇.

      Le but de la journée, faire la rando 🥾 du sentier des dieux. C'est une rando d'une dizaine de km qui passe le long de la côte, offre de belles vues sur les falaises et la mer, et se termine à Positano.

      On se pose rapidement dans un café avant de commencer, histoire de prendre quelques forces. À peine installé, il se met à pleuvoir ⛈️ comme pas permis... On est bien content d'avoir trouvé une place à l'intérieur avant le début du déluge. 😁

      On attend pendant une bonne heure entre café/latte ☕et parties d'Uno. Vers 9h, ça se dégage enfin et on commence notre périple.

      La rando était super sympa pendant les 8 premiers km. On a beaucoup de chance, le ciel est complètement dégagé 🌞, il ne fait pas encore trop chaud et on a très peu de montées donc plus simple pour le souffle (pour les mollets, c'est autre chose ^^).

      Les paysages sont à couper le souffle 🤩 à mesure que l'on se rapproche de Nocelle, le village en hauteur de Positano.

      De là, le temps se couvre, mais pas de pluie. On fait une petite pause pour reprendre des forces et on entame une longue, et franchement pas des plus fun, descente. On ne voit plus la rive à cause du brouillard, mais surtout, on sent passer les 1500 marches jusque Positano.

      On finit sur les rotules, les mollets en feu 😖, le dos qui a aussi pris cher. Après 3 bonnes heures de rando, on arrive dans les premières ruelles passantes de Positano.

      On avance tels des zombies 🧟 à la recherche d'un coin pour se poser. Le village est charmant et, bien que l'on ne soit plus en aout, les ruelles sont encore bien blindées de monde.

      On s'arrête dans une boutique de restauration rapide et on mange bien silencieusement 😫. Foccacia tomate mozzarella pour Flo et Burger à la dinde panée pour Rémi, le tout accompagné d'une bonne bière 🍻(on l'a bien méritée).

      Il est 14h, et on n'a plus la force de rien, même pas de visiter d'avantage le village 😅. On remonte vers la rue principale pour prendre le bus. Ce n'était pas simple. Il n'y avait pas vraiment d'arrêt de bus identifié, on a attendu par terre, juste à côté de la route bien passante 😒.

      Le bus arrive avec bien 15 min de retard 🙄et c'est parti pour 45 min de virages incessants et de passages étroits. On est tellement content de ne pas être venu avec le van 🥳. Il y a beaucoup de monde et on est très loin d'avoir l'assurance des Italiens, et encore moins de ceux chauffeurs de bus.

      On n'est pas encore arrivé pour autant 😅. On descend à notre changement et de là, on cherche un peu désespérément l'arrêt de bus pour l'autre bus que l'on doit prendre pour remonter jusqu'à notre point de départ.
      On le trouve, mais il est en plein soleil et on a encore 30 bonnes minutes d'attente (s'il passe à l'heure 🙄).

      On va au suivant, heureusement, on est un peu à l'ombre par contre il n'y a pas 1 cm de trottoir donc encore une fois, on attend patiemment de ne pas mourir écraser entre une fiat et le mur qui longe la route 😬.

      Le bus arrive, on monte. Pour être sûrs, on demande si on est dans le bon. Pas de bol 😖, il ne va pas au bon endroit... Heureusement, il nous dépose un peu plus loin. Mais à peine descendu, on voit passer, dans le virage où on était arrêté, le bus que l'on doit prendre. On court et on finit par l'avoir, c'était moins une 😮‍💨. Plus de places assises, c'est pas grave, on se calle par terre et on repart pour 45 min de trajet.

      On finira quand même le trajet assis confortablement et, là aussi après facilement 3h, on arrive enfin à notre point de départ.

      On est très fatigué, mais néanmoins ravi d'avoir réussi ce défi 💪.
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    • Dag 5

      Practically Perfect Positano 🍋

      12 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Early rise this morning at 6 am, followed by ‘feeding time at the zoo’… But, a little (tiny) better of a food selection than yesterday… Exploration of the beautiful Amalfi coast today… First stop was Sorrento where German and I enjoyed a relaxing coffee at one of the side walk cafes… After ditching the commentated tour leader with her incessant babbling… There is only so much of the historical aspects we need to hear about. It’s go, go, go…. Sometimes you just want to relax! So we took a moment to be in the moment 🧘🏻‍♂️

      This trend continued throughout the day, allowing us to more comfortably, relax and enjoy the 30° weather, and the picture postcard scenes all along the Amalfi coast.

      Second destination was Positano, and it honestly takes your breath away as you will see in the pictures. Instagram models around every corner, snapping themselves in various ‘wanky’ poses! 😳🙄💃🏼

      Tale from Positano 👉

      In ancient times, a Turkish boat became beached just off the shores of what has since come to be known as Positano. Aboard the ship was a painting of the Virgin Mary. Legend has it that the captain heard the painting whisper "posa, posa" ('set me down, set me down') and he obediently threw the image into the sea 🌊

      We had simple lunch of panini with ham & cheese 🧀 and absolutely delectable pastry 🥐 full of lemon 🍋 cream: famous in area! We enjoyed sitting in front of the amazingly beautiful cathedral down by the Bay. We then boarded a boat (shit show #1) that took us along the rest of the coast passing by Praiano and stopping at Amalfi, which I think is my favourite town of the day!
      Lemons everywhere! 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

      We made sure that we had the obligatory lemon 🍋 sorbet inside the lemon with a leaf 🍃 sticking out the top and bees swarming around it! At €10 it is pretty expensive, but you just have to go with the flow! 😜

      I won’t go into the absolute shit show of boarding and un-boarding on the boats that ferry along the coast to the towns along the Amalfi coast! It is a simply breathtaking area but due to the difficulties in navigating and access & the geographical restrictions to these towns (…along with the exorbitant tourist trap 🪤 prices I don’t think I will re-visit, so I am making the most of this once-in-a-lifetime experience! 🚌🇮🇹🍋💃🏼✊🏻☀️🥵👅🕺🏼
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    • Dag 20

      Path of the Gods & Italian Kindness

      6 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We have a list of ~30 questions we ask the boys to answer for each country, which includes “share one act of kindness you experienced in this country.” As we flew from Naples, Italy to Heraklion, Crete, we all unanimously agreed that the most impactful act of kindness happened on the Path of the Gods.

      For our last full day in Italy, we scrapped the idea of going to Capri in favor of doing the Path of the Gods. The 8km trail begins in Bomerano and descends about 500 meters into Positano. It’s stunningly gorgeous and while it’s not that difficult, there are quite a few places that made the over-protective parent in me very nervous as the boys rock hopped precariously close to a 500m drop to the sea.

      Getting to Bomerano proved to be more challenging on public transit than we expected. What would have been a 5 hour walk, required 2.5hrs of one train and two buses, one of which takes over an hour on hairpin turn roads and is usually standing room only. Due to some delays and our inability to fully understand Italian road signs, we arrived at the trailhead about two hours later than planned and all a little hangry, so we stopped for lunch in Bomerano before heading out.

      Esp. for those who have hiked with me, you may know I’m a bit of a water nazi. We usually have 100oz of water for a short hike in the blue hills, as well as some snacks, a headlamp & pocket knife…just in case! However, given the delay and eating lunch, we forgot to refill our water bladder and started the trail with only ~75oz instead of the 150oz as planned. We had been told there were numerous water stops along the trail, which turned out to be true at the beginning, when we weren’t thinking about water, but not true after the halfway mark, when we were.

      About 45 minutes from Positano, we got to the point where Rob and I stopped drinking and started monitoring the boys’ intake. An Italian couple heading in the other direction overhead us discussing water and very generously insisted on giving us one of their extra water bottles. We were all very grateful for the extra water and each downed two full water bottles when we arrived. Despite being a bit thirsty, it was one of the most beautiful hikes we had ever done and that Italian couple’s generosity will stay with us for a long time!
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    • Dag 46

      Amalfi Coast

      19 september 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today's day trip was great :) I didn't get to do the hike I was initially planning but seeing the coast on a gorgeous day was great. There were cliffs everywhere with huge rock faces! My preference is definitely Cinque Terre because it is way less touristy and less city-like but hey, Cinque Terre set the bar pretty high. Beautiful last day in Italy!Meer informatie

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