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    • Day 17

      Schrein der 1000 Tore

      June 18, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Am späten Nachmittag geht's in den Osten zu der sehr bekannten Touristenattraktion.
      Anfangs sind noch sehr viele Menschen unterwegs, aber je höher ich über die Treppen gehe, desto weniger Touristen sieht man. Bis zur Spitze des Mt. Inari gehe ich allerdings nicht mehr.
      Als ich mich um 18.15 h auf den Rückweg bergab mache, kommen mir immer noch vereinzelt Leute entgegen, die bestimmt einen tollen Sonnenuntergang sehen werden.
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    • Day 13

      Petits renards de Fushimi-Inari

      June 21, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Fascinant sanctuaire shinto dédié à la divinité du riz.

      Chose que l'on aime et qui se démultiplie à l'infini : le rouge de ses Torii (portes) et des petits bavoirs des renards, messagers des dieux.
      La foule y est oppressante, 2e bain qui sera heureusement le dernier ! Le bonheur a ses limites😉.
      Ascension assez physique et mystique jusqu'au mont Inari sous des milliers de torii et...de moins en moins de visiteurs.
      Interminables couloirs à l'effet hypnotique, ils séparent notre monde de celui des kamis (esprits).

      Chaos de stèles moussues, de torii miniatures, de renards de pierre sitôt que l'on sort de ces couloirs.
      Regard perçant, parfois espiègle des petits gardiens du sanctuaire.
      Sensation d'étrangeté qui domine...
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    • Day 4

      Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto (伏見稲荷大社)

      July 23, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Fushimi Inari-taisha (伏見稲荷大社) is the head shrine of the kami Inari, located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The shrine sits at the base of a mountain also named Inari which is 233 metres (764 ft) above sea level, and includes trails up the mountain to many smaller shrines which span 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) and take approximately 2 hours to walk up.

      Inari was originally and remains primarily the kami of rice and agriculture, but merchants also worship Inari as the patron of business. Each of Fushimi Inari-taisha's roughly 10,000 torii was donated by a Japanese business, and approximately 800 of these are set up in rows that give the impression of entering a tunnel.

      The earliest structures were built in 711 on the Inariyama hill in southwestern Kyoto, but the shrine was re-located in 816 on the request of the monk Kūkai. The main shrine structure was built in 1499.[7] At the bottom of the hill are the main gate (楼門, rōmon, "tower gate") and the main shrine (御本殿, go-honden). Behind them, in the middle of the mountain, the inner shrine (奥宮, okumiya) is reachable by a path lined with thousands of torii. To the top of the mountain are tens of thousands of mounds (塚, tsuka) for private worship.

      The highlight of the shrine is the rows of torii gates, known as Senbon Torii. The custom to donate a torii began spreading from the Edo period (1603–1868) to have a wish come true or in gratitude for a wish that came true, with successive gates being added up to the present day by donors out of gratitude. Along the main path there are around 800 torii gates.

      More photos and video in Part 2 following.
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    • Day 2

      day 2 - Kyoto

      November 15, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Il secondo giorno riposati e pronti ad esplorare la città dei mille templi, ci dirigiamo al Fushimi inari shrime. Siamo arrivati verso le 08.30 ed era già pieno di gente 😓 dopo essere saliti fino alla 3 tappa siamo scesi per sgranocchiare qualcosa nelle bancarelle. In seguito ci siamo diretti verso la foresta di bamboo di Arashiyama. Dopo un giretto per il centro e poi visita al Kinkaku-ji temple per poi tornare nuovamente nel centro di kyoto, prendere uno stuzzichino al mercato del pesce. Dopo quasi 25km percorsi a piedi e una cena a base di okonomiyaki (che proprio non mi è piaciuto) siamo rientrati in hotel 😴Read more

    • Day 19

      Fushimi Inari Taisha

      March 27 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Divya and I woke up early morning at 5.30am and went to the Fushimi Inari shrine. Divya wanted to do it again because the experience the previous day was very inferior. I was also game because I couldn’t visit the previous day due to my poor health. The rest of the group took it easy and woke up later. The Fushimi Inari shrine was beautiful. This was finally our first dry, sunny morning in Japan since arrival. We managed to beat the crowds and were able to walk around, click lots of pictures and just enjoy the vibe. We also met Shashank and Sadhvi on our way out. They had also decided to come early and beat the crowds. By the time we were back, the rest of the group was almost ready for our next activity - Japan’s famous tea ceremony.Read more

    • Day 12

      Fushimi shrine and Nara deer 🦌

      March 27 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Our last full day in Japan :(
      Of course we had to go to the famous shrine with a million (my estimate) orange gates.

      Stop 1
      Fushimi Inari
      Shinto shrine to business and success on the slopes of Mt. Inari complete with tons of orange gates. The gates are all dedicated to different donors and form a near unbroken tunnel for the entire 1hr hike up Mt. Inari. Once you get to the top the view down on Kyoto is pretty good, but the main reason to do this is the long hike through the gates. Happy we got there early enough to beat the crowds.

      Stop 2
      An hour on the train from Fushimi Inari is Nara, a quiet little town with a park and forest area that is home to the Nara deer. They were believed to be holy by the monks that inhabited the area in the past and so were left alone to become very comfortable around people. These days, they eat snacks out of tourist's hands. Proceeds from snacks sales go towards the maintenance of the area. Win win. We found it a lovely experience all together. While this is no secret to tourists, there weren't huge crowds of people there either.

      Stop 3
      After feeding the deer, we went back to Kyoto for dinner time. We ended up in a steakhouse that we thought was a proper wagyu place. However, it was a western steakhouse and required an advance notice for wagyu orders. Oh well, Angus sirloin please! It was cool to see the Japanese interpretation of a western steak, though, complete with a raw egg sauce for dipping.

      Stop 4
      Jazz bar - Hello Dolly
      After our meal, we fulfilled Sinéad's lifelong dream; we went to a Japanese jazz bar. It played western classics such as Django Reinhardt and served western whisky cocktails. Would be nice to hear som Japanese jazz, but in fairness Kyoto is very focused on the west in a way that Tokyo and Osaka aren't.

      This pretty well concludes our Japan trip. Off to Seoul tomorrow afternoon through Osaka airport.
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    • Day 3

      Fushimi Inari-taisha

      November 25, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Eenmaal toegekomen in Kyoto dropten we onze rugzakken aan de balie van ons hotel (het was te vroeg om in te checken) en trokken we naar de belangrijkste site van Kyoto: Fushimi Inari-taish, een berg met duizenden rood-oranje torii gates toegewijd aan Inari, de Shinto god van de rijst, en vele beelden van vossen, de boodschappers van Inari. Aan de inkom waren er tempels waar gebeden werd en traditionele dans en muziek werd opgevoerd. Af en toe zagen we traditioneel geklede Japanners onder de toeristen met schitterende kleurrijke kimono's. Aan de torii gates krioelde het van het volk maar dankzij Sven's zotte fotografie skills en de tientallen Japanners achter Sven die zo vriendelijk waren om te wachten, was het toch mogelijk om een mooie foto te nemen zonder andere mensen op. De herfstkleuren zorgden voor prachtige taferelen en op het einde hadden we een panoramisch zicht op Kyoto.Read more

    • Day 84

      Kyōto II

      November 26, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Stefans 33. Geburtstag verbrachten wir heute etwas entspannter. ☺️
      Auf dem Plan standen der Fushimi Inari-Schrein mit den berühmten roten Toriis und die Burg Nijo. Den Weg zum Schrein schmücken mittlerweile mehr als tausend Tore. Es war ein sehr schöner Anblick. Die Schrift auf einem Tori entspricht dem Käufer.
      Am Abend gingen wir noch super lecker Essen. Es gab Kobe- und Wagyu-Rind. Köstlich. 🤗
      Morgen verlassen wir Kyōto und fahren weiter nach Hakone.
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    • Day 15

      Stunden um Stunden kann man hier verbringen. Und durch scheinbar endlos viele orange Tore wandern. Immer aufwärts, den Hang des Berges Inari hinauf. Buchstäblich 1001 Torii-Gates hat der bekannteste Shinto-Schrein Tokyos. Der Fushimi Inari Taisha Schrein. Er ist der Gottheit Kami gewidmet. Verehrt für Reis, Wohlstand, Handel und Erfolg.

      Torii-Tore sind traditionelle japanische Tore, die oft als Eingang zu Schreinen oder Tempeln dienen. Die Tore am Fushimi Inari Taisha Schrein sind leuchtend orange und wurden von Spendern gestiftet, die ihre Dankbarkeit für den Schrein und ihre Hoffnung auf Wohlstand und Erfolg ausdrücken wollten.

      Unten, am Eingang des Schrein drängeln sich Hunderte, manchmal Tausende Menschen. Deswegen ist es sinnvoll, in den Randzeiten zu kommen, um ein bisschen der Magie des Ortes zu spüren. Je weiter oben am Berg, desto weniger Besucher. Die meisten gehen nur eine kleine Runde Und schieben sich quasi durch die Tore.

      Der Fushimi Inari Taisha Schrein ist ein wichtiger Ort für viele Japaner, die hierherkommen, um für Glück, Erfolg und Wohlstand zu beten. Für uns in erster Linie ein faszinierender Platz, der die Besonderheit von Kyoto wieder einmal unterstreicht.
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    • Day 9

      Passeggiando tra i torii ⛩

      April 3, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Iniziamo la visita di Kyoto con una delle sue attrazioni più conosciute e frequentate, il santuario di Fushimi Inari-taisha, noto per i suoi oltre 1000 torii rossi sotto cui camminare per raggiungere la vetta del monte inari. Nonostante sia presto il luogo è già molto affollato - un’ora dopo sarà invivibile - ma ciò che ci circonda è stupendo.
      Dopo la visita al tempio rosso alla base del monte, ci infiliamo nella lunga galleria di torii percorrendo parte del percorso. Intorno a noi solamente i colori del bosco, il rosso dei torii e statue grigie raffiguranti le volpi🦊 : animale simbolo di questo tempio.
      Terminata la visita al santuario ci spostiamo verso il centro città entrando in alcuni dei tanti templi incontrati per la strada, tra cui il Tofuku-ji, bello ed imponente edificio in legno, e il Chishaku-in temple dove assistiamo puramente per caso alla foto di “pezzi grossi” impegnati nella foto di rito. Capitiamo poco dopo una cosa importante.. oggi non è un giorno a caso, oggi è il giorno del drago Seiryu!
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