
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
Top 10 Reiseziele Kawasaki-shi
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    • Tag 2

      Le sésame

      21. Mai in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      La carte IC card est indispensable pour voyager dans tout le pays. Elle permet de payer par simple contact le train, métro, bus et même les achats dans les supérettes qui se trouvent à tous les coins de rue. Cela nous a evité bien de casse-tête pour payer le métro qui dépend de la distance !
      On y met de l'argent d'avance mais aucun solde ne sera remboursé.

    • Tag 2–7

      TOKYO premier pas au JAPON

      21. Mai in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Attention aux surprises si on est pressé et n'a pas le temps de lire le mode d'emploi...
      Parmi les fonctionnalités, les lunettes chauffantes, les jets d'eau (chauffée) suivant votre anatomie (mais les papiers toilette sont fournis), une ventilation extracteur d'air anti-odeur, de la musique...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 157

      Shimizu, Japan

      19. Juni 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      This port is a gateway to see Fuji mountain. We have been in this port in 2019 in March and had a wonderful tour and the sky was clear. We have seen Fuji in full glory. Today was cloudy so mountain was not visible. We decided to stay in the city.
      First, we visited fish market. It is the cleanest market we ever seen. The variety of fish is amazing. There are many restaurants on the second floor of the market serving sashimi. We had huge sashimi lunch of the freshest fish for less then $18 total for two.
      Happy and full, we traced our steps back to the port and visited big shopping center.
      After that we walked to the Buddhist Myokiji Temple. There is a bell that was taking by US during WWII and then returned in 1997. We were the only visitors. The temple was closed, but they opened it just for us.
      Few minutes walk from that was Minowa Inari Shrine with a history of 400 years . There are 83 small red tortillas gates lined up. Again, we were all alone in this place.
      We got back on the ship just on time before the rain.

    • Tag 158

      Tokyo, Japan. Day 1

      20. Juni 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We arrived at 8:00am, but decided to wait at least 9:30am to start our day to avoid morning rush hours.
      We took a personal shuttle (that was a surprise) from cruise ship terminal to the subway station.
      Our original plan was to go to the park and then to Tokyo Tower, but we met friends and they talked us to go to Tower before park.
      We took monorail, then transferred to a subway and then arrived to the Tokyo Tower by 11:00am.

      The Tokyo Tower is a communications and observation tower, built in 1958. At 332.9 meters (1,092 ft), it is the second-tallest structure in Japan. The structure is an Eiffel Tower-inspired.

      The two-story Main Deck is at 150 meters (490 ft), while the smaller Top Deck reaches a height of 249.6 meters (819 ft).
      We purchased tickets to go to the Top Deck.
      After visiting it, we walked to have nice lunch. After lunch we walked to the park. It was a long 36 min walk. The park is beautiful, but the pavement is loose stones and it was hard for Boris and me to push a wheelchair.
      Back on the street, we walked to the subway and came back on ship.
      After two hours of rest and light dinner, back to the city.
      We wanted to be in the city at night. It took us 40 min to get to Shibuya crossing.
      It is the busiest intersection in the world.

      At the peak times upwards of 3000 people – cross at a time, coming from all directions at once.
      So much fun watching people. We walked around for another hour to experience night Tokyo, then back on subway.
      From subway, another 20 min walk to the ship. At 11:30 pm the shuttle was not available.
      That day I walked over 26,000 steps.

    • Tag 31

      Auf in die neue und letzte Reise

      8. März in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Hui aufgrund der vielen Streiks in Deutschland war der Reiswechsel diesmal äußerst anstrengend. Doch nach einem 16-Stunden-Tag ist es nun geschafft. Die ehemaligen Gäste sind auf neue Rückflüge verteilt und ein Großteil der neuen Gäste ist auch über Ulwege angekommen. Bevor wir nun alle tot ins Bett fallen, wird nochmal auf den heutigen, chaotischen Tag angestoßen. Zudem freuen wir uns auf die kommende Japan-Intensiv-Reise, welche zugleich meine letzte sein wird bevor es wieder nach Hause geht.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 212

      Irugi Shrine, Tokyo, Japan

      5. Mai in Japan ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Another of the smaller shrines we went to, this one because it has some cartoon character sculptures around the area. It wasn't gimmicky though, and the only people we saw around the area seemed to be locals going to pray which was nice.

      After quite a few hours wandering around we were lagging a bit, so bought a redbull from a vending machine and sat down close to the entrance to enjoy.

    • Tag 123

      Yomiuri Land theme park

      13. September 2022 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Coucou tout le monde ! 🤗

      On se retrouve (après une très longue pause, désolé 🙇) pour une petite journée au parc d'attractions Yomiuri Land (よみうりランド) situé à Tokyo, à environ 1 heure en train depuis Shinjuku.

      Vous connaissez peut-être déjà les parcs d'attractions les plus célèbres du Japon : Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo DisneySea et Universal Studio Japan notamment.

      Mais, et Yomiuri Land alors ? 🤔
      Eh bien, il s'agit d'un parc d'attractions familial un peu plus modeste, mais aussi plus abordable : 1800 ¥ pour l'entrée simple (soit environ 12 € ) ou 5800 ¥ (38 €) pour un accès illimité aux attractions.
      Comparativement, les autres parcs mentionnés précédemment coûtent généralement entre 7000 ¥ et 8000 ¥ (~45 €).

      À l'intérieur, on trouve un total de 8 zones distinctes, et un téléphérique permet d'admirer une partie du parc depuis les hauteurs.

      De jour cependant, la décoration n'est pas le point fort du parc 😅
      Malheureusement je n'ai pas profité du parc dans les meilleures conditions : en journée on était sur une ambiance de fête foraine sans grande particularité. Et à cette période, la zone aquatique était fermée 🙁

      Mais en fait c'était surtout ma faute. 😅

      Car le meilleur moment pour le visiter, c'est en été (pour un accès aux attractions aquatiques) et SURTOUT lors de l'événement "Jewellumination".

      Pendant cet événement l'ensemble du parc est illuminé à la nuit tombée, suivant les différentes couleur de joyaux (rubis, saphirs, émeraudes, etc.), transformant complètement l'ambiance ! 😲
      On a alors un paysage coloré, et les photos valent le détour (allez-y, faites une recherche sur le net 😉)

      On peut par exemple se promener dans un tunnel fait de LED, pour se retrouver alors entouré d'un arc-en-ciel lumineux 🌈

      Si vous prévoyez de visiter Tokyo à l'automne ou en hiver, je vous encourage vivement à réserver vos billets, vous ne le regretterez pas 😁

      PS : Je tiens à m'excuser sincèrement pour la longue attente depuis mon dernier article ! J'ai pris une pause afin de vivre pleinement ce voyage et m'ouvrir à un maximum d'opportunités, mais je n'ai jamais perdu de vue ce blog et j'ai pris de nombreuses photos de mes aventures pour les articles qui vont venir.
      Le voyage étant terminé, je peux maintenant me consacrer à la rédaction 💪
      Alors préparez vous, les articles vont pleuvoir !

      Hi everyone! 🤗

      We meet again (after a very long break, sorry 🙇) for a relaxing day at the Yomiuri Land amusement park (よみうりランド) located in Tokyo, about 1 hour by train from Shinjuku.

      You may already be familiar with Japan's most famous theme parks: Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo DisneySea and Universal Studio Japan among others.

      But what about Yomiuri Land? 🤔
      Well, this is a slightly more modest theme park aimed at families, but it is also more affordable: ¥1800 for entrance fee (~ €12 ) or ¥5800 (€38) for unlimited access to attractions.
      By comparison, the other parks mentioned above generally cost between ¥7000 and ¥8000 (~€45).

      Inside the park, there are a total of 8 distinct zones, and you can take a ropeway to see some of them from the heights.

      During daytime the park ornaments are not what makes it shine 😅
      Unfortunately, I wasn't able to enjoy the park in the best conditions: during the day, the atmosphere was that of a funfair, nothing special about it. And at that time, the aquatic area was closed 🙁

      But it was mostly my fault. 😅

      Indeed, the best time to visit Yomiuri Land is in summer (to have access to the water attractions) and ESPECIALLY during the "Jewellumination" event.

      During this event the whole park is illuminated at nightfall, taking the the colors of jewels (rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc.). The atmosphere changes drasticaly ! 😲
      It's a colorful landscape, and the pictures are definitely worth seeing (go ahead, search the net 😉).

      For example, you can walk through a tunnel made of LEDs, to find yourself surrounded by a luminous rainbow 🌈

      If you're planning to visit Tokyo in autumn or winter, Yomiuri Land tickets are recommanded, you won't regret it 😁

      PS: I'd like to sincerely apologize for the long wait since my last post! I took a break in order to experience this trip to its fullest and to be open to as many opportunities as possible. But I never lost sight of this blog and took lots of photos of my adventures for the articles to come.
      Now that the trip is over, I can finally get back to writing 💪
      So get ready, the articles are going in bulk !


      本当にごめんなさいね 🙇





      ネットで「ジュエルミネーション」を調べると別の遊園地になる事はびっくりしたよ!すごく綺麗 😲



    • Tag 8

      6. Tag Tokyo

      6. Mai in Japan ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Am vorerst letzten Tag in Tokyo sind wir alles etwas gemütlicher angegangen.
      Bei hervorragendem Wetter haben wir im Hamarikyū Park gelesen, uns Matcha Tee mit Süßkram schmecken lassen und die Zeit vertrödelt.

      Nachmittags ging es dann nach Odaiba, dem wahrscheinlich Internationalstein Stadtteil Tokyos.
      Innerhalb von ~1km hatten wir ein Karibisches Volksfest, die Freiheitsstatue, das Oktoberfest und einen Gundam. Wie soll man da die Orientierung behalten?

      Zuletzt ging es ins Teamlab Planets, eine Kunstausstellung der besonderen Art.
      Man läuft barfuß durch die Ausstellung und die meisten Kunstwerke arbeiten mit Lichtinstallationen auf verschiedenen Medien.
      Unter anderem ein Wasserfall aus Licht, auf Wasser projizierte Koi Karpfen die bei Berührung zu Blumen zerspringen und ein vollständig verspiegelter Raum mit LED-Ketten.
      Sehr beeindruckend, kann ich uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
      Der zweite Teil der Ausstellung hatte Pflanzen als Oberthema, unter anderem frei schwebende Orchideen und ein "Planetarium" für Pflanzen statt Himmelskörper.
      Teamlab macht übrigens auch in Hamburg eine Ausstellung auf, falls Tokyo dem einen oder anderen ein zu großer Umweg ist ;)

    • Tag 13

      Technology and Detours

      29. September 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      For our last morning in Japan, we checked out late of our strange hotel after I had fun using the clothes steamer that masquerated as a fridge. So many questions, but it was a strange hotel.

      We left our luggage at the hotel and caught a taxi back to Diver City as I wanted to explore the Science Museum. But first! Brunch of dipping noodles (tsukamen) whilst the kids took the safer option of Maccas.

      The Science Museum was fun; the coolest part was the robotic seal designed as a companion to humans to help with loneliness and speed recovery in the hospital. Research proved it was as effective as a real pet! , The history of robotics was interesting, but the humanoid robot just sat there blinking, a little anti-climatic, although I was expecting C3PO!

      The museum was really interesting, like our Sci-Tec but geared towards teens an adults on environmentalism, robotics and space. Paul and I were a tad more invested in the kids who had more shopping and Lego on their minds; so we headed back to DiverCity for one final hurrah.

      Soon it was time to depart for the airport, but we needed to scoot back and grab our bages. A misunderstanding with the world's nicest taxi driver as to which suburb our Strange Hotel was in, led to an hour-long taxi ride/cultural lesson/inadverted guided tour of the city. Paul and I found the silver lining amongst mounting anxiety that we would miss our airport transfer but the kids were stoically quiet as they were sick of our so-called 'yapping'.

      Thankfully the transport waited for us and the yapping continued throughout the 30-minute trip to Narita, Tokyo flashing past in a sea of lights from its many apartment buildings.

      A mix-up with what items we could check in coupled with long check-in lines meant the four hours went very quickly. Boarding the plane couldn't come quick enough as we had missed dinner in all the kerfuffle. After scarfing down our last Japanese meal, we stretched out to sleep.

      Turbulence had other ideas, so I started reflecting on everything I loved about Japanese culture.

    • Tag 8


      11. Juni 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Yomiuriland (よみうりランド, Yomiurirando) ist einer der größeren und bekannteren japanischen Vergnügungsparks in der Nähe von Tokio, der 1964 eröffnet wurde. Er liegt an einem Berghang und bietet moderne Fahrgeschäfte wie Achterbahnen und Wasserrutschen. Er beherbergt das Yomiuri-Giants-Stadion, eines der Trainingsfelder der Baseballmannschaft Yomiuri Giants, das vor der Fertigstellung des Tokyo Dome das Haupttrainingsgelände war.Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Kawasaki-shi, Kawasaki, 川崎市

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