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    • Giorno 10

      Go with the flow - Day 2 in Kyoto 🌸

      7 aprile, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      After my first night in a capsule hotel - which was surprisingly pleasant :) - I now head off for my second day in Kyoto. And there’s a lot in my list…
      Starting off with wandering through the huge compound of wonderful Murasakino Daitokujicho, then visiting the Imamya Shrine and queuing for real Japanese grilled rice cakes at that cute little restaurants for breakfast - I just had to try them!
      Next: Takeisao (Kenkun) shrine - also beautifully peaceful with just a handful of locals
      And then off the the more lively, touristy Kinkaku-ji Temple & Ryoan-ji Temple with their gardens and cherry blossoms 🌸
      Followed by Arashiyama bamboo forest.
      And finally diner at a hip fast food place.
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    • Giorno 13

      Goldene Tempel und singende Böden

      3 agosto 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      Endlich mal ausschlafen...

      Weil wir dieses Hotel für zwei Tag gebucht haben, mussten wir diesmal nicht um 10 Uhr raus sein.
      Das haben wir natürlich voll ausgekostet.

      Der daraufhin ausdiskutierte Schlachtplan startete mit dem Arashiyama Bambuswald.
      Wie wir es schon vermutet hatten, war es leider sehr voll.
      Trotzdem konnten wir die dicken Röhren bestaunen.

      Als nächstes Stand der goldene Tempel auf dem Plan.
      Das Gebäude ist wirklich beeindruckend schön gebaut und auch schön gelegen.
      Nach dem Bau wurde der goldene Tempel als Empfangsraum genutzt, nach dem Tod des Shoguns, seinem Wunsch entsprechend, aber an den buddhistischen Tempel übergeben.

      Als letzten Tagespunkt hatten wir uns Burg Nijo ausgesucht.
      Hier betraten wir den berühmten Nachtigallenboden.
      Also natürlich nicht nur wir, sondern auch die anderen 50 Leute um uns herum.
      Das war vielleicht ein Gezwitscher.

      Die Burg besteht aus 4 Abteilen, die alle ebenerdig hintereinander angeordnet sind.
      Je weiter hinten der Gast empfangen wurde, umso höher war sein anerkannter Rang und die Gunst des Shogun.
      Fotos durfte man drinnen leider nicht machen.

      Auf dem Rückweg stolperten wir über eine britische Craft-Beer-Bar.
      Es folgten amüsante Gespräche mit Japanern und Koreanern.
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    • Giorno 8

      Kyoto Day 1

      26 marzo, Giappone ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Up bright and early for exploring Kyoto in the pouring rain - so we opted for a nice cosy hop on hop off sightseeing bus... Unfortunately none of the busses have any indoor seating. haha! They kindly provided us with semi-waterproof ponchos though.

      Nijo castle was amazing, even in the rain. Unfortunately you're not allowed to take pictures of the inside, but we were allowed to photograph our shoes. ;-) There are a lot of places where you have to take your shoes off, which is charming but also makes you hope you don’t have a hole in your socks.

      The Golden temple was also very pretty but very crowded. The real highlight was wandering through the Higashiyama district and up to the Kiyomizu-dera temple at night. It was beautifully illuminated and you really could get lost in a maze of beautiful shrines.

      We then hiked down the hill and back to hunt down some Okonomiyaki but first we stumbled across some actual geishas which is apparently quite rare. They were very striking and really did exude elegance just by the way they walked which was really cool and quite intimidating. Laura also found a new favourite sweet: fried rice balls in sweet soy sauce (Mitarashi Dango).
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    • Giorno 17

      Kyoto day 3

      9 aprile, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Ce matin les températures ont bien dropper il fait a peine 9°C avec du vent bien froid est toujours pas un bout de Soleil ☀️😥.

      On avait booké un cours de Ninja que m'avait recommandé une amie donc c'est bien au moins on sera à l'intérieur sans regret. On file vers 9h avec notre thé dans la gourde et on passe s'acheter des petits snacks sucrés dans un convenience store 🏪. Ensuite on arrive dans le monde des Ninja, la salle est super cool avec des tatamis et plein d'armes de Ninja dans tous les sens, des sabres, dagues, étoiles, fléchettes, 'griffes de chat',... On fait le cours avec 2 anglais et leur 2 enfants, ils sont cool donc c'est bonne ambiance. On apprend quelques techniques de méditation puis on passe à l'action avec des techniques de marches ninja, pour se faufiler dans se faire voir, savoir marcher dans une pièce avec des pics au sol sans se faire mal, maniement du sabre, technique pour passer au travers de portes secrètes sans se faire repérer, lancé de dague attaché à une ficelle, lancer de baguettes pointues, attaque avec une faucille, lançage de fléchette à la bouche. C'est vraiment stylé, la prof est bien et on apprend pas mal de chose aussi sur les Ninja on passe un bon moment, je vous laisse découvrir quelques photos.

      Ensuite c'est retour dans le froid, on est un peu dépité du temps, heureusement déjà il pleut pas. On s'arrête dans un petit café prendre un chai latte (on a découvert ça à Tokyo on kiffe en prendre un de temps en temps maintenant) et encore du sucre (confort food) une tarte au poire et un Roll à la fleur de cerisier, super bon.

      Vers 13h on prend la direction les jardins du palais impérial de Kyoto, la route est pas terrible mais une fois arrivé la bas trouve des beaux arbres, un joli mini temple et quelques Sakura en fleur. Ensuite on prend le 🚌 pour aller jusqu'au Kinkaku-ji, temple d'or, c'est un temple bouddhiste pas de Tori à l'entrée (qu'on avait prévu de visiter, il est inscrit au patrimoine de l'unesco) au nord de la ville car on a trop froid. Ce temple est unique le pavillon principal est vraiment doré flashy, à part le rez de chaussée, ça fait super joli dans la nature verte autour. Un beau contraste, on ne peut pas rentrer à l'intérieur, on fait le tour dans des jardins à la japonaise magnifique. On a la chance de voir un beau héron (je les aime trop, ils sont grand avec une peu de orange, c'est le héron des films 📽️ de Miyasaki 🤗).

      16h on a skipper le lunch, on dinnera tôt ça nous donnera plus de chance de trouver un resto ouvert 🤣. Retour vers le centre ville, on prend un bus mais on se trompe de sens donc au final on doit descendre et remarcher jusqu'à une station de 🚇. On tombe encore sur une rivière est de Sakura 🌸💮 alors ça va 😊.

      On visite un dernier petit quartier mignon que j'avais repéré en commençant à regarder les restaurants, déjà à 17h des gens vont manger!! Pas mal de petites maisons en bois dont pas mal sont des restaurants traditionnels (ils y a souvent pas de menu ou c'est un menu en Japonais bizarre écrit 🎌 et on comprend rien), on en voit un trop stylé avec un îlot central et des tabourets hauts hautour, moderne et super joli mais c'est full, apparemment il faut réserver la veille 😕. On tournera pendant casi 2h avant de trouver quelque chose qui nous plaît à tout les 2, et qui nest pas déjà full ou sur resa, c'est compliqué ici à Tokyo c'était plus simple!On passe par le quartier Gion et au passage on a la chance d'apercevoir 2 Geishas qui sorte de maison en bois avec des affiches de Geisha sur les fenêtres.

      On finit dans un restaurant type Italien tenu par des Japonais avec des baies vitrées sur la rivière principal bien sympa et la bouffe est bonne, ça change un peu des saveurs asiatiques!
      Ensuite on rentre en bus le froid nous coupe un peu les jambes aujourd'hui. On passe sur le retour à la gare recharger notre carte de transport pour le bus de demain (au final pas de train direct pour l'aéroport qui se trouve à Osaka).

      22h on fait les valises et au lit!

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    • Giorno 11

      Kinkakuji - Golden Temple

      12 aprile, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      A very relaxing morning, with a small breakfast and coffee while Vela finalised all her visa documents for Europe and the UK. After lunch we headed out to one of Kyoto's main attractions, Kinkakuji.

      Being so late on the day, by the time we arrived there was almost no longer for tickets or to get through the main gate. So we were able to quickly get to a viewing point of the temple over the lake. Vela has been reading a book about this temple, which has burned down multiple times and been rebuilt faithfully to the original temple. The most recent burning was an arson attack, and when they rebuilt it they added gold leaf. Apparently 20kg of gold leaf was added, worth around 1.6million NZD.

      We walked around the temple complex, which includeda pretty little waterfall. We came across a coin tossing game where we donated a few coins. After a wild first throw, Vela's second leaves squarely in the middle of the tin cup, one-upping everyone who was aiming for the larger stone bowl. As we were leaving the complex, we got a final view of the top of the temple over the trees, where you can see the Phoenix figurehead silhouetted against the blue sky. With being burnt down so many times, the Phoenix feels like the right figurehead to me.

      Afterwards we went for a wander around some side streets. Vela found a sweet treat of ice cream and rice dumplings with a sweet soy side, but ended up not liking it - Nathan's benefit!

      For dinner we met up with Nathan's Aunty Jeanette, who just happens to be travelling Japan at the same time as us. Jeanette also brought her friend Pam along. We had yakitori chicken, and I think we ended up eating pretty much a whole chicken in the process. Very cool to be able to meet up halfway across the world!
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    • Giorno 141


      22 novembre 2022, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute haben wir einen Ausflug in den Westen von Kyoto unternommen. Auf einem Dienstag morgen haben wir mit wenigen Leuten gerechnet. Aber gleich morgens um 10Uhr war es schon richtig voll.
      An der Bahnstation gab es eine Kimono Forest Ausstellung. Die fand ich ja ziemlich cool und sollte wohl schon ein Vorgeschmack auf den Bambus geben.
      Da dies hier anscheinend ein beliebter Ort ist, gibt es auch hier wieder die japanischen Rikschas. Die haben wir schon in Tokio gesehen aber da war alles flach. Hier sind das wirklich sportliche Männer an den Wagen.
      Das tolle Bild von uns allein im dicken Bambus haben wir dann schnell aufgeben müssen. Verstehen können wir den Andrang natürlich schon, es sieht wirklich cool aus.
      Immerhin gab es eins im angrenzenden jüngeren Bambuswald.
      Nach dem Spaziergang durch den Wald haben wir festgestellt, dass es nun noch voller wurde an der Bahnstation. Also sind wir zu Tempeln weiter außerhalb geflüchtet. Dort gab es auch noch einige der tollen Bäume zu sehen. Da kann man sich gar nicht dran satt sehen.
      Auf dem Weg nach Hause gab es Okonomiyaki im Kyoto style und süße Takiyaki. Da in den originalen immer Oktopus drin ist waren wir ganz glücklich diese wenigstens als Süßspeisen probieren zu können. Hat sich gelohnt.
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    • Giorno 11


      9 dicembre 2022, Giappone ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      I think the temple looked amazing in the afternoon sun. It was again quite busy with tourists but well worth the trip. I offered up a prayer, threw some coins at the bowls and lit a candle with some incense. Tried a couple times but was unable to keep the coin in the bowl. Again no real memories of this place but still glad I came.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 12

      Kyoto - Bookbinding + Temples

      17 luglio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      This morning I attended a Japanese sketchbook-making class! We added designs to the book cover (which was a kimono fabric with coloured dots from trials of a kimono colour palette), created a thread design in the inside cover, sewed together pages, bound and glued everything together. It was really fun!

      After this I headed over to Kinkaku-ji (Kyoto's Golden Temple). The top two levels are completely covered in gold leaf! The temple and its reflection in the water were really pretty. Before moving on to another temple I stopped at a cafe for a snack (and some aircon), it was 38 degrees!

      After a super crowded bus, my next visit was to Higashiyama Jisho-ji (Kyoto's Silver Temple). It is one of the only temples representing the Muromachi period and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and ponds.

      I then made my way through the Philospher's Path, stopping to speak to and buy some postcards from a Japanese artist along the way. This path is about 2km and runs along a canal, past a number of shrines and temples. There were heaps of cats along the way too!

      At the end of the path I had a quick stop at Nanzen-Ji Temple and walked through the large brick aqueducts that run through the temple grounds.

      I then had a plan to start walking back to my accommodation, and found some other shrines and temples on the way! I walked through the Heian-Jingu Shrine. This place was massive with gorgeous designs and brightly painted red architecture. This was a Shinto shrine that had been built to celebrate Kyoto's legacy of once being Japan's capital.

      I then passed through a little festival area in Maruyama Park as it is a national holiday in Japan, Marine Day. This is a day when people give thanks for the blessings of the ocean and pray for the prosperity of the maritime nation of Japan.

      Next to this area was Yasaka Shrine, it was big, red and very crowded! This temple is known for the Gion Matsuri festival which involves a procession with many floats and occurred earlier this morning. I ended up running into a different parade. The street I needed to go to was blocked off by thousands and thousands of people. I arrived at the perfect time, just before it started! It ended up being a procession of 3 portable shrines known as Mikoshi-Togyo. They held deities of Yasaka Jinja and their shrines remain in downtown Kyoto for 1 week. There was a lot of music (drumming), chanting and shaking of the shrines as they believe this increases the power of God.

      I then headed back on my journey home, taking a big detour, and passed the massive and beautiful gate to the Choin-In Temple and later the Kofuku-Ji Pagoda.
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    • Giorno 5

      Kyoto parte 1 (di assai, cit. Momoko)

      22 luglio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Nella nostra prima giornata a Kyoto siamo stati accompagnati da Momoko, una ragazza giapponese che nella vita fa l'aiuto regia per eventi sportivi e oggi invece ha aiutato noi nella scoperta di Kyoto.
      Iniziamo la giornata con la visita al padiglione d'oro Kinkakuji, un tempio Zen i cui due piani superiori sono completamente ricoperti di foglia d'oro. Il tempio era la villa di riposo dello shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, e secondo il suo testamento divenne un tempio Zen della setta Rinzai dopo la sua morte nel 1408.
      La visita prosegue verso il tempio Ryoanji e il giardino karesansui, "giardino secco" formato in prevalenza da pietre, ciottoli e muschio. Il giardino è un indovinello paradossale e serve ad aiutare nella meditazione. La disposizione delle pietre fa sì che dalla veranda, da qualsiasi punto si guardi, non si possano vedere tutte le quindici pietre contemporaneamente: solo raggiungendo l'illuminazione è possibile vederle tutte insieme.
      Ci sediamo e proviamo a chiudere gli occhi per godere della pace del luogo, ma ci sono decisamente troppi turisti per poterne godere a pieno.
      Non trovando la pace interiore, né tantomeno l'illuminazione, decidiamo di andare almeno alla ricerca della pace dello stomaco: è già ora di pranzo!
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    • Giorno 5


      13 novembre 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      We visited Kyoto a few days ago. A long day as it was an hour from the port. Bitterly cold and wet in the morning but fortunately the sun came out when we visited the Golden Temple- a Zen Buddhist shrine.Leggi altro

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