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    • Day 70

      Hiroshima 1 - Hiroshima Castle

      April 7, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Vom Peace Memorial Park bin ich anschließend zum Hiroshima Castle gelaufen.
      Es ist eine relativ kleine Burg, die aber wirklich hübsch ist und von deren Turm aus man einen schönen Blick auf Hiroshima hat.
      Heute zum Sonntag waren wieder viele Einheimischen auf der Burganlage, um unter den Kirschbäumen zu picknicken.
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    • Day 20

      Hiroshima & Miyajima island

      October 11, 2016 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      S ochtends vanuit Kyoto met onze koffers weer de trein (Shinkansen, heééeele snelle trein) ingestapt naar Hiroshima, dat ging goed! Minder druk dan vorige keer, we waren lekker op tijd en hadden een plekje vooraan in de rij.
      Treinen & metro's rijden hier stipt op tijd en stoppen ook altijd op dezelfde plek. Er staat op het perron aangegeven waar de deuren zijn en de Japanners staan bij deze plekken netjes in een rij achter elkaar te wachten. Dus niet dringen bij het naar binnen gaan. Goed geregeld!

      We blijven maar 1 dagje in Hiroshima, ons hotel ligt gelukkig vlakbij het station. Snel ingecheckt, spullen achtergelaten en op pad. Hmm bussen, metro's, trams, streetcars? Het OV gaat hier weer net wat anders. We stappen een bus in naar het Memorial Park, Nash kan eigenlijk niet meer stilzitten en ook blijkt dat we in de verkeerde bus zitten. Tevens hebben Paul en ik nog niet gelunched, dus we beginnen lichtelijk geïrriteerd te raken.
      Bus uit, Nash ff lopen, taxi aangehouden en 2 straten verderop eruit, we zijn er! (Viel allemaal wel mee hoe ver we uit de richting waren).

      Nash en ik rondje Memorial Park en Paul op zoek naar eten!
      Bij de A-Bomkoepel op een bankje wat gegeten. Niet voor te stellen dat bijna heel de stad in 1945 weggevaagd is door de atoombom. Alleen die ene koepel is voor een deel blijven staan. 10.000 mensen waren op slag dood en in de jaren erna meer dan 180.000 personen.

      Na het eten waren we weer vol goede moed en hebben we vanuit het park de boot genomen naar Miyajima eiland. Hier lopen tamme herten rond, die bij alle mensen om eten staan te bietsen. (Net Dushi) Nash vond ze maar niks.

      Het eiland staat bekend om een oranje poort die bij eb uit de zee oprijst, het eiland staat ook op de werelderfgoedlijst.
      Wij richting de poort gelopen, langs allemaal toeristische tentjes, ja ze weten het hier mooi te verkopen!
      Het begon al vloed te worden en donker, achter ons gingen 1 voor 1 de tenten dicht en zo krijgen ze dus ook alle bezoekers weer van het eiland af. Bij de laatste tenten gaat iedereen nog snel een souveniertje kopen en in de rij staan om wat te eten.
      Wij zijn doorgelopen en hebben aan de rand bij een tentje binnen Noodles gegeten, Paul met gebakken oesters en ik samen met Nash met vis. Het werd voor je neus bereidt en was echt lekker! Gerechten ongeveer tientje per stuk, dus dit was een goedkope avond 😉.

      Met een andere boot teruggegaan naar het vaste land, vanwege onze speciale JRtreinpas was dit gratis en laatste stukje met de trein naar Hiroshima/hotel. Bekaf!

      Morgenochtend ff rustig opstarten en dan pakken we de koffers en gaan we richting Nagasaki.
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    • Day 11

      How to...

      September 15, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ich bin inzwischen in Hiroshima und habe mich ausführlich im Memorial Museum über den Abwurf der ersten Atombombe im Einsatz als Kriegswaffe gegen Menschen informiert...
      Anstattdessen gibt es heute eine Bilderreihe von meinem sehr herzlichen Abschied aus dem Hostel in Kyoto und von meiner ganz persönlichen Art zu reisen.Read more

    • Day 95


      December 8, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Kurzer Spontanflug zurück nach Hiroshima aufgrund unserer FREIHEIT nach dem letzten Projekt. Mit im Boot: drei Italiener und ein Schweizer! Und wir genießen: Gemüse, Fleisch und Fisch (darunter Magen, Darm und Gambaretti) im YAKINIKU (yaki = Grill, niku = Fleisch), dem japanischen Grillrestaurant mit eigenem Tischgrill, vergleichbar mit Raclette! Auf dem Bild aber ersichtlich: alles Rohe einfach direkt aufs Gitter überm Feuer! UND: kein Käse!!! 😉Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 6 - Hiroshima & Miyajima

      April 9, 2017 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We left Namba at 6am!! Caught the subway to Shin -osaka and then rode the shinkasen to Hiroshima. Arriving at 9am we dropped the bags at our hotel - Hotel new hiroden. Nice place close to the station.

      A change of plans saw us head to the peace park first and Miyajima second. We caught the tram there. Sakura are definitely in bloom. We walked all the monuments and went into the nearby street to see the ground zero marker.

      We then rode the hop on/off bus (free with jr pass) back to the station, rode the train and ferry to Miyajima arriving around 1:30pm. No rain today, just overcast. The kids loved the deer and hubby loved the food. The deer also loved the food and we had to fend them off while the kids ate. We walked out to the giant Tori gate at low tide.

      We then walked to the ropeway and did a quick trip up to the top station and back. It was 5pm when we returned, so we did Itsukushima shrine and a final walk back through the streets as most shops were shutting. If there you must visit the back garden of one of the cake shops. It had a waterfall, huge koi and anazing bonsai.

      After arriving back in Hiroshima we headed to the station restaurant floor for some Okonomiyaki, along with a huge post baseball crowd. We finally checked in at 7pm!
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    • Day 19


      May 15, 2017 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Forever engraved in peoples memories as the victim of the first Atomic Bomb to be dropped on a city; Hiroshima is once again a thriving, beautiful and interesting place. Many of its pre atomic attractions have been restored to thier former glory such as Hiroshima Castle and the Shukkeien Gardens which I visited on this trip. When I came here back in October 2016 I visited the Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb site and memorials and it is a very moving experience to ring the Peace Bell in the centre of the park and to experience the memorial Exhibition hall with its horrors and reminders of what man is capable of doing to man.

      This visit I focused more on the beautiful places in the city and spent time at thefamous Shukkeien Gardens. Shukkeien translates as Shrunken Scenery and there are little landscape scenes everywhere you look and also the hallmarks of Japanese Gardens everywhere, the lakes and bridges and gnarly trees. The lakes are teaming with Carp which is the cities mascot - they also have a famous Baseball team called the Hiroshima Carp - and feeding them results in a frenzy of multi-coloured fish bodies.

      Hioshima Castle, sometimes called Carp Castle or Rijo, was destroyed by the atomic bombing on August 6, 1945 but was rebuilt in 1958, a replica of the original. Unlike Osaka castle this one retains some atmosphere and authenticity and is set in beautiful grounds which also contain a Shrine and other buidings. Its been another glorious sunny day with temperatures in the high 20's and today there is also a cooling breeze which is nice.

      I arrived here by Marine Liner and Shinkansen from Takamatsu; the Marine Liner is a particularly cool jouney as it traveserses the Seto Ohashi bridge across the Seto inland Sea.

      Tomorrow I will head out into uncharted territory to the west of here and inland; a place I discovered while browsing Japan destinations and sites of interest online...
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    • Day 46

      Ahkunft Hiroshima

      April 4 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      E ziemlich schnälle Shinkansen & es super cools Hostel hie in Hiroshima. Es paar cooli Beizli heimr ungerwägs oh no gsichtet🚆🏨

    • Day 13

      Tanpopo Restaurant - Hiroshima

      August 8, 2017 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style and at a great little "ma & pop" place that not only showed us how to eat it but treated us very well (& I believe talked with us and put up with us until 27 mins after close). We also met a very nice man, Kenji, who talked with us a bit about the area, travel, and showed us some of his beautiful travel blog (with photos of Cuba, etc).
      We both think this may be our overall favorite Japanese food so far!!!
      The Hiroshima nihonshu was also quite good.
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    • Day 9

      History of Hiroshima

      October 28, 2017 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      After two trains, we arrived in Hiroshima early afternoon. There were concerns we might be greeted by another typhoon, but to our relief it was only a gentle drizzle we had to contend with, almost refreshing after a couple hot and stuffy train rides (Japan aircon hasnt really existed thus far in our trip).

      Our itinerary today would focus primarily on the most noteworthy historic event in Hiroshima over the last century, the catastrophic devestation of the atomic bomb dropped here at 8.15am on 6 August 1945. The firsr stop was the famous peace memorial museum, which largely lived up to expectations. A little small (as half was subject to renovations) and very crowded, but well laid out and informative (as well as obviously a little harrowing and confronting). Most interesting were artifacts and items retrieved from the incident such as clothes, a melted lunchbox, a watch stopped at 8.15 and more.

      From here we wandered around the surrounding gardens and memorials, most noteworthy the shell of a famous domed building (used as a hall) left as it was after the nuclear blast. We managed to get around just before the rain intensified and all kept relatively dry. A short but crowded tram ride soon had us back at New Hotel Hiroden which was the largest and nicest hotel by far in Japan so far.

      Dinner tonight wasn't too far away and it sure was a tasty one. A real 'Hiroshima speciality' called Okonomiyaki, basically a big savoury pancake with cheese, cabbage, meat and other things (of your choice) cooked on a grill before you. Absolutely delicious. The drinks to follow in a small laneway were the first time Ive felt 'ripped off' in Japan so far. The whole thing was seedy and overpriced.

      Tomorrow, weather permitting, we're hoping to visit Miyajima island. Stay away typhoon! Fingers crossed.
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    • Day 20


      March 23, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Morning: train from Osaka early to be in Hiroshima before 9am. Visit of the Prefectural museum of art and municipal museum of contemporary art which were both disappointing...
      Lunch: delicious okonomiyaki at Hassei, authentic and away from tourists
      Afternoon: memorial museum of the A-bomb and area around. Run around the castle
      Dinner: tsukemen at Bakudan and seafood at Suishin
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ōsukachō, Osukacho

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