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    • Tag 25

      Amboseli 2

      30. Januar 2020 in Kenia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Dernière journée dans les parcs du Kenya. On a vu les Big Five (éléphant, lion, buffle, rhinocéros et léopard) et les Ugly Five (hyène, marabout, vautour, phacochère et gnou) notamment grâce à notre guide James, la machine de la savane. On peut donc considérer qu'on a bien rempli notre mission de touristes et rentrer à Nairobi pour un petit shoot de confort moderne.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Zum Amboseli Nationalpark

      25. Januar 2020 in Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Zum Abschied beobachten wir vor der Lodge noch Colobusaffen. Über Nairobi, das wir zum Glück durch eine gute Umgehungsstraße recht schnell hinter uns lassen können, fahren wir dann auf dem Nairobi-Mombasa-Highway in Richtung Amboseli Nationalpark. Unterwegs sehen wir uns die Swara Acacia Lodge an, die in ihrem privaten Wildschutzgebiet sogar Pirschfahrten anbietet. Hier stärken wir uns bei einem ordentlichen Mittagessen. Als wir das Parkgate passieren, wird das Dach unseres Safarifahrzeugs wieder geöffnet, und wir machen eine Gamedrive bis zur Lodge. Besonders beeindruckend sind die vielen Flamingos, die seit ein paar Jahren hier leben. Dann erwartet uns in der im Kolonialstil gebauten Ol Tukai Lodge ein gutes Zimmer und ein hervorragendes Abendessen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 6

      Gamedrives im Amboseli Nationalpark

      26. Januar 2020 in Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute entdecken wir den Amboseli Nationalpark auf Pirschfahrten. Durch die starken Regenfälle der letzten Tage sind nur wenige Straßen befahrbar, und es gibt viel mehr Sumpfgebiete als sonst. Ein Paradies für Wasservögel! Und Elefanten können wir auch beobachten. Der Kilimandscharo zeigt sich leider heute nur zum Teil.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11–14

      Second Safari Mara Olapa Camp

      10. September 2023 in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      On Sunday, we were sad to leave Kibo Camp but excited to see what our next safari and camp would be like. We had hoped to see Mt. Kilimajaro while at Camp Kibo, and finally on the last day at Camp Kibo, the clouds parted at 6:30 am, and we were able to photograph the splendor of this magnificent mountain, the highest single mountain above sea level in the world. Now, with Camp Kibo complete, our bags were packed, and we were ready to leave. Scott was excited to be the copilot on our flight to Masa Mara. The terrain here was quite different as we landed... lots more rolling hills, brush, and bush with not so many acacia trees. After about an hour, we landed in Masa Mara. We were met by Benett, a Maasai tribe member who was our driver and guide. We felt very safe at Camp. When it got dark, if we wanted to leave our tent, we needed to ring a bell to leave. A Maasai warrior would come and escort us where we wanted to go protecting us from any wild animals.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 384

      Entering Chyulu

      4. Januar 2021 in Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nairobi cancelled so what now? I could go into Amboseli National Park but as it is labelled “premium park” I somehow loose interest. I would probably see a bunch of animals and the Kili but both I have already enjoyed a lot so far. But what’s this small mountain ridge to the east? Chyulu Hills? Looks interesting, let’s go there! I spend quite a lot of time figuring out how to get into Chyulu Hills National Park from the West. My road maps are not really clear on that and are out of date apparently. I pass some wildlife corridors along the main road from Oloitokitok northwards and ask my way through at Kimana Sanctuary and finally at a police control post in Mbirikani. From here they guide me to take a road which leads directly into the hills and this also complies with my maps but it’s further north then I wanted to go. Coincidence and destiny kick into action and while stopping at a market I get approached by a Maasai who asks for a lift in direction to Chyulu Hills to his village. A beautiful road this is! Through green plains with scarce trees with impalas, hartebeests, wildebeests, thommys and with a view on the now approaching smooth hills. We get stopped by a giraffe road checkpoint. They do not let us pass until having finished drinking from a puddle. Lovely! It turns out that this Maasai works for Big Life Foundation – a non-profit conservancy organisation – and after telling him my plans he guides me directly to the local headquarters into the arms of Richard Bonham, one of the organisation's founders and famous conservationist! He gives me the permission to enter the national park because the main entrance gate is located on the other side in Kibwezi. He also explains very precisely how to get to a superbly located campsite with gorgeous views. I have to hurry in order to reach it before sunset. The road into the hills is wild, bumpy, totally overgrown with high grass, thorny bushes and adventurous! Paradise.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Amboseli Nationalpark

      15. März in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute früh ging es wieder zur Safari. Der Kilimandscharo zeigte sich schon zum Frühstück von der besten Seite. Den ganzen Tag konnten wir viele Tiere vor dieser phantastischen Kulisse beobachten, vor allem zahlreiche Elefantenfamilien aus nächster Nähe.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 386

      Call of Chyulu

      6. Januar 2021 in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I spend two nights and two days in deep green. The main campsite is already occupied by 6 holidayers from England and Sweden in two cars which I did not expect because these hills are supposed to be empty of humans but full of birds, generally smalller animals and some East African cats instead.
      The first day I go for an extensive hike to climb three surrounding summits. I am longing for a western view on Kilimanjaro and indeed find it's snow-covered tip glimpsing through the clouds for a few moments but the rest is just hazy air. The juicily green hills are wonderful! The soil is basically brownish-greyish-black volcanic ash. A variety of grass grows here, especially because it must have burned not too long ago. Half of the day's hike the grass nipple-high and I wonder if I might stumble across hiding predatory animals waiting to rip me apart. So far I have just been warned to stay away from the patches of pristine forest because buffaloes like to hide in there. I encounter just one tiny snake, baboons and an orange-backed monkey and a lonely hartebeest on the opposite hill. Bigger animals are scrace or stay just for a short time because there seems to be no water at all up here. There are many herby bushes around. Just roll a leaf between your fingertips, smell it and drift into tasty dreams! A pollen-saturated bee visits me and licks my sweat frantically. After having been invited for late lunch by the englishified Swedes on my way back we spend the evening together and have a lot of fun!
      The next sunrise is powered by distant growling of a lion coming from the valley north of the campsite. Holy banana! I thought that there are no big cats around here! After breakfast three rangers from Big Life Foundation appear to warn us about apparently two lions not far away. They offer us to walk there and to scare them away. Their most sophisticated equipment consists of GPS devices and short sticks. Very trustworthy :-D Unfortunately the lions seem to have already left the last spot where they have been seen. The others return to Nairobi and I start my 4-wheeled adventure to examine the tracks further south which appear on OpenStreetMap. A wild, bushy "road", difficult to followup because it just consists of vague tracks in high grass and suddenly ends being totally overgrown. Only a foot path continues which is used by Maasai and their cattle. I have to turn back. Hmmpf, ok. Later the rangers tell me that this road has not been used for almost three years. To satisfy my curiosity I then try to find another access road down to the western side of the hills through which I was unsuccessfully trying to get into the hills two days ago. I am indeed successful and arrive in a huge Maasai community down there. Now I can finally update the map! :-) It is just early afternoon and I spontaneously decide to go all the way back up and through the hills to Kibwezi because it is just pure offroad fun driving up there!! The car is incredibly eating every track I'm throwing at it. Low range 2nd gear and you have a rocket on 4 wheels! But a very comfy rocket, so rather a rocket sofa on 4 wheels.
      After passing the Kisula Caves I check out of the park in the East but spend the last night on the headquarters' campsite. So, I entered from the West without a gate and found a different way out to the West without a gate. In the end I could have ended the trip without paying anything but I think it is just fair to support the official conservancy work and all the park infrastructure. Looking back on all the fun I had during these few days it is the least that I can do!

    • Tag 384

      Things change

      4. Januar 2021 in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I survive the bad road and arrive in Oloitokitok with superb view on the north face of both Kili peaks. After buying a SIM card it is 0930 already. Rushing now to Nairobi on the main roads? Hmm. This is really not what I want! In hope of a better-mooded customs officer today I call her and indeed find a calm, friendly lady on the other side of the line. I politely explain my situation and she understands that re-trying the registration procedure here at the border in Oloitokitok on a Monday could be an option. Yesterday she insisted sending me to Nairobi because she had already talked to the responsible person there and had announced my visit. I drive to the border post, manage to find a friendly customs officer, call the lady again, give the phone to this officer, they clarify everything, I get my pay bill, I am registered in “the system”. Problem solved, Nairobi cancelled, mission accomplished. On leaving Oloitokitok I pass a police control post. They say “Please proceed.” and I say “No! I want to have lunch with you!” They are nice guys, I am hungry and on the opposite building there is written “Police Canteen”. In the backyard two ladies prepare awesome fish with ugali for all police officers ... and for me =)Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4

      R.E.M High Shool, Ngong

      6. Oktober 2017 in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Another amazing project for orphans and disantvantaged children. Rev. Shadrach Ogembo started in the slums of Nairobi, and still has today two orphanages there. But then he could buy a piece of land in the Ngong valley oitside Nairobi. There he started a high school with over 180 children now.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 65

      Back on track 🔥🔥🥵🤩🤩

      20. März 2022 in Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Ausgeschlafen und erholt von dem gestrigen Tag, startete ich mit einer gewissen Anspannung in den heutigen Tag. 🙄
      Da mir der Thailandpass sowie der richtige Flug nach Bangkok immer noch fehlt, weiss ich nicht, ob ich am Dienstag fliegen kann.
      Da ich es jetzt leider nicht mehr in meinen eigenen Händen habe, versuche ich meine Zeit die ich jetzt hier habe, für die weitere Reiseplanung zu nutzen.
      Damit die Einreise nach Thailand funktioniert und ich dann auch "on point" in die Staaten fliegen kann, habe ich somit den Flug nach San Francisco gebucht. Werde also von SF einen kurzen Roadtrip nach LA machen, bevor ich dann Vanessa abhohle.😍🔥
      Wenn schon denn schon... "ESTA" habe ich nun auch beantragt. ✅🇺🇸
      Nach einem gemeinsamen "Zmittag" mit der Familie habe ich für Brian von seinem coolen Containerhaus als kleine Erinnerung ein paar Drohnenbilder gemacht.

      Nun ich hasse es, wenn ich von jemandem abhängig bin und ich es nicht in meiner Kontrolle habe.🙈 Somit beschloss ich, die "Embasy" in Thailand erneut zu kontaktieren. Habe somit jetzt wirklich alles in eine Waagschale geworfen.

      Jetzt heisst es einfach abwarten und hoffen...🤞🏾

      Wie so oft, spielten wir mit Lauras Eltern abschliessend "Uno Flip" (danke Vanessa) 🤩

      Facetime mit: Vanessa, Sina, Pädi und anschliessend mit Ramiro

      Im Bett angekommen und nochmals die E-Mails gecheckt... und siehe da... absolut unerwartet....🔥😍😍😍😍 Thailandpass / Flug mit richtigem Datum! 🔥🤩

      Fuck ... mir fällt ein Stein vom Herzen... ich bin gerade überglücklich und auch etwas stolz, dass ich das beinahe Unmögliche, möglich gemach habe. 🤩😂
      Kleine Randnotitz: Normale Beantragung Thailand Pass (3-7 Werkstage)

      Beantragung Thailand Pass Moreno: 1.5 Tage (Samstag auf Sonntag)

      Good night! 😅

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    Kajiado, Kajiado District

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