Fishmarket Rocks

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    • Día 252

      Back to the nature

      5 de julio de 2022, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Marjolein. Nach der schönen, aber doch auch hektischen Großstadt George Town haben wir beschlossen, nach malaysisch Borneo zu fliegen, um der Natur endlich wieder etwas näher zu sein. Wir sind eben nicht so sehr Stadtmenschen.
      Borneo, die drittgrößte Insel der Welt, ist aufgeteilt zwischen den drei Ländern Indonesien, Malaysia und Brunei. Malaysisch Borneo ist aufgeteilt in die zwei Bundesstaaten Sarawak und Sabah.
      Wir landen in Kuching, der Hauptstadt von Sarawak.
      Angekommen in Kuching fühlen wir uns direkt wohl. Es ist deutlich mehr Natur zu sehen und es ist viel ruhiger. Wir freuen uns hier zu sein und spüren schon jetzt, dass es die richtige Entscheidung war.
      In Kuching besuchen wir das „Borneo Cultures Museum“, um mehr über die Geschichte der Insel zu erfahren. Leider sind in den Ausstellungsräumen des Museums keine Fotos erlaubt.
      Das Museum hat fünf Etagen, von denen sich auf vier Etagen Ausstellungsräume befinden.
      In der zweiten Etage befindet sich die „Childrens Gallery“, in der auf spielerische Art und Weise die Wichtigkeit von Nachhaltigkeit und Achtsamkeit mit der Natur und Umwelt gezeigt wird. Durch interaktive Spiele kann man selbst recyceln und Müll sammeln und nebenbei noch ganz viel wichtiges Lernen.
      Die dritte Etage behandelt das Thema „In Harmony with the Nature“. Hier geht es um die Beziehung zwischen den Ureinwohnern Sarawaks und der Natur. Hier wird auch die Verbundenheit zwischen den Tieren, den Pflanzen und den Menschen gezeigt. Es geht viel um Tradition, aber auch, was wir von ihr lernen können und was wir in unser heutiges Leben adaptieren sollten.
      Auf der vierten Etage „Time changes“ geht es um die Vergangenheit Sarawaks und Borneos. Wie kommt es, dass Borneo zwischen drei Ländern aufgeteilt wurde? Wer war James Brooke? Und was hat Japan damit zu tun? All diese Fragen werden anhand eines Zeitstrahls, der die Geschichte und Hintergründe von Borneo aufzeigt, beantwortet.
      Die fünfte Etage „Objects of Desire“ haben wir aus Zeitgründen leider nicht mehr geschafft.
      Nach diesem Museumstag waren wir wirklich platt. Es waren ziemlich viele Informationen.
      Am besten haben uns die zweite Etage und die dritte Etage gefallen.
      Auch hier haben wir noch einmal gemerkt, dass das unser Ding ist. Die Natur und der Schutz dieser, die Frage, wie wir gemeinsam mit ihr leben können, ohne sie auszubeuten wollen wir beantworten. Wir wollen ein Teil der Lösung sein, nichts des Problems.
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    • Día 2.397

      The day after the 3 days before

      21 de junio de 2022, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      So after a full on day of stress yesterday, I'm ready to do some exploring and me and the crew have decided to explore The Cultural Museum. The Borneo Cultures Museum is a modern five-storey building with a distinctive architectural design that reflects Sarawak’s unique traditional crafts and rich cultural heritage. It Opened on 9 March 2022 and has free entry for the first 3 months. It is spread out over five floors: the first houses an ephemeral exhibition gallery, while the second has a children’s gallery, a Love our Rivers and Arts & Crafts sections. Levels 3, 4, and 5 cover the permanent thematic galleries “In Harmony with Nature” (which exhibits sights from the coasts, rainforests, and highlands of Borneo), “Time Changes” (which showcases cave discoveries and the making of Sarawak), and “Objects of Desire” (which houses relics on trade and craftsmanship, along with spiritual designs of the cultures). I really like the way it's set up and the information is minimal so it doesn't get boring. The only thing I would of liked was the dates of some of the artifacts. We leave the museum and treat ourselves to coffee and cake at the commons before heading back for a swim. It's the first time I've had a pool in forever so I definitely want to make the most of it. In the evening we go to a local restaurant Lepau with Kim and Alex a couple who've lived in Kuching for 8 years. They order really traditional food with ingredients that are picked from the jungle including fish umai, nasi bario and purple rice. We order lots of small plates and all share it's absolutely delicious. Afterwards we head to the secret bar and Drew and Mauri try to trick me but when I see them standing back and filming me I think we're going into a strip bar but the jokes on them as drew gives in and opens the door to the side that looks like a wall. The live music is great and Drew even gets up for a bit of wondewall karaoke before we make our way home to bed.Leer más

    • Día 2.395

      Festival day 2

      19 de junio de 2022, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We start the day with breakfast in the Indah cafe and they have homemade lemon curd and homemade peanut butter which I have on toast that's also homemade and contains no sugar. I've always been one for a sweet tooth and pretty much all the bread here is sweet so I really enjoy it. After breakfast the girls and Drew are heading to the festival early because they want to do the Bollywood dancing but James is arriving today at 2pm so I stay back to wait for him. It's so good to see him again and after dumping his bags we make our way to catch the bus. When we get on the bus we ask about paying but the driver tells us to just sit down but when the man comes round he tells us we need tickets. James gets of the bus and comes back with 2 tickets but then the guy tells us that's a return ticket so we have to get off and buy another one. Eventually were on our way. There is a lot more traffic today and it takes us an hour to get there. We have a quick look around before making our way to the food court and meeting the girls. I've got a habit of literally talking to anyone and strike up a conversation with a lady and gentlemen next to me. She's got a stall here and is from Indonesia where she works with indigenous people.The festival is much busier today and already there's nowhere to sit. I'm actually a little disappointed in the music I was expecting to be up dancing constantly but that's not possible. Throughout the evening I have quite a few beers and because it's cheaper to buy 5 that's what we do, the downside to this is there's only 2 of us and you drink faster because they get very warm quickly and there's nothing worse than warm beer. The other mistake is we top them up with grape soju.The next time I'm at the toilet a table of locals invite me to try "holy water" I don't know what it is but it's lethal. The next thing I know I'm in a drinking competition and after numerous shots and lots of free beers I make my way back to the group. I have little memory of the rest of the night but have made a note to myself to never drink holy water again.Leer más

    • Día 24

      Neuer Tag neues Land

      24 de enero de 2020, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute ist es so weit unsere Reise nach Borneo. Eine Insel, welche gleich drei Länder beanspruchen. Malaysia, Brunei und Indonesien. Wir werden um 14.00 Uh am 23. Januar mit dem Taxi nach Thandwe gefahren. Der Bus fährt um 15.00 Uhr an um am nächsten Morgen um 5.00 in der früh in Yangon zu sein.
      Um 11.15 geht der Flieger nach Kuala Lumpur und anschliessend um 18.30 weiter nach Kuching. Mit +1.5 h Zeitverschiebung.
      Angekommen sind wir nun um 20.00 in Malaysia. So haben wir rund 28 Stunden reisen hinter uns.

      Wir haben einen super ersten Eindruck von Malaysia. Sehr schnelle Einreise perfekt organisiert Taxi Betrieb am Flughafen. Man kauft das Ticket an einem Schalter und verhindert so, dass man von 20 Taxifahrer bedrängt wird.

      Im Hotel genossen wir gleich eine Dusche und tranken noch ein wohlverdientes erstes Bier.

      Wir realisieren, dass wir pünktlich zum chinesischen Neujahrsfest ankommen.
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    • Día 8

      Kuching Tag 3

      4 de mayo, Malasia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Gibt zu heute nicht viel zu erzählen.
      Wir haben ausgeschlafen, waren am Pool, haben ein bisschen weitergeplant und dann waren wir nochmal im Borneo Cultures Museum. Jetzt wird gepackt und weitergeplant für den morgigen Rückflug nach Kualar Lumpur.Leer más

    • Día 19


      20 de octubre de 2022, Malasia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Unser nächster Halt auf der Reise sollte dann Borneo werden. Also machten wir uns gegen Mittag des nächsten Tages auf den Weg Richtung Penang Airport, um von da auf die drittgrößte Insel der Welt zu fliegen.
      Borneo besteht größtenteils aus Regenwald & Dschungel, ist bekannt durch frei lebende Orang-Utans und somit ein absolutes Paradies für Naturliebhaber.
      Auf der größten Insel Asiens findet man neben dem malaysischen Borneo & dem indonesischen Kalimantan auch noch das Sultanat Brunei.

      Ohne Probleme landeten wir nach knapp 2h Flug in Kuching und bekamen dort nochmal ein separates Visum inkl. Stempel im Pass.
      Kuching wird für die nächsten Tage unser Ausgangspunkt für diverse Touren etc. sein, wofür wir uns ein Doppelzimmer in einem Hostel gebucht haben.
      Die Gastgeberin dort ist supernett, die Zimmer sind in Ordnung und auch die Sanitäranlagen werden wir trotz des etwas schlechteren Starts noch zu schätzen wissen.
      Von Kuching machten wir uns dann die Tage auf den Weg zum Semenggoh Nature Reserve, dem Bako Nationalpark & dem Santubong Nationalpark.
      Im letzteren ging es für uns auf eine kleinere Wanderung durch den Regenwald, wo wir zum ersten Mal die extreme Luftfeuchtigkeit zu spüren bekamen.
      Wir waren klitschnass ohne wirklich extrem geschwitzt zu haben.
      Die Region um den Nationalpark ist außerdem bekannt durch das Sarawak Culture Village, indem man diverse traditionelle Häuser, Arbeiten und auch Bräuche sehen & mit erleben kann.
      Leider ist dies mittlerweile schon sehr touristisch aufgezogen und dementsprechend teuer, sodass wir uns gegen einen Besuch entschieden und lieber kurz zum Strand gingen, wo es natürlich anfing zu regnen.

      Positiv überrascht hatten auf jeden Fall die kostenlosen Hybridbusse, die man zu den unterschiedlichsten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Nationalparks nehmen konnte, auch wenn die Abfahrtzeiten nicht ganz so stimmten, wie man als Info im Netz fand.

      Dennoch waren wir mehr als positiv überrascht und für mich war es das absolute Highlight von Malaysia.
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    • Día 2.404

      Benogh dam

      28 de junio de 2022, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      I wake early this morning as I'm going on a little trip to Benogh dam with Cynthia's mum Margaret. I'm so blessed how these lovely people that I've met along my journey keep popping back up and enable me to experience wonderful adventures that I otherwise wouldn't experience. It's also crazy that most of the people that are creating these local experiences are due to my passion as an LFC supporter, but as we say YNWA. Margaret picks me up in the morning and drives me to her village and takes me to her home. I get to meet her son and his beautiful family and as I'm talking with her granddaughter I kneel down and to the left of me is a scorpion and when I point it out Donni's wife casually picks up the umbrella and kills it. Donni has kindly offered to drive us to the dam and from the village is only a 35 minutes drive. When we arrive at the dam all the boats have departed so we change our plans and drive to the longhouse village. It's really special when we get here. On arrival we are greeted with a complimentary tuak before making our way up to the longhouse. The places surrounding kuching are very geared towards tourism and the longhouse is deprecated into multiple homestays equipped with television although if you venture further into the jungle there are still traditional longhouses but COVID has had a huge impact on this because they rely on traditional medicine they are more reluctant to let foreigners in. The entire architecture is designed and built as a standing tree with branches to the right and left with the front part facing the sunrise while the back faces the sunset. The longhouse building acts as the normal accommodation and a house of worship for religious activities. The entry could double as a canoe dock. Cooling air could circulate underneath the raised floor of the dwelling, and the elevated living areas were more likely to catch above-ground breezes. Livestock could shelter underneath the longhouses for greater protection from predators and the elements. In fact, chickens coops were hung from the main room structure for easy feeding. This particular longhouse is set up for the tourism with the dwellers selling their handmade goods and homemade Tuak (in whisky bottles) to the people who pass through. There is even a bank here. An added bonus is one of the ladies that runs a shop here went to school with Margaret so we get lots of information about the place and the things being sold. A little later she spots a lady who she thinks was her teacher but it's actually her sister Peggy who is a wonderful soul and served as a midwife for over 40 years. We speak with her for over an hour as she explains the history of Sarawak and Mr Brooke. Further along the road we eat at Margarets cousins cafe before making our final stop at the crocodile farm. I'm quite saddened to see these amazing creatures kept in such a small habitat, but they've generally been caught due to being a danger to the locals. I'm so thankful to Mags and Donny for taking me around and showing me the attractions but the weather is really bad so I tell them I'm happy to get a grab back. They won't hear of it and on the way back we witness a tree that's been uprooted and is impeding the traffic. In the evening I take myself for some essentials shopping , new underwear etc and manage to bag myself a few bargains before heading back homeLeer más

    • Día 2.396


      20 de junio de 2022, Malasia ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      So I wake this morning and not only do I have a hangover from hell but I have to sort the hassle of losing my purse last night. James comes with me as I retrace my steps back to the restaurant then the road we walked back from the bus but no sign of it. We make our way back to the hostel and check out as we want to upgrade a little and now the festival is over there are a few more opportunities. We go to our favourite little cafe and with Mauri and Drew book a really nice room for the next couple of nights. After we've checked in and chilled for an hour I make my way to the police station to see if maybe my purse has been handed in here. What a rigmerole they were so rude in here, obviously having a gun strapped to his hip gave him the right to abuse me. I feel like I've committed a crime. I understand I'm in a foreign country but the guy says I should speak Malay and if he came to my country he'd need to speak English but when you go to a police station you would expect a little empathy. After writing the report with Google translate they give it me to sign. I have very little hope I will hear of them again. We grab a bite to eat and on the way home call into the last bar I was in last night. It's my last hope but sadly it's not there and we make our way back to the hotel to take a swim. I chill out for a few hours and at 7pm make our way down for a bite to eat. The boys carry on out but I'm a write off so Mauri and I take full advantage of our lovely beds by getting an early night.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Dinner on a Boat ride and city sunset

      21 de mayo de 2018, Malasia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Thx to our host - the idea was executed to have our dinner on a boat ride. Asia flexibility let us book very easily, just on the pier.

      The punctual everyday thunderstorm- already hanging tight in the clouds, waiting to crush on us, was left behind by the fast ship moving off city.

      Gorgeous experience and reminded me of Thuy in viet who invited me for birthday last year.

      Arrival - we went to backpacker district and enjoyed a wonderful whiskey in the drunken monkey bar, ending a enormous cool day.
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    • Día 126

      Sunday is a day of rest

      7 de octubre de 2018, Malasia ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

      Well, the Borneo Hash House Hazards-Riettes (BHHHR) certainly do know how to throw a On After. Trail was very good, in the jungle with ups and downs that weren't so steep that you had to crawl up or slide down. Lots of flat bits, too. About 1.5 hours for 6 km. Nice. After a very short circle at finish, we cleaned up and went to a nearby restaurant that is often used by the many hash kennels here in Kuching. Good food and great laughs. The Whip, elsewhere called the Religious Advisor, continued with the down downs, and the hash gave me a sarong and a t-shirt. They are awesome people!

      As typical, I woke up around 3 am but managed to get back to sleep until around 6. I've walked down the street to the nearest KFC because they have the bowls (chicken strips, mashed potatoes, corn, and cheese). Yummy! They also have chicken and waffles served as a sandwich. I kind of want to get one just to try it (see pic).

      Although I really should walk around more today, I'm pretty sure I'm going back to bed for a movie and a nap, not necessarily in that order. 😉

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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