Pantai Cenang

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    • Jour 2 372

      Here we are again

      27 mai 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      For the first time in a long time Uncle Johnny beats me to breakfast at Raos. I love this little place as so many locals eat here and I've met a lot of lovely people. Today is no exception as I meet good friends of uncle Johnny called Michael and Eunice. Its crazy as my Grandma was named Eunice and I called one if my chickens the same, but it's not a name you come across often anymore. I love to sit and chat to local people and for those that know me I can talk the rear end off a donkey. I also get chatting to another lady who makes tit bits which are little savoury snack made of butter ghee and spices and tells me that it's wonderful doing a job she loves. In the afternoon I lay in my hammock finishing my book and I think a leaf has fallen on me but when I look down a ghekko is perched on my leg. I remember a time when I would of jumped up and screamed, but I just lay here enjoying watching him. I do some more research and book my accommodation. I've opted for a dorm again as I'm hoping that i might find someone who's doing the trek that I can join up with. I also search for somewhere to get my nails painted, but when I enquire it's going to cost more than £50 so I decide to leave that idea and maybe try again I Saba. I have a good catch up with a few people at home and finish the evening with a bite to eat and a couple of beers in Wundabar. There are a few different people here but everyone knows uncle Johnny. A young guy called Daniel comes in and tells me his grandfather used to play with uncle Johnny but is a guy called Alfonso Soliano one of Malaysias greatest musicians and the score writer of the National anthem. Its crazy how connected people are here and I can really see why Langkawi is such a big draw for them. I just have a few beers and make my excuses before walking home.En savoir plus

    • Jour 2 359

      Day at the beach

      14 mai 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      I wake up with my priority of deciding where I'm going to watch the game tonight. After much deliberation I think I will head to the new bar. Uncle Johnny is in raos when I go for my morning coffee and when I say I'm heading to the beach he offers that I can use his pool instead. We finish breakfast but when I arrive to his place the pool doesn't look as wonderful as it did the other night. Actually it's really dirty from all the leaves that have dropped in it and after dipping my feet I see the biggest betle I opt for the beach after all. Its extremely hot today so I spend the afternoon dipping in and out the sea just to keep cool. The heat here is so draining that after a few hours at the beach I take myself back to my room to get a few hours sleep before the game. I've arranged to go to the new bar with a couple of the locals and feel well rested after my afternoon siesta. We go to the local bar cinnamon where I have the pleasure of meeting Dato Azhar Mansor. He was the first Malaysian to sail single handed around the world back in 1999 which took him 190 days 6hrs 57mins and 2 seconds. The fastest at the time. It seems crazy that I'm sitting here with a world record breaker. Let's hope Liverpool achieve the win tonight to still be in with a chance of breaking the quadruple record. After a few beers here we make our way to the new bar Knot Shore. Its a crazy thing because along the beach here there used to be many bars before lock down but since restrictions were lifted and the bars started reopening the landowners have restricted the people who lease the bars and with it being such a high Muslim populated island the alcohol restrictions have been imposed which is crazy as its also a duty free island. Andrew then drives us to the bar . They have a projector onto a canvas which doesn't necessarily give the best quality but at this point I'm not too bothered. I'm so stressed watching the game and as the final few minutes approach we lose the Internet signal. I book a grab as I want to see the extra time without interference and when I eventually spot the grab driver he drives past without stopping. Nathan and I start the walk home but by this time the extra time is half way through. I eventually arrive back and see the last few penalties and in a way I'm glad as the suspense would have killed me. I rejoice in our victory with a final beer before bedEn savoir plus

    • Jour 2 373

      Champions league

      28 mai 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Breakfast in Raos my usual place consists of a Tose which is a pancake/thin omelette accompanied by a coconut chutney and Dahl with a brew coffee. I'm not a big eater in the mornings and curry for breakfast is definitely not the norm, but after a few months I'm kind of used to it and actually really enjoy it. I need to eat as much as possible today because there will be quite a few beers being sunk later and I need to absorb the alcohol. One of the locals has invited me and Uncle Johnny to his home to take advantage of his pool and I'm glad to say its a lot clearer than Uncle Johnny's and the views are spectacular. Its up in the hills and overlooks the mountains and paddy fields below. The rice grown here is grown on flat land unlike terraces in other parts of Asia. The crazy part is most of this rice is actually exported and the Malaysian people eat mainly white rice. We enjoy a few beers and I really enjoy the tranquility of this hillside location. I've arranged to join Andrew and Nathan at Flos but have to get a grab as it's pouring down. When I arrive the rain and wind is so torrential its pouring through the slatted windows and soaking the carpet and the doors are having to be held closed. We head to cinnamon for a farewell drink and Amy gives me a little present to say goodbye. It's also the pre opening of the bar that's been under construction opposite my room. The rainbow bar is also showing the game tonight on a big projector screen. At about 2am I stupidly think I'll get a quick hour shut eye , only to be woken at 440am to shouting and realise I've missed most of the game. I jump up and walk into the bar to find Real Madrid are 1 0 up and the shouting was being done by Man United supporters. I stay for the end of the game and although dissapointed I'm proud of the team. Thank God I literally only have to roll into bed.En savoir plus

    • Jour 8

      Abends in der City: Cenang

      28 décembre 2022, Malaisie ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Am Abend lassen wir uns mit einem Grab (das malayische Uber) einen Ort weiter nach Cenang fahren, nur einen Strandabschnitt von unserem aktuellen Ort entfernt. Es ist hier wie in Las Vegas oder am Ballermann, nur ohne Alkohol. Überall Menschenmassen, Stände, Restaurants, es ist laut und blinkt überall. Wir sind total froh dass wir nicht diesen Ort gewählt haben, um zwei Wochen hier zu verbringen!!!En savoir plus

    • Jour 6


      26 janvier 2023, Malaisie ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      So langsam ist der Schlafrythmus wieder normal und nach dem aufstehen bin ich erstmal eine große Runde am Strand lang und durch die Straßen spaziert. Danach gabs eine lecker schmecker Smoothie Bowl und einen Wassermelonen Saft zum (mittlerweile recht späten) Frühstück. 😍 Hach, so lässt es sich aushalten! Zurück in der Unterkunft gabs aber schlechte Neuigkeiten - verlängern ist nicht möglich weil ausgebucht. Wenigstens zwei Tage wollte ich länger bleiben, da mir die private Unterkunft recht gut gefällt und es noch ein bisschen was auf Langkawi zu sehen gibt. So ging es an eine erschwerte Unterkunftssuche mit mäßigem Erfolg. Zufällig erwischte ich aber eine Stornierung meiner jetzigen Unterkunft und konnte online verlängern .. Glück gehabt 🙏🏼

      Nach einer Ausruhpause ging es Abends zum Night Market, welcher nur Donnerstags stattfindet. Dort gab es Kleidung, Spielzeug und Essen über Essen! Man konnte sich gar nicht entscheiden und der Magen war leider ziemlich schnell gefüllt, sodass nach gebratenen Nudeln, Eierkuchen mit Banane & Schoki und einem Mangosaft gar nichts mehr rein gepasst hat 🥲 Das alles für nur 2,60€!
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    • Jour 54

      Malaisie - Kuala Lampur

      8 février, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      On arrive en Malaisie, on commence donc par visiter la capitale. C’est vraiment une ville sympa pour se balader, il y a un super parc dans lequel on a plus du tout l’impression d’être dans une grande ville.

      On a été visité la Batu caves, c’est une temple hindou dans une grotte incroyable. Il y a des singes partout par contre 😅

      Le soir on s’est baladé, on a été mangé la nourriture est trop bonne en Malaisie et on est allée voir les tours Petronas qui font partie des tours les plus hautes du monde, c’est assez impressionnant vu d’en bas.
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    • Jour 9

      Der Fluch von Langkawi

      8 août 2023, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Geschrieben von Isabelle

      Es war einmal im Jahr 1819 eine intelligente und wunderschöne Frau namens Mahsuri. Mahsuri wurde Opfer falscher Beschuldigungen, die sie des Ehebruchs anklagen. Sie wird daraufhin rituell getötet. Im letzten Atemzug legt sie einen Fluch auf die Insel Langkawi und ihre Bewohner:innen, der sieben Generationen überdauern soll. Die folgenden Jahrzehnte sind geprägt von Bränden und gewaltvollen Auseinandersetzungen auf der Insel. Erst als Jahrzehnte später ihr Grab gefunden wird, wird der Fluch aufgelöst und es geht wieder bergauf für die kleine Insel an der Straße von Malacca.

      Ähnlich abenteuerlich wie die Geschichte der Insel Langkawi war mein Aufenthalt dort. Der Bus von Kuala Lumpur nach Kuala Perlis, wo die Fähre nach Langkawi fährt, hat mehrere Stunden Verspätung sodass ich die letzte Fähre verpasse. Nach einer kurzen aber erholsamen Nacht in Kuala Perlis geht es dann endlich mit der Fähre zur Insel. Dort das nächste Unglück: Auf der Insel, die bekannt für ihre Strände und Outdooraktivitäten ist, regnet es in Strömen. So stark, dass mir trotz 27 Grad Lufttemperatur kalt wird und ich mich müde und genervt in meine Regenjacke eingepackt auf den Weg zum Frühstück mache. Das Frühstück ist glücklicherweise super lecker und sogar vegan! Das erste Mal seit wir in Asien sind. Mein Magen war zufrieden und ich auch und es sollte weiter gehen. Doch die Insel und Strände sind wie völlig menschenleer und Urlaubsstimmung kommt bei anhaltendem Regen nicht auf. Ich entschließe mich ein Museum zu besuchen, um dem Regen zu entfliehen. Das Museum erzählt Mahsuris Geschichte und damit auch teilweise die Geschichte der Insel. Hinter dem Museum befindet sich Mahsuris Grab sowie zahlreiche Häuser, die im traditionellen Stil der Insel nachgebaut wurden. Die Häuser begeistern mich sofort. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, so ein Haus als Ferienhaus zu besuchen. Alles ist sehr schlicht und funktional. Die Häuser stehen auf Stelzen und machen einen sehr eleganten Eindruck. Meine Stimmung bessert sich und nach dem Mittagessen geht es zum Berg Machinchang. Dort befindet sich die steilste Seilbahn der Welt (42 Grad Steigung). Nach der teuersten Seilbahnfahrt meines Lebens (21 Euro) eröffnet sich mir einer der schönsten Ausblicke, den ich je gesehen habe. Schroffe Steinformationen bedeckt von runden Bäumen, gesäumt von blauem Meer und Dutzenden Inseln. Ich lasse die Bilder für sich sprechen, da ich meine Überwältigung nicht in Worte fassen kann…

      Für mich geht es nach diesem sehr kurzen Ausflug auf die Insel zurück nach Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) und anschließend nach Bangkok (Thailand). Maike treffe ich dann etwa in 10 Tagen in einem Nationalpark wieder.

      English version

      Once upon a time in 1819, there was an intelligent and beautiful woman named Mahsuri. Mahsuri became the victim of false accusations of adultery. As a consequence, she is ritually killed. In her last breath, she places a curse on the island of Langkawi and its inhabitants that is to last seven generations. The following decades are marked by fires and violent conflicts on the island. Only when her grave is found decades later is the curse lifted and things start to look up again for the small island on the Straits of Malacca.

      My stay there was similarly adventurous as the history of Langkawi Island. The bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Perlis, where the ferry to Langkawi leaves, was several hours late resulting in me missing the last ferry. After a short but relaxing night in Kuala Perlis I finally take the ferry to the island. Where I meet my next misfortune: On the island, which is known for its beaches and outdoor activities, it is raining in torrents. So much that I get cold despite 27 degrees air temperature. I'm tired and annoyed wrapped in my rain jacket on my way to breakfast. The breakfast is fortunately super delicious and even vegan! The first time since we arrived in Asia. My stomach was satisfied and so was I and thus the journey continues. But the island and beaches are completely deserted and the rain continues. I decide to visit a museum to escape the rain. The museum tells Mahsuri's story and thus also partly the history of the island. Behind the museum is Mahsuri's grave as well as numerous houses, which were built in the traditional style of the island. The houses fascinate me immediately. I wouldn't mind visiting such a house as a vacation home. Everything is very simple and functional. The houses stand on stilts and make a very elegant impression. My mood improves and after lunch I continue to Machinchang mountain. There is the steepest cable car in the world (42 degree incline). After the most expensive cable car ride of my life (21 Euro) one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen opens up to me. Rugged rock formations covered by round trees, lined by blue sea and dozens of islands. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, as I can't put into words my overwhelmedness...

      For me, after this very short trip to the island, it's back to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and then to Bangkok (Thailand). I will then meet Maike again in about 10 days in a national park.
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    • Jour 2 481

      Gigolo stance

      13 septembre 2022, Malaisie ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      I'm really struggling with my positivity these past few days. I really just want to be home but my foot is still really swollen and until I get the go ahead from the doctor in 2.5 weeks I'm unable to fly long haul so I guess I should accept this and try and make the most of my final part of my trip. I get a shower and immediately feel better. The plan is to go out today independently but the rain starts at 9 and doesn't finish till 1. I order a pizza as the crew have gone to Kuah and won't be back till early afternoon. I need a few bits of shopping and Rick kindly pushes me to the main road on Pantai Chenang later in the afternoon. I honestly never realised how hard It was to push yourself in a wheelchair and as I travel down the cracked pavements have to take shelter behind the bushes out of the son every 100m or so. I hadn't planned to go all the way to the mall but The black pearl coffee shop on Google maps isn't open anymore so I make the additional effort and wheel myself on to Starbucks where I sit and enjoy coffee and cake. On the last part and hardest,as it's gravel, I'm helped by a total stranger called Alex who pushes me the last 5 minutes back to my room, although it would have taken me 30+ minutes if I was diy'ing it. Back at Ranch I share a few beers and I chat to Rick about something called Hashing. I've never heard of this before but the motto is 'a drinking club with a running problem'. Everyone is going to Cinnamon a little bar around the corner. Nanda drops me off in the car and I've opted for crutches this evening to make life a little easier. In cinnamon we get chatting to a lady called Jay who is not only a Doctor but a vet as well. We all really enjoy her company and make our way back to the guest house to enjoy a few beers in the garden. They all drink a lot although I move onto coffee. The time flies by and before I know it my alarm is going off at 245 to say the Liverpool game is due to kick off. I bid my goodbyes and leave them all to continue. I eventually drift off after the excitement of seeing the squad win our game and show more of our way.En savoir plus

    • Jour 103

      Fähre nach Malaysien

      30 mars, Malaisie ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Die Grenzübertritte sind immer eine spannende Sache und laufen überall ein bisschen anders ab.
      Dieses Mal reise ich auf dem Seeweg ein. Auf Koh Lipe wird erstmal der Pass abgegeben.
      Dann fährt unser Gepäck voraus zur Fähre, die in der Bucht vor Anker liegt. Wir werden per Longtailboot nachgebracht.
      Im Boot bekommen wir unsere Pässe mit Ausreisestempel zurück.
      Auf Langkawi wird dann offiziell eingereist. Das Registrierungsformular habe ich am Vortag online ausgefüllt. Und tatsächlich passt alles und ich darf nach Malaysien einreisen. 😅
      Da ich noch keine Ringgit besitze und am Fährhafen keine Stadt in der Nähe ist, nimmt mich ein holländisches Pärchen in ihrem Grab mit in 13 km entfernte Stadt. Sehr nett!
      Hier habe ich wieder ein eigenes Zimmer mit Bad und Terrasse. Sehr gemütlich!
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    • Jour 2 369

      Local day

      24 mai 2022, Malaisie ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I sit this morning eating breakfast in a different cafe as raos is closed and when the guy asks me my name they say there is a Malaysian song called Fiona. I don't believe them till they play it on the wireless speaker. Think this is going to have to be my Malaysian song. A few minutes later a German guy called Julius comes by and remembers me from Phi Phi back at the beginning of April. He is leaving the island today but is heading in the same direction so no doubt we will bump into each other along the way. A little squirrel comes to join us for breakfast and is one of the timidest I've seen but maybe that's the size of the mango he has to eat. I bid my farewells to julius and head to a shop to try and get my go pro fixed. The charging port has broken and I could really do with fixing it but they can't do it on the island so it will have to wait till Kl. I spend the day planning the rest of my trip there is so much I want to do but now I feel like time is running out and I have started to put certain time restrictions in with wanting to do the Rainforest festival I need to plan my journey to coincide. A little later in the afternoon I head to the beach for a few hours its so hot today and there's no cloud coverage. Its kind of crazy but as much as I want to move on I have definitely fallen in love with this island and its people. There is not one person here who hasn't been kind to me so far in my journey here and as much as I loved Thailand I've definitely fallen in love with Malaysia a little bit more. In the evening I head down to Yellow cafe for a cold beer and to watch the sunset. I'm spoilt tonight because it's one of the best sunsets I've seen here and I am on my own with some time to process my thoughts. Its been a little while since my homesickness has kicked in but the past few days with not feeling well and not a lot of contact makes me want to just book a flight back. I compose myself and decide another early night and good sleep is the best remedy.En savoir plus

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