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    • Tag 8


      15. Oktober 2022 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nach einem eher bescheidenen Frühstück (ich vermisse ein richtig geiles Frühstück) fahren wir endlich nach Marrakesch. Von den gemeldeten 34 Grad ist um 09.00 noch nicht viel zu spüren. In der Altstadt angekommen, biegen wir gleich in ein Haus ein. Dort werden uns die verschiedenen Gewürze gezeigt, erklärt und auch zum testen gegeben. Ausgestattet mit Harrissa einigen weiteren Sachen verlassen wir das Geschäft. Nach einem erfolgreichem Stop am Bankautomaten (endlich hat es geklappt) schauen wir uns die Saadiergräber an. Leider ist unser Guide nicht der mitteilsamste und daher erfahrem wir nicht viel über die Anlage. Danach schlagen wir uns durch die engen Gassen. Immer wieder kreuzen uns Roller, Mopeds, Esel und Leute mit Handwagen. An den Ständen werde Hühner, Essen, Gewürze und alles mögliche angeboten. Weiter geht es zum Palast, wie alles in Marrakesch ist er voller Touristen. Das macht ihn aber nich weniger interessant. Überall Mosaike, Marmor und Gipsverzierungen. Zum Mittagessen verschlägt es uns auf eine der Terrassen am Platz der Geköpften. Wie immer ist der Service etwas hektisch und sehr verwirrt. Über die Hälfte der Gruppe ist bereits erkrankt und isst nur noch europäisch, was wohl auch dazu führt, dass sie immer kranker werden.
      Nach dem Essen besuchen wir eine alte Koranschule. Die kleinen Zimmer und Gänge sind voller Mosaike und in den typischen Marrokanischen Farben. Hier sehen wir auch endluch eine Gebetsniesche von Nahem, da wir ja nicht in die Moschee in Casablanca konnten. Nach diesem Ausflug haben wir Freizeit und werfen uns auf den Markt (Souks). Dieser besteht aus hunderten kleiner verwinkelter Gassen. Überall wird Ware angeboten oder hergestellt. Durchgehend muss man auf Roller und Touristen achten, es ist ein herrliches Gewusel. Ich konnte bisher eine kleine Schale kaufe. Auf der Wunschliste verbleiben, Untersetzer und eventuell eine Lampe. (Kann mir Jemand sagen, wie ich die nach Hause bringe?)
      Nach dem Bummeln setzen wir uns ins berühmte Café de France und schauen bei einem Thé au Menth dem Gewusel auf dem Platz zu. Natürlich verpassen wir unseren Bus um 1 Minute uns müssen zwei Taxis nehmen. Unser Taxi schafft es auch direkt zum Hotel, die anderen werden noch fast in eine Galerie gebracht 😅.
      Nach einem Bier am Pool und etwas Erholung suchen wir uns ein Restaurant. Zwei Adressen existieren nicht mehr. Bei der dritten haben wie Glück und essen das beste Marrokanische Essen bisher. Geschaffen vom Tag legen wir uns um 23.30 ins Bett. Morgen werden wie Marrakesch alleine erkunden.

    • Tag 115

      Marrakech- Time to Say Goodbye

      23. April 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Brian and I have always wanted to come to Morocco - and Brian in particular has always wanted to go to the Sahara - so we’re bummed about him heading home a bit early and missing the desert portion of Morocco - that said it’s been an AMAZING trip together and it’s time to start preparing to come home.

      We all spent 3 days all together in Casablanca and Marrakech before Brian headed home (via Istanbul) and us girls headed to the Sahara. Brian got to see the outside of Ricks Cafe, homage to one of his favorite movies Casablanca. We got to watch sunrise from the rooftop of our riad together, having Moroccan mint tea tour and watching things come to life in the old Medina. We also got explore some Berber villages with the girls before taking Brian to the airport and say goodbye for the next month. It’s a strange thing to have literally been staying in the same room or being side by side 24/7 for 4 months and then to part ways - will take some adjusting for sure.

      If you were to ask the girls their favorite part of Marrakech - they would say the cats. Oh the cats! On the small walkway to our riad/hotel, 3 separate cats gave birth in a 24 hour period. While the cats are feral, many people make an effort to care for them so the cats are quite friendly! We saw lots of little kittens and cats kept trying to get the kids’ attention.

      If you were to ask me my favorite part- it’s the winding pathways along ochre colored walls, colorful clothing the Muslim and Berber women wear, along with the all of the beautifully decorated mosques and frequent prayers over the loudspeakers. It’s the sunrise from the rooftop of our riad. It’s been watching the kids connect with the animals.. Another lovely jolt to the senses…

      As I write this, Brian has just made it home safely — and is girls are currently in Fes, just having finished our time in the Sahara.

      We’ll be touring the city tomorrow and then have one more night before we head to Western Europe. Venice—Munich—Paris—Barcelona. Some flights - lots of train time and then will be time to come home.

      Ill do another post at the end of Morocco - pics here will reflect time in Marrakech and maybe a teaser from the Sahara 🙂

      Hope you are all well - lots of love to all of you. ❤️

    • Tag 125

      Hoher Atlas, Gauglermarkt, Marrakesch

      16. Januar 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Durch das Hoher Atlas Gebierge, durch viele Berberdörfe und entlang von zahlreichen Serpentinen, teils mit etwas Schnee bedeckten Bergkuppen, geht es weiter nach Marrakesch.
      Die Fahrt, für die ca. 180km von Tabourahte nach Marrakesch, hat 6,5 Stunden gedauert. Auf den ersten 30 Kilometern nötigten uns gefühlt 30 Baustellen dazu, dass Tempo zu drosseln. Danach ging es verhältnismäßig gut weiter. Ab 2260 Höhenmeter, Passhöhe Tizi-n-Tichka, ging es dann die Serpentinen langsam runter.
      In Marrakesch angekommen, fuhren wir dann zu einem Wohnmobilstellplatz ins Centrum, in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Gauglermarkt, dem Djemaa el-Fna Platz. Auf dem Platz findet man zahlreiche Musiker, Künstler und Artisten, es gibt viele Stände mit Lebensmitteln, umgeben von zahlreichen Restaurants. Soll heißen, es sind auch viele Menschen vor Ort und es passiert überall irgendetwas.

    • Tag 19

      Zweiter Tag in Marrakesh🇲🇦

      1. Januar 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      1.01.2023 🤘🏻 unser erster Tag im Jahr beginnt nochmal in Marrakesh🇲🇦
      Es heißt auf ein zweites in den Trubel durch den Markt,
      Etwas Sightseeingtour gabs auch 🧐 alte Gräber in einem prunkvollen Gebäude🤩 ähnlich wie eine Kathedrale ⛪
      zum Friseur ging’s für Michi auch noch und am Abend gab es gegrilltes Essen😄 von den Ständen der Einheimischen🧔🏽🥘
      War sehr sehr lecker 😋

    • Tag 26

      Badia Palace and Medina walking tour

      18. März 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We met our city guide again this morning for a walking tour of the Medina, and a visit to Badia Palace.

      We did the palace first to beat the crowds - a good move, as the queue to buy tickets when we came out was lengthy!

      Completed in 1900, Bahia Palace isn't a royal palace, but was built by Ahmed bin Musa, the Grand Vizier of Morocco - effectively the head public servant, but with direct access and influence over the Sultan, so he was the defacto ruler of the kingdom. Upon the sultan's death Ahmed enthroned the Sultan's third son as the new Sultan, a boy of 14, effectively giving Ahmed complete rule of the country. He built the palace to house his four wives and numerous concubines, and named it after his favourite concubine!

      We then did a walking tour of the Medina for 3 hours, exploring many, many streets we missed the first 3 days we were here, including the metal workers street, leather worker's street and spice market.

      We had lunch at a cafe just off the main square, did a bit more shopping, and returned to our hotel for a few hours by the pool (bit too cold to swim though)

    • Tag 9

      Shoppingwahn in Marrakesch

      23. Oktober 2022 in Marokko ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Keramik, Handtasche aus Kamelleder, Kosmetikprodukte, große Lampe, Schuhe für Neyla, Glasbehälter und jede Menge mehr... Unsere Ausbeute vom heutigen Tag. Natürlich waren wir auf dem Jamaa al F'na und haben die Schlangenbeschwörer beobachtet :-)Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Marrakech suite

      27. Oktober 2019 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Deuxième journée à Marrakech avec les autres spots incontournables, les jardins Majorelle et le Musée Yves Saint Laurent, puis l’après-midi les tombeaux Saadiens un peu décevants et un passage devant la tour de la mosquée Kouroubia et un dernier passage à la placé Jemal El Fna toujours aussi grouillante de badauds. Fin du séjour ici avec le même sentiment que lors des visites précédentes, on est heureux de revoir cette ville mais au bout de deux jours on a une envie folle de calme et d’espace sans mobylettes tout autour de soiWeiterlesen

    • Tag 2


      13. Juni 2022 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Alugámos um carro numa locadora local. Vieram nos trazer o carro ao hotel. Provavelmente não têm escritório. Mas até agora correu tudo bem, preenchemos os papéis, tirámos fotos do carro, temos que pagar os 156€ em dinheiro mas não apresentámos cartão de crédito... Só teremos que pagar 1500€ se acontecer alguma coisa ao carro.

      Começámos a nossa viagem e as duas únicas coisas que precisávamos do carro não funcionam: o Bluetooth e o ar condicionado. A primeira paragem é Marrakech.

      À saída da autoestrada mesmo antes da portagem somos mandados parar pela polícia. O Valentim nem estava a ver, tive que lhe dizer para encostar e encostou já depois da polícia... Seguimos o conselho do Ricky, nunca falar em francês com a polícia. Ele pediu os documentos e disse "three hundred dihram, radar". O Valentim bem calmo só respondia "no fast".
      Depois de algumas iterações, o polícia diz "ok, half, 150 dihram". Ao que o Valentim pergunta se é para pagar na portagem... 🤣🤣🤣

      Depois de algumas insistências ele viu que não chegava a lado nenhum e mandou-nos seguir.

      Estacionámos num parque muito perto da praça Djem Al Fna. Tivemos que deixar o carro e as chaves com o arrumador. Não posso dizer que fiquei confortável.

      Passeámos pelos ruas estreitas da medina, cheias de artesanato, e com o cheiro intenso a couro e especiarias. As motas passam pelo meio das pessoas. Parámos para almoçar no Cafe Árabe uma salada de legumes e uma Tagine deliciosas.

      Na colta, comprámos uma coluna ao Tassin. Pediu ao Valentim para da próxima vez trazer uma portuguesa para casar com ele. Fez um "desconto" de 35 dihram.

      Já a sair da garagem dei-me conta que não tinha o telemóvel, só podia ter sido roubada na garagem porque tinha certeza que estava comigo.... Voltamos de marcha atrás para dentro da garagem. Estava eu feita louca à procura do telefone, com três tipos a minha volta que de repente achavam que eu não tinha pago o parque... Finalmente encontrei o telefone caído no carro. Disse-lhes que tinha pago a um senhor mais velho e seguimos viagem.

      A estrada que serpenteia a montanha para subir o Atlas era considerada a estrada mais perigosa de Marrocos. Uma estrada bem estreita com derrocadas a toda a hora, muitos camiões e o precipício ao lado. Mas a estrada está a ser toda refeita, "cortam" a montanha a meio para deixar passar uma estrada mais larga, não tão bonita mas muito mais segura.

      Não deixa de ser um caminho giro, com a terra vermelha e alguma vegetação. As suas aldeias remotas nos tons de vermelho e sempre com a torre da mesquita muito bem conservada no meio.
      Parámos a beira da estrada para comprar meio kg de cerejas por 1€, com um senhor que era uma simpatia, até me ajudou a lavar as cerejas.

      Depois daquelas horas todas de viagem não posso negar que quando cheguei ao Ecolodge L'ile as 20h já não queria sair daqui. Felizmente serviam jantar no jardim, uma sopa de abóbora picante e uma Tagine de frango com limão.

    • Tag 22

      Cooking class

      3. November 2022 in Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      This was a very well equipped culinary school. We all made Moroccan salad, Zaalook salad and Chicken Tagine with preserved lemon and olives. I did enjoy my cooking as I got to eat it for lunch. I tried Dianne’s and it was pretty good too. Her Zaalook salad was better than mine and lucky for me Dianne is not fond of eggplant, which is the main ingredient to Zaalook salad so I ate some of hers.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Hamman after a sad night

      18. April 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      The whole day was ill-starred... Shortly before noon we arrived in Marrakech. A loveless hotel was the destination before continuing to the tombs of the sultans, the medina and souks.
      I was totally annoyed from my roommate and could have shot everyone to the moon.

      A few hours later I learned that our Goliath went exactly at this time over the Rainbow Bridge....
      Eighteen years and almost 5 months the best dog ever accompanied first my children, then my grandfather and finally my godmother. A real family member. It is so sad... He had a wonderful life. Unforgettable remain all his tricks with which he could impress everyone, his headstrong character, his great love for football.
      For the first time on the whole trip we found a great restaurant. With a selection of Moroccan delicacies and I could not eat anything. The whole night I was awake and totally crying.
      With Goliath's departure ends once again the stage of life " family". My children grew up with him and have since moved out. I always have to nibble at that. I miss my children endlessly.
      Thank you Goliath for all these incredibly beautiful memories that you leave behind. We love you so mutch❤️

      Who knows me, knows that I love the Hammam in Bern about everything. After this sad night I am this morning in Marrakech in the Hamman. Purely from the architecture, this can not keep up with the one in Bern, but the massages were incredibly soothing. Even if every now and then a tear flows.

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