Gemeente Amsterdam

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Gemeente Amsterdam
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    • Day 11

      Day 2 in Amsterdam

      February 11, 2020 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      Well heading back to the hostel after meeting Gary for a few beers again..... It's safe to say we were both very rough today haha.

      Bit of sight seeing and of course shopping today. Had the most incredible hot dog ever worth every penny

      I love this city, always have and always will...... Can't wait to come back again.

      Off to Berlin tomorrow!!.

      Can't believe I have bee traveling for 11 days already it's going so fast 😓.

      Can't wait to see my mum in just 3 days!!.
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    • Day 7

      Back to Amsterdam

      August 19, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Felt better this morning and headed downtown to explore some more. I also had 2 other goals-- A) buy train ticket for tomorrow's trip to Koblenz, and B) get a clear idea of how I'd get me, my bike and my gear downtown and on a morning train. Good thing I did that!

      After buying the ticket I went out a did some more exploring. Same basic idea as Saturday-- no museums or paid attractions, just walk around and take in the city. I did book an evening canal boat tour to see the city from a different angle.

      It wasn't a weekend-- city felt alive, but a little less crowded. I walked around for several hours, just looking and taking pictures. Visited the flower market-- tons of beautiful blooms there. Went into a store called Magic Mushrooms. Yes, they are legal here. No, I didn't buy any.

      With time running short, I grabbed a doner wrap and ate it on the run. I made it to the boat in time for my evening cruise-- the other passengers didn't show, so it ended up as a private tour! My guide/captain was knowledgable, and I felt I understood the city and its history better afterwards.

      With night falling, I headed back to the hotel to pack up and be ready for tomorrow!
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    • Day 2

      Amsterdam — Rembrandtplein

      May 12 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      What a great new experience for Ronnie and me. Our first time in Amsterdam and we’re staying on a houseboat in one of the main canals. My bedroom is under the couch! We sat on the deck this afternoon and watched the world go by. It’s so beautiful. We decided to just chill tonight, so we went to buy some pizza and snacks and we’ll be watching the sunset out on the deck. We are getting into the Amsterdam spirit. It’s like no place I’ve ever been.Read more

    • Day 2

      Foodhallen die 2. Jammi

      August 2, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Zum Abendessen sind wir wieder im strömenden Regen ( wir wollen uns nicht beklagen, hatten heute echt gutes Wetter) wieder zu den Foodhallen gefahren. Hier gibt es wirklich tolles Essen aus aller Herren Länder.
      Wir haben uns für Boquerones Fritos, Cricket Wings BBQ, Meatballs, Asia Noodels besonderer Art, Vietnamesische Bowl, Wan Tan, Tacos, Jamon Iberico Schinken,tollen Gin Tonic, leckerstes blondes einheimisches Bier und zum Nachtisch Softeis mit Erdbeersoße und rotem Pfeffer entschieden. Jammi....
      Ein echtes Erlebnis, unwahrscheinlich viele Menschen, aber echt chillig. Laut, warm, lecker😋
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    • Day 3

      סיפור על הבחורה שרצתה לאכול

      June 2, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      לא אכלתי הרבה זמן
      לא הפריע
      עד שברגע אחד
      חור ענק נפער לי בבטן
      הלכתי והלכתי
      ולא הצלחתי להפסיק ללכת
      הבטן זועקת אוכל
      הראש אומר אבל לא את זה
      הבטן צועקת אוכל עכשיו
      הלב אומר, אבל טבעוני שיהיה
      מתוך כל הבלבול
      הייתי בתסכול
      והתחלתי לצחוק
      כי מה עוד נותר לי לעשות
      ממשיכה ללכת
      תוהה איפה סופר
      שיביא לגאולה
      רואה סופר
      נכנסת דוך ללחמים
      מרימה לחמנייה חמודה
      וטוחבת אותה לפי
      רואה כל מיני ממרחים
      מתחילה להתבלבל שוב
      בוחרת בטריו חומוס חחח
      ובאמצע הסופר פותחת שולחן
      אנשי אמסטרדם לא ראו התנהגות כזאת מעולם
      איזה רגע קשה זה היה
      עכשיו אני בסדר אל תדאגו
      שוכבת רגל על רגל
      ונרגעת לי שוב
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    • Day 2

      38772 Schritte in der Stadt der Katzen

      May 25 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Letzter Tag in Amsterdam, Bootsausfahrt, viele Schritte, warme süsse Waffel, Kaffee, Sonne und Regen!

      - hat 2500 bewohnte Hausbote
      - hier, werden Katzen für die Hygiene gegen Ratten eingesetzt
      - hier findest du überall Katzen
      - hier werden Tulpen gezüchtet, die ersten Knospen kahmen aus der Türkei
      - hat ein Flower Bikeman, dieser ist ein Künstler aus Amerika welcher Fahrräder dekoriert
      - liegt auf einem sumpfigen Mohrboden
      - hier bleiben die Vorhänge offen (ansonsten sind es Deutsche)
      - hier fährt man mit Schwung über die Brücken
      - hier hat es am meisten Farraddiebstähle - höchste Kriminalität
      - s Häuser; die Hebebalken werden nun für Umzüge benutzt
      - hat ein Hausbot für 1.4 mio. zum Verkauf
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    • Day 17


      August 21, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      This afternoon I met up with some fellow hostel mates, Jenny and MV, who are from the States and they let me tag along for the afternoon!! Had a blast and they have done way more planning and organizing than I have so super informative and awesome to spend time with! We had some yummy authentic Dutch stroopwaffles (yum) that were made in front of us and still warm (it will be difficult to go back to our Canadian store bought ones!!) We toured around amsterdam and boy was it beautiful! Some fun facts: a lot of the buildings are slanted because they were built on wooden posts that have been deformed/rotted and so the structure is shifting! Also a lot of the houses are really tall and skinny because their rent was based on the square footage the building took up so most of the houses are very tall and skinny. Soooo....they had hooks to pull couches in through upper floor windows!! (This hits close to home because this is identical to what Grandpa would do in his work shop in Hamilton) I am also constantly blown away by the number of bikes! They had a 3 floor "parking garage" strictly for bikes that were packed with more filling in the main area as well! To cap off, we walked by the red light district which we are going to see tonight. Truly a culture I have never witnessed to this extent!! Wild!Read more

    • Day 2

      First Day in Amsterdam

      May 12, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Whoa- what a first day. Usually I'd break it into parts but since I was delirious from lack of sleep, I'm just going to wrap it up in one big shot. We started the day at around 7am and our room wasn't ready as anticipated. So we hit the streets and man did we walk. About 10 miles all told by the time the day was over at 11:30 pm as I write this. We quickly found out that most places don't open till 9 or 10 so it was like walking around on a Sunday morning. Finally around noon we were crashing badly and called the hotel and hoofed it back and then zonked for about 3 hrs before having our group meeting at 6.

      Seems like a nice friendly group and tour director is great so those are good signs!

      We then headed back out on the streets again for a casual stroll to find dinner and then to visit the Anne Frank House. Dinner was so so. One of those times when you too tired to care! I'm going to post a number of photos in general and will try to caption later.

      One thing for sure we noticed during our stay in Amsterdam was the sheer number of bicycles and I’m telling you - you pay attention and learn to swivel your head constantly or you are going to get run over! For a bit more on the Amsterdam bike scene, check out this article -…

      If you want to get around on the metro in Amsterdam, then check out this site -
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    • Day 8

      Feeling good

      June 7, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      חזרתי לאמסטרדם
      יש משהו שקורה
      כשמבלים עם אדם הרבה
      בקלות נוצרת קרבה
      ותחושת נוחות גדולה
      החלפנו חוויות מהימים האחרונים
      ועכשיו יושבים ומתפננים
      היום ההופעה
      מתחילה לעכל ולהתרגש
      אריק hold on I'm coming
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    • Day 194

      Food of The Netherlands

      November 18, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Amsterdam is not a destination for those with a diet.

      Belgium was known for waffles, but the Dutch have their own pancake. It's wider and flatter than an American pancake (one restaurant we went to labeled a "normal pancake" as an American pancake) and usually has apple slices baked inside if you order a more traditional one.

      Also, the Dutch have their own waffles as well, it's called a Stroopwaffle. You can get them from street vendors (see video), but they also come in packaged mini forms. The mini ones are supposed to be placed on coffee to keep the coffee warm and to heat up the center of the Stroopwaffle.

      Of course, there was also Dutch Apple Pie. We got ours from a place where legend has it there is a secret door somewhere that monks used to use to get their Apple Pie fix (never found it, but the pie was good). They also had Mulled Wine so that was a nice consolation prize.

      Lastly, we had a new type of food. Indonesian was a long time Dutch colony. A tour guide suggested a good Indonesian restaurant, and he wasn't kidding. It was called Aneka Rasa and we opted for a pre-fix menu for 2 that gave a wide assortment of Indonesian dishes. It was amazing.

      OK really lastly, Emily took Dave to Ethiopian which he had not had before. It was delicious some dishes spicy others not. A mix of meat and veggies dishes. I'll end the post with Ethiopian meal time etiquette:

      Mealtime Etiquette

      Most traditional Ethiopian food is eaten with the hands; this is done by tearing off a piece of injera and using it to pick up a morsel of food.

      Traditional meals are eaten from a communal plate about the size of a pizza pan.

      Eat with your right hand - the left is considered unclean and therefore you should avoid using it if you can.

      Always wash your hands before and after the meal. Sometimes a server will bring a basin and pitcher of water with soap to the table.

      The gursha is a gesture when a person will carefully place a morsel of food directly into your mouth. It is a gesture of respect and friendship.  

      Allow any elders to begin eating before you do.  If you are the oldest present, Ethiopians will patiently wait until you begin to eat.

      In the end the Netherlands offered a variety of traditional and foreign dishes that could please any pallet.
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    Gemeente Amsterdam, Amsterdam

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