Gemeente Maastricht

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Gemeente Maastricht
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    • Gün 93

      Welkom in Nederland!

      23 Eylül 2019, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      🤘 Das 14. Land ist Niederlande 🧀 (oder auch Holland) und dann geht's morgen ab nach Deutschland 😍 In diesem Teil des Landes sprechen die Menschen mit dem limburgischen Akzent...das klingt sehr kauderwelschich 😂 ... auf unserer Tour aufgrund der Zeit aber eher ein Durchreiseland mit einer Übernachtung aufm Campingplatz 🏕️Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Dus niet brommen en snorren

      14 Kasım 2023, Hollanda ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Wir haben heute mehrere Pläne, and the winner is, Plan C!
      Die RvN lässt Maastricht im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes links liegen, wir wollen uns die Stadt aber ansehen und das tun wir auch! Wir wollten auch auf den Sint Pietersberg, aber das tun wir nicht! Das Wetter und die Fähre, die wegen Hochwasser nicht in Betrieb ist, geben den Ausschlag für die Entscheidung! Schade, aber so ist das manchmal im Leben!
      Dafür sehen wir kuriose und abenteuerliche Dinge, weil wir erst in Maastricht die Maasseite wechseln!
      Kaum sind wir auf schmalem Pfad entlang der Maas gestartet, steht uns auf einer Schafweide plötzlich ein schwarzer Koloss gegenüber! Was für ein Brocken steht da mitten auf dem Wanderpfad und wir haben Frodo dabei!🙄 Wir gehen todesmutig vorbei und werden von der Bestie verschont!😁👍 Kurz darauf befinden wir uns in der Republiek Snoravia! Es gab 1998 einen Gebietstausch zwischen Belgien und den Niederlanden, denn die Maas hatte ihren Flusslauf verändert und war somit nicht mehr überall die natürliche Grenze! Das wurde mit dem Gebietstausch wieder geradegebogen und in einem dieser kleinen Tauschgebiete rief ein niederländischer Schnurrbart Verein, die Republiek Snoravia aus! Man glaubt es kaum!🤣
      Dann geht's über die Fußgänger Brücke hinein in die schon weihnachtlich geschmückte Altstadt! Bei diesem Schweinewetter haben wir aber keine Lust auf Altstadtbummel, wir sitzen lieber im warmen und essen lecker beim Chinesen! Im Dauerregen verlassen wir Maastricht über eine interessante Brücke, die gerade hochgefahren und für den Autoverkehr gesperrt wird! Fußgänger und Radler dürfen weiter passieren, müssen aber über eine steile Rampe die Brücke verlassen!
      Das haben wir so auch noch nicht gesehen!
      Im starken Dauerregen erreichen wir unser Ziel! Auch ein Plan C kann zu einer interessanten Tour werden!😁👍
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Stellplatz Marina in Maastricht

      10 Nisan, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nach der Besichtigung des Kaiserdoms in Aachen hatten wir noch Zeit, um die wenigen Kilometer ins nahe Maastricht zu fahren. Dort hatten wir für morgen einen Stellplatz in der Marina gebucht, aber nach kurzem Anruf bzw. kurzem Email Austausch konnten wir bereits heute anreisen und werden nun für 2 Nächste hier bleiben.

      Die Marina und der Stellplatz sind toll angelegt, wir bekamen einen Platz direkt am Hafen und konnten so die tolle Aussicht bei noch warmen Temperaturen und Sonnenschein genießen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4


      11 Nisan, Hollanda ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Der erste Pausentag auf unserer Reise in den Norden... Für eine Stadtbesichtigung ist die Fahrt mit dem Bus vom Stellplatz an der Marina in die Stadt eine exzellente Möglichkeit, ohne Auto oder Fahrrad mitten in die Stadt zu fahren und dann keine Sorge um die Bikes zu haben, die dann irgendwo abgestellt werden müssen, oder die ganze Zeit mitgenommen zu werden.
      So gings ganz entspannt hinein in die tolle Stadt Maastricht, mit all ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten, Läden, tollen Café's, Parks, Kirchen und vieles mehr.
      Ein ganz toller Ausflug, wir waren froh, heute mal so richtig Zeit für die Besichtigung der schönen Stadt zu haben!

      Das Highlight war natürlich die geniale Buchhandlung in einer alten Kirche, hier muss man einfach mal gewesen sein!

      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      Back to Maastricht

      5 Eylül 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The final riding day of any extended overseas ride is always a mixture of exhilaration and a little sadness. While everyone is understandably glad that they are close to achieving the goal that they have come so far to do, it is a bit disappointing that the first part of our long awaited adventure is about to end.

      Although there were no mountain stages to conquer, and the final stage was only a relatively short one, today a completely new challenge would confront the peloton. With an expected top temperature of around 30C, this would easily be the hottest day we had experienced since the start of the ride.

      After checking out of the Mercure Hotel, we divided into three groups. Since the pink ladies were already having so much fun, and were proving to be masters of both navigation and laughing every km of the way, I thought it would be wise to leave that group unchanged. The two co- captains were Pascale and Maggie.

      The second group was to be led by Michael and Ken. Although it was probably the largest of the three groups, I had to admit that I was a little worried about whether they would survive the navigational challenge of finding the way out of Aachen. On several times already on this ride, Ken had somehow misread his GPS to be leading his followers in entirely the wrong direction. Early in the ride, he had even navigated himself to the wrong side of the mighty Meuse River. This time he would be assisted by Michael, complete with his Inspector Gadget headset, mobile phone, auxiliary power supply and satellite dish. Surely nothing could go wrong (and somewhat to my relief) nothing did go wrong.

      The final group of David, Greg, Mary, Yvonne and myself made up the rear. After meandering our way through the busy, peak hour streets of Aachen, we were finally out in the country again. Aachen is an ancient city that dates back to Roman times. It also played a significant role in the time of Charlemagne in the 10th century. Modern Aachen is a city of some 250,000 people and appeared to be quite prosperous. It is also a spa city, and therefore could be named as Bad Aachen. The authorities decided to overlook this naming honour, as it would mean that their city would no longer be the top of the alphabetical list of cities.

      About an hour after the start, we found a delightful little cafe to stop for morning tea. It was already getting hot, and the cold drink was most welcome. The warm cherry pie was also welcome.
      We had decided that Gulpen would be a convenient place to stop for lunch, before the final push to Maastricht. We stopped at the first shop we saw, and purchased sandwiches to eat by the side of the busy road. While we ate, a succession of noisy trucks, buses, motorbikes and cars kept us entertained. It was only when we resumed the ride, that we discovered that there would have been much nicer locations for our lunch a little further into the town. Oh well.

      Although everyone thinks that Holland is completely flat, we discovered that is not quite true. It does have a succession of small hills, and we successfully managed to ride up and down every one of them. If we stopped in the sun, we soon discovered just how hot it had become. Fortunately, there were also some delightfully shady locations which also provided some respite. They also provided quite welcome opportunities to relieve the pressure in our ageing bladders.

      The final checkpoint was on the outskirts of Maastricht. I thought it would be apt if we could all ride the final couple of km to the hotel as a single group. And that is exactly what we did. It certainly made a colourful and impressive sight, as our line of 19 Ghostriders rolled through the outskirts of Maastricht. It really would have been worthy of a crowd of thousands to welcome our entry back into the town we had ridden out of two weeks earlier, but the crowds apparently had found something better to do.

      After arriving back at the hotel, we all shared handshakes and hugs to celebrate the achievement. It had been a challenge, but on every occasion that we had been put to the test, we had prevailed. We had summited the hills, ridden the long km, navigated through busy city streets, bounced over cobblestones, endured those early head winds, brushed against the stinging nettles, battled recalcitrant ebikes with bent keys, ridden through cobwebs, and swallowed numerous flies. We had even survived the daily challenge of conquering the breakfast buffet. We had also laughed so hard we cried, we had supported each other when it was most needed, and in the end , we had all finished together.

      Now we have a few bike free days, before we start it all again in Koblenz.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 13

      Sint Pietersberg

      8 Haziran 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Da wir uns schon recht früh mit dem Fahrrad aufgemacht hatten waren wir vor Öffnungdes Ticketschalters da.. Der Ticketschalter machte erst um 11.30Uhr auf. Eine Deutsche Führung gab es um 13 Uhr. Aber nur noch 1 Ticket verfügbar. Wir konnten dann in Erfahrung bringen das um 15 Uhr noch eine Deutsche Führung sein sollte. Vor dem Eingang der Grotten ,die garkeine Grotten sind, gibt es ein Lokal.Dort bestellten wir uns ein Latte Macciatto und ein Eis.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Very Muggy in Maastricht

      24 Ağustos 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We awoke to another hot and (very) humid day in Maastricht. I also awoke to find that the hotel had charged me about double what I had expected for our two night's accommodation. When I approached the reception with an irate look on my face, the girl behind the desk seemed to lose her ability to speak clear English. I think she explained to me in Dutch that the money would eventually be refunded (provided I lived to reach 90).

      Since the hotel is in a business precinct, there are really no other options than to have breakfast in their fancy restaurant. I have to admit there were a huge number of food selections, although I could not find most of them. It was a bit like going shopping in an unfamiliar supermarket, where nothing is where you would logically expect it to be.

      Maggie tried to use the coffee machine and only ended up in spilling hot milk, coffee and boiling slop all over the machine. She brought the final messy result back to me, and then tried to pretend that she had done it on purpose, just for me.

      I am not sure if I managed to eat my $40 worth of food, but I gave it my best effort. After breakfast our group all went off in different directions, each on their own search for scenic satisfaction. Michael only made it as far as the hotel door, before he somehow managed to lose his credit card. I really am beginning to think that it is not just Allan that needs a personal carer. The way we are going, I think we all need constant mental supervision.

      Maggie and I managed to reach the centre of Maastricht, without leaving a continuous trail of personal possessions behind us. I headed to the Travelex office, in an attempt to get robbed blind by swapping Canadian dollars for Euro. I know I must have made Mr Travelex very happy in the process, considering the tiny number of Euro I was given in exchange for my $250 CAD.

      The temperature had soared to around 30C, and the humidity made it feel like Singapore, as we staggered to the Old City. Our stamina quickly went to zero and we both looked for somewhere cool and quiet to sit. Somehow we found the Maastricht Archive building. It was quiet and they had a water cooler that dispensed free cups of cold water. I think it was the first free thing we had enjoyed since arriving in Europe.

      After a rest, we ventured back outside to discover that a thunderstorm was brewing. The sky had darkened, and drops of rain were falling. Is it pure irony that the only rain that has fallen since we arrived almost a week ago, has arrived just as our ride is starting ?

      The rain continued for most of the afternoon, but it did bring a welcome relief from the humidity. Maybe the rain will clear before we start riding tomorrow morning. Maybe we will see flying pigs also.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      Merenda al bar del mulino

      11 Ağustos 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Torta di mele (F): il sapore accogliente di una torta fatta in casa
      Sfoglia con mele e nocciole (C): troppo buona la voglio sempre
      Muffin: (F) buono perché si sentiva che era fatto in casa; (C) abbastanza buono ma un po’ gnucchino
      Succo di ciliegie (C): buonissimoo voglio provare a farlo
      Kombucha: Fabri ha ordinato quella al passion fruit e luppolo ma la cameriera si è sbagliata e ha portato quella ginger e limone, e così ce le siamo tenute entrambe. Purtroppo non erano molto buone
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 20

      Merenda al negozio del mulino

      12 Ağustos 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Siamo tornati qui anche oggi perché dovevamo assolutamente provare queste torte tipiche! E abbiamo fatto bene perché erano fantastiche 😍
      Mele e noci una, ciliegie l’altra. E immancabilmente succo di ciliegieOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 370


      26 Temmuz 2023, Hollanda ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Mit dem Besuch von Maastricht haben wir mal wieder drei Länder in drei Tagen. Das geht offensichtlich nicht nur in Asien ganz einfach.

      Maastricht ist hier für vielleicht ein passendes Symbol, da hier ja 1992 die Verträge unterzeichnet wurden, die offiziell die europäische Union als politische und wirtschaftliche Organisation etablierten.

      Uns hat die zu einer Buchhandlung umfunktioniert Kirche architektonisch sehr beeindruckt.

      Im Gegensatz zu Belgien haben wir hier sehr viele Frittenbuden entdeckt. Und natürlich Käse! Ebenfalls beeindruckend ist die Wertigkeit der Fahrräder.

      Bei Signalfahrten. In Freiburg wartet man natürlich ebenfalls, bis der selbstbewusste Radler die Straße überquert hat, aber hier würde ich ebenfalls sagen, dass der Fahrradfahrer ganz oben in der STVO-Nahrungskette steht.
      Okumaya devam et

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