Selandia Baru
Dunedin City

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    • Hari 68


      29 April 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Étonnamment Dunedin est la 5em plus grande ville du monde en termes de superficie. La population est majoritairement étudiante mais je ne suis pas d'humeur à aller en boîte, je suis plus chaud pour parcourir la ville et ses musées. Je traverse la ville et sa mignonne architecture, sa gare, une église, une cathédrales et 3 musées dont un qui recèle d'étranges artefacts divers et variés comme des sculptures en os d'animaux. Je termine en haut du Mont d'à côté pour voir le soleil se coucher sur une mer de nuages.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 28

      Am Straßenrand & Abendessen in Dunedin

      2 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach einem ausgiebigen Spaziergang durch den Schlosspark beschlossen wir nicht im Castle zu Abend zu essen, sondern wieder die kurvige Strecke runter nach Dunedin zu fahren.
      Dunedin ist ein quirliges Städtchen, von der Einwohnerzahl vergleichbar in etwa mit Fürth. Im viktorianischen Baustil sind die meisten öffentlichen Gebäude und Kirchen errichtet.
      In der Innenstadt sitzen die Gäste meist noch draußen und aus jeder Bar hören wir eine andere Musik.
      Wir entscheiden uns für eine Brauerei mit einem Restaurant mit Wandbildern und Fotografien aus dem Irland der frühen 20er Jahre, sehr heimelig und ein äußerst zuvorkommendes Servicepersonal, das passt als Abschluß zu unserem heutigen Tag.
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    • Hari 12

      Exploring Dunedin

      6 November 2022, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      First up today I walked the Pineapple Track (about 5km) which overlooked Dunedin. It was nice and sunny so I walked a little further to the top of Flagstaff.

      I then headed into the city centre and went to Otago Settlers Museum, before wandering around and seeing some of the surrounding streets.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 36

      Schiefe Häuser in Dunedin

      16 Desember 2022, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Schnell waren wir wieder an der Ostküste angekommen. Bei einem Spaziergang durch Dunedin entschieden wir uns spontan für einen Kinobesuch. Anscheinend war der Film ein absoluter Geheimtipp, genauso wie das unverhofft salzige Popcorn. Dunedin scheint eine junge Stadt zu sein, mit vielen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, die das Stadtbild prägen.

      Nach einem kurzen Plausch mit anderen Reisenden hatten wir erfahren, dass die Stadt die steilste Straße der Welt beherbergt. Und siehe da: eine weitere Anlaufstelle für Touri-Busse. Bei den schiefen Häusern aber auch kein Wunder.
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    • Hari 54


      3 Maret 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dunedin (pronounced Duh-nee-din) is a nice Scottish town, of course we haven't just physically moved across the globe to Scotland but we are there in spirit. It is refreshing to wander around a town with old looking buildings.

      On the road to Dunedin we first stopped to see the Moeraki boulders. The pictures don't do them justice but when we walked from one end of the beach to the other and stumbled upon those in the middle it felt utterly out of place. These boulders are massive and we still wonder how or why they're there. After having a good coffee while looking at them we continue along the road to see some fur seals. There is a whole colony living by a lighthouse. It was nice to see some more of them lazily enjoying the sunny day.

      The next day, we didn't mimic the lazy seals but instead we had a busy day in the town of Dunedin. Starting with a tasty breakfast we then follow by visiting the Chinese gardens. We weren't expecting much and we found ourselves within a very peaceful complex even if it was just by the main road. New Zealand and in particular the Otago region where we are have a big history with Chinese communities coming here to work on finding gold. They in fact sent out official invitations for groups to come and take up the pick axe. This gardens here are a reminder of this link.

      Next, we visit the settlers museum. As its name suggests it is about all settlers in the Otago region. Starting with the Maori and finishing with the Scottish. It was interesting if a little repetitive given we have learnt a fair bit in the other New Zealand museums, but they had a couple historic features that where fun to take a picture of.

      That was our morning and now on to our afternoon! We start with the botanical gardens (Armelle can't miss any botanical garden) to see some flowers and some trees. Then onto the Otago peninsula with our little car. This is a little bit outside Dunedin and we a very much back into country side roads and villages even so close to town. We stop at New Zealand's only castle. We had to see it! We actually visited only the castle gardens and they were amazing. Full of native flora and a lot of explanations on them.

      Arriving at the end of the peninsula we stopped to try to see some albatrosses. There are tours to see them but they were fully booked so we thought we'd take our chances and have a glimpse from an observation deck. To our surprise the royal albatrosses did put on quite a show! They kept flying by quite close and then turning around so we could see them perfectly! It is impressive to see these big birds in the air. In photos it is difficult to understand the scale of it but we tried to give you a couple of hints. We tried again to see some penguins but it is not the season to see them and they were either very well hidden or not there. We managed to spot a couple of seals again though!

      After this eventful day we enjoyed a tasty Turkish dinner followed by an amazing ice cream, we didn't fancy any traditional scottish food 😝
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    • Hari 34

      Hier is de hoed

      30 Januari 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Mijn hoed was even waaien, maar mijn redder in nood heeft hem van de rotsen gehaald. We zijn terug verenigd.
      Van tunnel beach naar Dunedin: een zware stap voor de bezoekers, een kleine stap voor de mens😃Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 50

      Von der West- zur Ostküste

      20 April, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute ist Transporttag angesagt.
      Bitte einmal zur Ostküste nach Dunedin, um weitere tierische Bekanntschaften zu schließen.

      Vier Stunden waren wir mit dem Auto unterwegs und haben uns dann noch Allans Beach und Sandfly Bay angeschaut. Wir hatten Glück und konnten Robben als auch Seelöwinnen beobachten. Für die Pinguine und Seebären hat es leider nicht gereicht, wir hoffen auf morgen 🤞.
      Im Anschluss ging es dann in unser AirBnb - wieder mal ein Glücksgriff. Wir schauen gerade Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten & Die zwei Türme 🤩.

      Nachträglich findet ihr noch einige Bilder von anderen Orten, die wir in den vergangenen Tagen auch besucht hatten.

      See you!

      Good to know with Sarah:
      Atemberaubende Küsten, üppige Wälder, hübsche Städte und eine faszinierende Tierwelt sind an der Ostküste von Neuseelands Südinsel zu finden. Wer die Natur und Tiere liebt, ist an der Ostküste genau richtig.
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    • Hari 180


      23 Juni, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Coucou les pingoos,

      Nous voilà arrivées à Dunedin pour quelques jours (on attend demain pour aller faire nos procurations au le consulat)
      Rien de spécial sous le soleil, Yke est partie à un festival pour 24h (je suis trop vieille pour ces conneries perso) donc on en a profité pour aller boire quelques verres avec Maki, un ami japonais de Violette (que je risque de recroiser pendant mon voyage). Aujourd'hui on a été se dégourdir les jambes au jardin botanique et passer un peu de temps à la volière avec quelques magnifiques perroquets multicolores (et mes deux chouchous en photos)
      On évite de trop bouger pcq je suis encore un peu malade donc molo l'asticot eheh.

      C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, des bisous
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    • Hari 17

      What a fun birthday!

      26 Februari, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Another fun thing about visiting down under is you get multiple birthdays! I got to celebrate my Australian birthday the day before my US birthday, and then I got to celebrate my US birthday the next day again! It was fun and fabulous!

      James and I took a lovely train ride through the gold country in Dunedin, and when we got back we met up with Collen, Frank, and Valerie at a local pub. We had time for a fun street art walking tour and a quick shopping trip. I have discovered I packed a lot of workout gear and not enough warmer clothes. Oh well, what's a girl to do, but shop a little on her birthday 🙃

      It was great to talk with my sister and kids too! What a fun birthday! The girls all took me to dinner, and the guys met up and had dinner together too. They gave me a lovely butterfly necklace made from New Zealand abalone, and everyone wore them the night of our dinner. I truly have the sweetest friends!

      We are seriously going to hate leaving this ship and our crew. We have eaten far too much food and last night started drinking the really good wine. I can only imagine what trouble we're going to get into during the last few nights...
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    • Hari 134

      Sad News

      17 Maret 2020, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We’re in the process of booking flights home. We had thought of continuing our time here in New Zealand, as we have accommodation booked here until Apr 14th, & defying Justin Trudeau.... The deciding factor was an announcement by New Zealand airlines that they are cancelling most international flights (including all to Canada) between March 30th & June 30th. Other airlines may follow suit. As you can imagine, trying to make these arrangements from here has proven difficult. We’re fortunate because we’ve had an excellent trip, so far, we’re both still healthy & still getting along. 😏 We are a little concerned about the long flights, & what we are flying home to. It seems as though there are more & more cases of COVID-19 being diagnosed in Canada. Certainly many more than here in New Zealand. It seems unbelievable that all sporting events are postponed or canceled. The Kentucky Derby is the latest to be postponed until Sept. That seems unfathomable. We certainly will try to practice “social distancing” at airports as much as possible. As far as a 14 day self quarantine at home, we can think of worse places than our home, on the lake, to be.Baca selengkapnya

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