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Top 10 reisbestemmingen Masterton
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    • Dag 43


      15 februari 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland

      Auch in der Umgebung von Masterton war Wandern angesagt: "Tramping" auf Kiwi-Englisch. Die Wälder sind einfach toll... Wenn nicht gerade ein Kahlschlag stattgefunden hat (auch das ist leider gar nicht so selten ). Hier etwas verspätet ein Valentinsbaum... oder ein Baumriese mit Gesicht? Und auf dem Weg nach Wellington haben wir noch zwei Herr-der-Ringe-Drehorte besucht: Die Pinnacles von Putangirua (der Pfad des Todes) und Rivendell (das Tal der Elben) im Kaitioke-Regionalpark.Meer informatie

    • Dag 13

      Roadtrip nach Wellington

      21 januari 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Konnte wiederum mit Henry mit nach Wellington fahren, Montag war Feiertag für alle aus der Wellington Region. Zudem hab ich mich im Autofahren im Links verkehr probiert. Es fühlt sich so falsch an 😁 tatsächlich gewöhnt man sich aber schnell dran und Verkehr ist ja auch keiner. Ausserdem durfte ich in deren 7er WG, die mehr ein Anwesen am Füße des Mt Victoria war als eine Studentenbude, übernachten. Die Kiwis sind echt unglaublich gastfreundlich. Wellington hat mich gleich bei der Ankunft an San Francisco erinnert, mit den netten Cafés und Bars entlang des Hafens, den viktorianischen Häusern, den vielen Hügeln, insbesondere Mt Victoria und zudem gab's auch noch ein Cable Car.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Niece's pad

      4 februari 2018, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Off to visit Hope and Mike today. Bit of long journey but nice way to see the area. Went through one if the prettiest towns I've ever seen called Grey Town would been nice to stopped but no time.

      Hope has by far the biggest dog I've ever seen, I've ridden horses smaller. And slobber yuk. Lots of it. So glad I took my waterproof gear.

      Ended the evening with Colin and I having a Maylasian meal nice but very expensive.
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    • Dag 88


      25 januari 2017, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Es war/ist die Hölle – Erdbeerhölle.

      Was an Erdbeerpflücken so schlimm sein soll? Nichts. Aber unser Boss hat es in sich. Ich weiß gar nicht wo mit ich anfangen soll. Wir haben Sie anscheinend nicht mal in ihrer besten Zeit erlebt. Uns hat ein französisches Paar erzählt, dass zur Saisonanfangszeit innerhalb von ein paar Tagen auch 20 Leute gleich wieder gekündigt haben, oder gekündigt wurden. So schlimm ist es bei uns nicht mehr, aber auch wir haben schon Einige kommen und gehen sehen. Wir versuchen nur das Geld zu sehen, und uns gar nicht mehr darüber aufzuregen. Aber wir könnten es jeden Tag nach dem Feierabend wieder tun. Eine Woche wollen wir jetzt hier noch arbeiten, um dann wieder zum entspannterem und spaßigeren Teil zurück zu kommen, dem Reisen. Wir arbeiten so im Durchschnitt 8,5 Stunden, was leider viel zu wenig für uns ist. Lieber hätten wir durchgearbeitet und 10-12 Stunden am Tag – um dann schneller wieder weg zu sein. Aber ich bin froh, dass wir überhaupt einen Job haben und bisher auch noch nicht gekündigt wurden.

      Regeln in der Erdbeerhölle

      Es gibt so einige Regeln, die Sie auch gleich von Anfang an aufgestellt hat. Pro Stunde müssen 3 Kisten Erdbeeren gefüllt werden. Klingt gar nicht so viel, aber die müssen Randvoll sein, und können gar nicht voll genug sein. Ins Erdbeerfeld darf bitte auch nicht gepullert werden, aber zur Toilette darf man auch nur während der Pause oder vor bzw. nach der Arbeit gehen. Ist ja noch schlimmer als bei mir auf Arbeit, und hier geht es nur um Erdbeeren und nicht um Menschen. Es darf nicht geredet werden, sind ja nicht zum reden da. Wenn es regnet, hat man halt Pech gehabt – da darf man sich auch keine Regenjacke mehr holen. Wenn die Sonne scheint und man sich nicht vorher eingecremt hat, hat man Pech gehabt – bekommt man eben Sonnenbrand. Ansonsten einfach das machen was sie sagt, und dann kann nichts passieren. Zustände sind das trotzdem. Um Punkt 8 Uhr muss begonnen werden zu pflücken. Der Weg zum Erdbeerfeld mit unseren sch**ß Trollis wird somit schon mal nicht bezahlt. Wenn wir ganz hinten am Feld sind und zum Auto laufen müssen, weil auf dem Feld nicht gegessen werden darf zur Pause, wird aus den 30 Minuten Pause – mal eben 20 Minuten Pause. Und auch ansonsten ist alles total toll.

      Aber wir dürfen nicht nur Erdbeeren pflücken. Zu unseren Aufgaben gehört auch das pflücken von Himbeeren, Himbeersträucher rausreißen, Himbeersträucher binden, Brombeeren pflücken, Erdbeerpflanzen schneiden und einfach Sklave sein. Die einzige Regel die sie vorher nicht aufgestellt hat, dass das essen der Erdbeeren verboten ist. So wandert ab und an mal eine der leckeren Erdbeeren in den Mund. Irgendwie muss man sich ja den Arbeitstag schön reden, somit belohnen wir uns. Manche Leuten haben es 5 Wochen in der Erdbeehölle ausgehalten, andere 5 Stunden. Wir haben schon gesagt, wenn man das als Gruppe bei Ihr durchsteht, dann hat man den Krieg überstanden. Einige würden hier sagen, dass sie einfach voll „Geisteskrank“ ist. Auf Arbeit hat man dann neben der Musik die man wenigstens hören darf, auch ab und an gesellschaftliche Unterhaltung, wenn doch ein paar Leute anfangen zu quatschen. Und glaubt mir, soviel Müll habe ich noch nie von Leuten an einem Tag auf einmal gehört, immer wieder unterhaltsam.

      An einem Tag war hier ein heftiger Sturm angesagt. An diesem Tag war alles komplett anders als sonst. Mirco fand die Arbeit tausend mal besser, da er Heuballen umhertragen und die Planen über den Erdbeeren spannen durfte. Ich hatte ein riesiges Blaubeerfeld vor mir und musste die Planen hochziehen, damit der Wind drunter durch wehen konnte. Ich hab es gehasst. Mit meiner tollen Leiter durfte ich dann an jedem Pfosten hochklettern und den Mist hochbinden. Als ich nach 4 Stunden damit fertig war, freute ich mich, dass es nun geschafft sei. Aber nichts da, auf der Farm warteten weitere Zelte auf mich. Ich hatte kein Bock mehr. Der größte Unsinn, denn ich je machen musste. Ach und sowieso, dreckige Hände. Ich habe dreckige Hände auf Arbeit. Kenn ich nun mal garnicht, und ich hasse es. Ich will wieder in den OP und muss jetzt sagen, dass ich mein Arbeit lieben gelernt habe. Und dass ich vielleicht schon ein paar nicht ganz normale Leute auf Arbeit kennen gelernt habe, aber mein jetziger Boss übertrifft definitiv alles. Aber was macht man nicht alles für Geld.
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    • Dag 123

      Barbie with the pickers

      27 januari 2017, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Like every day the alarm rings at 7:20 and both of us were tired as f*uck. The bed is never as cozy as it is in the morning and that makes it even harder to leave the warm bed and go outside in the cold morning.
      I did the same thing like every morning and Tim needed to cut tomatoes and Capsicums and after that he needed to tide up the raspberry plants.
      I was packing so much stuff for the shop and for tomorrow, cause Dot will go to a big weekly market to sell their food. I packed apricots, nectarines, capsicum, tomatoes, corn, kiwifruit, onions and cabbage. It always takes so much time!

      The strawberry season is almost over and the amount of strawberries is everyday less than the day before. But Alan and Dot want as much strawberries a possible to sell. 🍓

      Also The raspberry season is almost one week over and people are still asking me why we do not sell raspberries (I don't know if they do not listen or are just stupid, it is so annoying sometimes when ten people are asking me the same question in one hour).

      In one or two weeks the blueberry season will start here on the farm. 🍃

      We do not know how long we will be here, but I think something around one or two weeks. Because time flies. 🕗

      After work we had a hot shower and drove to New World to get some meat, becaaaause we will have BBQ with the other pickers. But as the bad luck comes as it comes, our tyre was flat after we finished grocery shopping. Wow, that means we need to buy another tyre. Again! But as bad luck comes with good luck, a man was asking us if we need help and we lucky said yes. He had all the good stuff in his car to change a tyre. We also had ask Jacob, another picker, if he can help us, cause the screws from the tyre didn't move.

      It is so amazing everytime something happens to us, how fast the Kiwis want to help and they don't want anything! It is normal for them, crazy! In Germany nearly nobody would help, they would look away like they haven't seen you.

      However, the tyre was changed fast, we said thank you like 20 times to Jacob and the man. Thanks Kiwi man and Jacob! 😁🤗

      After that we drove to the campground where the other ones were. And now I want to let you know more about them. First of all, I am the youngest of us six. Furthermore they find it funny that I am still a "teenager" 😂 but not long anymore!

      Manon is just a few months older than me, she is ginger eminem and funny as hell. She sometimes doesn't get it and she plays like she does 😂 I love her for that, makes me laugh every time! She is French and will be leaving New Zealand in February 🙁 She will go to Laos or Thailand with her boyfriend.

      Jacob and Andrea are a chech couple. They are so nice and can speak a little bit german. Thats so funny😁 Jacobs sings always the song "1,2 Polizei..." And Andrea told us that for her English and German are on the same basis. She sometimes understands Tim and me. He is 25 and she is 21. Both of them are working here over two months! They want to go to Australia next year to study there and therefore they need a lot of money, cause it is expensive there! They told us that the chech word for Flip Flops is 'vietnamschae' (I don't know how to write it 😂). Sooo funny!

      The last one in our 'group' is Maria. She is also from Germany. Alan and Dot always say Marie to her, I don't know why, maybe it's shorter for them to say. She is he oldest of us six and will leave the farm on Sunday. She will go to Wellington to visit the Guns and Roses Concert! She is so nice and does soo delicious pizza bread!

      All in all are we a good group for now and the evening was so good! Andrea had made a very good dip and Salat! Jacob had made perfect potato slices for the dip! Manon has done very great meatballs (like my mum does 😍) and Maria did also very good salats! And of course the pizza bread!

      The boys had cooked the meat for us on the BBQ grill and the kebab meat, Tim and I bought, was so good! It was the best food we had in a long time! Moreover they had bought some barcadi and did a nice drink out of it!
      It was such an awesome evening with great people, good laughs and perfect food!
      Again please! 😄
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    • Dag 122

      Happy Australia Day

      26 januari 2017, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Australia is celebrating their Australia Day today! We worked like everyday (with the fact that Alan wasnt here, because he needs to built tunnels somewhere in Australia, and that makes it even more stressful) and after work we wanted to get some ice cream from Burgerking and had met the other pickers there. The guy who already knows our whole menu wasn't working this evening. (Last time wewent there, he waves at us! :D he seems to be a really nice guy and really gay. But thats cool!)
      But we decided to join the other ones!
      In fact, that they had ordered some food, we also ordered some food! 😄🍔🍟
      We tried the Burgers we wanted to try the whole time!
      However had good laughs and it was a great idea to eat together!

      The funniest thing of all that happend that evening was that Manon was asking Jacob what 'I love you' is in chech and I understood that she was asking what Aioli is in chech (because we had some Aioli for the buffolo fries). 'Miluji tě' got 'Aioli tê' 😂 I need to listen better what people are saying.

      The day ended with the perfect sunset🌅
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    • Dag 31

      Change of Islands

      9 augustus 2015, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Had turned the heating down in the campervan when we went to sleep last night - turned out to be a mistake, everyone woke up cold with noses losing feeling! Will be leaving it on a higher setting from now one. We did breakfast this morning in the kitchen on the campsite, much more room than in the van and we had the place to ourselves. Showers were decent again here. I checked with the receptionist the ferry time - expected to depart about half an hour last, and checked the road conditions as there had been snow on the hills between Wellington and Masterton affecting State Highway 2, our route. This looked like it should be OK by the time we got there. I emptied the toilet cassette - not too bad as we had only weed in it!

      We checked in for the ferry about 9.30 - very painless, only took about 30 seconds then joined the waiting line. Exactly the same set up as the Isle of Wight ferry (and just as prone to lateness it seems). The ferry didn't arrive until about 10.30 and we boarded easily with the camper and went to the passenger decks.

      We got a couple of breakfasts in the cafe (sausages were not nice and had cheese running through them! Bizarre). Then we went out onto the decks and took some photos and admired the views of Marlborough Sound. This part of the ferry ride is considered almost a scenic cruise.

      We then went in and debated on whether to watch the movie in the cinema or not. It had been billed on the website as Inside Out, but had been changed to the Minions. We bought tickets even though Sam and Ed were seeing it for the second time. Have to say it was funny and helped pass the journey when we were out in the Cook Straits and it was a bit choppy (sea conditions had ben shown as moderate (the middle of their scale) before we boarded.

      After the movie we sat inside and Ed started to feel very sea sick. We tried watching a bit of the All Blacks game from the previous night (they lost to Australia), but even that didn't work. A crew member advised we should sit right down the back, which we did and it helped and we were soon inside Wellington harbour area for the last half hour or so of the trip which was much calmer. Ed felt much better and decided to eat some chips!

      We docked and drove off the ship just as torrential rain started. This eased as we drove a bit further along the highway, ut started again as we approached the hills. Through the hills the roads were very wet and it turned from rain to sleet and then snow as we gained altitude, but there was none on the roads and the drive was no worse than on a UK road in the wet. It was windy with tight bends which meant your speed had to be low anyway.

      Once out of the hills we passed through a series of long towns which seemed to spread along the main road for a mile or so each and then reached Masterton, the largest of the lot.

      Our campsite was at the far end of town, Mawley Park and we had a chat with the owner about the UK (he ahd lived in Derbyshire and worked across the Midlands) and rugby. We could park in any of the powered sites as the park wasn't busy at this time of year. He said a visit to the Mount Bruce Wildlife Centre would be worthwhile, so we will definitely do that on the way to Napier tomorrow.

      Ed and I walked to the NEw World supermarket about 10 minutes away and got some things including chicken, rice and vegetables to go with the butter chicken sauce we had bought in Geraldine. We cooked a nice meal in the communal kitchen and met a couple staying there who were sheep shearers travelling south to shear more (they kindly dropped in some microwave popcorn for the kids later on when we were watching tv). The tv room was adjacent and we watched some programs (one where a lady told celebs on hidden camera what to do and one where celebs competed to do a different act each week).

      Then back to the van or a bit of a movie before bed.
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    • Dag 124

      Ice Coffee time

      28 januari 2017, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Sadly, the place where we wanted to get ice cream from, closed at 5 pm. So Maria had the amazing idea to make ice Coffee! ☕
      We had some ice cream left from the BBQ yesterday, so we could use it that nothing will be over! 😄
      We talked like everytime about so many things. Andrea and Jacob told us that they know Bushido and that he is famous in the Chech Republic 😲 Tim was like 'nooo way' and when he played a song, they knew it but they don't understand 😂
      Then they showed us the chech version of Biene Maja, it is like the same melody, same meaning but you don't understand. 🐝

      Manon told us about a farmers market where she good delicious Manuka honey from. Manuka is like the best honey you can get but it is so expensive. She payed for the pot on the picture $13. It is a good price because sometimes the honey is way more expensive in the supermarkets. And the honey tastes sooo good!
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    • Dag 45

      45th night - Masterton

      2 april 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Am Dienstag sind wir nach dem Frühstück, halb außerhalb und halb innerhalb des Vans (wieder mal Regen), zum Cape Palliser gefahren.

      Anschließend fuhren wir nach Greytown. Dort schauten wir uns die Stadt an und ich trank eine heiße Schokolade. Danach ging die Fahrt weiter nach Masterton. Dort besuchten wir das Schwimmbad und gingen Duschen!!!

      Anschließend versuchten wir den Campingplatz am See zu finden. Dies war schwieriger als gedacht.
      Nachdem wir das endlich geschafft haben, bauten wir die Betten auf aßen Wraps. Am Abend schauten wir noch PLL und gingen dann schlafen.
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    • Dag 38

      12-10 Masterton schuilen

      12 oktober 2018, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Eerste keer dat er prutweer is voorspeld, en dat het ook prut is. Het regent zo hard en is zo koud dat we zelfs niet midgetgolfen en ons in de huiskamer terugtrekken met de verwarming aan. We doen alleen nog even boodschappen en ik geef brownies aan de man van fishing en hunting die mijn tent heeft gerepareerd. Becky kookt risotto, lekker hoor!Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Masterton, مسترتن, MRO, Distretto di Masterton, მასტერტონი, 매스터턴, ضلع ماسٹرٹن, Мастертон, 马斯特顿

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