Mount Iron

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    • Tag 212

      Quarantäne - Tag 5

      30. März 2020 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Eigentlich dachten wir, wir könnten bald aufhören mit Footprints, aber es gibt doch noch immer was Neues zu erzählen...
      Nach dem Frühstück gingen wir erstmal auf einen längeren Spaziergang, mal wieder zum „Mount Iron“. Als wir oben Pause machten, hatten sich neben uns zwei Einheimische und ein wohl bissl dummer Deutscher getroffen (haben sich auch umarmt), denn der sagte es wäre ein Menschenrecht in die Natur zu gehen, deswegen möchte er einen Camper kaufen und dann weiterfahren, obwohl das ja genau nicht erlaubt ist. Der Parkplatz am Fuße des Berges wurde auch gesperrt. Sogar die Tore und Überstiege sollen nicht mehr angefasst werden. Es gab ja den ersten Toten hier und jetzt drehen offensichtlich manche durch...
      Es wurden auf jeden Fall neue Regeln erlassen, insbesondere für Touristen. Es gibt jetzt daher keine Tische mehr im Gemeinschaftsraum. Das jetzt nach und nach alle getrennt werden sollen ist ja aus meiner Sicht sowieso zu spät, da wir sowieso schon längst alle infiziert wären, wenn es denn überhaupt jemand hier hätte. Das bezweifeln wir sowieso...
      In einem Land in dem es außer Landwirtschaft und Tourismus nicht viel gibt, sollte man sich das schon genauer überlegen wie man jetzt mit den Touristen umgeht... da sagt die Ministerpräsidentin sie wüsste nicht wie viele hier seien. Es sollen aber noch über 100.000 sein. Aber genau das sollten sie sich ja bewusst sein, anstatt nur einen Stopp für Rückholungen zu verhängen, der sowieso nichts bringt...

    • Tag 208

      Quarantäne - Tag 1

      26. März 2020 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Am ersten Tag der Quarantäne (Warnstufe - Level 4) sind wir nach dem Frühstück zu einer kleinen Wanderung aufgebrochen, da es am Nachmittag anfangen sollte zu regnen... Die Stadt war ziemlich leer, jedoch auf dem Berg war einiges los: Jogger, Wanderer, Leute die mit ihren Hunden Gassi gingen... Abstandhalten ging schon besser, aber so manche haben es anscheinend noch immer nicht kapiert...
      Nach dem Mittagessen blieben wir dann auf dem Campingplatz, entspannten ein wenig und erledigten ein paar Dinge.
      Neben Regen gab es kurzzeitig auch starken Wind, so dass ein Baum zum Teil umgeknickt ist... Glücklicherweise hat dort niemand geparkt.

    • Tag 269

      Mount Iron und Wanaka Tree

      4. Juni 2023 in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      In Wanaka hatten wir uns wiederum einige Wanderungen notiert, die meisten davon sind jedoch Tageswanderungen in ziemlich grosse Höhen, die eher für die Sommer- als für die Wintermonate geeignet sind. Für eine Wanderung auf den Mount Iron war das Wetter gestern aber ziemlich ideal, auch wenn gemischte Temperaturen herrschten (nicht nur für Menschen die stark schwitzen…). Nach einer guten Stunde erreichten wir bereits den Gipfel und genossen die Aussicht, ehe wir den gleichen Weg (es gäbe auch einen Loop) zurück nach Wanaka unter die Füsse nahmen.

      Nach der tollen Wanderung gestern wollten wir heute wiederum einige Meter zu Fuss gehen. Es gäbe eigentlich unweit von Wanaka mit den Diamond Lake & Rocky Mountain Walks genügend Gelegenheiten, in einem Lauf diverse Routen zu wandern. Das Regenwetter machte uns aber auch heute einen Strich durch die Rechnung. So besuchten wir lediglich den Wanaka Tree, ein Weidenbaum, der alleine im Wasser des Lake Wanaka steht und viele Touristen (so natürlich auch uns 😅) anzieht. Nach diesem kurzen Stopp ging unsere Reise weiter ins etwas südlicher gelegene Cromwell, wo wir uns in einem sehr gemütlichen Zimmer für eine Nacht einrichteten.

      «Monte Iron y Árbol de Wanaka»

      En Wanaka habíamos vuelto a tomar nota de unas cuantas excursiones, pero la mayoría de ellas son excursiones de un día a altitudes bastante elevadas, más adecuadas para el verano que para los meses de invierno. Sin embargo, para subir ayer al monte Iron, el tiempo era bastante ideal, aunque las temperaturas eran mixtas (no sólo para los que sudan mucho...). Después de una buena hora ya alcanzamos la cima y disfrutamos de las vistas antes de tomar el mismo camino (también habría un circuito) de regreso a Wanaka.

      Después de la estupenda caminata de ayer, hoy queríamos volver a caminar unos cuantos metros. No muy lejos de Wanaka, los senderos Diamond Lake & Rocky Mountain Walks ofrecen muchas oportunidades para recorrer varias rutas. Pero el tiempo lluvioso nos lo impidió. Así que sólo visitamos el Wanaka Tree, un árbol que se alza solitario en el agua del lago Wanaka y atrae a muchos turistas (incluidos nosotros, claro 😅). Tras esta breve parada, nuestro viaje continuó hasta Cromwell, un poco más al sur, donde nos instalamos en una habitación muy acogedora para pasar la noche.

    • Tag 158

      Roys peak hike - Toughest hike yet in NZ

      16. Juni 2020 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      This morning we got up early to take on the 16km Roy's Peak hike. Kyra dropped myself, Conny and Ashleigh off at the start at 09:15. As soon as we started climbing it was very steep. After an hour we were all out of breath. It carried on getting steep all the way to the top. It took us 2 hours and 45 minutes. Some parts of the track were slippery because of the ice especially near the summit where we were walking on the edge of the mountain. We had to be very careful. There were points we wanted to give up but we carried on going. Spurring each other on. I was hiking up in a t shirt as I was very hot from the steep climb. Nearer to the top it got very windy and freezing. I had to put on layers, hat and gloves. Which we reached the top at 1,578m the views were breathtaking. We could see the mountains in the southern alps, the islands in the bay and lake Wanaka.

      Next we walked down the slippery track and had lunch a little way down. We then walked to another point and took some photos. We spent about an hour at the top to take in the stunning views. Next we walked down. It was easier going down but slippery at times. We made it to the bottom at 14:50pm. It was definitely the Toughest hike we've done so far in NZ, but so worth it!

      Kyra picked us up and then we went for a well deserved coffee at the Trout by the lake. We also had some chips. We are now relaxing in as we are all so tired from the hike.

    • Tag 50

      Lake Wanaka

      15. Februar in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute war Reisetag. Ich fuhr via Lindis Pass an den Lake Wanaka. Die Landschaft war geprägt von Tussockgras. Die Gräser sind äusserst robust und wachsen auf trockenen und mageren Böden.
      Das Wetter war durchzogen. Immer wieder hat es geregnet. Deshalb habe ich nur einen kleinen Ausflug auf den Mount Iron unternommen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 157

      Drive to Wanaka

      15. Juni 2020 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We checked out the hostel at 10am and went for breakfast in town. We had a yummy breakfast muffin with bacon, egg and hash brown. We set off for a 3 and a half hour drive to Wanaka. We stopped at thunder creek falls. It was raining but it meant there was more water coming down. The waterfall was very high surrounded by trees. It was very impressive. We then drove on to Wanaka Lake Lookout point. It was cloudy but we were able to see some of the mountains. It was a lovely drive. When we arrived at our accommodation the white room which we booked on we unpacked the car and checked the place out. We've got a beautiful small flat with a large bathroom and open plan bedroom and kitchen.

      We then decided to drive to the famous #ThatWanakaTree which is recommended. We weren't very impressed when we got there. Maybe because the weather was very grey but it wasn't that impressive. We picked up some food from new world and had a relaxing evening in ready for an early start tomorrow to do Roys Peak hike.

    • Tag 25

      Mt Iron Track

      19. November 2018 in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Gerade wieder trocken und aufgewärmt geht es zurück nach Wanaka. Eine der angenehmsten Städte in Neuseeland.
      Ab auf den Hausberg den Mt Iron. Wetter weiter diesig aber zwischendurch immer wieder mit Lichtblicken. Somit einen guten Überblick übef die Stadt und die Berge rundherum.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      16.) Day Seven: Liam sheared a sheep!

      27. Juli 2023 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 43 °F

      Liam helped shear a sheep!!! We later drove to Gore to meet Doreen’s friends for a birthday lunch. Then we drove back to Wānaka.

    • Tag 24

      Queenstown Can't Handle Us

      21. April 2016 in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌙 19 °C


      So today woke up and checked out of the hostel. Emilie, Rebecca and I had great morning of walking down by the lake. I found a statue and took a few interesting photos with it. The girls needed coffee and so we stopped at the same shop that Emilie and I had gelato at yesterday. There were these three guys that were having double scoop ice cream cones for breakfast and I was so jealous! After we bought some tortellini and had a quick lunch. I might have put too much salt... oops.

      After lunch I found a guitar and started playing again. I played a small show for Emilie and Rebecca for a while before the hostel owners son Isaac came by and I invited him to play. He was quite an amazing guitarist and he played some older tunes from Pink Floyd and the Beatles.

      After that Emilie and I departed to catch the bus to Queenstown. It was a beautiful drive full of beautiful trees that were changing colours for the autumn months and reflective lakes that made beautiful pictures for the eyes to behold.

      Upon arriving in Queenstown Emilie and I quickly found our hostel and checked in. I was also able to meet up with my friend Emma that I met in Franz Joseph and we set up plans for tomorrow tomorrow but they're a surprise!

      Once everything was sorted Emilie and i set out for dinner. We found this place called fat badgers. They had two sizes of pizza, 12" and 20" so naturally we got a half and half of the big one. And wow was it ever big. Half was some sort of lamb creation which was my favourite and the other half was a chicken bacon something rather which was pretty good also.

      This young guy actually served us the pizza. When we left we thanked him and I asked if he himself had made the pizza and he shook his head yes. I then asked his name. He said Badger. I said like you own this place? And he said yes. I thanked him and was so taken back that such a young lad could own such a wonderful place to eat. Not to mention it was packed. This moment was definitely one of the highlights of my trip because my newfound way of thanking people really paid off this time because otherwise I would never have known I was served the pizza by the owner himself!

      After dinner Emilie wanted to go somewhere to just have a relaxed glass of wine. As we walked there was a place with live music and I wanted to go in but I knew she already had a place in mind so I didn't say anything (I should mention this isn't Emilie's first time in Queenstown). Anyways the bar with live music ended up being the place she wanted to go and I was very pleased.

      I got a beer and she got wine but I didn't like my beer so we ended up switching drinks. Me and red wine are not usually friends but this particular one was very nice to sip. We shared a lot of wonderfully personal and deep thoughts. I even started explaining how all the most important people in my life had influenced me and changed my view of the world which was quite an interesting realization. I recommend you do it one day. Just stop and think of all the traits you have and who around you has given you them or influenced those thoughts or behaviours. It's quite eye opening in a good way!

      The band was a couple from Ireland called Calico. They were absolutely amazing. Shortly into their performance they announced that they took requests so I requested some ed sheeran and they played "A team" for me which was really nice. They also played Babylon by David grey and What are you waiting for by George Ezra which weren't songs I knew but I quite enjoyed and will have to learn once I am back home.

      Finally I grew tired and we headed back to the hostel which to my delight was actually just down the street. On my real birthday (Saturday) Emilie will be leaving to go back to the north island so we're celebrating tomorrow. I'm sure it will be quite the day! Goodnight everyone and take care!

      -Terrence out

    • Tag 29

      Mount Iron

      28. März 2016 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Mount Iron is an impressive, glacier-carved, 240-metre rocky knoll. From its summit a great panorama unfolds: Lakes Wanaka and Hawea, the Cardrona and Upper Clutha Valleys and all the surrounding peaks; many of them in Mount Aspiring National Park in the west.

      I huffed and puffed my way up for the lovely 360 views and then nearly did another full ascent after getting slightly lost on the way down. Oops, definitely earned lunch today. 😆🗻

      Afterwards I relaxed by the Lake and read for a few hours which I haven't done at all since I'm in NZ. Was lovely to do nothing for a change.

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