Nya Zeeland
Turanganui River

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    • Dag 14

      Sonntag und Montag in Gisborne

      10 oktober 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Sonntag und Montag waren für uns ganz entspannt und es standen einige grundlegende Dinge an. Den Sonntag haben wir dafür genutzt, um etwas aufzuräumen und unsere Wäsche zu machen, bevor wir dann wieder Fußballspielen gegangen sind: Südamerikaner gegen Europäer war der Plan, jedoch konnten wir uns leider über keinen Sieg freuen. Heute hingegen stand die Arbeit wieder an, welche sich aber in dem herrlichen Sonnenschein von Neuseeland deutlich einfacher erledigen ließ!Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      Gisborne Tag 1

      1 oktober 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Nach unserem ersten Frühstück in Gisborne ging es für uns in den Baumarkt und den Supermarkt, um Gummistiefel und Essen für die nächsten Tage zu holen. Danach haben wir uns einen kleinen Spaziergang an der Küste Gisbornes gegönnt, auf welchem wir auf einen Abenteuerspielplatz gestoßen sind. Zur Belohnung gab es für uns danach Burger.Läs mer

    • Dag 166

      Surftrip nach Gizzy

      22 januari 2020, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wo waren wir stehen geblieben....wir wollten zurück in den Surf!
      So brachen wir also am Lake Taupo gen Mount Manganui auf - ein ziemlich gehyptes Surfstädtchen am Fuße des genannten Berges...Leider ist es kein Städtchen mehr sondern eher eine ziemlich große Stadt direkt am Strand! Leider war der Surf verblasen, alle Parkplätze belegt und sowieso kein bezahlbarer Schlafplatz zu erhaschen! Wir fuhren also die Ostküste weiter runter gen Süden und fanden einen schönen Schlafplatz - und auch ein paar kleine Wellen. Die Locals empfohlen uns aber, weiter gen Gisborne zu fahren und so hangelten wir uns weiter.... und landeten schließlich am Abend auf den Peak des Swells in Gizzy! Mo machte gesschwind ausfindig, wo wirklich die größte Welle brach und auch wenn sie am Ende nicht mehr so groß war, so war doch sein Hunger nach etwas mehr Adrenalin fürs erste gestillt. Nach einer ungemütlichen Nacht am Highway, einem Morgensurf und einem umfangreichen Surfcheck war klar:
      Hier wurde es zu windig und es gab auch keinen angenehmen Schlafplatz zu gewinnen - wir gingen einkaufen und flüchteten nach Mahia - eine Halbinsel noch ein wenig weiter südlich....
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    • Dag 3

      China Palace Restaurant

      19 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Dinner tonight is Chinese. The food was delicious and service great. We ended up here because it seems that the kitchens in the pubs closed at 7:30 (on a Saturday!!?) BTW it seems that GISBORNE (or Gizzy to the locals) grows the sweetest oranges in NZ. We saw “Gizzy” Oranges for sale on the side of the road when coming out of Auckland.Läs mer

    • Dag 4


      20 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      A sunny Sunday morning in Gisborne. This was the first place in NZ that captain Cook landed in 1769. He left empty handed and called it ‘poverty bay’. The Cook connection seems to have produced a friendship between NZ and Canada. One thing we have seen is multiple names for the same place - at least in English and Māori languages.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Whispering sands beachfront motel

      19 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Our home for the third night. A bit squishy in our apartment with the fold out couch and a portable bed pressed into service. It’s right on the beach though with lovely views.Today was a fabulous day for riding - just a sprinkling of rain in the morning but warm and fine for the rest of the day. (The road after lunch had a fair amount of roadwork due to land slippages- one section must have taken out more than 150 Mtrs of road completely and recently roughly rebuilt enough for some traffic. )Läs mer

    • Dag 65

      Surfing with Sarah

      3 februari 2020, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Lovely fresh morning today! So nice temperature!
      I got up at 8 am to have the time for a nice and calm breakfast before it was time to leave for my surf lesson.
      The meeting point is just a street away so I didn’t need to drive somewhere far away.
      9.30 am I was supposed to meet my coach Nico at Roberts Road Carpark.
      I was there a little bit too early but he was right on time!

      The first thing to do was to sign a paper and pay and then I went back to the house to pick up a wetsuit and a board for me.
      I got changed and then we went to the beach.

      He explained to me, what I gonna need to do to get up on the board and how to stand on it right.
      We made some test runs on the beach but after only a few minutes he said, ok that’s enough let’s go into the water, you gonna learn it better there!

      That was the start of 2 hours of intense training!
      I was actually standing up already on my second wave!
      That was amazing!!

      I don’t know how many times I failed and went for a swim, it was a lot but I also was standing up many times and got a nice ride to the beach.
      The waves today are really good, according to Nico!
      Clear waves and if waves! Not the best condition for a beginner normally but he was helping me a lot so I felt confident all the time!
      He knew which waves to take and which waves better not to take.
      He put me up on a lot of unbroken waves as well, what was pretty cool!
      Some of the waves were around 1,20m, most of them around 1m what is really much!

      After two amazing hours, a super clean nose and way too much salt water in my stomach it was sadly time to finish my lesson. But I finished with a perfect ride on a perfect wave all the way down to the beach 🤗🏄🏻‍♀️

      That was definitely not my last time on a surfboard! Good that I go to Australia next, where I can keep on practicing!!

      After the lesson, we went back to the carpark. I took a shower there to get the saltwater of my skin and then it was time to leave hot Gissy and travel north!

      Oh yeah, it’s really hot today, again. 🥵
      I didn’t realize it on the water but it’s hot! Around 35 degrees I heard later!

      I drove for around one and a half hours until I got quite hungry and stopped beside a river for a Picknick in the shadow!
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    • Dag 64

      Waikanae Beach Gisborne

      2 februari 2020, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      If I thought it was hot the last couple of days, I was wrong!! Today was hot! Really hot! Impossible to be outside in the sun or to move too much.
      So I was ending up on the beach, under some big trees for the whole day! 37 degrees today 😎🥵
      I don't know, how many times I went for a swim in the ocean. It was often, as I really needed to cool down a bit all the time.
      Around 3 pm I got a nice big ice cream. Bigger than expected 🙈😂
      If I knew before how big their scopes are I would be more than happy with it one scope, but I got 2!
      And luckily also an empty paper cup, because half of my ice cream was breaking off after only 2 minutes but I was luckily catching it with the cup!

      I didn't even have a chance to take a picture from my enormous ice cream😂
      It was really good ice cream as well so I really enjoyed it, but I had to eat it fast, it was just melting away.

      After that, I went back to the beach for the rest of the afternoon!
      I even managed to not get sunburned 🥳😉

      During the day I tried to find someone who is given surf lessons today, but 2 out of 4 surf schools are not operating at the moment, one could never reach and the last one has lessons today but they are already full. So I could only watch them today.
      So many people were out and surfing today.

      But I gonna do it tomorrow instead. As they had no bookings at all, the owner of the surf school was offering me a private lesson, normally it costs 95$, for 75$ instead!
      That was very kind and I am already very excited and looking forward to my surf lesson tomorrow 🤗😎🏄🏻‍♀️

      In the evening I fixed my wash and had a horrible hot shower again.

      Dinner was very late today as it was just to hot to eat something earlier.
      At least here is a nice sea breeze and it's cooling down during the evening and night! So falling asleep was not a problem at all!
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    • Dag 130

      Roadtrip - Gisborne

      25 november 2017, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach einer ruhigen Nacht und einem ausgiebigem Frühstück war ein Aussichtspunkt, von dem aus man auf ganz Gisborne schauen kann, unser erstes Anlaufziel für den Samstag. Nach 3km Fußmarsch hatten wir den höchsten Punkt erreicht und hatten eine herrliche Sicht auf Gisborne, den Hafen und das Meer. Auch das Wetter hat uns in die Karten gespielt und wir konnten den Ausblick bei strahlendem Sonnenschein genießen. Als nächstes erkundeten wir die Einkaufsstraßen im Stadtzentrum und das ein oder andere Schnäppchen wurde geschlagen. Nach einer Stärkung bei Dominos, wo die Pizza nur 5 Dollar kostet ging es zum letzten Ausflugsziel unseres kleinen Roadtrips. Dies war ein alter und schon lange nicht mehr aktiver Leuchtturm, welcher nur bei Ebbe über den Strand zu erreichen ist. Obwohl der Leuchtturm schon Rost angesetzt hatte, sah er trotzdem besonders aus und zum ersten Mal in unserem Leben haben wir riesige Krabben in freier Natur beobachten dürfen - ganz schön gruselig sahen die aus! :D Auf dem Rückweg ergatterten wir dann noch einen riesen Sack Orangen an einem Straßenstand, frisch vom Baum und lecker!


      Roadtrip - Gisborne

      After a relaxing night and a really good breakfast on saturday morning our next destination was a lookout in Gisborne. After 3km of walking we reached the highest point and had a beautiful view over Gisborne, the harbour and the ocean. The weather was perfect and so we enjoyed the view under a bright sunshine. After that we discovered the shopping streets of Gisborne, got some bargains and ate pizza at Dominos for 5 Dollar. Our last stop was an old and no longer active lighthouse which only can be reached by a low tide. Although the lighthouse had set rust but it still looked special for us and it was the first time in our lives to see huge crabs in the wild and they looked a bit scarry! :D On the way back home we bought a huge bag of oranges at a street sale - fresh and delicious!
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    • Dag 120

      Als erste ins Neue!

      31 december 2017, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Mit dem besten Bruder alles perfekt am Strand gebaut und eingerichtet. Nur damit uns gesagt werden kann das wir kein Feuer machen dürfen...naja dann halt Planänderung. Gefeiert haben wir also mit vielen Spaniern im Hostel. Ging sehr gut abLäs mer

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