25 km's to Agueda!

It was a hard walk today due to most cafe bars being closed, and the amount of road walking required. Yesterday most people were at mass, then seemed to spend the day at home. Today was anotherRead more
It was a hard walk today due to most cafe bars being closed, and the amount of road walking required. Yesterday most people were at mass, then seemed to spend the day at home. Today was anotherRead more
Update: Whoops, did not realize this post and the last one did not update!
I arrived to Coimbra with Margarida on a very rainy evening. We said our goodbyes after having spent a couple of days inRead more
Today was an almost perfect Camino day. There was cloud cover, with a light rain this morning, cooler temperatures, several cafe stops, and only 15.5 miles. With the exception of a section of anRead more
We took an unscheduled zero day today. I’ve been dealing with some right knee pain. I have chronic knee issues much thanks to the USMC, so it’s pretty remarkable I’m able to do this at all, butRead more
Hermosa y pintoresca ciudad de la provincia de Aveiro!!! Hermoso Albergue, conexión perfecta con la Naturaleza.. Viñedos.. Casas Inmensas y sin personas, pero se conserva aún la esencia y cadaRead more
Day 15 - Sernadelo to Águeda
Saturday, September 23
Started at 7:19 am. Finished at 1:45 pm. 25.9k/16.1m. Walking time 5h11m. Steps 32,220. Calories 1,183.
Highlight for the day - got to see aRead more
Interesting place is this small town Agueda. It's really breathing art. Everywhere there is something to see.
Unfortunately we didn't get to see the famous umbrella sky project because they told usRead more
I woke this morning to see a big fat bedbug climbing up my sleeping sheet. Yuk! Squashed it between my fingers and sure enough, it had just feasted. So a report to the hospitalero, who was veryRead more
Nu har vi äntligen kommit fram till Portugal som är vårt sista land och sista plats att upptäcks och lära oss massa nytt på. Vi har hamnat på en lite Bond/Vingård i en liten by som heterRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Águeda, Agueda
Wow, big parade😉😆
Traveler I'm glad to hear that locals are so inviting. They probably would have put you up for the night had you stayed.🤷♀️
Traveler Portugese people are so kind in that way. We were walking in a heat wave and had run out of water when we were invited to a farm picnic. We had 5k more but imbibed with the locals and they even had Fado! One of the great experiences of my life but the last 5k was brutal.