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    • Giorno 41

      What I lugged

      2 maggio, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Well, shall we do a little What's In My Bag before I fill it with Portugese tiles?

      Rob Godfrey will be interested, if nobody else. A fair amount of thought went into this and on the whole it's served me very well given I've had snow to rain to sun, minus 3 to 28 degrees.

      If I stand naked and shivering, this is what's in front of me. I've noted what I acquired later (+) or lost (-), and what I wouldn't bring again (*).

      - 28L backpack
      - Waterproof pouch
      - Cross body day bag (I only used in cities on Camino but it weighs nothing, doubles as a packing cube and I will use it daily now in Portugal)

      - Waterproof pack cover
      - Sleeping bag (shout out Branna)
      - Carabiner x3 (attached to bag)
      - Duct tape (wrapped on toothbrush)
      - Ear plugs
      - Water bottle
      - Zip lock bags
      - Whistle (shout out Mum)

      - Phone
      - Headphones
      - Travel adapter
      - Head torch (* as discussed)
      - Power bank (-)
      - USB to USB C cord (this needed to be twice as long, note to self)

      - Walking shoes
      - Sandals
      - Rain jacket
      - Puffer jacket
      - Merino long sleeve
      - Merino t-shirt
      - Cotton t-shirt
      - Cotton singlet (+, pure indulgence)
      - Walking trousers
      - Leggings
      - Bike shorts
      - Bamboo dress (* this was a last min pack informed by vanity and I've only worn four times, mostly for laundry purposes, but to be fair I might wear it heaps in Portugal, which was the intent)
      - Merino socks x 3 (this was the right amount given unreliable drying)
      - Underwear x 3 (-1 lol)
      - Bamboo bra x 2 (I'd get something quicker dry next time)

      - Toothbrush and paste
      - Deodorant
      - Sunscreen
      - Facial cleanser
      - Moisturiser
      - Soap (I mucked around with those stupid wilderness sheets for ages and they are the biggest pain in the ass, just bring a small bar in a ziplock)
      - Shampoo
      - Paw paw ointment
      - Blister kit (I didn't need this but I wasn't to know that and I shared it with others which I feel is in my karmic interest - compeed etc is extremely expensive here)
      - Hair clip

      - Passport
      - Credit cards
      - Coin purse
      - Scallop shell (+)
      - Credential (+)
      - Assorted temporary snacks and books

      It sounds like a lot listed out like that but I'd point out that in weight and volume, comfortably under 7kg/28L, it's roughly half what the majority had. The largest I saw someone carrying was is 85L. I assume that guy is now dead.

      I haven't detailed or photographed the medical stuff because you probably wouldn't have to bring it, but that accounts for about 2kg of my weight so if you deduct that and the backpack itself (just over 1kg), the contents are ~4kg.

      I say to you again, an extremely slim minimalist.
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    • Giorno 1


      11 ottobre, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hi All. We are currently in Porto in the north of Portugal after having landed in Madrid a week ago and started our bus tour.
      The flight over was pretty gruelling, but we had a good break in the amazing Doha airport.
      Madrid is big and touristy, but has some stunning buildings, both old and new. Porto is on the Douro River and the home of Port (the drink). All the streets and footpaths are handlaid cobblestones. Beautiful old buildings, many of them covered in hand painted tiles. Lots of tourists here! Tourism is Spain's biggest industry, followed by wine, then cork (yes cork). Bought a very reasonable bottle of Tempranillo at the supermarket for 1.5 euros, about $2.50 Oz, and that wasn't the cheapest one!
      The people in the tour group are all quite normal (just like us). Phew!
      Onto Lisbon today, then the south of Spain next week.
      We have both had a bit of gastro which is always problematic on a bus, but all good now.
      Hope everyone is well back home.
      M&C xx
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    • Giorno 18

      raindrops keep falling on my Womo-head

      27 ottobre 2022, Portogallo ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Die Nacht war mal extrem ruhig, kein Regen, kein Wind. Wir duschen in sehr sauberen Sanitäranlagen und machen uns 10:25 Uhr bei 19 Grad nach dem Frühstück auf den Weg. Es beginnt leider wieder zu regnen. Wir überqueren den Rio Caldo, es ist ein sehr schönes Naturgebiet. Wir fahren über einen kleinen Pass mit vielen Kurven und kaufen dann noch kurz ein. Auch hier gibt es überall Weihnachtssachen in den Geschäften. Wir erreichen Guimarães. Die Wiege Portugals. Hier wurde Alfons I. der erste König Portugals, 1073 geboren. Weswegen Guimarães die erste Hauptstadt des Landes war und als Wiege Prtugals gilt. Wir parken auf einem riesigen Platz neben Guimarães Castle und besichtigen zuerst den Palace Duques de Braganca. Liebe Marianne: vielen Dank für Deine Tipps! Ein beindruckender Bau mit zum Teil sehr, sehr hohen Holzdecken. Dann geht es ab in die schöne Altstadt, mit den kleinen Geschäften und vielen Lokalen und netten Plätzen im Freien. Leider ist das Wetter nicht so gut, aber zwischendurch auch mal von oben trocken. In einem kleinen Kaffee mit nur 4 Stühlen und vielen Weihnachtssachen lassen wir das Städtchen auf uns wirken. Dann ab zum Auto und die Landstraße nach Porto. Das zieht sich extrem, viel Verkehr, viele Baustellen und viele Kreisverkehre. Keine schöne Strecke. Wir erreichen Porto, quälen uns durch den Verkehr und landen dann endlich auf dem Campingplatz Marisol. Wieder beginnt es in Wellen stark zu regnen. Wir richten uns schnell ein. Heute gehen wir nicht mehr raus!
      Ich glaub ich muß auf Biggi aufpassen: sie hat schon den Kaltregenwahn :-)
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    • Giorno 17

      Disaster averted 😱😨😅

      24 maggio 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Our accommodation was very close to the cathedral as we experienced from 0500 this morning 🙄🤭. So we were all up and ready for our walk to the bus station in Santiago with 2 hours to go. We'd booked our bus tickets earlier in the week as Anne had noticed buses were filling rapidly, so we thought it best not to take any chances. Thank goodness we did, as the bus was jam packed!
      Jan and I made a quick trip to the cathedral to light a few candles and visit St James' resting place (silver 'coffin') and, as I reached into my bag to find Sid, I realised he'd done a runner! Nooo... Where was he? Sid has been my camino companion since 2018 when I found him in a shop window. I'd thought I'd call him St James (Camino de Santiago) but someone thought I was calling him Sid James, so Sid it was!🙄🤭🤣. So the thought of losing him... I searched everywhere I could, recalling when I'd last photographed him (outside the cathedral) but could make no sense of his disappearance 😔. We decided he'd reached his spiritual home and was in the care of some other pilgrim in Santiago 😆. It was only when we'd arrived at our accommodation in Porto and I'd nipped out for some bread that I remembered putting him in my purse! Cue much rejoicing by me (well, us all, really😊) and a round of Pastels de Nata to celebrate his safe return to the fold 🙄 - any excuse for a Pastel de Nata!
      Anyway, breakfast was on the way to the bus station - there was no way I could endure a 3/4 hour journey without food so I doubled up on my croissants as eating on the bus was banned.
      We arrived, ate a lovely lunch and found our accommodation, an apartment with easy access to a Metro station.
      Funny, so many posts are about eating 😅😅😅
      So now we're relaxing in our apartment, we've put a wash on and we're happy😊. The simple things in life are often the best😉.
      Full day in Porto tomorrow with a port tasting tour, of course! 🍷🍷🍷
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    • Giorno 5

      Komischer Tag

      24 settembre, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute mit Kopfschmerzen aufgewacht und liegen geblieben. Spät gefrühstückt und dann etwas Frischluft geschnappt. Zutaten für ne Bolo besorgt und später lecker Spaghetti gegessen.
      Danach noch einmal aufgerafft und Harrys Buchladen gesucht. Dank Batman und dem Mond wieder zurückgefunden.
      Jetzt schlafen 😴
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    • Giorno 7

      Letzter Tag in Porto 😭

      26 settembre, Portogallo ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      An unserem letzten Tag in Porto sind wir mit dem Hop ON/Off Bus auf die andere Flussseite gefahren und haben eine Portwein Kellerei besucht. Eigenständig erkundet und später mit einer Weinprobe vollendet.
      Abends noch einmal runter ans Wasser gelaufen, gegessen, getrunken und Leute geschaut
      Den Berg wieder hinauf und nun ins Bett...🌞
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    • Giorno 1

      Tag 1 : Die Ankunft

      14 agosto 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Tag 1 von Dresden nach Porto:
      Ich sprang vor Aufregung um 5:30 Uhr aus dem Bett - ja, das ist normal für mich! Vorallem nach dem gestrigen Tag mit Wakeboard und einer Runde Schnaps oder 5 .
      Dann eine hochintellektuelle Fahrt in einer Mitfahrgelegenheit mit Nawid, dem Philosophen-Fahrer, der mir erklärte, wie die Welt wirklich funktioniert auf arabisch natürlich - während ich noch versuchte, meinen Kaffee ohne Kleckern zu trinken.

      In Berlin angekommen, musste ich natürlich das berühmte "Frühstück am Brandenburger Tor" auslassen, um rechtzeitig zum Flughafen BER zu gelangen. Dort angekommen stellte sich heraus, dass mein Zeitmanagement so perfekt ist wie meine Singstimme unter der Dusche - ich hatte genug Zeit für einen schnellen Check-In, um dann 4 Std am Flughafen zu verweilen , bevor mein Flug pünktlich um 15:10 Uhr abhob.
      BER ist nicht schön und warum der Bau solange gedauert hat erschließt sich mir garnicht.

      Die Ankunft in Porto um 17:30 Uhr Ortszeit war ein triumphaler Moment - ich fühlte mich wie der Eroberer einer neuen Welt, der jedoch völlig vergessen hatte, dass es so etwas wie eine Zeitverschiebung gibt. Mein biologisches Uhrwerk tickte eher wie eine kaputte Armbanduhr, die bei jedem Schritt rückwärts zählte.

      Nachdem ich wahllos ins Zentrm durch die Straßen Portos gefahren und gelaufen war und im Canvas Atelier Hostel ein "Bettchen" ergattert hatte (ja, es ist so winzig, dass es eher wie eine kuschelige Schuhschachtel aussieht), stürzte ich mich ins portugiesische Fußballfieber. Bei einem leckeren Abendessen und einem eiskalten Heineken konnte ich hautnah erleben, wie die Einheimischen ihre Nerven beim Spiel verlieren - vielleicht sollte ich mich als Schiedsrichter versuchen, meine verwirrte innere Uhr scheint dafür perfekt geeicht zu sein.

      Morgen früh wird die erste Etappe von 31,3 km das Tagesziel sein.

      Ich bin gespannt.
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    • Giorno 2

      Up the workers!

      1 marzo 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Last nights accommodation was at the Oca Oriental (eastern goose?); which is a bit upmarket for me, but with a late flight I just wanted somewhere close to Campaña station with 24hr reception.

      Perfectly nice hotel, midway between Heroismo and Campaña metro stations. €71 B&B. Got here by 2130 from a flight which landed at 2010.

      Breakfast from 0700 which it useful - a business-oriented clientele lends itself to an early start.

      I haven’t been in Porto for 30 years, regrettably. So long ago that Mrs HtD and I then shared a tent and backpacked throughout the north and the Peneda Geres. My abiding memory is that the Portuguese are, as the late Rev. Edward Crilley would have said ‘a grand bunch of lads’; perhaps prone to melancholy, but fundamentally sound.

      Embarrassingly I speak little Portuguese. On our long ago trip we relied on a BBC cassette ‘Get by in Portuguese’; which combined about 50 phrases with some additional vocabulary and worked surprisingly well. I’ve remembered enough to check in and get a few scoops of beer without resorting to English; which is enough of a success for one evening.

      Delightful morning. Bright sunshine and lots of tiled facades.

      Porto has changed, with a fair bit of development. The Cathedral (Sé) is a constant; the cloisters are much like those of cathedrals throughout Europe, but being Porto every vertical surface is beautifully tiled. There’s a statue of Santiago Peregrino up on the first floor also.

      I thought to go and have a look at the Sao Bento station’s tiles whilst I’m here and have a coffee in the venerable Café Brazil. Something struck me as strange (and I’m not the most observant chap in the world); a complete absence of trains.

      They’re on strike.

      That rather scuppers the plan to go to Barcelos today and Valença tomorrow. Ah, well - nothing that ‘throw money at the problem until it goes away’ can’t solve.
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    • Giorno 1

      3 Tage mit 65km Fussweg…

      24 ottobre 2023, Portogallo ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Eine wirklich tolle Stadt, lassen die Bilder sprechen… Lecker Essen, Vinho Verde in der Markthalle, und natürlich Portwein, nur am Abend. Wir haben Großen Spaß und genießen den Ort und das teils sinnfreie Rumblödeln während der Stadterkundung.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 18

      Sid's Day Out in Porto!

      25 maggio 2023, Portogallo ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After yesterday's disaster was averted, Sid decided to go the whole hog and have a mad day out in Porto.
      After a slow start, he enjoyed a bus trip into the centre of town. He revisited the first Porto Camino waymark then wandered through the backstreets, enjoying a mad half hour in the shops. A leisurely lunch was enjoyed (misbehaving with a sardine's head which looked a little like a Bishop's Mitre!) before taking a port tasting tour and choosing his favourite tawny port. He then collapsed in a heap🙄😉😅!
      Off home tomorrow to wash his socks...
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