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    • Day 6

      Oporto you are fantastic

      July 1 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      I had a lot of fun today wandering through Porto. From sleeping in a Palace to painting Azueljos to eating the best Italian food of my life to visiting the library where the moving staircase from hogwarts was inspired.

      Lots more to say but im exhausted.

      Tomorrow is a travel day and i start my Camino the next day. I’ll mostly disappear while i am on the camino as i intend to disconnect as much as possible. I also spent time admiring the patron saint of casio keyboards. You’ll still be able to track my location and I’ll post if something unexpected happens or during my rest days.
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    • Day 41

      What I lugged

      May 2 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Well, shall we do a little What's In My Bag before I fill it with Portugese tiles?

      Rob Godfrey will be interested, if nobody else. A fair amount of thought went into this and on the whole it's served me very well given I've had snow to rain to sun, minus 3 to 28 degrees.

      If I stand naked and shivering, this is what's in front of me. I've noted what I acquired later (+) or lost (-), and what I wouldn't bring again (*).

      - 28L backpack
      - Waterproof pouch
      - Cross body day bag (I only used in cities on Camino but it weighs nothing, doubles as a packing cube and I will use it daily now in Portugal)

      - Waterproof pack cover
      - Sleeping bag (shout out Branna)
      - Carabiner x3 (attached to bag)
      - Duct tape (wrapped on toothbrush)
      - Ear plugs
      - Water bottle
      - Zip lock bags
      - Whistle (shout out Mum)

      - Phone
      - Headphones
      - Travel adapter
      - Head torch (* as discussed)
      - Power bank (-)
      - USB to USB C cord (this needed to be twice as long, note to self)

      - Walking shoes
      - Sandals
      - Rain jacket
      - Puffer jacket
      - Merino long sleeve
      - Merino t-shirt
      - Cotton t-shirt
      - Cotton singlet (+, pure indulgence)
      - Walking trousers
      - Leggings
      - Bike shorts
      - Bamboo dress (* this was a last min pack informed by vanity and I've only worn four times, mostly for laundry purposes, but to be fair I might wear it heaps in Portugal, which was the intent)
      - Merino socks x 3 (this was the right amount given unreliable drying)
      - Underwear x 3 (-1 lol)
      - Bamboo bra x 2 (I'd get something quicker dry next time)

      - Toothbrush and paste
      - Deodorant
      - Sunscreen
      - Facial cleanser
      - Moisturiser
      - Soap (I mucked around with those stupid wilderness sheets for ages and they are the biggest pain in the ass, just bring a small bar in a ziplock)
      - Shampoo
      - Paw paw ointment
      - Blister kit (I didn't need this but I wasn't to know that and I shared it with others which I feel is in my karmic interest - compeed etc is extremely expensive here)
      - Hair clip

      - Passport
      - Credit cards
      - Coin purse
      - Scallop shell (+)
      - Credential (+)
      - Assorted temporary snacks and books

      It sounds like a lot listed out like that but I'd point out that in weight and volume, comfortably under 7kg/28L, it's roughly half what the majority had. The largest I saw someone carrying was is 85L. I assume that guy is now dead.

      I haven't detailed or photographed the medical stuff because you probably wouldn't have to bring it, but that accounts for about 2kg of my weight so if you deduct that and the backpack itself (just over 1kg), the contents are ~4kg.

      I say to you again, an extremely slim minimalist.
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    • Day 2

      Arrivée à Porto

      September 11, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Le vol vers Porto s'est plutôt bien passé, Félix et Sam ont réussi à dormir un peu, les chanceux! Cependant, belle nuit blanche... Nous sommes atterris vers 7h30 heure locale avec pas trop d'énergie, mais heureux d'être arrivés! Aussitôt sortis de l'aéroport, on a pris un taxi pour aller porter nos bagages à notre hébergement. L'appartement n'est pas encore prêt alors on ne peut y rester pour faire la sieste, pas le choix d'aller explorer les environs!

      C'est une magnifique journée, avec un confortable 17 degrés, bien humide. La température monte si bien que vers 11h on est rendus à 23 degrés. On marche dans un quartier où on trouve plein de boutiques. On n'achète rien, mais juste pour voir l'endroit ça vaut la peine. Plutôt typiques comme rues.

      On retourne ensuite en direction de notre logement et on arrête au parc au passage pour que Sam puisse, enfin, jouer dans les modules! Ensuite, c'est l'heure de prendre une sieste bien méritée pour tout le monde! Au réveil, on part marcher vers le Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar, c'est le monastère que l'on voit de notre appartement, qui est juste de l'autre côté de la rivière. On doit traverser le magnifique pont Luis I, lequel est bondé de gens qui se promènent comme nous. C'est magnifique !!!

      Plus tard, nous descendons aux abords du fleuve Douro pour marcher sur la promenade. Nous longeons les petites ruelles, en descendant. Quelques petites automobiles passent dans les rues. C'est tellement étroit !! Mais on voit même un autobus y passer lorsque nous sommes arrivés en bas. Finalement, possiblement que même en camper van c'est possible de passer par là! On y voit même un tournant tellement serré où l'automobile s'y reprend à plusieurs reprises pour finalement tourner. Avance, recul, avance, recul, on envoie la main et on part !!

      Arrivés tout en bas, on marche un peu sur la magnifique promenade en question puis on retourne dans la ruelle par laquelle on est arrivés pour aller souper, il commence à être l'heure pas mal! Un excellent petit resto style italien avec pizza/calzone et des pâtes faites avec amour. Ah oui, et de la sangria pour notre grand plaisir! La journée se conclut sans surprise par la marche de retour. On voulait prendre un taxi, mais il faisait tellement beau qu'on s'est décidé à marcher. Après tout, ça évacue la sangria aussi !!

      Voilà qui conclut notre première journée à Porto. Quelle magnifique ville ! Nous sommes contents d'avoir pu profiter du beau temps parce qu'ils annoncent de la pluie pour les jours suivants. On croise les doigts, mais au moins on a bien profité de cette première journée malgré la fatigue.
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    • Day 11

      Camino P Day 1 - Porto to Matosinhos

      September 22, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I officially started Camino #2 today. But staying at the same hostel. So I had a very light bag today, and only walked about 12 km. Although that was before the walking tour I did this evening 😜🏃‍♀️.

      I walked along the Douro River for a bit more than an hour, then along the Atlantic Ocean. Very nice, lots of people out suntanning, swimming, and even surfing 🏄‍♂️. I stopped at the Tourist Information booth and they gave me a pin and a small bottle of hand sanitizer. I guess they want the pilgrims to stay healthy. I celebrated with a café and a pastel de nata.

      Then I walked to the bridge that I will cross tomorrow, the church nearby, and took the metro back into Porto. Lucky, the station is about 3 minutes from my hostel.
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    • Day 20

      Day 37 Porto 699 km

      October 28, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      I had a great sleep. I finally broke down and bought some Nescafe coffee🤠

      We have breakfast at this hostel which is lovely.

      I left around 9:30 and came home around 5 pm.

      I walked 20 km today just seeing all the sights 🤗 It would rain pretty hard and then stop so we had some breaks even with some sun in between which was great.

      It was very crowded probably because it was a Saturday, and there were just many tourists ( mostly French) many with young families.
      There were lineups everywhere.
      I would say it is much more crowded than in Santiago for sure.

      I also walked a km or 2 on the Porto Camino.....I miss seeing my daily dose of arrows🤔

      Upon reviewing my pictures for the day I am quite disappointed as most of them are very dulll due to the cloud cover😥
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    • Day 43

      Porto #1

      May 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Big travel day today going from the south to the north of Portugal. Early wake up to leave the air bnb by 6:45.

      Drove from Lagos to Lisbon, dropped the hire car off and jumped on a 3 hour train to Porto. Few interesting near misses on the car drive up, had a Ferrari pass us doing what we think was at least 200km 🏎️ and almost ran out of fuel on the Lisbon bridge, but we made it 🤣

      It was cool travelling on the train and really comfortable, was kind of like an aeroplane. Train was really pretty coming into Porto 😍

      Checked in at the air bnb which is tiny but has a beautiful view of the city. It’s in the best location for exploring Porto, right in the city center!

      Jacques went down to the shops for some supplies. Made steamed broccoli and rice at the air bnb for dinner as I was craving it 🤣

      Went for a walk after dinner to check out the town center around us, up to the cathedral and lookout over the river that runs through the city. In true fashion we found a new fave for our pastels, little corner cafe called Castro. Such a relaxed vibe here, we love it already! 🥰
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    • Day 5

      Porto Arrival

      April 8 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      Today was a 4 hour train ride from Lisbon to Porto. We were so excited the whole way in anticipation of meeting up with friends, Helen and Mike from Dublin, who we met on our last Camino in the fall of 2022. They flew in to Porto just to see us ☺️. We have a sweet little Airbnb (see red door in pictures) for this stage of our journey that we will share with Miguel, another friend, from Germany, that we also met along The Way in 2022. Miguel was born and raised in Porto so we will have our own personal tour guide for the city. We are excited for new adventures in Porto and time spent with friends.Read more

    • Day 6

      Out and About - Porto

      April 9 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      It was a perfect day in Porto; blue skies, good temperatures and great friends. We met up with Mike and Helen and headed straight for the Hop On-Hop Off bus to tour around the city. We then spent our afternoon at the river where we had a great lunch, rode a river cruise, listened to great street music and attended a Port wine tour/tasting. We finished our day by meeting up with Miguel, once he flew in from Germany. He directed us to a great place for an outdoor dinner and more music in the streets. We are all excited to explore more of Porto tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 7

      Porto - Day 2

      April 10 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Today was a lot of walking in Porto with Miguel as our personal tour guide. We first went to the cathedral to purchase our pilgrim credentials for the Camino and took a quick tour of the cathedral. Then off to walk the city, have lunch, ride the trolleys and ended up at a beach cafe drinking coffee and eating carmel gelato. After a long day out, we had Helen and Mike over to our apartment, that we are sharing with Miguel, for a home made dinner by Tom. Porto is the birthplace of Vinho Verde wine (which happens to be my favorite white wine) so it was fun to share a couple bottles with good friends before we had to say good bye to Helen and Mike. It was a great day in Porto.Read more

    • Day 8

      Prep Day for Camino

      April 11 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Today was mostly a day of Camino prep as we spent the morning at the local laundromat washing all our clothes and getting our suitcase packed in order to get it shipped to Santiago to be received once we complete our walk.

      We still had plenty of time to do some exploring and found an amazing open market where we had lunch and talked forever to a fun couple from Canada who wanted to know all about the Camino. Otherwise it was a lazy afternoon of reading, hanging out with Miguel, after he returned from visiting his family, and then the cherry on the top of the day was finding Taco Bell for a quick dinner! Who knew?! Portugal never fails to surprise us 😂

      Tomorrow morning comes early as our Camino journey begins.
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