Day Thirteen: Travel to Porto

Today was a very chill day, we took a 4 hour train to Porto at 11:30 today. Had a like e-scooter ride there going past some Familiar sights! But it's so weird to find what train you actually have toRead more
Today was a very chill day, we took a 4 hour train to Porto at 11:30 today. Had a like e-scooter ride there going past some Familiar sights! But it's so weird to find what train you actually have toRead more
We were up early and out the door at 7.45 to get to the meeting point for our tour of Sintra, Pina, Regaleira and Cascais. Sintra is around 40 minutes from Lisbon and we figured the logisticsRead more
This morning Ian and I took a Segway tour around Lisbon. Our guide and leader was Chris, he was lovely and had great knowledge of the history of Lisbon. It was so much fun and a great way to see thisRead more
Day packed full of exploring as we pass through Lisbon; Portugal.
90% of their houses are covered in ceramic tiles, im a big fan.
First we visited the Monastary, very cool 😎
Then we visited theRead more
Auf dem Weg zu unserem nächsten Ziel, der Kathedrale von Lissabon, sind wir durch einen kleinen Park spaziert. Kurz bevor es dann den Hügel nach oben zur Kathedrale ging konnten wir diesesRead more
Lissabon, Sonntag, 16. April 2023
Für die Ausschiffung in Lisssabon wurden wir schon im Voraus gebrieft. Jede Kabine wird einer Gruppe zugeteilt und dann wird ab 7:30 Uhr nach GruppennummerRead more
I can't believe it! What a few days it has been. But we are on the ship. We spent the morning walking to get in some steps and to pick up our trinkets. Ella researched the Portuguese meaningfulRead more
Walking back from the Science and Natural History Museum, we headed through the heart of Lisbon towards Crafty Corner, a craft beer pub we visited when we were last here. We tried 11 of the 12 beersRead more
I realized that I hadn't posted my last few sketches from the last two days in Lisbon, so here they are.
1. My "blob" sketch of Castelo de São Jorge from Jardim do Príncipe Real.
2. Sketches ofRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Campo das Cebolas
Traveler So awesome appreciate the updates looks incredible. I love the shot of Ethen in the church!
Traveler That church is amazing!!!
Traveler Wow, that light show was amazing,so was the church.