Lamego Municipality

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Lamego Municipality
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    • Day 16


      April 21, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Santuario de Nossa Senhora dos Remedios. Got it? Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies.
      We visited the city of Lamego today. The big attraction is the hilltop Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies, which dates back to the 18thcentury. The city, however, dates back 1,000 years. The sanctuary is 600 steps above the city square. Sadly, we were not able to walk all 600 steps as some sections were under repair. Overall a beautiful setting.
      Our last picture from this group is the morning view from our stateroom on the boat. Moon view no extra charge.
      Linda and Shirley were learning how to paint tiles this afternoon while we travel back toward Porto, where we will disembark on Saturday.
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    • Day 40

      Douro Valley

      April 1, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We woke up to a cloudy, overcast day for our journey east, up the Douro Valley. Amongst low cloud, the first stop was Amarante, where the local market was in full swing.

      We followed the river, with it's steep banks lined with terraced vineyards, and stopped in Pinháo for lunch. There were 2 river cruise boats in dock, but they must have been out wine tasting, as the small town was very quiet.

      Rui made some calls to fit us in for a tasting at a winery that made table wines as well as port (many only make port) and we visited Quinta do Bomfim for a very relaxing afternoon of tasting on their wisteria covered pergola overlooking the Douro River.

      Accommodation tonight is in Peso da Régua where we had dinner at a non-touristy restaurant (ie not on the waterfront). The staff spoke no English (the same amount as our Portuguese), so we had much laughter communicating our order. The staff always bring out olives and bread at the start of the meal - they are not complimentary, but added to the bill unless you send them back - and tonight we also received a mystery bowl... of chicken gizzards. And they were quite tasty!
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    • Day 26

      Sowas passiert auch manchmal 🚍

      September 29, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Gestern sind wir gemütlich am Ufer des Duoro und vor unserem 🚍Seppl gesessen und haben plötzlich gemerkt, dass der Gute ein wenig Öl verliert und er tropft. 😳
      Natürlich haben wir uns gleich heute Früh in die 20 km entfernte Stadt Lamego aufgemacht und eine Werkstatt gesucht. Nach einiger Sucherei 👀 haben wir die Werkstatt von E.Leclerc gefunden. Dort wurden wir sehr nett bedient und uns wurde ein Englisch sprechender Mechaniker zugeteilt. Der hat den kleinen Schaden schnell gefunden: Der Ölfilter hatte ein kleines Leck. Der Filter wurde ausgetauscht (er hat uns beiden „Technikern“ auch das Leck gezeigt und uns alles genau erklärt 🤪), es wurde neues Öl nachfüllt und alles nochmals kontrolliert. Der ganze Spaß hat dann samt Arbeitszeit nur € 23,00 gekostet.👍 Alles wieder ok! 🥳
      Nach der Besichtigung der Kathedrale sind wir noch die 60 km nach Viseu gefahren.
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    • Day 11

      Douro - Lamego

      September 20, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Une bonne journée comme on les aime. Elle débute par une vue magnifique. Cette fois, sans gros navire de croisière ni avec de moteur en marche. Il fait beau et déjà très chaud. Nous allons donc à un autre point de vue pour débuter la journée. On sillonne les magnifiques montagnes dans la vallée de Douro. C'est tellement beau !! Le point de vue est quand même intéressant, mais tout le chemin pour s'y rendre l'est tout autant.

      On s'arrête par la suite et au hasard au Vignoble do Popa. Sincèrement, ça en vaut tellement les sueurs froides. Je dis ça parce que, bien ce n'est vraiment pas évident d'y monter dans la montagne avec le campervan avec seulement une voie plutôt étroite. Ça veut donc dire que si on rencontre quelqu'un face à face, eh bien le plus gros gagne !!! Hihihi !!! Bien en fait, c'est la plus petite voiture qui se déplace! Mais quand même, c'est un peu un coup de dé.

      Finalement, nous ne croisons personne. Ouf !!! Et arrivés en haut, on comprend que ça en valait le coup. C'est réellement sublime. Le paysage est magnifique, gorge de montagnes et le fleuve de Douro qui y passe. Plein de vignes et de vignobles. Wow !!! Nous dégustons donc quelques vins (pas le choix!) avec un plateau de charcuterie et de fromage. Samuel et Félix jouent dans l'herbe on comptemple le paysage. La vie est belle.

      Maintenant, direction Lamego. On longe le Douro pour y arriver. Les voies sont toujours aussi restreintes, mais on s'y fait. Nous nous arrêtons en plein cœur de la ville, car nous voulions aller à la piscine, mais malheureusement elle était fermée !! Il fait comme 30 degrés, c'est à n'y rien comprendre !!! C'est très malheureux pour nous, car y fait chaud en tah.

      Bref, je me rends compte que le Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios que j'avais mis à l'itinéraire est à 10 mètres d'où on est stationné. Fec au lieu de se la couler douce, on gravit les innombrables escaliers par un temps accablant. C'est très beau et on est bien fier de l'avoir fait. Quand on se rend compte que finalement, la plupart des gens qui le font descendent d'un autobus tout en haut et la descendent uniquement !!!! Ils n'ont aucun mérite !!!! Hahaha

      Maintenant, direction le camping que nous avons réservé. C'est plutôt pincé, mais bon, ça fait du bien de prendre une vraie douche et de faire du lavage... Et de se faire charger 4 euros la brassée... Simonac !!! À demain 🙃
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    • Day 12

      Lamego to Mesao Frio (30 km)

      September 19, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today was a 5-star day. Down to the Douro from Lamego, always on untraveled roads or dirt paths (though I bet at least 80% of today was on asphalt). When I got to Peso da Regua, which is a busy commercial town right on the river, I had a few kms along the water till the start of some tough ascents. The views were gorgeous, even though the Douro was out of view till the last few kms. It was a hard steep ascent and I was lucky that a woman in a village was out feeding her birds, so that I could ask her for water. She was very sweet and said she’d pray for me.

      The vineyards are still bright green, and white houses with orange tile roofs are sprinkled throughout. The hills extend in all directions and at all angles. Most are planted with grapes, but there are a few patches of olive trees and even - gasp - a few eucalyptus. The last four or 5 km into Mesao Frio were on a very untraveled road with spectacular views of the river up and down. I have been to the Douro four or five times as a tourist, but I have to say I have never felt as overwhelmed by the beauty of it all as I did while walking in it all day

      The contrasts are so stark. There are huge modern wineries with gleaming stainless steel vats. There is an elevated highway that seems to fly over the hills. There are lots of high voltage transmission lines. Peso da Regua is busy noisy city with a lot of business going on. But almost all day, I was walking through tiny villages where most of the houses are boarded up or in ruins, or on narrow paths between stone walls, or through a few beautifully restored estates offering wine tasting. And in at least six or seven of the vineyards I passed, there were crowds of people picking grapes by hand. I didn’t see any machinery at all, just people stooped over picking or carrying buckets of grapes on their heads.

      Lucky for me, the rain that was forecast never fell. Tomorrow we’ll see. Right now I’m sitting out on my balcony with a view down over the river and all is right with the world.
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    • Day 12

      S. P. Q. R.

      June 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      This morning we saw a tiny piece of the Roman Empire that still hides in the mountains of Portugal. We made a comfort stop in a very small Portuguese town of Ucanha. Here we found a bridge built by the Romans still standing. Not only does the town have a bridge, the roads are also Roman. A number of intersections display Roman milestones. This road was a leg in the original path to the shrine at Compostela. Many centuries ago when part of the bridge collapsed, residents rebuilt it. They were not self-consciously attempting to imitate the Roman style. It was just that the methods, materials and techniques which were in common usage at the time happened to be those the builders had inherited from the Romans. The local tradition states that many of the people here are direct descendants from Rome’s legionnaires. This small community was completely cut off from the outside world until roads were built here early in this century. If one is lucky he can still find pockets in Europe where the Roman Empire still lives. Today we found such a place.Read more

    • Day 2


      June 26, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute steht ein Tagesausflug auf dem Programm. In diesem Stopp besuchten wir die Portweinregion 🍷

      Interessant fand ich, dass die Trauben der roten Portweine hier noch manuell zerstampft werden. Das findet so im September/Oktober rum statt und dauert ca. von 21:00 - 1:00. Das sei lustig und immer ein schönes Fest. Interessierte Mithelfer sind vom Weinbauer herzlich eingeladen 😁Read more

    • Day 22

      Douro Valley

      May 15, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      This is the spectacularly beautiful heart of the wine industry located up river from Porto. The scenery is so extraordinary that the 1st 6 pictures all show it. They are taken from various perspectives: from the deck of a traditional river boat to high on the hillsides on both sides of the river. The views are considered to be some of the best in the world.
      The 7th picture is of Pinhão, often thought of as the center of the district. This was taken from the traditional boat.
      The last 3 pictures were taken at Quinta do Seixo. A quinta is a farm or vineyard where, in this case, the grapes for local wine and port are grown. Both table wine and port are produced. And there is a small olive oil industry, too, using olives from the trees separating quintas.
      I'm told that many of the producers here still crush the grapes in the traditional way, by foot. At Quinta do Seixo, crushing is done robotically in the vats in the 8th picture. The mechanism is visible at the rear of the picture. The 9th picture is some port aging in oak barrels in their cellar. The last picture is the Sandeman logo. I'm told that the silhouette is intended to reflect both Spanish and Portuguese tradition as the business began with sherry in Spain and expanded to port.
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    • Day 70

      Vale do Douro

      April 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      In Peso da Régua fahren wir eine Stunde mit dem Zug, die Schienen verlaufen direkt am Ufer des Douro entlang, bis nach Pinhão. Während die Bahn den Douro entlang weiter bis zur Grenze nach Spanien fährt, dort wendet und nach Porto zurück kehrt, haben wir einen mehrstündigen Aufenthalt im Pinhão. einem kleinen Dorf mitten im UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Alto Douro, der älteste Weinbauregion der Welt mit geschützter Herkunftsbezeichnung.
      Seit etwa 2.000 Jahren wird Wein von traditionellen Landbesitzern in der Region Alto Douro produziert. Hier wird der Portwein, ein Wein mit einer seit 1756 definierten und regulierten Qualität hergestellt.
      Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurden Reihen für Reihen von Terrassen nach unterschiedlichen Techniken angelegt. Seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, als die Douro-Weinberge nach dem Reblausbefall wieder aufgebaut wurden, wurden die langen Reihen durchgehender, regelmäßig geformter Terrassen angelegt, die das Dourotal so einzigartig machen.
      Von Pinhão aus lassen wir uns mit einem kleinen, vollständig besetzten Ausflugsboot flussaufwärts nach Tua schippern.
      Bis zur Abfahrt des Zuges zurück schlendern wir durch Pinhão und haben mit Blick auf den Douro in der Praia Bar gegessen.
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    • Day 32

      Discovering Lamego

      October 15, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      After a few false starts the rain started to ease so most of the group decided to walk into the centre of Lamego to check out the historic old town and other sites of the city. We almost immediately started heading up a steep path towards the old city walls. It is a lovely town with beautiful historic buildings and great views.

      We left the historic old town and walked up the main avenue towards Santuário de Nossa dos Remédios (an old church) which sits high up on a hill and requires you to walk up 600 steps. About half of the stairway was shrouded in mist, and the church wasn’t visible from the bottom. Only four brave (some would say crazy) members of the group were up for the task. Gabriele, Ian, Dan and Marie made the journey up to the top and the rest of us (some would say boozers) went to a bar to await their return.

      We then made the 30 minute walk back to our hotel to get ready for dinner.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lamego, Lamego Municipality, لاميغو, Lamego Kommune, لامگو, ლამეგუ, Lhamego, Ламегу, Ламего, 拉梅古

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