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    • Day 5

      Santuário do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos

      January 10 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 55 °F

      The grounds for this church were quite lovely, with mossy grottoes and mosaic walkways.

      Unfortunately, the doors were locked, so we were unable to see the famed baby Jesus within.

      The area next to the graveyard features rugged picnic tables made from discarded bits from the church.Read more

    • Day 5


      January 10 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

      It was gray and drizzly in Matosinhos, Portugal. Though it may look chilly in the photos, it was lovely walking weather.

      We originally planned to take the Hop On Hop Off to Porto, but never did find the correct bus stop. After following 3 different signs pointing 3 different directions we decided to explore Matosinhos.

      After posing in front of the ruins of a chapel, we wandered to the local market where I saw a hen with a beautiful comb.

      In true Portuguese fashion, there were mosaic walkways and buildings featuring colorful tiles.

      Portugal is known for a pastry called “pastel de nata,” so I was eager to try one. These are little tarts filled with a custard made from egg yolks.

      Back in the day, egg whites were used for starching clothes. Some monks in Lisbon created the pastel de nata to use the surplus yolks.

      My verdict? Yum! I love egg custard and these were creamy and not too sweet.

      As for the statue, I wasn’t able to read the sign next to it. I think he looks a little like Gary Oldman, actually…

      Later in the day, we stopped at another cafe. The sign on the door gave me a laugh because although “puxe” is pronounced rather like “push,” it actually means “pull.”
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    • Day 18

      Day 36 Santiago to Porto Portugal

      October 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      It was not raining when I walked to the bus depot 😁

      I had my morning cafe con leche and am now waiting for the bus to Porto.

      Very comfortable bus ride. Met a mother /daughter from Bavaria. They had just completed the Porto Camino.

      Got off at the bus depot and saw that my hostel was 2 . 5 km away. I started walking....and saw the train/ Metro station. I found an information booth and was able to ride the subway close to my hostel.

      I wanted to check-in but I didn't realize that Porto is an hour behind Espana so had to wait.

      I decided to eat and ordered a delicious fish dish called Pataniscis with tomato rice.

      I went back to the hostel " So Cool Hostel" only to find it was the wrong one😳 The one I was booked at was called " Cool Hostel". But it was easy to hop on the metro for another couple of stops.

      When I got off I was inundated with all of these people. It was a street that was a mall ( no cars) and it was very crowded.
      There was a street vendor selling castanats which are roasted chesnuts. They roast them on briquets. They tasted like potatoes to me🤔

      I found my hostel got settled then did laundry. The owner was doing laundry and filling Ikea bags....where is there an Ikea here?

      Went to bed early as I was very tired.
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    • Day 74

      Zeit für Qualitytime 👨‍👩‍👧✈️🇪🇸🌊

      October 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Es ist soweit: Das Kapitel Solo-Travelling ist beendet. Zumindest vorerst. Jetzt heißt es nämlich erstmal quality time genießen. Und es ist verrückt, während Frida in Porto auf unsere nächsten gemeinsamen Abenteuer wartet, fühlt es sich an nach Hause zu fliegen und das, obwohl ich meine Eltern auf Mallorca und nicht in Deutschland besuchen gehe. Beweist doch wieder einmal, dass Zuhause nicht nur ein Ort sondern auch Personen sind. 🧡Read more

    • Day 16

      Political Demonstration part 1

      April 6 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      We found ourselves with a police escort into a political demonstration that was quite demonstrative, masks and all.

      They were protesting against immigrants coming into the country, raising housing prices.


      4 videos total
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    • Day 3

      Marosinhos to Labruge: Lollygagging

      May 2, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Everybody passed me today. Four Camino cyclists, a dozen folks wearing backpacks (“Bom Caminho!”), a bunch of locals out for a beach day, and a woman carrying two bags of groceries, A nut brown, big-bellied, shirtless guy in bright blue shorts passed me…twice.

      I am an unapologetic lollygagger. I stopped to read all the informational signs posted. There were probably a couple dozen along the 7.5 miles of boardwalk that made up the first leg of my Camino. (FYI: The Germans sank a boat off the coast here after the war, just to assure the Allie’s didn’t confiscate it. The flowers of the dunes here enjoy protected” status. The still-active fishing settlement on the beach is older than your great grandma.)

      This is nothing new. Anyone who has hiked with me will tell you I like to stop and dissect the roses. Today, I pause to watch some shorebirds, plovers, putter about. They are unworried about my proximity, unlike our shy California version. I witness two couples in their silly flirting and wag my finger at the “mao homem” who scares his girlfriend. I take a brief detour to find an ancient fishing cottage surrounded by the collected plastic remnants of a modern coastal cleanup. Cool!

      Some pilgrims judge a slow walker on the Camino. For them, suffering is part of the process, and speed is essential to the route. Others argue, “It’s your Camino, and it will unfold the way it supposes to unfold. The Camino provides,”

      After a first day of coastal meandering, I can see some challenges ahead. No amount of lollygagging can erase the physical strain of the 100-plus kilometers ahead. But I walked 7.5 miles today, and I could have done a bit more. I’m tired, but no blisters, and no aches. All good news.

      Certainly dark moments lie in wait, ready to chew up and spit out my current nirvana . My feet will likely start to hurt. Rain is forecast for later this week, and I’m not sure how I will navigate that. At some points I’ll get wet, and sore and tired and hungry and grumpy.

      But I’ll be ok. I am going nowhere fast, and it is glorious.
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    • Day 2

      Arrival in Portugal

      March 30 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      We made it to Porto, Portugal at 12:15pm!! We found our tour guide, Antonio, who led us and the other half our our group to our tour bus. Our driver, Francisco, drove us in our luxury big bus to our hotel. We were able to quickly drop off our bags, wash our faces, meet downstairs to walk around the city. We went to a really neat food market. Vendors had booths of Portugal foods and wine. We all chose our food and had a beer or wine. Walked around the town, for the afternoon. Came back freshened up and had dinner at an old curch/monk house. Delicious food. Angus steak, potatoes kale and the best chocolate cake ever. Came back to hotel for a night cap. What a great group of people. Lots of fun. In bed by 10. Up at 6am for breakfast and looking forward to another fun day today. Happy Easter everyone!
      Sara - Happy Birthday to my sweetest daughter 💗-
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    • Day 17


      April 7 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Nata, or Pasteis de nata is Portuguese for cream pastries. It's a tart-sized pastry with a crispy flaky crust and a pudding, flan like filling. It is not very sweet, and the good ones are warm, extra vanilla-y, and taste like they have alcohol in them.

      I'm going to learn how to make these because they are so yummy. I had them 2 or 3 times yesterday and picked up 3 more at the airport.


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    • Day 20

      Etappe 18

      May 27, 2023 in Portugal

      Hoi zämä!
      In dem schönen Hotel, wo wir gestern nächtigten, liess es sich vorzüglich schlafen! Sehr gerne hätte es auch noch etwas länger sein dürfen! Um 06:30 aufstehen ist nicht wirklich mein Ding!  Nun....wir hatten ja ein Tagesziel, das es zu erreichen galt! Also, raus aus den Federn und rein in die Schuhe! Der Weg wartet! Zuerst mussten wir aber, weil das Hotel nicht direkt am Jakobsweg stand, auf den richtigen Pfad gelangen, was sich in dieser grossen Stadt als etwas schwierig erwies! Zum Glück gibt es heute "Maps me" , so war die Wegfindung auch für uns nicht unmöglich! Die heutige Etappe war echt langweilig! Wir liefen, ohne Witz, stundenlang nur an stark befahrenen Strassen entlang! Auch unsere französisch/ italienischen Mitpilger, die wir in der heutigen Herberge zufällig wieder trafen, waren der Meinung, dass diese Streckenführung eine Katastrophe war. Unterdessen freue ich mich darauf, schon bald in Spanien unterwegs sein zu können. Die Menschen hier sind wirklich nett und hilfsbereit, die Landschaft ansich ist sehr schön, aber die Infrastruktur von Strassen, Wege, Trottoirs usw. ist mehr als nur schlimm. Hier sieht man Sachen.... die man (in Europa) nicht für möglich hielt!
      In der heutigen Herberge sind wir wieder auf die witzigen Mitpilger der letzten zwei Etappen gestossen. Ganz spontan luden sie uns zum Abendessen ein. Obwohl wir  schon eine Kleinigkeit gegessen hatten, nahmen wir die Einladung an. Wir bereuten es nicht!! Denn das Essen war gut, es war gemütlich und wir haben viel gelacht!  In solchen Momenten tut es mir aufrichtig leid, dass ich mich nie ernsthaft bemüht habe, fremde Sprachen zu lernen. Schaun wir mal.....es soll ja nie zu spät sein?????
      Ciao et au revoir....
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    • Day 4

      Etappe Matosinhos -Vila do Conde

      June 2, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Ein unvergesslicher Tag am Atlantik! Für heute hatten wir uns viel vorgenommen: Schließlich liefen wir 24 km mit über 35.000 Schritten der wunderschönen wilden Atlantikküste entlang. Schöne bequeme Holzstege säumen die Küste und ermöglichen ein bequemes Wandern.
      Das schöne Anblick des Atlantiks liess uns die Müdigkeit vergessen. Erst auf den letzten Kilometern spürten wir eine Schwere in den Beinen. Unterwegs ließen wir uns zur Erfrischung und Stàrkung immer mal wieder in einer schönen Strandbar nieder, Auch haben wir Bekanntschaft gemacht mit einer Amerikanerin, wo sich herausstellte, dass wir in der gleichen Pension übernachten. So sind wir eine Zeitlang zusammen gelaufen und haben auch das Abendessen gemeinsam eingenommen. Der Host der heutigen Unterkunft, ein Gastgeber mit Leib und Seele, hat mit uns die weitere Unterkunft gesucht, offenbar ist das übers Weekend nicht ganz so easy. Seine Art hat uns grosszügig darüber hinweg sehen lassen, dass das Bett viiiel zu hart war.
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