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    • Day 4

      Eine Kirche ... und der Cais da Ribeira

      June 22, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Heute Nacht hat es geregnet und auch in der Früh fallen noch ein paar (warme) Tropfen.
      Ich habe nicht sonderlich gut geschlafen - aber keine Müdigkeit hält mich vom flanieren ab.
      Die Igreja de São Francisco ist mein erstes Ziel - verschwenderisch mit vergoldeten Holzschnitzereien geschmückt.
      Der Klerus war eines Tages so schockiert darüber dass in der Kirche keine Gottesdienste mehr abgehalten werden durften; unter der Kirche in der Krypta stehen Sarkophage von Brüdern und Adeligen.
      Mit der Tramway Linie 1 fahre ich den Douro entlang, am Rückweg verschlägt es mich in die Miragaia wo Stufen über Stufen erklommen werden müssen.
      Ich belohne mich mit einem Taiwanesischen Chicken Burger im Boa‘s - so etwas außergewöhnlich gutes habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gegessen (Foto vergessen; muss ich also noch einmal hin).
      Und dann die Ribeira.
      Ich kann gar nicht mehr aufhören zu fotografieren - pittoresk, bunt, voller Leben ..... .
      Mit einem Boot mache ich die 6 Brücken Tour und dann gibt es ein Glas Weißwein und Oliven.
      Ich bin völlig erledigt und so spaziere ich gemütlich zurück.
      Überall wird für das Fest morgen geschmückt, Strassenmusiker + Straßenkünstler an beinahe jeder Ecke.
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    • Day 2

      Jardins do Palácio de Cristal

      March 20, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Gut gestärkt fuhren wir dann Richtung Innenstadt von Porto. Unser erster Halt war dann ein kleiner Park. Dort parkten wir dann im anliegenden Parkhaus und machten uns auf den Weg.
      Der Park war klein, aber schön. Man hatte dort schon an einigen Stellen einen sehr guten Ausblick, grade auf den Douro.
      Im Park selbst liefen zudem noch Pfaue, Hühner, Möwen und Tauben rum. Komische Kombi, aber nun ja.
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    • Day 18

      Gaia bei Porto

      November 12, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Fabi hat im Internet einen wunderbaren Stellplatz, unterhalb einer Villenruine, recherchiert. Direkt am Fluss Douro. Der Platz liegt unweit der schönen Altstadt Porto. Mit dem Fahrrad 10 min am Fluss entlang. Schon ist man mitten in der historischen Altstadt.

      Gaia, das Örtchen auf unserer Uferseite, ist nicht weniger sehenswert. Hier haben sich die berühmten Portweinwinzer angesiedelt. Die alten Fassaden und kleinen Häuschen sind sehr gut erhalten und verbreiten einen gemütlichen Charme.

      Alles fügt sich in dieser altertümlichen Kulisse. Auch die riesige Stahlkonstruktion, die die beiden Stadtteile miteinander verbindet.
      Im Wasser liegen die alten Boote mit den Portweinfässern bereit und laden zu einer Rundfahrt auf dem Fluss Douro ein.

      Wir schnappen uns die Fahrräder und fahren Richtung Porto.
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    • Day 278

      Porto, Portugal

      February 15, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Through an airline deal, Andreas and I had the opportunity to stop in Portugal for four days at no extra charge. We jumped on the deal... one of the benefits of not having a rigid schedule. We picked the colorful port town of Porto. Once at the airport, we had another great surprise; I heard they overbooked the flight on the loud speaker and were offering money to take a later flight. Because I am currently moving slower, I told Andreas to run!! We got in first and were given a total of $1,400 NZD ($1,035USD) to watch the Olympics in the airport for four hours. Score!

      Unfortunately it was raining most of our stay in Porto, however we still enjoyed wandering the gorgeous city. We rode a trolley along the coast one day and watched stormy waves bash into a lighthouse. We were very impressed with Portuguese food; slow cooked pork, soft cheeses, grilled fish, bottomless liters of wine. Andreas took me out to a nice tapas dinner for Valentine’s Day. Portugal is definitely on our list of places to return to.
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    • Day 5


      July 1, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Will it fit? We've checked out of our apartment in Lisbon and working out how we get our bounty all the way to the Avis centre... 2 x Ubers is the only answer. The saudade at leaving this amazing city gives way to panic as we try to squeeze this groning bounty into the apparent "full-size sedan" that is a Talisman.
      We're off! Manual, wrong side of the road, Portuguese signage, thank St Anthony it's a quiet Sunday morning and we own the city! A few wrong turns, including apparently stealing a bus lane in front of a busload of police and I've safely acclimatised, We're off on the freeway where speed laws are as important as the drug ones, at 140 I'm 20 over the speed limit, but getting buzzed by everyone else treating it like an autobahn. A breakfast stop and a very testing hour of Gab's playlists later we're in Porto!
      The least planned adventure ever means we have no plan for Porto either. A few weeks ago some fellow reddit'er was after Sydney tourism tips, turns out he was from Porto and was set to be in Sydney just as we were arriving in his hometown. I gave him a bunch of things to check out and he reciprocated.
      A bunch of authorities from yours truly to Travel + Leisure call Livraria Lello the most beautiful bookshop in the world, JK Rowling credits its staircase and wonderous shelves as her inspiration for the Hogwarts library. The facade is already amazing, but enter and start ascending the stairs and your mouth too will drop. Skyward is a wonderous stained glass rendition of the founding Lello brothers moto "Decus in Labore" but the shelves are amazing. Each section boasts rough busts of the Authors of the section. Fair to say we were lost in here for some time. With everything from Ulysses to Wreck this Journal this place had us all sorted - they even had Manga for Fid while Gab was hunting anything on Seurat.
      Next up u/mamaguebos (no joke, do the translation yourself to see the kind of guy I'm taking direction from) says we should head to BASE, and he wasn't wrong. A magical setting somehow perched in an ancient olive grove in the middle of the city, the cool beats and way too strong Vodka dose for a very occasional drinker sees Gab a tad tipsier than she would normally allow in pleasant company.
      We stroll the avenue where, in a city mostly shut down for Sunday afternoon trade, Gab & Bux treat every open storefront as the oasis of retail relief they no doubt are. Thankfully the Spain v Russia Game is on and u/mamaguebos says Avenida dos Aliados is the place to be when an important game is on. Spoilt from yesterday in Lisbon the Ave isn't quite as impressive, but with two viewing stations, each with massive screens and Super Bock flowing this is the place to be. Unfortunately, the others in our party have read that the Maccas over on the side is the most "Beautiful McDonalds" in the world. Mind you Lisbon claimed the sexiest WC on the planet and that was a tad underwhelming. The Maccas did nothing to improve my assessment that perhaps the Portuguese are more given to hyperbole than other cultures.
      Next u/mamaguebos says we should check out Conga. There are two dishes this city is famous for, both seem enjoyed best at the conclusion of a hops-heavy evening. First is Francesinha, seems a Croque-monsieur in a tomato sauce (why?) the home of which is too far away. The second is Bifana, and Conga is it's home. A sweet fresh bun filled with sliced Pork in a wet spicy gravy actually tastes a lot better than it looks, and since I've never had it described to me before eating, I'm sure a truckload better than it sounds. A Caneca or two of Super Bock and we've enjoyed it enough.
      To take stock, so far u/mamaguebos has recommended cultural icons of the city whilst my family has b-lined for the maccas. As soon as I step out of Conga I'm assaulted by the pitch that we should visit the Portuguese version of Westfields so Bux can visit a London version of Myer that has opened a few stores here - if nothing else it has motivated Gab to get her head around Uber - she's booked a car and has us en route to Primark.
      Frankly it's too boring to document, we've been to Westfields for the afternoon. At least Fid and I got to sit in an Italian restaurant watching Croatia and Denmark battle it out all the way down to the shootout. Who cares - those smarmy Danes that took us down a few weeks ago went down to the Croatians - Perfecto!
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    • Day 24

      Exploring Porto

      May 25, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Porto is a city on the Douro river with an opening into the Atlantic. At one time, it was the capital of the Portugal. It rained, but we took the bus into the historic center of town. There we found a beautiful theater, and another church being restored. The train station is gorgeous with the Portuguese painted tiles depicting historical scenes.Read more

    • Day 41

      Still yet to pat a Portugese cat

      May 2 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      ...but bird wise today was, and you'll appreciate this pun, a coup. Submit this blog to SNL this instant.

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