Praia da Franquia

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    • Day 268

      25. April

      April 25 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Am heutigen 25. April wird im ganzen Land gefeiert. Genau ein Jahr nach der Nelkenrevolution wurde am 25. April 1975 bei einer Wahlbeteiligung von fast 92 % die verfassungsgebende Versammlung gewählt, dies war die erste freie Wahl in Portugal seit 1925. Darum finden hier überall Feierlichkeiten statt. Leider ist aber Vila Nova de Milfontes nicht wirklich viel los, aber wir wissen uns zu helfen😅Read more

    • Day 21

      Day 21 - Back to the Beach

      July 1, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      We both had a really decent night’s sleep in our very nice air conditioned bedroom. We were ready for the beach.

      We stopped at a small cafe for coffee & Jackie chose a sausage sandwich to share. It was weird if not fairly horrible - a frankfurter in a baguette with a lettuce leaf, a tomato slice, then crammed with tiny chipsticks all swimming in ketchup & mustard mayonnaise. Not again.

      We walked to a beach called Foz do Rio Mira em Odemira, which on the face of it was perfect - a small sandy cove sheltered from the breeze and with a roped off swimming area. Unfortunately it was busy & full of either old people or families. I wasn’t comfortable, but strangely the beach started to empty from about 11.30am onwards.

      During the morning we had identified a beach shack on Praia do Farol, the beach around the corner. Around 1pm we visited it for a beer & discovered it was a restaurant with white table cloths for dinner. Not what we were looking for, so we had to head back towards town to find something more suitable for just a couple of beers.

      We spent the afternoon on Praia do Faro as the tide went dramatically back out revealing sandbanks all over the estuary.

      That evening we had a hearty meal of burger and pork with fries with beer & decided we would try to extend our stay for another 4 days.

      Song of the Day - On The Beach by The Chameleons.
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    • Day 20

      Day 20 - World’s Biggest Waves

      June 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      When we woke up Jackie floated the idea of not visiting Lisbon on this trip, because our sunbathing days were diminishing rapidly. It didn’t take me long to consider and agree to her proposal.

      We left our accommodation as early as 9.30am, packed up the car and headed south. Our impression was that Coimbra had a lot to offer and it would be a worth a future visit.

      We drove for around 2 hours and saw nothing much other than car show rooms, van dealerships, motorcycle shops & used car lots. There were literally hundreds of them. We stopped at a thoroughly modern McDonalds, hoping to get a good old fashioned McD breakfast, but we were out of luck. The waitress brought us out coffees in proper cups. I ordered a cheese and ham toastie, whilst Jackie had a disappointing egg McMuffin - smaller & with different bread.

      Our first proper stop was Nazaré, famous for having the world’s biggest waves reaching the colossal height of 80-100 feet in the winter months. Surfers flock here for the Big Waves Awards Contest, which can be seen on YouTube. Nazaré had a nice vibe, but it was extremely windy, so we parked up & had a wander around without going down to the lighthouse. Instead we viewed it and the beach from afar.

      30 minutes down the road we paused at Foz da Arelho, with it’s spectacular estuary beaches, but it was still blowing a gale, so we didn’t stop but continued onwards.

      Another 30 minutes or so later we approached the city of Peniche located on a peninsula & famed for it’s surfing, but our car was being battered by the wind, so we did a u-turn and continued further south.

      At this point we were both a bit disillusioned with Portugal, but identified a potential seaside resort that may satisfy our needs - Vila Nova de Milfontes which had half a dozen different beaches to suit everyone’s tastes. It was another 4 hours drive further down the coast on what turned out to be not particularly interesting roads through agricultural towns & sandy wastelands. I amused myself listening to the Ashes, whilst Jackie agonised over which accommodation to book for the weekend.

      Around 6.30pm, we rolled into Vila Nova de Milfontes & our mood instantly lightened. The town had a really nice feel to it with a slight hippy vibe. We parked our car in a free car park & walked the short distance to our accommodation, Travelers by Rio NaturAL. We must have been given an upgrade, because our room was much larger than what we booked with a vaulted ceiling and a double door window looking down on the street below. Our best room of the trip so far.

      We took a quick exploratory stroll before finding a bar for a beer. We both agreed that this was exactly the sort of place we were hoping for & we would almost certainly be extending our stay here. After a couple of beers, we went to a little restaurant immediately opposite our place, called StressFree. The owner was an enthusiastic lady & we had an enjoyable Portuguese style meal of lamb stew and pork with apple & honey. We will definitely be going back.

      Song of the Day - Surfin’ Bird by The Ramones.
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    • Day 28

      Selina Hostel

      November 4, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Of a hostel where you pay 10 euros per night you wouldn't expect such comfort, cosy athmosphere, clean kitchen, 2 lockers, 3 terasses, super internet, a cinema, and a jacuzzi and everyday either pilates, yoga, running or cocktailmaking classes.

      I enjoyed my stay, cooked also for the next days as I planned to be outside the whole time. Siva, the cook there widened up my horizon - as a traveller his whole life and teacher in Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi and Yoga,.. he gave again totally different answers to the questions of my questionary 'Understanding life' and great exercises - thank you Siva. I could give something back with a Shiatsu massage and realised how much I missed massaging.

      I was totally overwhelmed and stayed 2 instead of one night. I would have loved to stay much longer because even the people I met there were amazing and lifechanging. If not the hiking trail and the sunny weather period were calling me..
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    • Day 72

      Vila Nova Milfontes

      December 11, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      For our next next stop over we found a site in Vila Nova Milfontes and only being about half hour away we decided to drive over to take a look around before picking up a few supplies in Odemeira.
      The site wasn't for us with a lot of long termers set up, more to the point while walking around the site Tess was attacked by a bloody great Pyrenees Mountain dog. Luckily I managed to get between them before it got to her and Jayne was able to pick her up. No real damage done and the German owner was very apologetic.
      The town was ok with plenty of shops bars and resturants and the views over the estuary were stunning. Still back to the drawing board to figure out our next move.
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    • Day 8

      Tag 8

      September 14 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Abreise! Aber nur nach Vila Nova de Milfontes.
      Über den Barragem de Bravura (6822+RJ Bensafrim), eine etwas ausgetrocknete Talsperre, fuhren wir über das kurvige und karge Hinterland in Richtung Vila Nova. In den wenigen Dörfern, welche wir durchfuhren, war wirklich "der Hund begraben". Da möchte ich nicht tot über dem Zaun hängen!
      Als kleinen Zwischenstopp, CheckIn war ja erst um 16:30 Uhr, hatten wir den Praia de Odeceixe auserkoren. Und der war mal wieder mega, inkl. Wellenreiter. Da nicht gefrühstückt, war ein kleines Happerl angesagt, und zwar im genialen Esplanada do Mar (C6R3+C3 Odeceixe).
      Frisch gestärkt fuhren wir dann weiter und irgendwann auf der Strecke müssen wir dann in eine Parallelwelt verschlagen worden sein. Denn angekommen in Vila Nova entpuppten sich die Einwohner zu 80% als (männliche) indische Facharbeiter. Eisdielen, Supermärkte, Restaurants und vor allem auf der Straße dem Müßiggang nachgehend - Inder! Nicht, dass man mich hier falsch versteht, aber weiß gestrichene Häuser, Fischerboote, eine kleine lebhafte Altstadt und den Strand in Portugal verbinde ich eher mit einer entsprechenden Urbevölkerung. Aber egal.
      In der netten Innenstadt gibt`s eine große Menge an Restaurants und auch viele Läden mit Schnickschnack. Lustigerweise ist das Essen nicht günstiger als an der Südküste.
      Das bezogene Penthouse, ein Mehrparteienhaus, dessen Wohnungen auch als FeWo`s genutzt werden, war sehr geräumig und die Terrasse genial. Da hier der Wind nicht so ausgeprägt ist, konnte man sogar die Terrasse am Abend für längere Zeit nutzen. Nur zum Strand ist es zu Fuß zu weit und man muss mit dem Auto fahren. Oder natürlich mit der Rikscha 😂😂😂
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    • Day 10

      Apartments Patio Vitoria

      March 28, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach knapp einer Stunde fuhren wir dann weiter zu unserer nächsten Unterkunft.
      Diese war in der kleinen Stadt Vila Nova de Milfontes relativ nah am Strand.

      Auf jeden Fall eine deutliche Steigerung zu den letzten Nächten!Read more

    • Day 64

      45.Stopp: Vila Nova de Milfontes

      June 16, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachts auf den Campingplatz gefahren. Morgens alles grau. Trotzdem zum Strand. Conf.Call mit dem Team in Zürich gehalten. Kids gebuddelt & gepaddelt. Eigentlich ein traumhafter Ort, aber Campingplatz zu laut und Wetter sehr grau. Daher geht es weiter nach Lissabon. Da stört das durchwachsene Wetter weniger denken wir uns.
      Auf dem Weg dorthin sehen wir ganz viele Storchennester in Strommasten. Sehr speziell!
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    Praia da Franquia

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