Rossio Square

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    • Day 129


      May 18, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute besuchen wir die Hauptstadt Portugals 🇵🇹 - Lissabon. Wir haben uns dazu entschieden auch hier die Stadt mit einem HopOn-HopOff Bus kennenzulernen. Laut Anni's Recherche wird der "gelbe" Bus empfohlen, da dieser auch Tickets für die historische Straßenbahn und den berühmten Fahrstuhl "Elevador de Santa Justa" beeinhaltet. Leider fährt dieser heute vom Hafenterminal nicht ab, weshalb wir dann den standardmäßigen Bus der roten Linue (City Sightseeing) nehmen müssen. 😔
      Bis zur ersten routinemäßigen Haltestelle brauchen wir (viel Verkehr) schon 1 h. Harry überlegt, gleich in der Altstadt auszusteigen. Ich schlage (leider) vor, erst die halbe Tour zu machen und am "Palacio de Belém" 🏰 auszusteigen. Diese Entscheidung war maximal die Zweitbeste. 😏 Die ganze Fahrt zieht sich ziemlich lange, sodass wir insgesamt 3 h unterwegs sind. Harry kann schon gar nicht mehr sitzen und das triste "Gedudel" (Faro) aus den Kopfhörern macht uns beide ganz fertig. 😵‍💫
      Gegen 13 Uhr (!!!) steigen wir endlich in der Altstadt aus und gehen etwas spazieren. Auf einem großen Marktplatz entdecken wir nette Buden mit leckerem Essen. Ich muss Harry "emotional" erst wieder aufrichten, deshalb gönnen wir uns hier ein Gläschen Rosé Wein 🍷 und essen dazu eine sehr große Portion Kebab 🥙 Fleisch, Fladen 🫓Brot, Oliven 🫒 und Gemüse - jetzt lacht er wieder! 😁
      Und als Nachtisch einen kleinen Cherry in einem Schokobecher. Jetzt lacht er wieder richtig! 😁😁😁
      Frisch gestärkt geht es nun weiter zum berühmten Fahrstuhl "Elevador de Santa Justa". Auch hier ist mächtig viel los, die Touristen stehen "Schlange". Wir entscheiden uns deshalb, zurück zum Schiff zu gehen.
      In der Fußgängerzone ist ebenfalls die "Hölle" los. "Fliegende" Händler bieten Luxuslables für wenig Geld an. Harry scherzt - Werksverkauf für 15€. 😝
      Zurück im Hafenterminal schaut Harry noch nach einem netten Poloshirt als Souvenir (Verzweiflungskauf). Als er jedoch die nächste lange Schlange an der Kasse entdeckt, vergeht ihm sofort die Lust und wir gehen direkt zurück aufs Schiff.
      Der Abend ist schnell erzählt...essen, trinken, lesen, schlafen 😴 😴 😴

      Heute waren einfach viel zu viele Touristen unterwegs. Wirklich gelohnt hat sich dieser Ausflug leider nicht...
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    • Day 9

      Tuk tuk tour around Lisbon

      September 20, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      》Ingo was our tour guide and as he says, "My name is like Ringo without the R"

      》Lisbon, Portuguese Lisboa, city, port, capital of Portugal, and the centre of the Lisbon metropolitan area. Located in western Portugal on the estuary of the Tagus (Tejo) River, it is the westernmost capital city in continental Europe and serves as the country’s chief port, largest city, and commercial, political, and tourist centre. The city’s name is a modification of the ancient Olisipo (Ulyssipo), and its founding has been attributed to the legacy of Ulysses (Odysseus), the hero of Homer’s Odyssey; to Elisha, purported to have been a grandson of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham; and,
      more credibly, to Phoenician colonists. Lisbon owes its historical prominence to its natural harbour, one of the most beautiful in the world.

      》Castelo de S. Jorge

      The Castelo de Sao Jorge stands majestically above Lisbon. The castle is entwined in Lisbon’s early history; it saw the fall of the Romans to the Visigoths, experienced the fierce conflicts between the Arabs and Christians, survived formidable sieges by the Castilians and witnessed the birth of Portugal as a seafaring nation.

      This varied and turbulent history is reflected throughout the castle. There are heavily fortified battlements, medieval royal quarters and seaward views, which inspired exploration within Portuguese kings.

      》Quartel da Graça

      Located in one of the seven hills of Lisbon, with privileged views over the city and the Tejo river, stands Quartel da Graça, housed in the former Convent of Graça, and originally built for the Hermits of St. Augustine.

      Its construction began in 1271. Over the centuries, it has undergone significant alterations, and the Church’s late baroque character is a result of work done after the 1755 earthquake.

      The ensemble comprises two cloisters, one main, the larger, intended for contemplation, and another secondary that includes the service area. The cloisters are both square, on two storeys, the lower ones forming Serlian motifs and the upper ones, added later, with bay windows.

      》Once a remote outpost on what was thought to be the farthest edge of the known world, Lisbon had established itself as a centre of operations for Portuguese exploration by the 15th century. The city centre was destroyed by an earthquake in 1755 but was rebuilt by the marquês de Pombal. This seagirt city of multicoloured houses and elegant parks and gardens is no longer the capital of a vast overseas empire. It has been reconstructed as a bustling modern metropolis. In fact, Lisbon was designated a European City of Culture in 1994, and in 1998 it hosted the World’s Fair (Expo ’98). That event sparked the city’s biggest renewal project since the rebuilding that followed the 1755 earthquake, including the construction of the six-lane Vasco da Gama Bridge, then the longest bridge in Europe, and other extensive upgrades of the city’s transportation infrastructure. The fair also was the primary catalyst for the construction along the Tagus River of an oceanarium, marinas, hotels, commercial complexes, and entertainment venues.
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    • Day 2

      Per Oldtimer & zu Fuß

      September 22, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Unsere Stadterkundung starten wir mit einer Kombination von kurzen Transfers mit einem Oldtimer und zu Fuß. Unser perfekt deutsch sprechender Tourguide Nunu, er hat in Hamburg mehrere Semester Schauspiel studiert, macht uns Lust auf die kommende Tage. Kathedrale, mehrere Aussichtspunkte, Kirche und Kloster da Garca, Kirche Sao Vicente und das Pantheon konnten wir so ganz entspannt besuchen.
      Zum Abschluss bummeln wir durch die Alfama und reservieren fürs Abendessen einen Tisch für uns 19 Personen.
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    • Day 104

      Rossio Platz - Lissabon

      December 27, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück kümmern wir uns erst mal um einen Mietwagen für die kommenden beiden Tage. Nachdem das geklärt ist, machen wir uns auf zur nahegelegenen Metrostation am Rossioplatz.

    • Day 31

      Lisbon in the morning

      August 19, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      It’s absolutely boiling in Lisbon. We didn’t really have much of a plan and it was a bit hot just walk around. Eventually we found the fountain right outside the bus stop the Tram 28. The boys stripped off to their pants and had a cool off. The iconic trams that have been running since the 1930s. The queue we were told Would be horrible but we must have hit it it just at the right time as we only waited 20 minutes.Read more

    • Day 16


      June 9, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      After starting to work on a project due Tuesday and getting my weekend sim card, I'm out and about. The cafe I stopped at is certainly a tourist one, but it affords a nice view of a fountain and many beeping cars ;)Read more

    • Day 2

      rossio lissabon

      June 26, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nun startet unser Schlemmerrundgang. Ebenfalls über Getyourguide gebucht. Die Führung startet diesmal am Rossio Platz. Wir testen viele Köstlichkeiten, Bacalhau (Kabeljau), Wein, Kürbismarmelade, Käse, Sardinen, Portwein und zum Abschluss nochmal ganz viele tolle Kleinigkeiten. Einfach top. Jederzeit wieder.

      Im Anschluss gönnen wir uns noch ein paar Gläschen im Bairro Alto.
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    • Day 4

      praça Rossio

      October 22, 2013 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      En bordure de la praça Rossio, sur laquelle nous avions vue depuis l'escalador, se trouvent de jolies boutiques vendant des produits traditionnels portugais. Les rues transverses offrent également une belle perspective sur le château, perché sur sa colline. Cette place avec ses jolis pavés noirs et blancs organisés en vague est en fait la place Don Pédro IV. C'était un haut lieu de la ville au Moyen age, théâtre de nombreuses célébrations, mais aussi de révoltes populaires. C'est aujourd'hui un lieu très fréquenté par les Lisboètes. Juste à côté, une statue équestre de Dom Joao Ier se dresse sur la praça de Figueira où se trouve une très vieille pâtisserie de Lisbonne. Le quartier commerçant ne manque pas d'atouts pour attirer les touristes.

      Les spécialités alcoolisées comme le porto tiennent bonne place en vitrine. De jolies rues piétonnes partent de la place et animent le quartier.
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    • Day 4

      praça dom Pedro IV

      October 22, 2013 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nous revenons sur nos pas, place Dom Pédro IV. Le café Nicola a installé sa terrasse sur la place. C'était autrefois un haut lieu de la vie littéraire, lieu de rendez-vous des poètes et des écrivains depuis son ouverture en 1929. Il est toujours réputé pour son décor art nouveau, mais il attire aujourd'hui beaucoup plus les touristes.Read more

    • Day 82

      Reflections of Portugal

      March 22, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      After travelling for 42 days in Portugal, we shared our thoughts on the experience. It was inevitable that we would make some comparisons to Spain.

      People - The Portuguese people are similar to “Friendly Manitobans” and eagerly welcome you to their country. They proudly speak favourably about their town, city or island. The younger generations all speak English. It was explained to us that Portuguese TV has many English channels with sub-titles and this is how many learned to speak English. They pointed out that in Spain the English voices on TV are dubbed over, which we found disappointing, so they don’t have the same advantage to learn English this way.

      Food - The Portuguese diet is based on meat and seafood. This presented many problems when dining out, especially for me. I tried a vege burger twice and the “burger” had the consistency of refried beans....mushy. Next I tried a real hamburger, which was pre-made with patty, lettuce and tomato in a bun. They just put the whole thing from the fridge into the microwave to reheat it. The meat turned to rubber and the lettuce and tomato became a soggy mess. Into the garbage it went. I tried fish twice....the cod turned out to be salted cod and was tough and chewy, while the other unknown fish was likely frozen and undercooked. John’s opinion was that “there was nothing great or special about the food” but the bread and pastries were “excellent”. The oranges were outstanding but they had a very poor selection of other fruits and what they did have was costly.

      Wine & Port - The red wines were far superior to the whites. We consumed far less wine and beer than in Spain, partially because of illness and antibiotics, but also because the rainy weather diminished our need for a cold beverage. I think our drink of choice was hot tea! In Porto, John discovered port and was as zealous about it as he is with Scotch. Unfortunately, he has expensive taste and favoured the 20 year old port.

      Weather - The locals often reassured us that this was an unusual winter for them. They had 9 months of drought followed by the weeks of rain that we experienced. It either rained heavily all day, or it rained overnight and in the morning, or it rained off and on all day. We had a few sunny days in Lisbon and Porto that really uplifted our spirits. Day time highs were 10-16, with lows of 4-8. We just dressed for the weather.

      Transportation - Although we had a couple of bumps in the road which were our own doing, the Portuguese train system is very efficient between populated areas but less so in the Algarve. I enjoyed the train rides and found that it’s a great way to travel. The convenience of a car rental would have been nice but they are expensive, as is the fuel.

      Tourism - There are all kinds of tourist opportunities that we didn’t partake in because they were very expensive. We had wanted to do a tour of the Douro Valley wine region but an 8 hour tour cost at least €100, that’s about $165 each. We had to give that a thumbs down.

      Smoking - It is a bigger problem here than in Spain. Sadly, young women seem to be the ones that are addicted. Smoking is allowed inside restaurants as well as patios. I saw workers smoking on the job, which included a tourist office advisor, train employees, and a police officer. I didn’t see any anti-smoking campaigns and cigarettes are readily sold in machines located in bars and restaurants.

      Homelessness & Beggars - Both are quite prevalent here. The beggars are aggressive and in Porto we were approached by Roma’s (gypsies) for the first time. In Coimbra I saw homeless camps. The economy must be weak.

      The Language - Portuguese is a difficult language to learn and pronounce. It has a harshness to it, similar to German, that at times was difficult to listen to. When watching Portuguese TV channels because there was no other option, I would mute the sound on the TV. It took a few days to get John to stop saying “Gracias” and replace it with “Abrigado” (thank you).

      Although this sounds like a mostly negative picture of Portugal, the beauty of the country and the friendliness of the people far outweighed any shortcomings.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Rossio, Rossio Square, ロシオ広場, 호시우 광장, Praça de D. Pedro IV, Площадь Росиу, 罗西乌广场

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