Vila Nova de Milfontes

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    • Dag 76

      Vila Nova de Milfontes

      6. mars, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Das hübsche Städtchen liegt an der Mündung des Rio Mira in den Atlantik. Das Kastell wurde im 17.Jh. gebaut um die Flusseinfahrt zu kontrollieren. Es ist heute in Privatbesitz und kann nicht besichtigt werden.
      Das Wetter hat sich hier deutlich geändert. Heute Nacht sind schwere Gewitter mit Starkregen durchgezogen und für die nächsten Tage ist weiterhin Sturm und Regen angesagt.
      Nach Lissabon fahren wir auf jeden Fall noch, dann werden wir sehen auf welcher Strecke wir den Heimweg antreten...
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    • Dag 170

      Nach einer Übernachtung und vier Stunden VDA-Online-Training am frühen Morgen auf dem Campingplatz Parque de Campismo São Miguel, am Rande des Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina - einem Naturschutzgebiet, das sich an der gesamten südwestportugiesischen Küste entlangzieht -, geht es weiter in Richtung Norden.

      Manuela hat ein nettes Örtchen an der Atlantikküste gefunden.
      Vila Nova de Milfontes.
      Der kleine Ort liegt ebenfalls im Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina. Am Ortsrand mündet der Fluss Rio Mira in den Atlantik. Dieses Örtchen hat Charme und wir fühlen uns gleich sehr wohl.

      Zahlreiche Spaziergänge und Fahrradtouren geben uns immer wieder neue Einblicke in die Umgebung. Besonders die Küstenlandschaft, die Klippen, die Flora und Fauna hat viel zu bieten. Der Blick auf den Atlantik und/oder die Flussmündung ist alles andere als eintönig. Die Wellen hier am Atlantik erreichen teilweise sehr beeindruckende Größenordnungen. Die Kraft der Natur ist deutlich wahrnehmbar. Unterstützt wird dieser Eindruck durch die Geräuschkulisse. Jede Welle hat ihr eigenes, individuelles Geräuschsektrum. Es ist für uns nicht vorhersagbar, wann die Welle bricht und wie laut das Getöse sein wird. Unschreiblich.
      Obwohl beide Campingplätze einige hundert Meter Luftlinie von der Küste entfernt sind, der Atlantik durchbricht die Stille der Nacht und ist deutlich hörbar.

      An einem Strandabschnitt in der Nähe der Fussmüdung sind mehrere gestapelte Steine zu bestaunen. Die Steine wurden mit ruhiger Hand Stein auf Stein ausbalanciert übereinander gelegt. Angeblich sind diese "Kunstwerke" auf die Besucher des Ortes zurückzuführen. Selbstverständlich haben Manuela und ich uns diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen.
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    • Dag 5

      Vila Nova de Milfontes -> Cavaleiro

      16. mars, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Da die heutige Nacht dann doch etwas kälter war, freute ich mich schon auf die ersten Sonnenstrahlen am Morgen - auch um das Zelt vom Tau zu trocknen. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück, ging’s hinweg über Sand, Sand und nochmals Sand 😮‍💨
      Fridolin fühlte sich schwerer denn je an und mein Kopf pochte ordentlich. Nach einer längeren Pause, Kopfwehtablette und Justierung am Rucksack ging es zum Glück deutlich besser weiter. Auch der tiefe Sand fand sein vorläufiges Ende, sodass es nun auf recht rauem Stein weiterging. Alles in allem ein anstrengender Tag mit ersten Zweifeln, die aber letztlich die vielen Störche mit sich davontrugen 🪺 🐦
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    • Dag 23

      Day 22 to Day 26 - Vila Nova Milfontes

      3. juli 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I know some people, well one person, was worried about our wellbeing, but I decided to do just one blog for the next five days, because we did literally nothing except sit on a beach and occasionally eat.

      Day 22 - We sat on Praia do Farol for the day. We had a couple of beers & shared a burger for lunch at the Riverside Pub. Jackie attempted to cut my hair with my beard trimmers. We had dinner at a restaurant called Picatapa. I had a lovely steak in a mustard cream sauce with chips, whilst Jackie moaned that her fried squid was in sauce she didn’t particularly like.

      Day 23 - We drove to Praia do Malhao about 6 miles up the road. It is a wild unspoilt sandy beach with Atlantic Ocean waves crashing in. We both really liked the beach, but we had no provisions because we had planned to return to the Riverside Pub for lunch. Unbelievably the pub turned out to be closed for renovations, so we made do with the restaurant next door. We had a beer each & a mixed plate of salami, cheese and jam. It was then back to Praia do Farol, but it was windy, so we retreated to the busy Praia de Vila Nova Milfontes. That night we both had a very poor meal in a lovely blue tiled restaurant. I had the pork mixed grill & Jackie had a steak. Both were chewy & overcooked & the plates heaving with chips, rice and some unidentified substance similar to stuffing. The food was summed up by a Portuguese couple who paid up and walked out grumbling literally 2 minutes after their dinner arrived. We are going to review our eating habits.

      Day 24 - The previous day we had found a bakery that made up baguettes etc which we decided would be perfect for a day on the beach. Typical, it was closed, so we bought bread rolls, laughing cow cheese, a tomato and fruit for our picnic. We then drove back to Praia do Malhao, which we have decided is now our favourite beach & probably in our top 10 best beaches ever visited. We spent the whole day on the beach with the odd walk, dip in the Atlantic & lunch. On the way home we were looking forward to the prospect of a cold beer & maybe a small appetiser from the bar at the end of our road. FFS it was closed. Instead we found a lovely ‘new’ bar at the other end of our road which we discovered to be cheaper and had been open for over a year and we hadn’t noticed. Dinner was the same as lunch.

      Day 25 - We went back to Praia do Malhao after stopping at the bakery that was now open for egg salad baguettes and chocolate croissants. We had a full day on the beach again. We had a couple of beers at the ‘new’ bar, then to the old bar for a beer and just a snack. True to form, there was a queue to get a seat, so our plans were scuppered yet again, so we returned to StressFree and the lovely owner who made a fuss of us as returning customers. Today I made the wrong choice with a veal burger that got lost in an oversized bun & their chips that are actually more like crisps. Jackie had a bowl of black linguine with mussels in tomato sauce which was apparently delicious.

      Day 26 - It was back again to Praia do Malhao. We stopped at the bakery and bought just one egg salad baguette to share & 2 croissants for lunch. We spent the whole day catching rays on the beach listening to Day 1 of the 3rd Test, with the occasional paddle between wickets. Jackie gave me a haircut when we got back, then we went back to StressFree for pasta for me & octopus salad on toast for Jackie.

      Tomorrow we head further south.

      Song of the Days : Sea and Sand by The Who.
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    • Dag 28

      Selina Hostel

      4. november 2019, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Of a hostel where you pay 10 euros per night you wouldn't expect such comfort, cosy athmosphere, clean kitchen, 2 lockers, 3 terasses, super internet, a cinema, and a jacuzzi and everyday either pilates, yoga, running or cocktailmaking classes.

      I enjoyed my stay, cooked also for the next days as I planned to be outside the whole time. Siva, the cook there widened up my horizon - as a traveller his whole life and teacher in Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi and Yoga,.. he gave again totally different answers to the questions of my questionary 'Understanding life' and great exercises - thank you Siva. I could give something back with a Shiatsu massage and realised how much I missed massaging.

      I was totally overwhelmed and stayed 2 instead of one night. I would have loved to stay much longer because even the people I met there were amazing and lifechanging. If not the hiking trail and the sunny weather period were calling me..
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    • Dag 19

      Verstecktes Schiffswrack

      8. september 2017, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Einfach Wahnsinn wie es da so liegt. Schiffswracks haben alle ihre ganz besondere Geschichte und eine einzigartige Ausstrahlung. Das frag es sehr gut versteckt und wirklich nur auffindbar wenn man den genauen Ort weiß.Les mer

    • Dag 20

      Day 20 - World’s Biggest Waves

      30. juni 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      When we woke up Jackie floated the idea of not visiting Lisbon on this trip, because our sunbathing days were diminishing rapidly. It didn’t take me long to consider and agree to her proposal.

      We left our accommodation as early as 9.30am, packed up the car and headed south. Our impression was that Coimbra had a lot to offer and it would be a worth a future visit.

      We drove for around 2 hours and saw nothing much other than car show rooms, van dealerships, motorcycle shops & used car lots. There were literally hundreds of them. We stopped at a thoroughly modern McDonalds, hoping to get a good old fashioned McD breakfast, but we were out of luck. The waitress brought us out coffees in proper cups. I ordered a cheese and ham toastie, whilst Jackie had a disappointing egg McMuffin - smaller & with different bread.

      Our first proper stop was Nazaré, famous for having the world’s biggest waves reaching the colossal height of 80-100 feet in the winter months. Surfers flock here for the Big Waves Awards Contest, which can be seen on YouTube. Nazaré had a nice vibe, but it was extremely windy, so we parked up & had a wander around without going down to the lighthouse. Instead we viewed it and the beach from afar.

      30 minutes down the road we paused at Foz da Arelho, with it’s spectacular estuary beaches, but it was still blowing a gale, so we didn’t stop but continued onwards.

      Another 30 minutes or so later we approached the city of Peniche located on a peninsula & famed for it’s surfing, but our car was being battered by the wind, so we did a u-turn and continued further south.

      At this point we were both a bit disillusioned with Portugal, but identified a potential seaside resort that may satisfy our needs - Vila Nova de Milfontes which had half a dozen different beaches to suit everyone’s tastes. It was another 4 hours drive further down the coast on what turned out to be not particularly interesting roads through agricultural towns & sandy wastelands. I amused myself listening to the Ashes, whilst Jackie agonised over which accommodation to book for the weekend.

      Around 6.30pm, we rolled into Vila Nova de Milfontes & our mood instantly lightened. The town had a really nice feel to it with a slight hippy vibe. We parked our car in a free car park & walked the short distance to our accommodation, Travelers by Rio NaturAL. We must have been given an upgrade, because our room was much larger than what we booked with a vaulted ceiling and a double door window looking down on the street below. Our best room of the trip so far.

      We took a quick exploratory stroll before finding a bar for a beer. We both agreed that this was exactly the sort of place we were hoping for & we would almost certainly be extending our stay here. After a couple of beers, we went to a little restaurant immediately opposite our place, called StressFree. The owner was an enthusiastic lady & we had an enjoyable Portuguese style meal of lamb stew and pork with apple & honey. We will definitely be going back.

      Song of the Day - Surfin’ Bird by The Ramones.
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    • Dag 64

      45.Stopp: Vila Nova de Milfontes

      16. juni 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachts auf den Campingplatz gefahren. Morgens alles grau. Trotzdem zum Strand. Conf.Call mit dem Team in Zürich gehalten. Kids gebuddelt & gepaddelt. Eigentlich ein traumhafter Ort, aber Campingplatz zu laut und Wetter sehr grau. Daher geht es weiter nach Lissabon. Da stört das durchwachsene Wetter weniger denken wir uns.
      Auf dem Weg dorthin sehen wir ganz viele Storchennester in Strommasten. Sehr speziell!
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    • Dag 30

      Rota Vicenta - stage 2

      6. november 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Vila Nova de Milfontes - Almograve

      Wonderful - see for yourself ..

      wild rosemary, thyme and mint and an uncountable number of cork trees even if they have numbers

      Sometimes it's challenging with my carriage (kilometers of sandy paths or steep slopes) but I never fell so it's manageable ;)Les mer

    • Dag 72

      Vila Nova Milfontes

      11. desember 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      For our next next stop over we found a site in Vila Nova Milfontes and only being about half hour away we decided to drive over to take a look around before picking up a few supplies in Odemeira.
      The site wasn't for us with a lot of long termers set up, more to the point while walking around the site Tess was attacked by a bloody great Pyrenees Mountain dog. Luckily I managed to get between them before it got to her and Jayne was able to pick her up. No real damage done and the German owner was very apologetic.
      The town was ok with plenty of shops bars and resturants and the views over the estuary were stunning. Still back to the drawing board to figure out our next move.
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