Vila Praia de Âncora

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    • Day 6

      Day 5 part 2

      September 12, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      The Albergue I’m staying at is cute, right across the street from the beach.
      The restaurants don’t open until 7:30 so I bought some spaghetti and made my own dinner. 5.45€ and I have a zucchini and some cheese leftover. I’ll pack up for my dinner tomorrow night.
      Last sunset in Portugal, into Spain by boat tomorrow.
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    • Day 5

      Aufgeben - nicht mit mir!!!!

      June 23, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Von Anfang an hat es nur geregnet und zwar wie aus Kübeln und das fast den ganzen Tag. Die ersten 4 Stunden bin ich alleine durch diverse Wälder gelaufen und bin irgendwann ziemlich erschöpft an einem Aldi angekommen und konnte mich dort stärken mit verschiedenen Leckereien. Im nächsten Dorf (Caminho) habe ich wieder Jennifer aus der letzten Herberge getroffen und wir haben noch beschlossen ein Bier zu trinken bevor wir wieder getrennte Wege gehen. Kurz nach Caminho als ich wohl meinen größten Tiefpunkt hatte, habe ich die liebe Vroni wieder getroffen mit zwei netten Jungs aus Deutschland. Da es super zwischen uns gepasst hat, sind wir die nächsten 15 km zu unserer nächsten Unterkunft gewandert. Was für tolle Menschen. Ab Abend gab es dann wieder wie üblich üppig Bier, Wein und diese mal sogar eine Pizza.Read more

    • Day 23

      Castelo-Ancora #4

      June 3, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      #4 a really enjoyable 19 km walk along winding lanes from Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia da Ancora. You have to keep a watchful eye for directions 🙂🙂🙂. Away from the coast we worked our way through incredibly quiet villages wondering if anyone was behind the stone walls. I met a ‘lord’ whose family was granted honours defending the king against the Moors and had held the family crest for six centuries. Lots of great gardens, the odd cow and an entrepreneurial couple who set up the best cafe in their garden. Mild weather great for walking, doing my washing and even have an electric jug in my room!!!Read more

    • Day 25

      Day 22/11 Viana do Castelo to Vila Praia

      May 25, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      After a very cool, windy night, we embarked on our walk to Vila Praia de Ancora at 7:30 this morning under blues skies with a temperature of just 12 degrees. My companions have begun looking at me menacingly for having brought the miserable weather with me from Vancouver.

      Fortunately, after a steep uphill climb minutes into our walk, we all warmed up pretty quickly and began shedding layers of clothing. Soon into the hike we were out of the city and walking Roman roads through some lovely forested areas. Parts of the path were a little rugged, wet or muddy, but overall the morning went by very quickly.

      We made a stop for coffee at about 10 kms into the hike and didn't stop again until we reached our seaside destination.

      The rest of the day was spent eating and drinking. The highlight was our delving into the hot cocktail here: Porto and tonic. The girls had white port and tonic last night and we decided we had to try it with a Tawny. We bought a bottle of Tawny at a local market for €4.70 and killed it with a bottle of tonic water as pre-dinner cocktails. I think we need to bottle it and sell it at home.

      It's an early night tonight as we're all a little tired from today's climbs and the prospect of another 25km day tomorrow, which will be our last full day in Portugal.
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    • Day 11

      12 Hours - Day 8.

      April 14 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Woke up: Casa do Sadao
      Destination: Praia do Acora

      The day started with a sleepy due haze at Sadao.

      With a short day ahead for me. And a morning of goodbyes, I waited for most pilgrims to leave. Then I had my usual yoghurt/rice cake breakfast. Waited upon Lora, to set off together with the intention of exploring the waterfalls together.

      As it’s off route of the Camino, we wanted to make sure we didn’t do this part solo.

      The houses on this route, are rustic and botanical perfection. A folk tale must exist behind each and every door. I am sure.

      The stone paths to the forest left a dappled light that was magical to walk towards.

      The waterfalls walk took us scrambling, an athletic feat with our rucksacks. Caught mine once or twice in low hanging branches. But we were able to source the top and sit a while.

      Until our departure which took us higher into the hill. Luckily most were shaded. A few poorly handwritten signs of lodgings had us laughing, noting the horror film waiting to happen, should someone ring that number.

      We kept pace together and discussed many topics. Including our Camino reasons in more depth. And our backstories with spirituality.

      We had a quick cafe stop at midday. Another pilgrim seemed to want to enter but stopped just before (this will become important).

      We walked through mud and had to climb through mud. But we were soon at the town of my destination. Here we had our first pilgrim meal, veg stew and omelette plus a coffee.

      I think this is also where I got burnt.

      We then walked to my albergue. And Lora headed on to Caminha.

      My intention was to shower, catch up on organised my media and then head out for sunset.

      It was here that an intense 12 hours was about to begin.

      I got shown two dorms I could sleep in. The second had a girl at the end bunk already, who called out. So I decided on this one.

      Within 30 minutes, not one of us knowing the other’s name. We’d cried together. Sharing pain, and wisdom with each other. And even exchanging bracelets.

      Her feet were also not great. But she wished to get an ice cream and write a little. So we headed out to do this.

      We also chatted with Marik, the sweetest lad from Prague. Who just constantly wanted to help in any way.

      Back at the albergue, a woman who’d entered the dorm as me and Julie (now knowing her name) were talking complemented me. With my ability to hold the perfect space for people to open up and that my advice was way beyond my years. Although the highest someone had guessed my age so far has been 31. So I never know quite the age people are placing me at.

      I headed out for the sunset. Marik accompanied me, he’s a fan of Hubba. On my return a man was singing and playing an accordion outside my hostel/cafe, I stopped to hear him play and a woman gestured to join them, and they also bought me a beer. No questions, they just simply wanted me to enjoy that space.

      Julie found me. Distraught. She learnt she should go to the hospital for her foot condition. I told her I’d go with her. So we took a taxi straight back to Viana do Castelo (20 minutes drive, yet it took me 2.5 days to walk from there) - but anyway. A little chaotic, but she was seen within three hours. Julie kept repeating how glad I was with her as she’d be panicking otherwise.

      So of course we spent at least another 4 hours delving into more of each other backstories, issues as well as big philosophical problems.

      But she was finally seen around 11. I was able to translate well enough, although the responsibility was huge. I held her hand throughout both procedures. Waited another 45 mins for a nurse to bandage her. And then with only 60 euros to pay we left.

      Well I called a taxi, again in Portuguese. That was ridiculously tough, but success. We had a chatty driver, who took us back and we arrived back at 1am.

      And the other lady had waited up to see if she was okay.

      We slept in. Me resolved to the fact I will only do a short walk again. One because of the lack of sleep, but also because the lessons I am observing from everyone around me to look after my feet.

      Izabela had to quit the Camino because of muscular damage in her feet.

      So a late start and Julie took me to breakfast as a thank you. So started the day with a wonderful Pastel de Nata. And of course another couple of hours of sharing stories/life lessons. Just enough time for another cry for both of us.

      I fond farewell.

      And for once, I am the pilgrim going on ahead…
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    • Day 11

      5. Tag LaGuarda

      May 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      War bis jetzt der absolut schönste Abschnitt. Sind heute von Portugal nach Spanien mit dem Boot über den Mino übergesetzt und in Spanien weitergewandert. Wieder sehr gut gegessen . Ein unvergesslicher Tag.Read more

    • Day 13

      Walking into Caminho

      August 20, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We headed off this morning along the coast towards Spain. Beautiful scenery and Jacqui and I were so absorbed in the beautiful coast we lost the Camino. We had to climb up and over the railway line but we all met up and walked into Camhino.Read more

    • Day 4


      October 2, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Es geht nicht darum, Grenzen zu verschieben, sondern ihnen den trennenden Charakter für die Menschen zu nehmen.

      Es gibt keine Grenzen für Gedanken, noch für Gefühle. Es ist die Angst, die immer Grenzen setzt.
      Heute sind wir mit einem kleinen Motorboot nach Spanien übergesetzt. Über den Fluss Mino. Genau in der Mitte liegt die Grenze von Portugal und Spanien. Es war nur eine 5 Minuten Fahrt und eigentlich hat dich nichts geändert. Das sollte man meinen, aber hier ticken die Uhren anders als in Portugal. Mir erscheint es, dass hier die Menschen fröhlicher sind. Sie sind freundlicher und kontaktfreudiger. Fast in jedem Dorf kommen wir miteinander ins Gespräch. Sogar zwischen den Dörfern, versucht man uns viele Dinge zu erklären. Zum Beispiel, warum Kühe so nah am Atlantik stehen, und nicht auf den saftigen Weiden etwas landeinwärts. Wir haben nicht danach gefragt, aber man erklärte es uns trotzdem.
      Die Rinder, die Salzwiesen fressen und Meeresluft atmen, schmecken besonders gut. Dieses Fleisch hat ein besonderes Aroma und die Milch ist bestens geeignet für sehr aromatischen Käse.
      Reisen bildet.
      Der Augenblick der Grenzüberschreitung bekommt man nicht unbedingt mit. Aber die Welt kann dort trotzdem ganz anders sein. Ich suche eigentlich nach verbindendes, aber dies ist wahrscheinlich nicht so offensichtlich. Wie schon beim kleinen Prinz erwähnt. Das wesentliche ist für das Auge unsichtbar.
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    • Day 6

      Carréça to Caminha

      July 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Left the hostel just after 8am and walked back down to the beach to a beautiful cove. A quick paddle in the surf whilst waiting for the cafe to open. Fortified with café con leche and pasteis de nata, Helga, Monique and I set off for our destination, at that time undecided.
      We walked along the littoral path, sometimes passing through taller vegetation, other times along boardwalks over the dune vegetation. Another very hot day walking, decided to aim for Caminha. Parted company with Monique at Moledo.
      Went to the Albergue de Peregrinos de Caminha and were relieved to find that we had the last two beds going. Not only that, we were put in a suite usually reserved for hostel workers.
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    • Day 77

      Vila Praia de Âncora

      July 24, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wir waren in Espinho noch auf dem größten wöchentlichen Markt Europas. Von Hühnern, über Gebäck bis Klamotten kann man hier alles kaufen. Nachdem wir ein paar Souvenirs gekauft haben, geht es weiter nach Vila Praia de Âncora.
      Unser Campingplatz liegt am Fluss "Âncora". Der Fluss hat eine super angenehme Temperatur im Gegensatz zum Meer. Wir genießen es also sehr hier ins Wasser zu gehen! Wir waren auch Mal am Strand. Da hier aber zwei Luftströme aufeinander treffen gibt es häufig Nebel, wie auch an diesem Tag. Die Stimmung am Strand war richtig mystisch.
      Zufälligerweise haben wir an dem Campingplatz wieder den Iveco aus Aveiro getroffen! Diesmal konnte Moritz sich ausführlich mit dem Besitzer austauschen und durfte auch eine Runde mitfahren.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Vila Praia de Âncora, Vila Praia de Ancora

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