Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina

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Os 10 melhores destinos Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina
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    • Dia 11

      Serbia welcomes me with open hands!

      5 de abril, Sérvia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Not sure what lies ahead. I’m leaving the EU and am slowly approaching Serbia. Another milestone on my journey!

      At the Serbian border, the customs officers greet me warmly. They’re amazed about my equipment and ask me about my travel plans. I promptly answer that I wanna cycle to Kyrgyzstan. While one of the officers is perplexed, the other one calls for support. So, now I have four officers staying all around me. We laugh together and have a basic conversation. In the end, one of the officers pats me on the shoulder and says: „Good luck my friend!“
      Wow, what an experience! I already love Serbia and cannot stop smiling. Those small conversations with other people continue throughout the day.
      Besides, I really enjoy the vast landscapes and endless roads!

      Eventually, I get the chance to jump into a lake - the first bath after three days of cycling feels extremely good.

      At the end of the day, I find a fairly good spot to pitch my tent behind a vacant church. Next to a graveyard though! 😳
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    • Dia 12–14

      Serbian kindness and hospitality

      6 de abril, Sérvia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      The night next to the graveyard was good. However, while dismantling my tent, I noticed that one section of the tent pole has a little crack. Nothing too bad, I can fix it for now. But I would need a replacement part in the long-term. I reached out to the manufacturer MSR and asked for support, but since it’s weekend I don’t expect to be replied anytime soon. Anyway, I don’t care much because I’m more excited about the upcoming day - cycling in the national park Fruška Gora. There’s almost no traffic. Everything is green and the road includes some climbs after days of flatland.

      I leave the national and fancy some refreshments (it is only April and the thermometer shows 27 degrees. That’s even too hot for Serbia at this time of the year). The next village is Jarak and I buy a beer, oranges and chips. Exactly what I need now! I feel lazy and don’t want to leave. But I need to go and find a place for the night. A few locals nearby the supermarket have noticed me and signal that I should join them. I don’t speak Serbian and they don’t speak English. No problem, there’s no official sign for having a few beers together. They’re curious about what brings me to Jarak. I tell them about my plans (as good as possible with more gestures than words). More and more locals join our conversation. Seems to be the best place for an after work beer in the village. One of the man signals that I can stay at his place. I accept the offer without hesitating. But there’s suddenly a discussion with another man. All of us start laughing and it seems like that they’re seriously discussing about who’s gonna be my host. Long story short: The two men are brothers and one of them is kinda tipsy. Neither of them speak English. But Djordje does. Finally someone who can bring a little order into this chaos. Djordje is one of the man‘s son who just showed up.

      I follow Djordje with my bike to his uncle‘s house (the one who initially invited me). We have dinner together with a few more beers and lots of Rakia. After that, I follow Djordje to his home. The family welcomes me with open arms. There’s a second delicious dinner waiting for me with more beer and Rakia. Everything is homemade and tastes so incredibly good - meat, vegetables, honey, fruits, Rakia and so on. I cannot believe what I’m experiencing here. They want me to stay for two nights. Of course, I agree!

      The next day, Djordje and his brother Aleksandar want to show me their village and they’re fishing spots and Sava river. The alarm goes off at 6:30 am. We have our pre-breakfast at 6:50 am - Turkish coffee and Rakia. What else!? We cycle around and go fishing. My fishing skills are nothing special and we only manage to catch a few small ones. Not enough for a meal, so we throw them back into the river.
      For lunch, the entire family comes together and we meet at Djordje‘s sister house. Fish soup with local carp from the river and pumpkin cake is served. Yummy!!!
      By late afternoon, it feels like I know almost half of the village. Everyone is so kind and open.
      Djordje and I get along very well. We talk about politics, war and religion. It’s incredible what this family has been through and how they have experienced the war in the 90s. It makes me humble and grateful for what I have.

      The day went by quite fast and I don’t know what to say. I could tell so much more. In the end, I am just so grateful for what the family did. That was a unique experience and I certainly want to visit them again some day.

      After the last coffee and Rakia the next morning, it’s time to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes but that’s part of my journey.
      Leaving their home well-fed with at least 3 kilos more, a 0,75l bottle of Rakia, enough dry meat for four days and a jar of acacia honey is a great feeling. Also because I know that Aleksandar, the next UFC Champion aka The Serbian Destroyer will cover my back in case of emergency!
      Thank you so much for what you did for me. I will never forget that.

      As I cycle along towards Loznica this day, a man from the side of the road calls „Anhalten!“ I stop immediately and turn around. A man named Miro is selling bikes next to the road. He speaks perfect German and asks me to take a break and have a coffee with him. Sure thing! I sit down and he comes back from the house. Yeah of course, he brings not only coffee but also selfmade Slivovitz. That’s just standard here! He tells me that he used to live in St. Gallen for almost 30 years and that his two kids still live there! No way, my older sister works there and it’s just about an hour away from my home town. The world is small! We talk about the Insel Mainau, bicycles and all other things.
      Three Slivovitz and a coffee later, I feel a little tipsy. It’s 30 degrees today and I haven’t eaten in hours. Time to get lunch and then keep going.

      What a day, or let’s say what a weekend! Tonight, I’ve found an awesome spot next to a river at the Bosnian border. I enjoy my last Rakia of the day, reflect about the last days and look forward to sleep.
      Ah wait, there’s a new email from MSR. They want to help me with my broken pole and send a replacement within the next two weeks. I can even freely choose an address in any country. What a customer experience. I guess Istanbul it is. I just need to find someone in my network who lives there. Shouldn’t be a big deal!
      Good night!t
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    • Dia 21

      Sie nannten ihn Plattfuß

      25 de abril de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Belgrad - Kovin
      67 km / 122 hm

      Wir starten den Tag im Hostel in Belgrad und beschließen doch keinen Pausentag einzuschieben, es aber entspannt angehen zu lassen 🙂
      Kurz nachdem wir die Innenstadt verlassen haben beginnt das Warm-Up-Programm: Kart fahren auf der Außenstrecke - Showdown. Ein enges Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen mit ein paar wilden Drifts und Überholmanövern 🤩 🏁 Als wir den Elan mit auf die Fahrradstrecke nehmen wollen, holt sich Dan nach 1.726km den ersten Platten durch eine Scherbe. In windeseile zusammengeflickt geht die Reise gen Süden weiter. Wir kommen durch Moorgebiete, wo wir uns die Frage stellen, ob wir gerade durch die Serengeti radeln. Am Abend kochen wir in der Hafenpromenade von Kovin Spaghetti 🍝 und bauen unsere rote Festung entlang des Eurovelo 11 auf, den wir jetzt eine Zeit lang auf Herz und Nieren prüfen. Einmal schlafen - dann gehts in die vierte Woche 🚴‍♂️⁴Leia mais

    • Dia 8


      2 de julho de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Dieser Ort mit dem unaussprechlichen Namen ist schöner als gedacht. Hier steht die größte römisch katholische Kirche Serbiens - wer hätte das gewusst 😀
      Von hier geht wieder runter an die Donau. Heute Abend muss ich die Fähre bekommen.Leia mais

    • Dia 46

      Serbische Gastfreundschaft

      2 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Früh am Morgen war eine mystische Stimmung mit Nebel auf dem See. Aber schon bald kam die Sonne und verwandelte den See in einen Spiegel.

      Auch heute führte uns unsere Route über Hügel und durch kleine rumänische Dörfer. In dieser Gegend hatten viele Häuser reich verzierte Mosaikfassaden. Viele Einwohner boten ihre Ernten aus dem Garten direkt an der Strasse vor ihren Häusern an improvisierten Ständen an.

      Wir haben einen Abstecher nach Serbien gemacht zu einem Arbeitskollegen von Werner. Marjan ist zurzeit mit seiner Familie in seinem Heimatdorf in den Ferien und wir durften bei ihnen übernachten. Wir genossen die Dusche, die Gastfreundschaft und den wunderschönen Abend. Danke Marjan und Vedrana!
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    • Dia 47

      Agrarland Serbien

      3 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wir fuhren heute vorwiegend durch Agrarland. Die Felder mit Sonnenblumen, Mais, Weizen und Soja waren gigantisch und reichten bis zum Horizont. Dementsprechend gross waren auch die Lagersilos und die Sonnenblumenölfabriken.

      Da wir gerne am Wasser übernachten, nahmen wir die Schotterstrasse zum Zobnatica-See und haben es uns dort gemütlich gemacht. Rund um den See gab es etwa alle 50 m einen Steg, meistens mit einem Häuschen, für die Fischer.
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    • Dia 64

      Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia

      2 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This is our last stop in Serbia and it's a quick one with so many giggles. We walked through the town and found a river with a man-made beach. It had several playgrounds to try out and tasty food. Addy loved the corn on the cob. As we walked home, we noticed a building with old Roman ruins in it. It was closed, but they had big windows so we could see parts of the Imperial Palace of Sirminium. It was discovered in the 1950's, but dated back to at least 294 A.D. when it served as one of four capitals of the Roman Empire.

      Most hotels we stay in the girls build a tent or make a cave. They made a great one at this stop with Seth's help, so I had to take a picture to share. It took up over half the room and utilized over ten hairbands. It is the little things that make life more rich. They said that the tent was their favorite part of this stop! Seth also did different braids for each of the girls after showering that night, because they like to wake up with curly hair sometimes. They looked extra cute!

      My favorite part of this stop was all the giggles. They giggled while walking to the river, giggled on the "ice cream go-around", giggled while playing in the tent, and giggled while eating pickles. They had so many giggly break downs where they just fell to the ground. At one point Mabel grabbed a banana, but the tip broke. She exclaimed to the bigs, "I still love it guys." They were in the middle of eating pickles and just lost it giggling to the point of crying. Addy ended up upside down giggling with a piece of pickle in her mouth. That pickle ended up in her nasal cavity and it burned.

      Addy's words of wisdom: "Don't laugh, while eating a pickle upside down."

      I wasn't sure about visiting the southeastern parts of Europe, but I am so glad we did. We are headed north now and will be back to using trains in a couple days. That means we will need to lighten our packs and get our walking shoes ready. Back to backpacking!
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    • Dia 4

      Nowy Sad - Serbskie Ateny💫

      13 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wyczekane Bałkany! Pierwszy przystanek Serbia- Nowy Sad. Kontrola na granicy, choć w miłej atmosferze zarówno po stronie węgierskiej jak i serbskiej była bardzo miła zajęła nam trochę więcej czasu niż planowaliśmy, ale to nic bo akurat w Nowym Sądzie i tak chcieliśmy zasmakować trochę życia nocnego🍺 spacer starym miastem, serbska kuchnia oraz piwo nad brzegiem Dunaju wśród lokalsow sprawiły ze był to super wieczór na odpoczynek (w końcu zrobiliśmy tylko 10km piechotą zamiast 20😝) ludzie których spotykamy na każdym etapie tej podróży są przemili i pomocni sami z siebie i to samo spotkało nas w Serbii, a trafiliśmy na protest rolników i zastawione traktorami glinę ulice miasta. Widząc ze jesteśmy zza granicy każdy nas przepuszczał i pomagał.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Slowenien, Ungarn und Serbien

      21 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Der erste Stopp brachte uns zum Plattensee. Wenig Wasser verleitete nicht zum Schwimmen dafür hatten wir danach noch 2 tolle Lost Places zum Besichtigen. Der erste war eine aufgelassene russische Militärbasis und der zweite eine alte KuK Kaserne. Sehenswert beides. Die Grenzübertritte laufen ziemlich geschmeidig😁👍Leia mais

    • Dia 25

      Laatste koffie breek in Servië

      30 de agosto de 2022, Sérvia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Voordat we de grens overgaan nog even een bakkie koffie/appelthee maken.

      For our non-Dutch speaking friends/followers.... If you wonder why the picture of the mobile toilet 🤷?
      In Dutch, when you say "Toi toi" to somebody, you wish them good luck.
      That is what you definitely need when using one off these toilets 🤢.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina, Vojvodina, Voïvodine, Vajdaság, Provincia Autonomă Voivodina

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