English River

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Top 10 Travel Destinations English River
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    • Day 20


      October 21, 2019 on the Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Bald verlassen wir die Seychellen wieder. Heute morgen waren wir in der Stadt. In Victoria gab es ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten anzuschauen. Beispielsweise der Clocktower, der Hindu-Tempel oder die Markthalle. Die grösste Herausforderung bei diesem Spaziergang war jedoch die sehr hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit (80%)!! Die 29 Grad Lufttemperatur fühlten sich deshalb wie 40 Grad an.

      Nun sind wir gespannt, was in Saint-Denis auf La Réunion auf uns wartet. Dort werden wir am Donnerstagmorgen anlegen.
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    • Day 2

      Gut gelandet

      February 8, 2020 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Wir sind nach 24 Stunden (Autofahrt nach München, 2 Flügen mit Umsteigen in Doha) gut auf Mahe gelandet. Doha bei Nacht ist ein Erlebnis. Aus dem Flugzeug heraus hat uns die Hitze (30 Grad) fast erschlagen. Der Katamaran ist etwas in die Jahre gekommen, aber die Herzlichkeit der Mannschaft macht alles wett. Wie immer, wenn Schaffers mit dem Boot auf Reisen gehen, gibt es ungewöhnliche Wetter. Der Kapitän hat vor rauer See und hohen Wellen gewarnt, da vor Madagaskar ein Zyklon ist und wir dies bis Mittwoch spüren werden. Nach einem kurzen Törn zur Insel St. Anne waren wir auch schon im 28 Grad warmen Indischen Ozean baden. Herrlich. Fotos von den Fischen gibt es erst zuhause, da ich das Handy nicht zum Schwimmen mit hatte.Read more

    • Day 8

      Moyenne Island

      February 14, 2020 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Vormittags wanderten wir über die Insel und nachmittags ging es wieder zum Schnorcheln. Phantastisch. In dieser Woche haben wir herrliche Fische, Blumen und Tiere gesehen und jede Menge Riesenschildkröten. Ein Beach ist schöner als der andere. Hinter jeder Ecke wartet der nächste schöne und einsame Strand. Abends ging es nach Mahe. Schade, dass wir morgen früh wieder von Bord gehen und 1 Woche Urlaub schon vorbei ist. Der Service an Bord war sehr gut und das Essen phantastisch. Der Koch kommt von den Seychellen und zum Dinner gab es jeden Tag 5 Gänge.Read more

    • Day 34

      Refueling in Seychelles

      March 11, 2020 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      We couldn’t get off the Spirit.

      Seychelles closed the port because of Coronavirus.
      This is day 6 Sea Day in a Row
      So a large barge arrived to refuel us. We hear that later tonight there will be some extra crew and supplies to arrive. NCL has run out of lettuce, spinach, oranges and other food supplies.
      Rosemary and Daryl from Memphis
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    • Day 123

      Welcome to Seychelles 🇸🇨

      March 17, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Dopo sei giorni di navigazione siamo arrivati a Victoria! Fa molto strano vedere tutto questo verde e la conformazione di queste isole, centro abitato, marina, bar, supermercati..
      La navigazione si è rivelata molto tranquilla, abbiamo sempre trovato mare piatto, da un lato piacevole, dall’altro questo comporta pochissimo vento. Io e Andrea eravamo la coppia della notte, con il nostro ‘watch’ notturno da mezzanotte alle 4 di mattina. Nonostante il poco vento la corrente per di più a favore ci teneva a una velocità media di 7 nodi, e ci ha permesso di arrivare un giorno prima rispetto alla tabella di marcia. Subito al nostro arrivo veniamo accolti dal gommone della dogana che in 10’ sbriga tutte le pratiche necessarie, ci indicano poi il nostro posto in marina, dove con non poche difficoltà riusciamo a ormeggiare, qui ci fermeremo per una settimana circa. Che strano questo rollio che manca, erano circa 3 mesi che non ormeggiavamo ad un molo.Read more

    • Day 24

      Around the islands of the Seychelles

      March 29, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Back on the Le Champlain and greeted warmly by crew who have had a torrid time with the charter. We found it quite moving and happy to reconnect with them.

      Sainte Anne Marie island is a national park, hot and tropical. We walk up a steep path with no steps, boulders roots and in places an unmade path. The view is spectacular. We come back soaked from perspiration. Very large tortoises are everywhere wandering through the forest where we walk. We also see a tortoise nursery and a green gecko.

      First nights are special wonderful food - steak with foie gras, lobster followed by crème brûlée and washed down with wonderful French red wine. I realise I have seriously under packed for formal dinners. Need to check out op shops more carefully.
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    • Day 2

      Hafen Victoria

      April 3, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Es ist ziemlich warm. Ich glaube wir hatten nur zwei oder 3 Stunden Schlaf. Hier am Hafen von Victoria Martin wir jetzt 2 Stunden auf die Fähre und werden jetzt erst mal frühstücken.
      Die Überfahrt mit der Speedfähre hat 1 Stunde gedauert, jetzt sind wir in unserem Hotel. Schön mit Meerblick, das AcanjuRead more

    • Day 4

      Victoria, capital of the Seychelles

      April 19, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Victoria is purported to be the smallest capital city in the world. It is certainly the only city in the Seychelles.

      For us, today was all about getting our bearings and checking out the market. We will go back another day to explore further and visit the museums. Having said that, we did see the Clock Tower, the focal point of the city. It really isn't that big, but it acts as a central meeting spot, standing on the intersection of Independence Avenue, Albert Street, and Francis Rachel Street. It is a miniature version of the clock tower at Vauxhall Bridge in London. It was a gift of the British government and was erected in 1903 when the Seychelles took the first step towards Independence.

      We wandered around the city before pausing at the waterfront for a much needed beverage! 😂 It was lovely just to sit and watch the comings and goings.

      Afterwards, we went to the tourist office to pick up a city plan and to ask for directions to the market. On route to buy our vegetables and salad stuff, we stopped at one of the many bakeries (a legacy from the French 😀) to buy a pastry for lunch. A delicious spicy vegetable pasty did the trick - snd it was only 10 rupees (60p).

      The market was great - we will definitely go there again. Locally grown stuff is quite reasonably priced, but you obviously have to pay a premium for imported stuff like tomatoes 🍅 and peppers.

      Before catching the bus 🚌 back, we went to another supermarket where we found low-fat milk 🥛. Mark bought a couple of different beers to try. The shops really remind us of the Caribbean, as did the whole of Victoria - the people, the architecture, everything! We feel very at home here 😀.

      On the bus ride home, the heavens opened, and it lashed it down!! All the windows were quickly closed - it was like being in a sauna!! You could see the steam rising! 😂 Local people all carry small towels with them. There was a girl at the bus stop this morning using one to mop the sweat (there's that word again 😀) from her brow. This afternoon, on the bus, people were getting on looking like they'd just stepped out of the shower 🚿 and using their towels to dry themselves off!

      Luckily, the rain had stopped by the time we reached home.
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    • Day 93


      April 17, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ 🌙 84 °F

      Went to the Spice Garden and saw giant fruit bats, and giant tortoises do it - they make load grunts! Then went to the beach and snorkeled for a while. I chased a sea turtle, but he left me behind pretty quick. Then had a barbecue on board on the sunset cruise back to the ship. Saw a Russian Oligarch's super yacht.Read more

    • Day 159

      Bye bye Seychelles 🇸🇨

      April 22, 2023 on the Seychelles ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Siamo arrivati al 22 aprile, ultima cambusa fatta, frigo verde pieno di verdura e frutta. Carburante fatto. L’ultimo periodo alle Seychelles abbiamo intrapreso il nostro giro al nord, partendo da la digue verso bird island, a bordo di un catamarano con uno staff un po’ poco simpatico, andiamo a immergerci nei siti noti delle Seychelles.. ci lasciano molto a bocca asciutta. In più Patrick in questo ultimo periodo resta bloccato in cabina dall’influenza e per una settimana non abbiamo sue notizie.
      In tutto ciò lascio ad Andrea il compito di tagliarmi i capelli, e ammetto che fa un buon lavoro.. e altra novità è l’arrivo a bordo di Tabarak, un ragazzo egiziano che insieme a Pablo prenderà il nostro posto dopo la nostra partenza. Siamo pronti per uscire dal marina e intraprendere questa navigazione direzione nord, verso socotra. Ci aspetta una settimana piena per raggiungere l’isola. Attraverseremo la tratta più pericolosa per il nostro viaggio in quanto costeggimo la costa Somala; siamo ben attrezzati e organizzati per ogni possibile attacco di pirati. I vari turni si faranno più attenti, ogni virata o avvicinamento di un’altra imbarcazione fa pensare e temere, e subito si chiamano via radio tutte le cabine a raccolta, che sia un pericolo reale o solo paura. Let’s goooo
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    English River, La Rivière Anglaise

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