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    • Day 5

      S.E.A. Aquarium 🐠

      March 22, 2023 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Als Erstes sind wir dann auf der Insel in das S.E.A. Aquarium. Dieses war ganz ok, mir haben jedoch andere auf der Welt 🌍 besser gefallen. Meine Mitreisenden waren jedoch fasziniert von der Vielfältigkeit 🪸🐡🐠🐬. Besonders war jedoch das riesige Aquarium, indem sogar ein Hammerhai 🦈 zu sehen war. Diese sehen schon schreg aus. Meine Lieblinge, die Quallen 🪼, gab es natürlich auch. Eine sah aus wie ein Spiegelei 🍳🤭. Nach den schreckeneinflössenden Muränen ging es durch den Haifischtunnel 🦈 wieder nach draussen.Read more

    • Day 3


      January 14 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hier kann man sich alleine schon ne Woche aufhalten. Statt Ski fährt man hier mit dem Lift Zum Seifenkisten Startpunkt. Wasserpark, Aquarium, Universal Studios, Bungie jumping, sky line, SUP und überhaupt… alles. Incl. Food market mit trucks und noch ein Markt und und und.Read more

    • Day 70

      03.17.2024 Singapore, Singapore Day 3/3

      March 16 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

      Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Our final day in Singapore.
      The four of us met up on the Living Room and walked off the ship about 9:15 this morning. We hop on the MRT and head to see Merlion.
      The Merlion is the official mascot of Singapore. It is depicted as a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Being of prominent symbolic nature to Singapore and Singaporeans in general, it is widely used to represent both the city state and its people.
      We saw many bronze sculptures along the waterfront.
      We did a brief walk through the historic Fullerton Hotel that was the central post office from 1929 to 1996.
      The picture of the cake is what I told Myron he could buy me for our anniversary. (we met 28 years ago). It’s only $108.
      We headed back to the ship but we had to turn in our MRT Tourist cards to get $20 back. So we went to one of the many malls that are in Singapore. Diana spent it on a pair of linen pants.
      We returned to the ship and set sail for Malaysia about 3: 00 pm.
      This afternoon we listened to some Irish music in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Myron, since he is part of the choir were all asked to sing “What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor”. Fun afternoon. 🍀
      Dinner tonight at the Chef Table with Tom, Tammy, Larry and Lucy. We had an amazing meal and great company.
      Of to bed as tomorrow is another full day.
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    • Day 85

      Singapore Day 84

      March 15 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Spread across 63 islands at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, Singapore is the world's only island city-state. Established in 1819 for the East India Company by Sir Stamford Raffles, after whom the famed hotel is named, it grew from a secluded backwater into a shabby port city before transforming itself into a sophisticated metropolis. The technology and economy are highly advanced here, yet the islands host plentiful green parks with tree-lined footpaths and the stunning National Orchid Garden. For a panoramic view of it all, the Marina Bay Sands towers offer the perfect observation deck; the Sands Skypark lies flat atop the rooftops of this trio of 57-story hotel towers like an enormous surfboard.
      In 1965, Singapore was considered 3rd world, however.
      today there are 5.9 million (6), 100 % immigrant people. The city is a very modern cutting edge and uncrowded city and roadways, Fresh water is precious and was created by controlling and damed 19 rivers that go to the sea, and created 17 reservoirs of fresh water - They still buy water from other countries but they are planning desalination plants to become self sufficient. They are now brackish and they are able to recycle the water into fresh. Nutmeg is a big export product from Singapore. There are 4 races in Singapore
      80% of citizens live in government controlled, maintained, and subsidized housing. However, 9 out of 10 people own their own homes from the government with 99 year leases. You can sell the home and buy another. They have Medical-care for free for all people in their country.
      They all retire at 63 y/o. 90% of food is imported however, they are growing veg. in hydroponics on roofs and inside buildings to become food self sufficient.
      62 islands are being created in Singapore and serve for the waste disposal (land fill sites) for the island. 2035 the waste management islands will be livable. They are always looking for other ways for waste management in the future.
      Public housing is for everyone in Singapore gas more than
      7 million trees - it is mandatory to plant trees along the roads and to replace dying trees with new, they created shade for the people walking along the sidewalks. The public parks are connected to one another and provide over 400 km of connected parks for recreation.
      Singapore is the
      2nd busiest port to Shanghai - which is the 1st.
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    • Day 87

      Singapore, Singapore

      March 15 in Singapore ⋅ 🌩️ 32 °C

      We docked at noon.

      Immigration was quite backed up.

      Our tour was scheduled to depart at 1 PM by 1:49 we were still sitting in the Star Theater.

      Our excursions for today were Singapore City Tour and National Orchid Garden..

      Made it through immigration and on bus by 2:30.

      Our first stop was at the National Orchid Garden. This was an absolutely beautiful garden. Most of the orchids were outside but there was one area that we visited which was inside. We spent most of our time here because it was air conditioned. We felt very rushed due to our delay in getting through immigration. One could spent hours in the Orchid Garden.

      Our next stop was a Buddhist Temple and a walk around China town. We skipped going inside the Buddhist temple as we have already seen a lot of temples and the incense was really strong.

      We made a brief walk around China town. During this walk, we got to smell durian fruit as we walked by a restaurant that specializes in durian fruit. I don't think that I will ever try it as I just can't get past the smell.

      We made a quick stop at the Merlion statue which is part mermaid part lion. The statue is located on the shores of the Marina Bay reservoir which supplies Singapore's water demand.

      Our last stop was the highest elevation in Singapore for a photo stop and to get an idea of the vastness of Singapore.

      Finally we headed back to the port.

      We arrived at the port with about 5 minutes before our next tour.

      We ran into a convenience store and grabbed some chips and candy because we missed dinner. There was a rule not to eat or drink on the bus so Bob and I felt like naughty children stuffing our mouths with chips and candy while hiding from the guide. I was thankful for the salt in the chips because I was starting to get muscle cramps from sweating so much. I had forgotten to put my electrolytes in my bag.

      Our excursion this evening was a nighttime safari.

      The safari included a tram ride, a show highlighting some of the nocturnal animals and finally a walk through some animal enclosures. Again, we wished that we had more time to explore as we only had time to walk one of the many trails in the park.

      By the time we made it back to the ship, showered, and collapsed into bed-it was 11:30 PM.
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    • Day 4

      Cable car

      November 21, 2019 in Singapore ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Nous voilà partis au Cable car pour rejoindre l'île de Sentosa.
      Alternance de balade à pieds et de téléphérique pour aller au bout de l'île .
      Passage au Fort de Siloso, puis au point culminant de Singapour le Mont FaberRead more

    • Day 3

      Cable Car Dinner

      August 18, 2022 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Zwischen dem Mount Faber und der Insel Sentosa verkehrt eine Seilbahn. Abends gibt es die Möglichkeit, in einer Gondel zu essen. Wir ergreifen die Gelegenheit und freuen uns auf das bestellte Menu "Singapur Flavours". Entgegen meiner Erwartungen reicht ein Umgang für den ersten Menu-Teil fast nicht aus. Beim Ausgangspunkt angekommen, wird noch das Dessert gereicht. Zeit, um dieses zu geniessen, ist reichlich vorhanden. Oder, man könnte auch sagen, dass dort die Portion ruhig riesiger sein dürfte....
      Das Essen war übrigens äusserst lecker und mundete sehr.
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    • Day 5

      Universal Studios Singapur

      September 22, 2022 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute morgen dachten wir schon: dieser Tag fällt ins Wasser. Wenn es in Singapur regnet, dann richtig! 😳 Aber nach ein paar Pancakes und etwas Homeschooling war die Sintflut auch schon vorbei. Zum Glück, denn heute hatten wir Tickets für die UNIVERSAL STUDIOS! Als wir das Original in Los Angeles 2015 besuchten, waren die Mädchen noch klein. Jetzt freuten sie sich auf die - möglichst wilden - Bahnen.
      Und wir fingen auch gleich mit der wildesten an: die Battlestar Galactica. Hier kann man gleich aus zwei Rides aussuchen. Tipp: die graue Bahn ist viel heftiger als die rote. 😜
      Da wir alle Adrenalinjunkies sind in der Familie, wollten wir unbedingt alle Rides erleben, die der Park zu bieten hat. Aber ausser Galactica und evtl noch The Mummy, sind es doch eher zahme Rides. Der Park ist kleiner als angenommen und fast ein Drittel war zu. Leider auch die Waterworld Stunt Show, welche uns schon in L.A. so gut gefallen hatte. Es waren auch nicht viele Besucher im Park, was aber seinen Vorteil hatte: wir mussten kaum anstehen. 😎 Wir hatten auf jeden Fall einen schönen Tag, auch wenn unsere Nr 1 immer noch der Europapark in Rust bleibt. 😊
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    • Day 3

      Singapur Tag 2

      December 18, 2022 in Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach einer guten aber zu kurzen Nacht ging es den Tag über in die Universal Studios und am Abend weiter nach Australien.

      Es ist fast unvorstellbar, knapp eine Woche vor Weihnachten in kurzer Kleidung und bei 25° im Freizeitpark zu sein.
      Vor allem wenn es in den Universal Studios überalle Weihnachtsdeko gibt.

      Aber es war schön.
      Anschließend ging es noch ein bisschen nach Vivo City Station um noch ein paar Kleigkeiten zu kaufen und anschließend zurück zum Flughafen.
      Gepäck abgeholt, Check-In und auf nach Australien...,.
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    • Day 3

      Mount Faber

      August 18, 2022 in Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Wir sind etwas zu früh auf dem Berg, so dass noch Zeit für einen Besuch beim Merlion, dem Maskottchen von Singapur, bleibt. Normalerweise wird die Skulptur, welche hier kein Wasser speit, von wild fotografierenden Chinesen und anderen Touristen umringt. Heute treffen wir ihn alleine. Überhaupt hat es überall viel weniger Leute, als während meiner früheren Reisen.Read more

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