Tivoli park

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    • Dzień 11

      Ljubljana: Sightseeing (II)

      13 września 2022, Słowenia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach einem kleinen Päuschen auf meinem Zimmer, geht's wieder ins Zentrum. Dieses mal spaziere ich durch den Tivoli Park in Richtung Zentrum. Der Park ist eine Art grüne Lunge, die zu einigen sportlichen Aktivitäten einlädt - Tennis, schwimmen, scateboarding, rollerblading oder nur entspannen.

      Im Zentrum gibt es nochmals ein paar Schnappschüsse von den unzähligen Sehenswürdigkeiten.

      An der Ljubljanica mache ich es mir dann an einen der unzähligen Bars bei einem Lasko gemütlich und beobachte das bunte Treiben 🍺👍.
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    • Dzień 12

      Ljubljana: Tivoli Park

      14 września 2022, Słowenia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Gleich in der Nähe meiner Unterkunft geht's in den Tivoli Park. Wer hätte es gedacht, es geht gleich hoch, wie in den "Julischen Alpen" 🙃 - jedoch ist nach ca. 400 m Höhe Schluss. Dennoch, die ca. 100 Höhenmeter lassen den Puls ordentlich in die Höhe schnellen.
      Runter geht's wieder über die unzähligen Wege zum Schloß Tivoli, wo mir eine Gruppe Erstklässler begegnet 😆.
      Schöne Anlage mit einladendem Café auf der Terrasse - bin jedoch noch vom Frühstück zu satt.
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    • Dzień 3

      Slowenische Küche

      1 lipca 2022, Słowenia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Die slowenische Küche ist stark von der Balkanregion, den Nachbarländern und Italien geprägt. Aber ebenso wird sie durch das Klima beeinflusst, daher gibt es viele Eintöpfe und Fleisch- und Gemüsesuppen.

      Eines der traditionellsten Gerichte ist Štruklji. Es besteht aus kleinen Brötchen aus feinem Teig aus Butter, Käse und Eiern, die in Brotkrumen gerieben werden. Štruklji werden als Beilage zu Wildfleisch serviert und meist mit der dazugehörigen Sauce bestrichen.

      Die kranjska klobasa ("Krainer Wurst") gilt als bekannteste Wurstsorte Sloweniens und ist das Nationalgericht schlechthin. In der vom Bora-Wind geprägten Karstregion Sloweniens hat die Lufttrocknung von Fleischwaren eine lange Tradition.
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    • Dzień 178

      Zagreb et ljublana

      20 czerwca 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Apres notre super WE de camping on se fait déposer a Zagreb. On arrive le soir de la finale de la coupe d'europe donc l'ambiance dans la ville est a la fete. Meme si nous n'avons qu'une envie cest de prendre une douche et de se reposer on sort quand meme en profiter un peu.
      Apres quelques temps a visiter on repart pour ljublana. Une ville chère, mais remplie de charme. Des associations etudiantes organisent des soirées le long du canal, donc en se baladant le soir on choisit juste le style de musique préféré pour squatter une soirée.
      C'est la dernière etape de notre long trajet. En effet, ensuite Lea part en Italie retrouver des potes, alors que Gildas va a Paris en passant par l'allemagne retrouver la famille.
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    • Dzień 4


      16 sierpnia 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Die Hauptstadt Sloweniens lohnt sich definitiv für ein Abstecher dorthin. Schöne Stadt, anfangs beim Hereinfahren wirkt sie zwar noch nicht sehr schön, trotzdem im allgemeinen trotzdem sehr zufrieden. Gebäudetechnisch waren die Dörfer bei der Reise dorthin jedoch schöner.
      Wir waren dann in der Fetiche Bar und haben Burrata Pizzen gegessen.
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    • Dzień 4


      20 września 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      First stop after pushing my bike over some badly chosen paths in the alps…

      The ass mount for a GoPro is pretty useless except for tracking who’s in your wheel; and that only happened on the road out of Linz. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 13

      Street Art und Essen

      22 lipca 2023, Słowenia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Heute war ich in Metelkova Street Art bewundern. Ich habe im Hostel Françoise und Codie kennengelernt. Mit Françoise war ich mittags in einem veganen Restaurant und habe da eine vegane "typisch slowenische" Wurst gegessen. Eben war ich mit den beiden Mädels Kuchen essen und habe den typischen Kuchen verdrückt. Er heißt Gibanica und besteht aus Äpfeln, Creme,Mohn und Haselnüssen, was sehr lecker war.

      Ich bin allerdings total müde heute und deswegen halte ich mich gerade kurz. Aber war alles sehr schön.

      Und es gab nen Vogelstrauß in der Stadt.
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    • Dzień 45

      Ljubljana Fever Dreams

      18 sierpnia 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Today, I wanted to explore the town of Ljubljana. I have heard some amazing things, but I was still unprepared for how beautiful of a city it was. I came from the Balkans, which is quite impoverished and underdeveloped, but even compared to some cities in Italy, it is cleaner, greener, historical, beautiful, and liveable. I became used to the major cities I stayed in being dirty and filled with rubbish, but given the population density, you come to expect it. However, I don't think I saw even the littlest bit of rubbish lying around, despite being the capital city. It had beautiful greenery that seemed like functional areas of nature that reminded me of Australia. Many capital cities line a few roads with trees and act like it's a green city, but Ljubljana seemed like the first place that dedicated specific areas for natural recreation and relaxation. It has a large population of students, so this may be the reason for it. This doesn't even mention the river that passes through the city, which is beautifully clean and the epicentre for all cultural and social events, making it the heart of the city. It maintains its history being over 1000 years old and has the architecture to reflect this. Or goes all the way back to Greek mythology if you believe in legend. The combination of greenery, old architecture and a well organised city makes it one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and a personal favourite of mine.

      I started my long tour of the city by going to the main garden in the city, Tivoli Park. I wouldn't have had enough time in the day to see it all it was so expansive, but i got a good enough glimpse wlaking through the main part. People reading, having classes, chatting and playing sport. It was so wholesome. At the end of the main path into the park lies an art gallery. I did not enter, but it would have been a cool way to round out a day in the gardens. Instead, I headed back toward the city to start my journey through the main town. In hindsight, it would have been the perfect city for a walking tour, but I just ran out of time.

      Although I had little plan for the walk, I started by exploring the marketplace that hugs the river. It was bustling with life and energy. The stalls sold some amazing food, from ribs to fruit salads, burgers, crepes, and basically anything else you could want. It all smelt amazing, but it wasn't particularly cheap, and I had to keep an eye on my budget. I did, however, buy a fruit salad and wander around. This was one of my highlights of the day because of how relaxed yet energetic the whole area felt. I then continued on my way to the dragon bridge. This was a main attraction in Ljubljana, but it wasn't all that exciting. It just had some sculptures of dragons on a regular bridge. The dragon is a symbol of the town to represent strength, power, courage, and wisdom.

      After this, it was a short walk to Ljubljana castle that overlooks the city. This means a pretty nice but gruelling walk up a hill to reach the entrance. Normally, this wouldn't be too bad, but the heat was something else. The castle was free, and although there were some paid sections, I avoided these and still felt like I got the full experience. A couple of the guys from my hostel warned me that the paid sections aren't really worth it. The castle wasn't big, but it was really cool to walk around as they had a lot of the artefacts from medieval times. But due to its size, I didn't spend a lot of time there before heading home.

      On my way home, I stopped by an Irish pub for a drink, mostly because it was nice to sit and watch the world go by, with some really nice views of the river. I then tried my first irish coffee. It was shit. I then headed back to the hostel and laid down in my bed to relax after a big day. I then met an English bloke, and we were chatting for a bit, and he invited me downstairs for a drink with some of the other people from the hostel. I didn't know it, but so kicked off one of the strangest nights of my life.

      I hadn't heard anything about Ljubljana nightlife when I arrived in the city, so I was excited to see what was on offer. We headed to an Irish pub for some drinks before going onto a club. I was quite drunk by this point, so I have no idea who got us to the next destination, but it was one of the most unique places I had ever drank. We went just outside the city to a rundown, little gated community of maybe 4 or 5 houses that had become quite derelict. They had been covered in graffiti and had not been maintained for a good few years. We continued in, and they have strange statues and decorations that make it feel very dark and gloomy. The music is also heavy metal Slovenian music, so the whole vibe is incredibly interesting. I included a video as a taster for the music. Each house had slightly different music and a bar, but I have no idea if any of it was legal or what the go was. But despite the dark atmosphere, people were incredibly nice and happy. They loved dancing and got everyone involved it was really fun. Somehow, at no point did I feel unsafe. None of it felt real. It was like one big fever dream or a bad trip.
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    • Dzień 44

      Slovenian Travel Day

      17 sierpnia 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      After my long night in the Corfu airport, I was rewarded with a flight to Frankfurt and a heavily delayed flight from Frankfurt to Ljubljana. I wasn't overly upset given at one point I thought I missed this flight, but luckily, time zones exist, and I was gifted another hour to get to the original flight time. Although this ended up being redundant as it was delayed an hour and a half, I still couldn't complain. This tested that theory as we then had about a 45-minute wait once we boarded the plane and sat on the tarmac. Eventually, tho we did take off, and after about 3 hours of waiting, the one hour flight to Slovenia arrived, and I jumped off my flight onto a bus and arrived just outside my accommodation. The accommodation was pretty average, I didn't have a power plug for most of my time there, and the kitchen was constantly dirty, but I spent very little time inside the actual hostel. Given that I would be in Ljubljana a few nights, I thought the most responsible thing I could do was make a big feed of pasta. So, I gathered the energy and headed to the grocery store. It didn't taste great but gave me 4 meals for 9 euros. It is also the only photo I have for this day as it was mostly just a travel day. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 1

      Ljubljana, Slovenia

      25 września 2023, Słowenia ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Ljubljana, Slovenia's capital, exudes charm with its blend of Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture, nestled along the banks of the Ljubljanica River. The city is crowned by the iconic Ljubljana Castle, perched on Castle Hill, offering panoramic views. One of the city's defining features is the Triple Bridge, an architectural marvel by Jože Plečnik. This trio of bridges elegantly connects the old town to the modern city center, creating a lively pedestrian hub. With its vibrant street cafes, leafy riverbanks, and a lively cultural scene, Ljubljana epitomizes a perfect blend of history, natural beauty, and contemporary urban life. Czytaj więcej

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