Saldanha Bay

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    • Dag 18

      17. Tag

      17. februar 2020, Sydafrika ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Heute geht's gleich los, mit dem Tagesausflug nach Kapstadt. Um 8:30 Uhr ist Treffpunkt zur ca. 120 km Anreise. Dort angekommen sind wir als erstes ins Aquarium an der V&A Waterfront gegangen. Ein wunderschönes Aquarium, welches uns sehr faszinierte. Nach einem kleinen Imbiss im Food Market erkundeten wir die Waterfront. Die Seelöwen sind immer noch am Pier und stinken auch noch wie vor 14 Jahren. Ansonsten ist dort eine tolle Atmosphäre mit afrikanischen Bands und jeder Menge Touristen. Danach starteten wir eine Stadtrundfahrt mit dem Hop-on-Hop-off, ein Doppeldeckerbus wo man oben im Freien sitzt. Am Greenmarket sind wir zwischendrin ausgestiegen und haben uns den afrikanischen Markt angesehen, danach gings mit dem Bus wieder weiter. Am Ende trennten wir uns von Kutte, Uschi, Klaus und Marion und erkundeten alleine nochmals die Waterfront. Auf der Rückfahrt hielten wir nochmals am Tabel View an, sahen den Kitern (bei 30 Knoten) zu und beobachteten den Sonnenuntergang. Übrigens der Tafelberg hat sich wieder nicht ganz ohne Wolken gezeigt. Jetzt noch eine Stunde Heimfahrt und dann reicht's für heute.Læs mere

    • Dag 9

      Tag 8

      24. januar 2019, Sydafrika ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück fuhren wir mit den Jungs an einen Strand wo sie Surfen wollten. Angeblich ein wunderschöner Strand. Das wollten wir nicht verpassen und haben uns entschieden, sie zu begleiten.
      Nur wussten wir nicht wo genau dieser Strand war. Nach 2h Autobahnfahrt quer durch Afrika, dachten wir schon, dass jetzt dann mal Namibia kommt😂😂
      Mit dem offenen Jeep der nicht mehr als 120 km/h hergibt, viel Wind und schwierigen Strassenverhältnisse waren wir dann schon ganz froh am Ziel zu sein. Da wir auch nicht wussten, dass es soweit weg ist, war der der Jeep nicht vollgetankt. Was zu einem weiteren Problem führte. Weil Tankstellen im Nirgendwo gab es selten bis nie. Zum Glück waren die Jungs mit ihrem Auto dabei. So waren wir nicht alleine. Auf den letzten Tropfen haben wir es zur Tanke geschafft. Es war ein spannender und lustiger Tag den wir im Auto verbracht haben und somit auch ein anderes Südafrika sehen konnten.
      Ach ja... mit surfen wurde nix. Zu wenig Wind😂
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    • Dag 10

      Cape Town to Paternoster

      12. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Crack of dawn rising to drop Christine'Polly Parrot' at Cape Town airport to catch the first camel to Johannesburg . Had a great time with her and look forward to seeing her in the future. We had lots of fun.

      Vasco took over navigation and we hit the coast road without incident. Bit like Wales here, PC Plod with a speed gun round every corner but without PCEvans's sense of humour! Once out of Cape Town,the world is brown. The terrible drought is more apparent here than anywhere else. We saw some dead sheep and all livestock is suffering. Even the Ostriches are dusty. A long drive to Langebaan, a two lane road from horizon to horizon. I didn't know the Romans got this far south! Stopped briefly in there to check the place out - Great Kite Surfing and fishing country plus an Iron Ore mine, so some very large bulk carriers anchored off. No reason to hang around so off to Paternoster. Snook in a late lunch at a restaurant on the beach (packed out) but worth the wait for a plate of prawns and a few beers. Castle Lager of course!

      Accomodation superb, albeit a little isolated. After a late barbie of Boerewors and chicken, double bolted all entrances and exits. Can't have Mrs G making a run for it! Waste of time as we had a thunderstorm with huge squalls which would have made her hair go curly. I don't like locking myself in without my Browning. Every creak wakes me up but any trouble and I would set Mrs G on them. God help the Burglar.

      Paternoster itself is an old fishing village and probably hasn't changed that much in decades. This morning (weather not great) we went down to the beach and bought twelve crayfish for about £25 - that's our supper tonight! .... and another couple of nights too!. Enjoying chilling out - not a huge amount to do here but we'll have a busy week in Botswana next week so nice to have a quiet few days
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    • Dag 72

      Cape Town | Week 9+10 (2704-1005)

      10. maj 2022, Sydafrika ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Mama und Papa P sind seit mehr als einer Woche auch wieder wohlbehalten in der Heimat angekommen und haben mich somit letztes Wochenende würdig im heimischen „Waldstadion“ vertreten: sowohl vor als auch hinter der Bar. 😁
      In Paternoster haben wir es uns auch einfach gut gehen lassen: Beach, lecker Essen und lange Spieleabende. Das gebuchte Haus mit Garten war einfach traumhaft. Und an dieser Stelle noch mal: DANKE, dass ihr da wart und ich eure Reiseleiterin sein durfte. 🧡

      Die Verabschiedungen gehen weiter und so endet ein an sich ruhig gedachter Abend in vier Weingläsern und paar Tequila-Shots später. Tatsächlich hat mal (ausnahmsweise!) zum Glück die Bar um Mitternacht dann uns auch rausgeworfen, war ja auch schließlich Montagabend.

      Letzte Woche Donnerstag war mein „letzter erster Donnerstag“, der noch einmal richtig genial war. Zum einem volles Haus und beste Live-Musik, zum anderen die ganz private Villa-Afterparty: als dann alle „Externen“ weg waren, haben wir die Musikanlage Indoor wieder aufgebaut und ohne einsetzendes „Load Shedding“ (2 Uhr war Strom weg) hätten wir garantiert bis morgens durchgemacht.

      Dank Johanna, die hier in einem Pilotprojekt als Trainerin im Township Langa Kids das Hockey spielen beibringt und auch selbst spielt, lerne ich das (Feld)Hockey näher kennen - perfekt für Olympia 2024 dann. 🏑
      Am Samstag waren wir bei der 2. Männer-Mannschaft von Langa zugucken und am Dienstag war ich noch mit in Langa auf dem Sportsfield, wenn die Kids nach der Schule Hockey oder Rugby spielen.

      In den nächsten 2 Wochen bitte übrigens fleißig Daumen drücken, dass mein Visumsantrag für Mozambique a) genehmigt und b) auch rechtzeitig ausgestellt wird. Nach aktuellen Planungen soll es im Juni für 4 Wochen dorthin gehen. Als sehr privilegierte deutsche Staatsbürgerin bin ich es trotz meiner vielen Reisen absolut nicht gewohnt, derart viele Unterlagen so früh und ohne jegliche Garantie auf das Visum abgeben zu müssen.
      Also gutes Karma bitte! 🙏🏻
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    • Dag 11

      The Real Africa!!

      13. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

      2days of rubbish here,we seem to have got out of sync. However,driving north yesterday fact finding for future visits. First stop St Helena bay across the same dust bowl. We are told that the Karoo is 1000miles of this. St Helena a nice port but nowhere to lunch and much the same as every other coastal village. Ok, then to Cape Brittania named after the square rigger that hit the shoals there in 1847 and went down, and Stompneusbaai round the corner. Never found it and suspect it was where the cannery now is! Lots of lovely yet inexpensive houses on the beach ( very Greek style) ,but no infrastructure. A week in these places would make you slit your wrists!
      Paternoster is a hot spot with its' two restaurants. We ended back here for a late lunch before cooking crayfish on the indoor barbie. (Not a great success as more smoked than grilled.) However, boiled the rest in salt water New Quay style and had them with a salad and a couple of bottles of Zonnenbloem Sauvignon Blanc. Really boring day with a lot of driving but things livened up that night. ( Not Mouchey Pouchey, you understand!) Very windy and we locked up at about 11ish. Lots of creaks and groans from the house but noises were not quite right! Went downstairs to track down the squeaks. They were coming from outside a window and sounded as though someone was trying to unscrew the outside hinges. Gave a firm knock on the shutter and the noises stopped and that was that. This morning the 2 screws holding the hinge were gone! We got the boss over this morning and he apologised for the drug infused Cape Coloureds . Apparently these are the root of most of the problem. Anyway he left Frans, a Slovenian,no teeth, does Frank know him I wonder?) to do a repair. He rescrewed the hinge back, looked fine but I thought I would check, just in case you understand,and took the screws out with my fingers. This is so Africa! Anyway,I sent him packing to get some bolts. I came back to find him holding a drill bit in a pair of molegrips and trying to drill the hole! Borrowed a drill from the builder 20 yards away and the job was finished,finally. The rotten burglar tried another door but fled without his pliers! Really,I mean a Ramraider would not get in here. Still miss my Browning but if he comes back tonight I will set Mrs G on him.
      Lazy day after that.Walked the beach to see the fishermen landing the crayfish and had an early lunch. Chilled in the sun and we went for a dip. This water is very cold but hard core RG plunged. Mrs G said she did too but her shoulder were still dry and her nose an inch longer so she only paddled.We watched a lovely sunset(dead romantic), and bolted ourselves in for the night. Where is my Browning, but hey Ron, I would probably miss the b******d!
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    • Dag 27

      Weekendtrip Langebaan

      8. januar 2022, Sydafrika ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Vorgestern ging es dann auf nach Langebaan. Wir wollten gerne unsere Kitefähigkeiten weiter ausbauen und bei 36 Grad ist es doch schöner als in der Großstadt. 😅
      Langebaan ist circa 1:30 h von Kapstadt entfernt und ein kleiner süßer Ort, der perfekte Bedingungen für Wassersportler bietet. Man fühlt sich sofort wieder wie im Urlaub. ☺️ Unser Hotel ist klein und lädt zum Entspannen ein. Es hat diesen typischen Backpacker/ Hippy- Style, der uns so gut gefällt.
      Wir waren dann noch in einem Restaurant essen, welches uns Lorenz, ein guter Freund empfohlen hatte🙋‍♀️.
      Am nächsten Tag hatten wir uns einen Pooltag gegönnt, da leider der Wind zu schwach war, aber dadurch hatten wir endlich unsere Route festgelegt - hätte nie gedacht, dass man seine Weltreise - Route erst 3 Wochen nach Start festlegt 😅🤣Sie klang echt perfekt, nur leider macht uns, wie immer, Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung. 😢😭😭 Die meisten Länder lassen niemanden aus Südafrika rein. Nun müssen wir schauen, ob unser Plan überhaupt aufgeht oder wir erstmal einen anderen Zwischenstopp einlegen müssen. 🤷‍♀️ Es gibt sicher Schlimmeres, aber für Jogis Studium und den Sprachkurs doch ungünstig. Hoffen wir mal, dass Brasilien doch wieder öffnet 🙏
      Heute war das Wetter leider nicht gut, weshalb wir gleich nach dem Frühstück aufgebrochen sind. Wir waren im Nationalpark, in dem überall kleine Schildkröten 🐢 zu sehen waren sowie Strauße und Vögel, danach noch kurz in einer Mall und dann ab nach Hause. ☺️

      #Hotel: Windtown
      #Restaurant: Pearl
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    • Dag 12

      Valentines night - Breaking news ...

      14. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Secretly writing this under candlelight - power cut has hit our end of Paternoster. Chap next door has locked himself in and barricaded all the doors and windows. Does he know something that we don't or has he heard rumours about Mrs G!
      We have armed ourselves with two champagne buckets and a a couple of bottles of red to repell any marauders. If you don't hear from us in 24 hours please send more red wine. Watch this space!!
      Have phoned for outside assistance but as yet no cavalry.
      Two hours later hot and humid and candles burning down - have had to light indoor BBQ to get some light. Sweating buckets - very romantic but wasted on Mr. G.
      Dehydration! Down to last bottle, water situation critical due to drought - Mrs G stressing - no tea!,
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    • Dag 9

      Hermanus - Big Reunion

      11. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      We left Graff and arrived at the T junction. The front said Left, the back Right. Decided to back Mrs G in the front (Obviously)! Very tricky driving a car when Vasco wants to go one way and 'Amerigo' in the back seat the other. A car cannot go 2 ways at once. However common sense prevailed and we went past the biggest dam supplying Cape Town with water. Nothing less than a dust bowl. Dead old trees, no water, like something out of a John Wayne Western. Really frightening as this is South Africa's fruit bowl. Apples, oranges,lemons,etc,etc, as far as the eye can see,but no rain.
      Most beautiful drive down to the coast with Polly Parrot (Christine) giving a running commentary all the way. God the SA women can talk! ..... but we did it and didn't get lost - much! Vasco great. Found Shelagh's lovely house in Hermanus and hugs and kisses all round. 38 yrs is a long time! The ladies with so much catching up to do gave Murray a chance to fill me with beer. It was very hot mind you!
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    • Dag 9

      Stellenbosch & Franschhoek

      11. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Early start, Shelagh wanted us to get to Hermanus early but we didn't realise quite how long it was going to take us with all her 'plans'!,,,
      Our first instruction from Shelagh was to stop off at the Delaire Graff' winery in Stellenbosch. what a beautiful place - gardens, sculptures, great food, great wine and guess what, we saw the ORIGINAL ( Blue Lady??? jane. Says). Chinese lady by Tretchikov ,the copy of which was given to daughter 2 months ago. I knew I should have kept it as an expensive knock off. (1million pounds apparently). We had a light lunch,small tasting and came away with a case of Cab Franc Rose. A great experience in magnificent scenery and awesome sculptures to boot. Long way round but worth it to see why they are water rationing the Cape. The biggest reservoir is dust bowl, no water, just dry. This was really frightening to see so expect your Cape apples to be more expensive. This is the fruit bowl!!
      Graff winery is one of the finest in Stellenbosch. It is famous for both its wine and its art, especially its bronzes of Cheetahs. Fab gardens. Enjoyed a small tasting. I did not want to overindulge as alc driving not appreciated, and with Jane and Chris navigating did did not want to do even more miles,tyres nearly bald already! Great views over the Stellenbosch valley. A real must for visitors. None of this costs a bomb although Graff is Relais et Chateau!
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    • Dag 12

      North towards Namibia

      14. februar 2018, Sydafrika ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Slept Ok last night with no intruders! Gaaad it was hot though. A very sticky night and up to 34 degrees outside the car today. Vasco in charge with the plan of getting to the Cederberg Bushman paintings. Turned out to be a very long drive and after 3 hours decided to about face and head back to the coast. Despite the fact we didn't get to see the Bushmen paintings (Vasco here - due to maps provided by the local Tourist Board not being to scale! I feel a letter to the South African Dept of Tourism!), we did drive through the Cederberg Mountains which were stunning. Feel that the paintings the tourists are guided to (misguided!!!) to see are just the tip of the iceberg - I'm sure there are hundreds out there. Sadly, having aborted our mission, the coast road took half the time to get us back! Vasco strikes again!!
      These roads through the bush are superb. Dead straight,very quiet (go for 20mins or so without seeing another vehicle). It is also incredibly boring. Scrub or drought parched cultivation and all dirty brown. In 2 hours out we saw 2 Cape tortoises crossing the road and a dead snake! The birds faired rather better with loads of Ostrich, Guinea fowl, Pink Flamingos in the salt pans by the Cerebos factory, Blue cranes,Hadeda birds to name but a few.
      The Cape is thousands of square miles of grain and fruit farming. The dry is very dry but the lucky ones have tapped into borehole water. The fruit and vines look extremely healthy and there are hundreds of square miles of these along the Cederberg Valley. Going into these towns is like stepping back a generation! No sophistication at all with no polish visible. The Dorps are simply clean and functional.
      Anyway Vasco and I came back along the coast road with the plan to have a spot of lunch at the Elandsbaai Hotel. It is both expensive and salubrious. Lunch of 4 Castle lagers,Calamari followed by a Greek salad for Jane with SA pickled fish for me(superb!) for the princely sum of £16. Crazy!
      Cold front fog on the coast like New Quay,so drove home the long way but an hour quicker. Good old Vasco, bless her.Jane will want her bit but I am saving it as she will edit it for sure! (Sadly, guilty as charged - Vasco!)

      We are sitting on the patio watching the mice run around outside!!!!
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