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    • Day 9

      Day two to Porrino

      January 20, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      A frosty start to the day today. Headed off on the wrong path. Luckily a couple of other walkers let me know. Who knows where I would have ended up 😀. Walked a good 17kms with a lovely young American girl. It was great to have her company and helped during the hills (the down was particularly challenging on my knees). She had spent a semester of University at Otago. The second part of my walk without her wasn't much fun. I thought I had missed a turn off (lost confidence after the effort in the morning haha ) as there was a 3km stretch on the road. A little bit scary with trucks and buses hurtling past at 80km. Had to follow directions to my hotel and somehow managed to find it. Got to my room and fell asleep for over an hour!Read more

    • Day 30


      May 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      War heute morgen schon um 6 Uhr 45 im Cafe, um 7 Uhr kamen Archie und Adam zum Frühstücken, dann starteten wir gemeinsam raus aus der Stadt. Kaum Regen, aber was soll ich sagen, gleich mal kam's richtig runter. Bis um 11 Uhr hielt das an, dann kam sogar etwas die Sonne raus und nur bei leichtem Nieseln erreichten wir kurz nach 14 Uhr die Albergue. Heute ging es dann ca 7 km an einem Fluss entlang, war wunderschön, aber totaler Matsch und stehende Pfützen. Wir hatten die gleiche Herberge gebucht, kurz davor war ein Aldi, bei dem deckten wir uns gleich mit Essen und Tinto de Verano ein f. den Abend. Heute ist Waschtag, wir sind ja voll dreckig und nass. Die Herberge ist wirklich nett und schön.
      Leider hörten wir von Kate, die gestern in Vigo, einen Tag hinter uns war, dass sie beraubt wurde und und ohne Geld und Karten in Vigo ist. Ihr Mann schickt ihr Geld, wie sie weitermacht, wissen wir noch nicht, auch nicht, wie es passierte. Dies tut mir echt leid. Hoffe, es wendet sich alles zum Guten.
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    • Day 62

      Must have Gartenschere ✂️

      October 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Aufgrund einer Schlechtwetterfront die uns voraussichtlich die ganze nächste Woche begleitet, hat sich nicht viel getan bei uns. 🌧️

      Wir fuhren ein Stück weiter Richtung Süden. Und suchten uns in der Nähe einer Burg die wir uns Morgen ansehen wollen, einen Stellplatz.

      500 Meter vorm Stellplatz schickte uns das Navi rechts in eine Forststraße. Wir mussten am Anfang erst mal den Weg frei schneiden mit unserer Astschere, da links und recht überall Äste und Dornen in den Weg ragten. ✂️🌳 (Für uns ein Must have)

      Am Abend kochten wir uns noch ein leckeres Fisolengulasch. 🍽️
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    • Day 9–10

      6th day walking

      April 21 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

      13 miles and then beach. Did the entire walk in silence and it was glorious. Piero made us veggie paella for lunch. Yum! Too tired to type more, but the beach afternoon was one that will go down in the books for me. So awesome! Night. p.s. observation at the beach was how women here seem to embrace their bodies and not pick themselves apart. Piero said about Americans, “you all worry too much about that.” It seems like here the women I observed were embracing their curves, their sensuality, and have a real sense of freedom. They are not picking apart their bodies. They were all shapes and sizes wearing bikinis or topless, etc. It was inspiring to observe. 👙Read more

    • Day 29

      Vigo-Arcade #9

      June 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      #9camino Vigo to Arcade. All up it was a big day with 43,499 steps! It can be a bit of a challenge finding your way through a city, it is such a relief when you spot your first yellow arrow or Camino scallop shell! Today I loved the ‘rooms with a view’, then couldn’t believe the number of mussel farms on the Ria Vigo. I am allergic to mussels and the other night ordered scallops and suddenly realised I might be allergic to them too… Irene, a Ukrainian woman asked how old I was, when I told her she said… ‘oh it doesn’t matter if you die’… I nearly killed myself laughing! We all got drenched today and fell into the cafes in Redondela, then marched on our way only to be stopped a funeral procession. (Seems to be a theme😂) wandering on I had a great chat with Patricia an Occupational Therapist from Portugal about improving the lives of people with dementia/Alzheimers. Her mission on the Camino is to make a greater commitment to herself. I haven’t found my mission yet, but will bring you her story. Had a ball winding my way round the back streets of Arcade, which has a wonderful old arched bridge. And check ot the passionfruit vine.Read more

    • Day 9

      Cesantes to A Portela, Spain. 20 miles

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Straight up for the first half of the day. Then we walked into Ponteverda. What a great old city. Our feet are soar like everyday but we walked strong and again met lovely Pilgrams. We will be hooking up with some friends tomorrow and staying in a convent in Herbon. It will be another long day. I'm so sad that we are almost done. I want to keep walking!Read more

    • Day 10–12

      Day 7 walking

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      Walked from Rondella (sp) to Pontevedra today. Last night we stayed in a beautiful inn on a farm. The rooster was in full force. Delicious breakfast. I love the yogurt here and cafe de leche of course. Also the fresh orange juice, bread and boiled eggs. Europe knows how to do breakfast. Split a ham and cheese sandwich on French crusty bread for lunch with a Coke Zero (which also tastes way better than home). Oh and a smoothie that a very handsome man in a food truck made me in the woods. So many good looking men here. Walked into Pontevedra via a nice river walk at the end. Listened to some good tunes and a podcast part of the way. Checked into hotel and then walked around. Went to the Flying Tiger Copenhagen store which I love! It’s like a Danish dollar store and it’s amazing. Then gelato and a rest. 6 pm we did a city tour with the lovely Margarina and then dinner at 8. Tomorrow we have a day off and I’m going to the beach with Piero. No one else wants to come. We will enjoy! You know I never pass up the beach. Night! Praying for so many of you!! 🤗🙏Read more

    • Day 6

      My Daddy's Stride

      March 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      These are some of the things that i think about when walking...

      Dani and Donna both had 45k steps yesterday, but I had just over 40k. Yet we walked the same distance.

      So today, Donna and I counted our steps in the same period of time at the same speed of walking. I had 3 percent fewer steps than she did.

      That math still doesn't add up... so I ponder this. How do these apps figure our steps and distance? When I look it up, it says that accelerometers can be off by 2%. I figure, besides having long strides, I must walk softly and not move my body much when I'm walking.

      So my thoughts trail off... What happens to my body if I carry myself in a different alignment? What happens if I swing my hips more when I walk? Ah, that makes my back feel better. What if I run out of storage on my phone and can't take more pictures? Are there any snakes in Spain? ... it goes on and on. I find myself observing my thoughts from the outside.

      Today, I walked 6.2 miles, 10 km.

      I'm picking up some Spanish, reading signs and menus. I learned a new phrase today. "de puta madres"... our taxi driver kept saying it over and over. It's foul language for sure, but used in a certain context, it becomes a way of expressing that something is f'n awesome. Spaniards cuss a lot, I hear, in contrast to Latinos.

      I left my really nice double outlet converter at the first hotel. Today, I picked up another. Got here to the hotel, and discovered that it's for a Spanish native traveling abroad and does me no good.

      Dinner was nice. I had hake and vegetables. I'm hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight. I haven't been sleeping well. Took a benadryl tonight.

      As Chivas
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    • Day 3


      March 24 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      This walk is intense! There are so many steep hills to climb. I get to this space where its 70m at 15% incline or 360m at 5% incline. I choose the latter. I can't face another intense incline. My knees and hips are screaming at my. I can't believe it's just day 2 of walking.

      The views are beautiful though. Thus section of the Camino seems new. There are way markers but the font have the distance recorded in them yet. I'm glad for the route though. Its beautiful, in nature and keeps us away from walking along the highway.

      I pass two separate vendors selling bits on the trail. They even offer ti stamp my credentials. I don't buy anything but I do get one stamp.
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    • Day 10

      Camino from Vigo to Arcade.

      August 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      21,175 steps!

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