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    • Jour 17


      21 septembre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Wowsa, can I mention how cold it was this morning?! 😳 We are usually so concerned with what the high temperature will be for the day that we neglected to look at the low temp for the morning. With it being Tom’s first day back walking, and having to cover 17 miles today, we made the wise decision to travel light and have our backpacks sent ahead. That means we did not have everything at our disposal when we started walking in shorts in 37 degree weather! 😫 Luckily we had a couple layers for the top half but suffered from 6:30-9:30 with freezing legs, hands and ears.

      Crazy that Tom made it to our destination on his bad foot while wearing a brand new pair of Teva sandals the whole way. It was touch and go there for a while and he felt every step but we made it!!

      Looking forward to dinner, sleep, and a walk into Burgos tomorrow where we will reunite with most of our Camino family who are a day ahead of us. We are anxious to spend a couple days there with friends and replenishing some basic supplies, including new shoes for Tom.

      Buen Camino!
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    • Jour 16

      What goes up...must come down!

      14 septembre 2023, Espagne ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Belorado - Ages
      Day 13 - 28kms

      Day 13 was looking like a stinker with a huge climb ( 3rd steepest on the trail!) and a looong walk to get to Ages. However once the journey is broken down to smaller interesting parts, with the lovely forest walk, surprise food stalls, a couple of bulls on the path!!🐂🐂 nice coffee stop, lots of cute wee villages, and 4 kms from the finish line we stopped for beer and pizza! 🍻🍕 time went by just fine and we reached the gorgeous little town of Ages. We visited the beautiful church...and check out the birds nest on top!! Belongs to a white stork! Had a lovely " home style " cooked meal.
      So actually , another lovely day !!! 😆
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    • Jour 27

      The Seige of Burgos

      8 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      In 1812 the British Army fought the French and lost in the "Siege of Burgos" which lasted about 3 weeks. Fighting as a Private in the 60th Foot Regiment, was William Anderson. William was the brother of my great great great great great great grandfather George Anderson. Today I walked some of the same trails that William walked to arrive in Burgos in 1812.

      The 60th Foot Regiment came into Burgos from the east and spent most of their weeks in attack from the east and south. They lived in tents and ate a lot of pork or beef and vegetable soup.

      William was later wounded with a shot in the shoulder from a musket ball at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He later went to India with the British Army. He never married and died back in Scotland.

      The Siege of Burgos was part of the Peninsula War which was part of the Napoleonic Wars. The Spanish, Portuguese and English fought the invading French. This is considered one of the Spanish wars of independence.

      I had a lovely dinner of lentils, meatballs and banana custard in a 400 year-old stable under a 400 year-old house.
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    • Jour 17

      Into Burgos

      4 octobre 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Today we walked from a town of 24 into a town of over 200,000! The first half of the walk was rural and quiet. The second half was along the side of a highway!

      We got to our hotel just a bit ago but we might just shower and walk over to the cathedral. It’s huge apparently!

      This is our last large city before we begin 5 or 6 days through La Meseta, rolling land where they grow wheat. Some people call it contemplative and some call it boring! Tomorrow we’ll find out.

      David’s health is almost all the way back to normal. I feel fine, but I am congested and have a cough. The weirdest thing is that about 95% of my voice is gone also. Luckily, they have pharmacies in big cities so I’m all stocked up on decongestants add throat, lozenges, and cough medicine!
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    • Jour 17

      Day 15 - To Ages

      23 septembre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 15 - To Ages
      (pr. Ahes)
      28 kms; Difficulty 2/3

      Today was not a really nice day on the trail. It was uninteresting.
      28 km is a long way to walk at the best of times, with interesting landscapes for a distraction. I spent pretty much the whole day walking on gravel roads, like service roads, with bush on both sides. Pesky flies were constantly pestering me. There were no servicios for a 12 km stretch of the trail, yet one must continue drinking. I’m sure many people dipped into the bush, including me. But I was probably the only one that got bitten or stung by something on the back of my arm!!! And it hurt like hell….for a long time!! Don’t know what it was, but hope it wasn’t anything bad!

      Interesting looking sunrise with the clouds!
      The church in a particular town had an amazing backdrop!
      Photo of a monument of those that died in that community during Spanish Civil War.
      I have a couple pictures of part of the trail. You can see how the trail was essentially buried in the bush. The second one gives a closer-up look at how steep the other side of the valley was.
      A beautiful fern, three different colours showing three different stages of growth.
      This church was at a place called “San Juan de Ortega” on the way to Ages. It is named “Iglesia de San Juan de Ortega” after Juan Velasquez who is considered patron saint of innkeepers and also the saint of fertility. The church is home to his tomb.
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    • Jour 90

      gut erholt

      21 octobre 2019, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      aus so schönen boxspringbetten und einem solch warmen raum wollten wir fast nicht aufstehen. nur der kaffeegeruch hat uns dann doch ans buffet gelockt. das halbe person hat wieder mitangepackt und geholfen unsere carla zu beladen. und die kinder wollten noch die offizielle jakobsmuschel kaufen, welche uns die besitzer dann geschenkt haben. auch sonst waren sie sehr grosszügig und herzlich. sogar der kleine cäsar-hund wollte mit uns mit. die strecke verlief heute vor allem auf der nationalstrasse, welche sehr stark mit lastwagen befahren war. sie haben aber extrem rücksicht genommen und viele haben gehupt aus freude. ein teil fuhren wir noch in sinem seitental, welches wunderschön war. flavio hat heute noch einen spektakulären absprung vom fahrrad gemacht. schuld war eine abgebrochene bodenmarkierung. schrammen, tränen und eine kleine kinnbeule waren das resultat. es geht ihm aber schon wieder blendend. der nachtisch kommt bekanntlich erst am schluss; wir sind von 640 auf 1149 höhenmeter rauf und das alles innerhalb 5 kilometern. in agès sind wir in einem steinalten haus, welches nicht einmal geheizt wird. wir haben unsere schlafsäcke ausgepackt. morgen gibt es eine lockere tour nach burgos, wo wir ein paar tage verweilen. gebucht wurde die unterkunft vom hostal-besitzer von der letzten nacht. die unterkunft ist an einer toplage zu einem sensationellen preis, welcher er für uns hartnäckig ausgehandelt hat. wir freuen uns alle auf eine pause.En savoir plus

    • Jour 16

      Just another break spot

      2 juin 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      It's a shame it didn't come out very clear
      very interesting place and the guy who runs it told me that if you in Spain you should look at everything with a smile and a laugh

      I was a little bit grumpy because it took me two hours to get here...about 1/2 the distance I have been walking as of late in the morningsEn savoir plus

    • Jour 20


      24 septembre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Dzisiaj była tylko droga i myśli. Droga dała trochę wiatru, deszcz i bardzo dużą górę. Myśli dały dużo dobrego.
      Po dotarciu do Ages okazało się że tak naprawdę to nie ma internetu i nic nie można było zrobić.
      Na wzmiankę zasługuje parę rzeczy mianowicie w wiosce Villafranca niegdyś nazywanej Oca była siedzibą diecezji pod patronatem Sw. Idalecjio lokalnego męczennika ucznia Sw.Jakuba. Był on jednym z 7 kleryków wysłanych przez Piotra i Pawła aby uświęcać Hiszpanie czyli wiadomo I wiek. W miejscu tym działało hospicjum udzielające pomocy około 18000 pielgrzymów rocznie.
      Belorado również ma swojego świętego, San Vitores który zginął śmiercią męczeńską w 850 roku, miał on wtedy równe 50 lat. W tym czasie Hiszpanię zajmowali Maurowie i wielu ludzi z podbijanych terenów przechodziła na muzułmanizm. On próbował się temu przeciwstawić no i skończył jak skończył.
      Najpierw go ukrzyżowali ale żył przez 3 dni na krzyżu to go zdjęli z krzyża i ścięli mu głowę i też nie umarł. Podniósł swoją głowę szedł przez miasto i czynił cuda i mnóstwo ludzi nawróciło się. W końcu zamknął się w pustelni i tam zmarł. Jego święto obchodzone jest w Belgorado 26 sierpnia.
      Następna ciekawostka to San Juan de Ortega, kolega i współpracownik Sw. Dominika, razem z nim budował mosty, drogi i hospicja dla pielgrzymow. Jak właśnie ten w San Juan de Ortega, gdzie znajduje się jego grobowiec. Działał on głównie w okolicy bardzo niebezpiecznych górskich okolic Oca. Tu często dochodziło do napaści zbójów na pielgrzymów i do dzisiaj czuje się leciutkie napięcie idąc tamtejszymi lasami. Żył jako pustelnik i cieszył się dużą popularnością jako orędownik młodych niepłodnych kobiet. Najbardziej znaną osobą który modliła się u jego grobu była królowa Isabel de Catolica, która odwiedziła go aż dwa razy i dwukrotnie potem była w ciąży.
      Jego grobowiec który jest bardzo prosty był otwarty dwa razy z jakiegoś powodu i dwukrotnie po otwarciu wyleciały białe pszczoły i uwolnił się niezwykły(przyjemny) zapach.
      Samo Ages bardzo to mała wioseczka, z kilkoma Albergues i restauracjami, nawet bez sklepu spożywczego, ale bardzo urokliwa. Szczególnie urokliwy i tajemniczy wydał nam się kościół pod wezwaniem Świętej Eulalii z Meridy.... Którego zdjęcia dołączyliśmy.
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    • Jour 23


      22 septembre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Day 20 - Atapuerca is the site of several limestone caves that contain the earliest evidence of humans in western Europe—fragments of a jawbone and teeth date to over a million years ago.
      I left Villafranca early-ish and my knees were feeling great. I was able to climb up through the thick Oak and Pine forests at a quick pace. Passed through a few beautiful towns and reached Atapuerca in the early afternoon. I bumped into a few pilgrims and spent a pleasant afternoon drinking red wine and eating olives - outside a ‘cantina’. Sitting there under the trees, I felt as though I was in a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - remember when they are in Bolivia? There was nothing else to do. I had no wifi - I haven’t mentioned it, but I’ve had cell phone issues - apparently although I have enough data leftover (140gig), I am out of roaming on my French SIM. So for the last 5 days have had to rely on wifi. I’ll get a Spanish SIM in Burgos.
      Tomorrow - on to Burgos!!
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    • Jour 20

      12 or 13 kms to Cardenuela Riopico

      7 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      A long day for us, the official distance was 24 kilometers, but it felt longer. We got to our Albergue this afternoon at 4:30.

      We walked 4 km mostly through another shaded forest trail, the we emerged back into the sunny wheat, sunflower and potato fields.

      We had lunch in a beautiful village Ages!

      And we saw another pterodactyl nest in the church bell tower!

      After lunch we had 8 kilometers left through fields and an exposed ridge climb, before walking down the Rio Pico valley to our destination for tonight. Albergue Santa Fé.

      We had beers on the patio in with two Dutch women, who met while walking the Camino. Great conversation!

      Dinner at 7 PM, bed is probably not far behind!

      Tomorrow, we walk to the city of Burgos!
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Arlanzón, Arlanzon


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