Burgo Ranero, El

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Os 10 melhores destinos Burgo Ranero, El
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    • Dia 20

      Calzadilla > Mansilla

      20 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

      Seen a bunch of these cool trees lately where the branches kinda loop round and even attach to the next tree along?!! In another news more LOONNGG stretches of nothingness (we love the meseta) made a bit more exciting today by trying not to get blown awayLeia mais

    • Dia 30

      El Burgo Ranero

      21 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nou, daar gaat tie..... gisteren dus in een albergue geslapen. Geen kamers meer maar wel een bed in een slaapzaal.... waar moet ik toch aan denken..... alleen 20 man/vrouw op een zaal...🙈🙈 en zo geschiedde maar eerst eten en drinken. Ik zat bij een groep Australiërs, goeie babbel en een gezellige avond gehad. Nou gezagen werd er en toen kon ik toch nog mijn verhaal op Penguin afmaken wat eerder op de avond niet lukte. Enfin eindelijk in slaap gevallen met oordopjes....en vroeg eruit en na een pelgrim-ontbijt de fiets weer op. Ik kan het niet verklaren maar het leek wel alsof ik vleugels had en ik drink géén redbull... nee zonder gekheid het ging zo goed en zelfs voor de middag was ik al voorbij het eindpunt van het vorige traject maar zo vol energie en dus door. Ik heb weer een heel stuk op gravelpad gereden waar ook weer de wandelaars liepen en niet een paar.... ik denk dat ik vandaag ën paar honderd pelgrims te voet ben gepasseerd. Bij het roepen van buen Camino waren de reacties zeer uitlopend van geen reactie, een schrikreactie van uit de concentratie gehaald worden tot bellende pelgrims of op hun GSM starend of fris of minder fris terug roepend, enfin met beleid gefietst en uiteindelijk zijn er weer gescheiden paden. De zon scheen de hele dag en aan de lucht geen wolkje te bekennen. Rond 13.30 uur ging het toch wat langzamer en Léon was toch nog iets van 40 km en dat vond ik toch even iets te gortig, dan maar een hotel en onder de pannen voor de nacht op een fatsoenlijke kamer en dat is gelukt. Vandaag ruim 80 km's afgelegd.
      Ik besef ook dat ik vandaag 4 weken (zondagen) onderweg ben.. ik kijk tevreden terug.
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    • Dia 20

      Etappe 17 - Villarente

      1 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Super geschlafen, gut ausgeruht gegen 8.00 Uhr gestartet. Erst noch schnell im Café ein kleines Frühstück.
      Bloß gut, denn die nächste Bar war wieder 2, 5 Wegstunden entfernt.
      Die Etappe war erneut sehr unspektakulär und eintönig.
      Bin jetzt am Rio Torio angekommen und habe ein Zimmer in einem kleinen Hotel gefunden. Morgen habe ich dann noch ca. 2 Std. nach Leon. Übernachtungen für die kommenden Tage vorgebucht.
      Saß jetzt mehr als eine Stunde am Flussufer. Entspannung pur!!! Das Wasser ist ganz klar und noch schön angewärmt. Da ist die Lust groß einzutauchen.
      An dieser Stelle danke ich meinen Freunden einmal. Susanne und Matthias haben mich top über die letzten beiden Jahre auf den Camino vorbereitet. Alle in Dresden gekauften Sachen für den Camino haben sich hervorragend bewährt. Ebenfalls danke an Karin und Peter. Ihre erweiterten Tipps auf dem Camino haben mir manchmal weitergeholfen und das Shirt trägt sich super.
      Fazit des Tages: gute Freunde sind durch nichts zu ersetzen. Sie stehen dir jederzeit bei und lassen sich nicht beirren. Dankeschön.
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    • Dia 22

      Day 22

      14 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Well.. today I set off intending to be better prepared for the rain than I was yesterday.. I literally didn’t sleep ( nothing to do with having THE most uncomfortable bed ever ) trying to decide what would be the best thing to wear… we’re talking waterproof or not, not some glamorous going out outfit 🙄😬
      Anyway, after being caught short and ending up soaked before I’d managed to even get my coat on yesterday, I set off wearing everything, hoping I wouldn’t end up sweating (lovely 😳😬 ) underneath before the rain set in….
      It was a very poor breakfast, so I left it and decided to get going.. fortunately it was way colder than yesterday and I ended up perfectly dressed 👍🏼👍🏼
      Again, it was more of a head down and just get there day today, so not too many pictures as my phone was buried under my layers..
      On my arrival, I checked out where I was staying, before going back to the pension for a coffee and some toast ( my new found appetite was calling 😳 )
      Whilst eating I meet Eave ( from Denmark ) as you do!!! and was subsequently joined by Rocky.. he’s given me the trail name Hummingbird.. he’s done all of the major American trails, has so many stories, lived an extraordinary life and someone I’m proud to now consider a friend.. I’ve told him I’ll get a hummingbird charm that will always be a reminder of my Camino 🥰
      The rain and thunder were constant this afternoon and so showered and washing done I started reading and sleeping.. I’m such a lightweight 😬
      I had been intending to catch with Rocky, Doc and Bianca for a few Rhummy??!? games, but didn’t want to get soaked to do so..
      No beer today ( it was definitely a coffee day ) I set off 25 minutes early for dinner thinking I’d have one whilst waiting…. I just wanted an excuse to be there early enough to make sure I got a table 😂
      Whilst I didn’t catch up with “ the crew “ I did end up eating with a couple I’d stayed at the same places as a few times earlier in the trip .. ended up having a fabulous evening and we were joined by older American couple who’d been touring ( on foot ) Croatia/Bosnia and somewhere else before joining the Camino in Pamplona..they were on a tight schedule as they were really close to their visas running out 🙄
      So looking forward to sleeping tonight on a more comfortable bed without worrying about “what to wear” 🙄🙄
      Not many pictures due to the rain..
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    • Dia 19

      A bit less dampness

      19 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Went rogue and took an alternative more remote route and ended up looking like sodden rats at a teeny albergue with just one other wom staying there. But things only went up from there as it had a FIREPLACE and we cooked some delish lentil bolognaise + glühwein (mulled wine) courtesy of Marisa's ingenius ideaLeia mais

    • Dia 18

      Best of Sahagún

      9 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I loved the door to the old city, and I equally loved the confitería 😋
      I had a smoothie with a piece of cheesecake, just because it looked more substantial than the choc mousse slice... and other various things that I wished I could take away...Leia mais

    • Dia 20

      Day 18 not walking!

      27 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      You will be pleased to know that yesterdays kitten was successfully delivered last night to Leon university vet clinic and is safe and well there 😊
      So today I took the bus to Mansilla de las Mulas with couple of German ladies, the bus took the scenic route through lots of villages off the beaten track, which was interesting but somewhat bumpy ride! Very agricultural with mountains in the distance.
      So we’re checked into fairly modern Albergue and currently sitting in the sun in the garden enjoying the tranquility, although sparrows flying very close!
      This town has 12th century fortifications and the old city wall is still visible in places with houses built into it or alongside, but the town has a ‘down at heel’ feel about it and has obviously seen better days.
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    • Dia 19

      Unexpected extension

      10 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I was sleepy the whole morning. There were kids playing and talking outside my window last night, until after midnight, and I got up at 5.
      I had the best breakfast so far, and it was 'home' made: fruit salad with natural yoghurt and avo on toast. Some albergues lend themselves to food preparation more others.
      We left Calzadilla de los Hermanillos and continued on the Via Trajana. The walk was still mostly flat, with gentle undulations. The fields had corn, wheat and sunflowers, and the occasional tree plantation.
      The track was an ancient Roman road, which in parts has been conserved just like it was 2,000 years ago.
      The target today was Mansilla de las Mulas, about 25k. The morning was relatively cool, cloudy, with a couple of light showers. It was a good temperature for walking.
      When we got to Mansilla, however, the good albergue was full 😣. The other private albergue had more negative reviews than positive, and the municipal was closed.
      We started looking for other options and found room at a nice albergue 2 more villages to the west. This extended the walk to 32k, and the last hour or two were in the afternoon heat.
      We were planning to walk to the last village before León tomorrow, and arrive early in León the next day, to be able to spend time exploring the city. But with today's extension, we're just 1 more village away from León, so we'll get there tomorrow.
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    • Dia 25

      Mansilla de las Mulas

      12 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Today we walked another long rocky path. We are now in a little place called Mansilla de las Mulas. Our room in the casa rural is extremely pink! Like electric bubble gum pink! And has religious paintings on every wall. We’re glad they have a pilgrim’s dinner here at 7:00 so we can just chill. We’ll have breakfast here tomorrow and walk to the big city of Leon, which is only 18 km away.

      Today we watched a different phase of sunflower harvesting. The big mower cuts the stalks of sunflowers down and then mulches everything and then it goes over to a big trailer and puts all the mulch in there. Then they take the trailer to a processing plant.

      There are a lot of irrigated corn fields around here too. We crossed a big concrete canal today too but it wasn’t very full.

      Today’s walk was straight and simple. I’ll post a few pics so you can see! I don’t really get where FindPenguins gets the temperature info on the blog posts. It’s been hot almost every day since the Basque Country. Here in Mansilla de las Mulas today it was 86° when we arrived. Hot to be walking in without shade! But it’s forecast to possibly rain starting on Sunday. We’ll see!

      David carried a tiny backpack today with his sweater and beanie in it. He seems to be doing okay! And although I’m no longer giving off COVID cooties, I still have a cough but it’s not slowing me down. We had dinner with two very nice Australian women last night and one of them is taking taxis now because her feet are totally thrashed with blisters. We have been lucky! Our feet sometimes get sore on a long walk but neither of us has any blisters. I figure we’ve been hikers for so long that the skin on our feet is all calloused up!
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    • Dia 17


      17 de julho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 100 °F

      Again, we beat the heat, arriving in Bercianos before 12. It was a comfortable walk, but the last 2k seem to take forever. We continue to see many little houses dug into mountain sides. The sign explains how they are used. I guess I can stop looking for Hobbits, along the way. 😁 My picture is at the end of our walk, where I took a nap on the cement, until the albergue opened an hour and a half later. We are staying at a Parochial albergue, run by volunteers, that do not charge, but accept donations. They do not have wifi, so we are sitting in a bar, using their wifi, l enjoying a beer, and watching the Tour de France on TV and locals playing lively games of dominos. Lots of slamming on the tables, and observers yelling. I guess I've been playing dominos the wrong way all these years!😂I've been able to keep in touch with Cyndee- she has been doing some site seeing, plans to continue to bus ahead to Sarria, then walk 10k a day until she reaches Santiago. So glad she is doing the Camino her way.❤️Leia mais

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    Burgo Ranero, El

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