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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Cadiz
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    • Dzień 129

      Cádiz 🫶

      7 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Adeus, Portugal 🙋🏽‍♀️
      Samstag Abend ging es für uns zurück nach Spanien - genauer gesagt nach Cádiz 🙈 und alleine die Fahrt dahin war super schön. Jetzt im Frühling ist alles schön saftig grün und es blüht überall so schön. 🌱🪻🪴
      Übernachtet haben wir in einem Naturschutzgebiet mit super vielen Gelsen 🥴

      Am Sonntag haben wir uns dann die Stadt angeschaut - vom Hafen, den Hauptplatz bis hin zur Kathedrale. ☺️
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    • Dzień 132

      Cadiz Seville Spain

      29 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      It was an early morning wake up as we have a eight hour long excursion.

      We ordered room service for breakfast.

      I tried to get some money sent to one of our roofing contractors. It proved to be more of a challenge than I hoped it would be. I will have to contact the bank after our tour today.

      We headed down to the Star Theater a little after 7 AM. I was distracted with the frustration with the bank this morning and forgot my stateroom key card so I had to run back to the room.

      When we approached the Star Theater, Krystal was just coming down the stairs and Jenni was waiting outside the theater so our delayed arrival due to me forgetting my key card ended up creating perfect timing for us all to get on the same bus.

      After the usual sound check, we departed through a beautiful port area and across a suspension bridge just as the sun was rising.

      As we were driving by picturesque rolling farmland dotted with wind turbines, I worked on this blog. Meanwhile, Bob sent a text to Rob. Technology is amazing until it isn't -like this morning's fiasco.

      On the almost 2 hour drive to Seville, the "guide" on the bus didn't give us any information regarding the history of Seville or Spain.

      We arrived at Seville and we picked up a local guide. We made a short drive to Plaza Espanol. I had to google the Plaza Espanol because our guide gave us a brief description on the Plaza but no contextual history. The Plaza was completed in 1929 and took 15 years to complete. It was built to show Spain embracing the Americas.

      We next drove to Casa de Pilatos.

      According to Wikipedia:
      The House of Pilate is a palace located in the Spanish city of Seville , in Andalusia , belonging to the House of Medinaceli . It constitutes one of the most emblematic buildings of Andalusian civil architecture of the 16th century and presents a combination of Italian Renaissance and Spanish Mudejar styles, the result of the different interventions that occurred, from the last third of the 15th century to the 17th century .

      Portions of the Game of Thrones were filmed at the Casa de Pilatos. We have not watched Game of Thrones.

      I had to once again Google Casa de Pilatos. The guide must have thought that we all had researched the history of Spain. We felt like we were dropped into a college course half way through the term.

      After leaving the Casa de Pilatos, we walked down absolutely beautiful streets until we reached the Cathedral.

      We walked around the Cathedral area and in the courtyard of the Royal Palace.

      Next we were given freetime to have lunch.

      Dale, Jenni, Bob and I found a quaint restaurant and had lunch.

      We then met our group, walked to the bus, and drove back to the ship.

      Our impression of Seville is that it is a beautiful city. We just wish that we had a different tour and guide. We would have loved to go inside the cathedral but the line was too long. The guide was really lacking.
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    • Dzień 6

      Centro de Arqueología Subacuática

      19 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      El Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía is a specialized organization belonging to the Department of Culture of the Government of Andalusia, created in 1997 and integrated into the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. It has its headquarters in the city of Cádiz, in the Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real building, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

      The objectives of this center are the research, protection, conservation and dissemination of the underwater heritage of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, as well as the training of professionals in this discipline.

      To achieve its objectives, it has developed an exhaustive catalog of underwater archaeological sites, integrated into the Andalusian Historical Heritage Information System. In total, 81 sites are known, covering, chronologically, from protohistory to the Contemporary Age. Through this inventory, information has been obtained regarding 1250 historical shipwrecks in Andalusian waters.

      The centre is not open to visitors but the building itself, the Balneario de la Palma y del Real building, is definitely worth a visit. It is located on the Playa de la Caleta, on the western edge in the historical center of of Cádiz. There is a natural harbor by which Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans penetrated historically. Caleta beach is the smallest beach in the city, and is isolated from the others.

      The beach is perfect for enjoying the sunset and as it is right next to the old town it is very popular with the Gaditanos and they consider it one of the most emblematic places of their city, and use it as a recurrent song subject during Carnival.

      But what about this building?
      The Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real building was inaugurated in 1926 and replaced the traditional Baños del Real, a wooden facility that already existed at the beginning of the 19th century, next to which were also located those of La Palma, with a similar structure, which were later unified under the name “Real y de la Palma”.

      The poor condition of the barracks led the Provincial Council to call a competition in 1924 to build a new spa. This project was intended to offer an alternative for leisure, beach and sea bathing to the population that lived in the old town, avoiding the inconvenience and expense of moving to the beach of the Reina Victoria Spa.

      A wonderful building, I love it and I love that so many locals hang around there to take a swim.
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    • Dzień 41


      21 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Cadiz gehört zu den ältesten Städten Westeuropas. Durch seine gute Lage wurde Cadiz zu einem wichtigen Handelszentrum der Schifffahrt. Die Altstadt lässt sich gut zu Fuß durchqueren. Da es heute sehr windig und kühl ist, lassen wir den Strand links liegen und bleiben in der Altstadt. Hier herrscht ein reges Treiben von Touristen und Stadtbewohnern. Die Markthalle, Kathedrale und die vielen kleinen Plätze, die am Ende der engen Gassen liegen, gehören zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Eine gemütliche und authentische Stadt. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 6

      Cádiz, Spain

      31 października 2019, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Our final port of call on mainland Europe was another one that we'd not been to before. With our ship docked close to the city, we headed off on foot after getting some proper sustenance at the Lido Marketplace.

      After checking out the Monument to the Constitution of 1812 — in Plaza España — we cut through town to reach the waterfront promenade for a scenic stroll that took us through Alameda Garden to our destination — Parque Genoves ... the city's largest greenspace. Very charming with topiary trees ... our only disappointment being that the waterfall had been turned off.

      The next stop was Playa de la Caleta further along on the waterfront promenade. On a sunny and warm day, Mui likely would have gone for a dip ... not today, though. Cutting through the residential neighborhoods, we eventually found ourselves at the public market where we wandered around for a bit before continuing on to Cathedral Square.

      Then, off we went to get a bite to eat at Taberna la Sopresa, a tapateria hidden from the crowds on a side street. The proprietor did not speak a word of English, but we managed just fine in this eatery frequented primarily by the locals.

      We wrapped up our day in Cádiz with a stroll back to the ship ... stopping to check out the Roman ruins on our way to the Town Hall Square where we sat down at a sidewalk café to enjoy dessert and tea.

      My only regret ... we didn't get to a high point for the iconic view of the city's narrow streets designed so as to provide maximum shade from the buildings that line them ... a must in this city where the summer sun makes for unbearably hot days. All the more reason to visit again someday.
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    • Dzień 4

      Ankunft Cadiz

      22 lutego, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Nun sind wir bei unserem nächsten Übernachtungsstop in Cadiz angekommen... wir bleiben für 2 Nächte und wollen die Küstenstadt erkunden.
      "Einfach nur gechillt...." so wird Cadiz in unserem Reiseführer beschrieben. Und das können wir nach den ersten Stunden nur bestätigen. Wir haben uns hier gleich wohlgefühlt und freuen und auf die nächste Zeit und die Erkundung der Stadt 🩵🌞 wir haben schon lecker und günstig Wein getrunken, fantastisch gegessen und sind wirr durch die Gassen spaziert... nun fallen wir müde ins Bettchen und freuen uns auf Morgen 🔆🥳 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 5

      Ein Tag in Cadiz

      23 lutego, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wir haben einen unglaublich schönen Tag in Cadiz verbracht. Wir haben kein Programm gehabt, wir wollten die Stadt und die Küste zu Fuß erkunden. Das war wundervoll stressfrei und entspannt. Wir sind die Küstenlinie langgebummelt und haben uns durch die Altstadt wieder gen Hotel bewegt. Zwischendurch immer kleine Päuschen mit leckeren Snacks und erfrischenden Getränken. Wir haben uns in Cadiz verliebt und werden es morgen sicherlich mit einem weinenden Auge verlassen 🫶 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3


      21 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Anschließend treten wir die Fahrt nach Cadiz an. Wir dösen ein wenig. Kurz vor der Stadt weist uns unser Reiseleiter aus die sumpfigen Felder rechts und links und die dort stehenden Flamingos hin. Wir freuen uns auf unseren 3. Besuch in Cadiz. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 8

      Rota & Cádiz

      31 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nach dem etwas fluchtartigen Abschied aus Sevilla haben wir uns für einen Campingplatz an der Küste in Rota entschieden. Mit der Hoffnung auf Besserung, was das Wetter angeht. Das war auch tatsächlich der Fall, gleichzeitig gab es aber auch keinen Wind und unzählige Mücken, die uns zwei Nächte mehr oder weniger wach gehalten und wir auf Mückenjagt verbracht haben. Auch das provisorische Moskitonetz, was wir nach der ersten Nacht sehr zuversichtlich gekauft haben, hat seinen Zweck leider so gar nicht erfüllt - für adelina also die perfekte erste Campingerfahrung 🙄 Naja, den Schlaf haben wir am Strand nachgeholt (geht auch schlimmer) und Cádiz war in der Nähe und wirklich sehr schön! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 8

      Die Welt ist klein

      15 grudnia 2019, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Neben uns stehen Deutsche mit „www.digidalnoma.de“ auf dem Wohnmobil.

      Natürlich sind wir neugierig auf der Web-Seite geschaut und siehe da, die Dalbergs haben lange in Leverkusen gelebt.

      Darauf angesprochen stellte sich sogar raus, das er, Christoph, Kantor in Quettingen (Nachbargemeinde von Lützenkirchen) gewesen ist und auch bei uns in Lützenkirchen manchmal gespielt hat.

      Beate und Christoph erfüllen sich schon Ihren Traum und sind fast nur noch auf Reisen.

      Wir wünschen euch alles Gute, schön euch kennen zu lernen.
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Cadiz, Cádiz, ካዲዝ, Gaðes, قادس, كاديذ, Кадис, Cadis, Κάντιθ, Kadizo, Cai, کادیس, Cadix, Gadeira, קדיס, CDZ, Cadice, カディス, კადისი, 카디스, Gades, Kadiz, Kadisas, Kadyks, کادس, 11001, Cádis, Кадиз, กาดิซ, Кадіс, Càdice, 加的斯, Iungadir

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