Church of San Saturnino

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    • Dag 7

      Our Long Walk Begins

      24 september 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Q. When you are spending the night in a centuries old Beneficiado, high in the Pyrenees, what is the sound that you most don't want to hear ?
      A. If you answered that it would be the sound of the ghostly pilgrim, endlessly wandering the corridors on their eternal walk, you would be wrong (although I did hear the ghost several times outside my room in the wee small hours of the morning). The actual answer of course, is the sound of steady rain on the roof. Even worse when it is the ceaseless sound of heavy rain. We well knew that, in the morning, we would be facing our first real test of the trip when we begin our personal journeys with a walk of 20 km.

      When my alarm went off at the very early hour of 5.30 am, it was still pitch black outside. Of much more sinister relevance was the fact that the rain was still pouring down. When I poked my head through the window I could also feel that the temperature had dropped significantly from the previous evening.

      I started to sort my gear for the day. The first step was to place every vulnerable item in a plastic bag. In went my wallet, phone, camera and GPS. I began to think that I should be looking for a bag big enough for me to climb inside.

      By 7.00 am I was dressed and ready for breakfast. Our experience of the previous evening showed that food servings on the Camino are of biblical proportions. In spite of all the walking involved, it is already unlikely that any of us will actually lose any weight. Breakfast was no exception. There was a vast offering of options to choose from and most of us availed ourselves of the opportunity to "fuel up" before facing the elements outside.

      After securing our first stamps in our Camino passports we were finally ready to get underway. Fortunately the rain had slackened off to a much more gentle drizzle and I was glad that I had dispensed with the thermal fleece that I had originally worn under by rain jacket.

      We posed for the obligatory group photo, had a final look around Roncesvalles, and walked out of the town in the direction of Santiago.The sign on the outskirts of the town said that we had 790 km to go. Of course we will only be walking about a quarter of that as we had already made the very appropriate decision to leapfrog some of the less interesting sections along the way.

      When I had begun planning this trip I had no real idea of what the actual walking paths would be like. I had pictured in my imagination that we would be wandering through idyllic forests and beautiful villages along quiet paths with fellow pilgrims. In the back of my mind I could not help but fear that the actual walk might be far different. To my utter delight it turned out to be even better than I had hoped for. Much better in fact.

      Although the first few kilometres were walked in a light drizzle, it actually seemed perfectly appropriate for the location we were in. We walked through a succession of lovely birch forests, interspersed with rolling farmland. Along the way we shared the paths with a succession of fellow walkers from a variety of diverse countries.

      As we made our way steadily along the route we had plenty of time to examine our thoughts and to absorb some of the incredible history that was steeped into every footfall. How many hundreds of thousands of other pilgrims had walked these same paths over the past thousand years ?

      The sky above began to lighten noticeably and the drizzle ceased. With the steady series of uphills and downhills, people started to remove layers of clothing. The temperature was actually perfect for this type of walking and the scenery in this part of Spain is simply breathtaking.

      At one point on the walk I noticed a rather rotund guy struggling to make his way up a steady climb. Now some of my more unkind friends might refer to me as "stout", but this chap was positively a real rolly polly type of fellow. We walked in behind him and started to chat. He told us that he was from Montreal and he had allowed himself 8 weeks for the walk. He was now three days in and was already struggling badly, especially on the hills. In spite of his struggle, he was still moving ahead and we met up with him several more times during the day. I had to admire his courage and I really hoped that he would succeed in reaching his goal.

      When we finally reached the end of the first day's walk, my GPS told me that we had covered 20.25 km. I suppose that was why most of us were quite relieved to finally sit down for our final transfer to Pamplona - the city famous for the annual running of the bulls.

      On the way to Pamplona we stopped at a small village to finally have lunch. The meal was excellent but somehow there was a mix up with the payment of the bills and it looked for a while that we would be subjected to a full scale inquisition in order to pay for the infamous glass of sangria and cheese sandwich. The mystery was finally solved and we were free to leave without having to wash the dishes and mop the floors.

      We arrived at the lovely city of Pamplona around 5 pm, tired but thoroughly proud of our efforts. If the rest of the walk is even half as good as the first day, we will be in for an amazing time.

      Unfortunately the evening meal at the Hotel Maisonnave was not up to the high standard of the previous two hotels. The cafetaria style offering of a chicken leg and some chips was almost completely devoid of character and effort. At least the room was comfortable and we can only hope that the breakfast will not also prove to be a big disappointment.
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    • Dag 6–7

      Puenta la reinia

      13 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On our way before leaving today I was lucky enough to experience morning mass at the Cathedral it was a time for reflection and a moving experience

    • Dag 1

      Dia 1 Madrid a Pamplona

      5 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Me desperté temprano y sobre las 7:10 salí para el aeropuerto a buscar a Gary. El avión llegó bien pero cuando llegamos a la compañía de alquiler de coches nos dijeron que con esa compañía solo podíamos viajar por Francia España y Portugal , así que estuve como media hora o más cancelando esa reserva y abriendo otra. Al final conseguí un todoterreno pequeño de opel y también conseguimos alquilarlo en el momento (tuvimos mucha suerte). Empezamos sobre las 10:30 nuestro viaje que transcurrió sin problemas hasta Pamplona. Paramos solo una vez a tomar café y llegamos a nuestro destino sobre las 15 hs. Nos costó un poco encontrar todo porque el ingreso era complicado: debíamos ir con el gps a un lugar, de ahí ver un vídeo que nos guiaba a otro , dejar el equipaje, seguir con el coche a un parking y volver caminando, todo mirando el vídeo. Nos perdimos un poquito al principio del vídeo pero después salió todo bien. Luego fuimos al café Iruña a almorzar, paseamos, sacamos fotos, hicimos un tour por la plaza de toros y nos tomamos unas tapas regadas con cerveza. Un buen inicio de viaje. Lección:si alquilan un coche en Europa ojo porque hay restricciones sobre los paises a visitar. Inclusive con hertz no nos dejan ir a la República Checa por lo que tendremos que cambiar el viaje.Läs mer

    • Dag 10

      Calf brains and pig ears

      24 augusti 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Took a rest day in Pamplona to enjoy the city what a wonderful place, spectacular people and amazing foods.

    • Dag 5

      On to Pamplona- city of the bulls!

      1 oktober 2016, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      From Roncesvalles we walked to Pamplona - 40k over 2 days. Rolling countryside and small villages - through forests and wide open hills- it was very hot walking, however the shade of beautiful beech forests were respite from the heat. I nearly trod on a small brown and copper coloured snake as it slithered from one side of the track to the other! See if you can find out what kind of snakes inhabit the Navarre region!

      We limped into Pamplona on the afternoon of the 1st October and stayed at an Albergue which was once a Jesuit Church! Now converted, this work offers a place for pilgrims to stay and the proceeds go to helping people with disabilities. We stayed in bunk beds in a space that housed 100 people! It was called Albergue Jesu y Maria.

      Pamplona is also the place where they run bulls through the streets and have bullfights. It's also the place where in his early years as a soldier, Ignatius Loyola defended the walls of Pamplona from the French and was wounded by a cannonball. Having walked to Pamplona over the mountains I had a new appreciation for how Ignatius must have endured being stretchered home to Loyola over similar pathways! It must have been punishing!!

      I think this act of such generosity from the French who stretchered him home changed him forever. The French who took him home to Loyola probably did so because they too were basque - from the French side- where we had walked from! They were looking after a brother then! No enemy for them! No wonder generosity is such an important ignatian gift! Boys, remember your random acts of kindness are so important!!!

      As I walked the fortified city ramparts here it was also easy to imagine a young Ignacio defending his beloved Basque Country and people against the French troops. These battles must have been carnage! If the stones could speak!!!

      We walked the Calle de San Ignacio many times and walked past the place where he fell- plaque marks the spot and there is a chapel there also to commemorate him.

      Fun fact: Local food unique to Pamplona Pincxos ( means skewered!) or food on skewers. You have this for lunch or a light evening meal.
      Adios mes amigos ( for now!)
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    • Dag 4

      Pamplona breather

      11 maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Taking half day’s rest—much needed today.
      Will press on tomorrow.
      So great to have some good tapas on Calle San Nicholas. Fun to people watch when you are solo!

      I checked into a place here in downtown Pamplona. Crazy scene!
      Another pilgrim came in as I was checking in—an older man from Brazil who was searching for a room and had walked all the way from Zubiri, a freaking long way!! The hotel was full so I asked him to share my room. He agreed and is happily sleeping now. We are glad, because we split the cost in half. Nice hotel and I went to the spa and had a massage—so needed as I could barely walk.

      Tomorrow we ascend the Alto del Perdon, a grueling stage, and I am staying in Urtega at a hostel. Neii will probably stay there too. That is as far as I can make it I think, knowing myself.
      I wanted to ship a half kilo of stuff but the correo in Pamplona is closed the weekend. So I will carry the damn Altus poncho a little longer!
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    • Dag 2

      Dia 2 disfrutando Pamplona

      6 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nos levantamos temprano y fuimos a desayunar al bar Iruña. Mientras desayunábamos hicimos los cambios del viaje: anulamos Praga y decidimos que hacer con los días que nos sobraban, nos quedaremos un día más en Dresden y visitaremos Leipzig, lugar de nacimiento de Motzart y de los ancestros de Gary, de ahí iremos a Nuremberg y nos quedaremos una noche y luego partiremos para Vienna, el resto del viaje es el mismo. Del bar caminamos a la ciudadela, una especie de fortaleza, al salir descansábamos en un parque y nos rodearon como 8 chicas de 12/13 años que nos escucharon hablar en inglés y como eran de un colegio bilingüe quisieron practicar, charlamos un rato y por desgracia nos olvidamos de sacarnos una foto con ellas. De ahí seguimos caminando, nos tomamos unas tapas y volvimos al Airbnb para una siesta. Por la tarde caminamos las murallas, fuimos por el camino De Santiago y recorrimos otras partes de la ciudad, también nos metimos en dos o tres Iglesias . Terminamos la jornada con unos tragos en el bar Iruña y saludamos a Hemingway antes de marcharnos. La cena fue un par de empanadas de carne estilo argentino y algunas tapas. Mañana cruzamos a Francia y pasamos la noche en Arcachon. Pamplona es una ciudad Maica a donde siempre me gustará volver.Läs mer

    • Dag 7–8

      Zubiri to Pamplona

      20 april, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      This was a big day. I was so exhausted when I reached Pamplona. 23 km walk.

      Pat, Linda and I walked from Zubiri from Albergue Suseia.

      It was a lovely day's walk, sunny weather. Pat and Linda walked on ahead and I walked solo into Pamplona. In hindsight I should have caught a taxi the last 5km as when I walked into Pamplona I was exhausted. I didn't have any data on my phone and didn't know where my hotel was. A nice man in a convenience store helped me find my way.

      I stayed at Hotel Europa and luckily there was a bath in my room! I took some Panadol and ran a warm bath to soak in. Legs up the wall and a little rest and I felt much better.
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