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    • Dag 50

      Tag 50 von Lires nach Fisterra

      20. juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      So heute ging es nach Fisterra der 2ten Stadt mit einem 0,0 km Stein.
      Beide behaupten von sich das Ende der Welt zu sein.
      Welche es dann ist wer weiß das schon!
      Ich für mich habe mich für Muxia entschieden weil es für mich mehr spirituellen Charakter hat.
      Der weg war heute wieder verregnet aber was solls ich hab ja meinen Poncho 😉.
      Was mir auf dem Weg gestern und heute aufgefallen ist das er auch durch Keltische Runen gekennzeichnet ist.
      Versteckt aber sichtbar.
      Wenn man dann weis das dieser ganze Weg früher mal ein Keltischer Fruchtbarkeits Weg war macht das durchaus Sinn.
      Dieser Weg hat wirklich eine sehr interessante Geschichte und bewegt die Menschen seit Jahrtausenden und er wird auch weiterhin nichts von seiner Anziehungskraft verlieren
      Morgen geht's dann auf Entdeckungs Tour und zu dem bekannten Leuchtturm.
      Wie ich immer auf dem Weg sage, Jeder Tag ist ein neues Abenteuer.
      Am Mittwoch morgen mache ich mich dann auf den Weg nach Santiago .
      Natürlich zu Fuß!!!
      Bus fahren kann ich auch Zuhause 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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    • Dag 47


      20. oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Thankyou for all your messages of support after we had finished the Camino. I've really enjoyed writing the blog and getting messages back .
      We are now in Paris and are catching up with my Irish family which is wonderful. Paul drove all the way up from Barcelona to meet us in Finisterre and had good craic with him there, even finding a pub to watch the AB v Argentina game! Finisterre is the very end point of the Camino by the sea. Back in the day the pilgrims looked out to the horizon thinking the world was flat and that it really was the end of the world.
      It's a beautiful spot and am posting a video of the bag pipes being played at the lighthouse area. Beautiful sea food there too.
      Then Paul drove us back up to Santiago and had another night out with him in a tapas bar with delicious food and albuerina wine!
      Yesterday we flew up to Paris, sadly leaving Spain but Hele n, Annabel and Eva from. Ireland are here and had a great catch up last night.
      So this is the end if my blogs
      I look back now and already those days of walking in the heat , or under a full moon with the sun rising seem a long time ago. I know that the spirit of the Camino is pretty special and was so wonderful to have shared the experience with Brian, Lee and Jane.
      Buen Camino
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    • Dag 36

      Finisterre / Fisterra

      2. oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 70 °F

      Earlier, we were on the bus to in Finisterre/Fisterra, traveling along the coast for several hours.
      As we had to load EVERYTHING UP in our packs….that means things I bought for family. My pack is a bit bigger then it was. It’s taller then I am now!! Lol
      As we passed one town on a beautiful beach after another I was smiling! I couldn’t take decent photos out of a bus window but I wish I could!
      And there are Horrarios! ( my favorite thing here along the coast!) we even saw a ‘field’ of them!. So many alongside houses on a hill I couldn’t resist making comment to Tammy (who I had promised that I would not mention Horraios to anymore 🤣) She just chuckled and shook her head.
      We’re at in Finisterre/Fisterra ( Galacian dialect ?). Ordering food at 3:19pm as we need to hike at 6:30pm up to the light house to be at the end of the world by 8:15pm, sunset🌅 with headlamps ( charged) and wine ready to go. 🌅🌅. A great finish!!!
      I need to make comment here: Tammy has been so amazing,. I wasn’t in the right head space after Phil’s death when I left for this trip. Daily she made arrangements for our next stay- reading reviews for great, incredibly affordable stays ( $19-$34/ night!!!) picking longer or shorter walking days to keep us on our time line. Tammy helped with food translations, a definite weak spot for me here, made arrangements for moving luggage ( whole other story 😊). She has done so much!! Thank you, Tammy!!❤️
      Another big help the first 2 weeks was Natalie, from Belgium. She teased 😉 and pushed me on!! ‘ Ah Come on!!’ (With her great Belgium/French accent). 😃❤️
      I was so much in a fog in the beginning, and I hadn’t been out of the country in over 10 years, I lost my phone ( it fell out at a bus station), wasn’t accustomed to watching for ARROWS ( yellow and how you follow the Camino/ just a bit important!! ), these two were directing me at first. 🤣.
      I wasn’t much use to them. I feel I am in the groove and solid now and it’s time to go home.
      All of the challenges, the difficulties, the fun, beauty, many many miles were the Best recipe for my mind set at the time!
      Thanks to my husband, Ron for encouraging me to make this journey!
      ****** Back to today
      This early evening we bought a bottle of wine, our proprietress had wine glasses and an opener. We walked the about 3+km up and then down and the up was about 10 flights of stairs. A good evening walk ( see the monument/marker) up to the light house at the point Fin de Terre (the end of the earth) . It’s a separate Camino, so that marker there actually shows mile point 0.00.
      We sat, opened the bottle of wine, chatted, laughed*** and at times sat quietly. **We were laughing because we had grabbed a GREAT seat! No one else had nabbed. …. Yep! Really great view….. right next to the septic system with a crack in the lid. Phew! Hahaha
      Tammy asked if I wanted to move while we were both laughing. My response,” Why move, all we have smelled for the last 2 weeks in highlands has been cow*****. 🤣🤣. I put my rain coat and back pack over the crack, the breeze shifted a bit and no problem.👍👍. Hahaha
      The view, wine and companionship was a perfect end. A little chocolate, a little wine…. And an amazing peaceful view!!
      Boats heading out to sea to fish the night catch. Clouds that were billowy sheep one moment and a school of fish the next. We didn’t get the dramatic colors one might hope for but it was the majestic peace, I feel we wanted. I am so grateful for such a journey.
      One more night in Santiago de Compostela tomorrow. Then home. Hopefully, done with adventures for this trip. But….. one never knows…. 😉
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    • Dag 24

      Zeit für Glaube, Liebe und Gott

      4. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Habe den Tag heute für mich gebraucht und wollte mal nix mitteilen.

      War durchgängig von 07:10 beschäftigt und viel erledigt, organisiert und Juhuuuuuuuuuu sogar vin ich jetzt für die Ewigkeit tätowiert. 😳

      Nach dem Termin, habe ich es sogar noch rechtzeitig in die Pilgermesse geschafft und vor einem Jahr, hat man mir nicht zu viel versprochen, über Schönheit dieses Kirchenortes.

      Die Messe war in spanisch und teils englisch. Am Ende wurden wir, um den Altar versammelt, mit der Hand auf dem Kopf vom Pastor gesegnet. Tränenmoment.

      Die Bilder sollen es beschreiben, das Video das Gefühl wiedergeben. Ring und Tattoo für mich an diesem Ort passend und sehr wichtig.

      Und jetzt habe ich schon wieder gegessen, der Nebel hat sich seit gestern aufgelöst und nun 3,5 km hoch zur Aussicht. Mal schauen ob es was zu sehen gibt.
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    • Dag 33

      To Finisterre

      13. maj, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      This was thankfully a very short day of walking. About 15 km. Every step in the rain. I left at about 7:30 and I just kept walking till I got here. I was very much hoping to be able to see the coastline. Except for my very first Camino, I have always walked into Finisterre from Muxia. The main reason I chose to walk into Finisterre first this time was to have that nice long walk along the beach. I got that long walk along the beach, but I wouldn’t describe it as nice. Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be.

      I had no idea what time it was when I rang the bell of my small hotel. It’s a family run place, and the owner was there cleaning rooms. In spite of the sign on the door that said check in at 4 PM, she very kindly looked at her books and said I could go up to a room she had just cleaned. But, she said, I’m sorry that that the bathroom floor will still be wet. I burst out laughing, since I was a walking puddle, and after a few minutes of a puzzled look, she too burst out laughing.

      It seems odd that after hours of walking in the rain, standing under a shower is the thing that appeals the most. But unlike when you’re walking, the water is hot, and when you step out of the shower, you have a towel to dry off, and dry clothes to put on!

      One of the reasons I had decided to do such a short stage today was because I had wanted to go up on the “back roads“ to the lighthouse. There are some sacred rocks, which apparently cured infertility, and also the ruins of a hermitage from early Christianity. I was just about to accept the offer of a nice lunch with a few people I had met, when the sky suddenly seemed a bit brighter. Feeling lucky, I decided to go up to the lighthouse instead.

      If you can believe it, there were about three hours of glorious sunshine. I was able to walk the entire planned 10 km loop. When I got back to town, the sky was dark once again. I was very very lucky. I am not going to push my luck and will forego the chance of a decent sunset.
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    • Dag 30

      Am Ende

      29. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Just arrived in Finisterre after a 2 h drive! This time with a rental car! Was quite exhausted - maybe normal after all the walking! There are still some pilgrims here who have the same idea! Will drive along the coast tomorrow- maybe I will meet Davide tomorrow who chose to walk!Læs mere

    • Dag 22

      Ankunft Nr 2 - Freitag Nr 4

      2. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Diesen Ort würde ich nur mit zwei Menschen teilen wollen

      This place i would share with to people only

      Meinem allerbesten Pilgerfreund Martin aus Tschechien

      My good best pilgrim hetero friend ever
      Chec 🇨🇿 Martin 😍😉😜

      And my unreachable
      Und den unerreichbaren


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    • Dag 41


      15. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      I've spent almost 2 days here in Fisterra. I love the sea...even when it is a bad weather day. Yesterday rained just a bit. Luckily it stopped shortly after I got here and I was able to walk out to the lighthouse and kilometer 0. Later on, I walked to a suggested beach to watch the sunset. There wasn't much to see of the sun, but it was still beautiful.
      Today has been raining all day. I've only ventured out for breakfast and now dinner. It's been a nice "vacation" day.
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    • Dag 4

      Santa Marina til Finisterre

      28. april, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Etter en hyggelig frokost hos Albergue O. Logoso la vi i vei på den 28km lange veien til Finisterre. Været var kjølig, klart og frisk, en god start på en lang vandring. Leden gikk gjennom en blanding av landeveier, skogstier og stier gjennom et kulturlandskap. Den første delen av vandringen, til nærmeste påfyll av drikke og føde, er 16 km - byen Cee. Der inntok vi lunsj og en vel fortjent hvil. Vi bestilte en eller annen rett med pølse, som ikke smakte spesielt godt. Jeg lot den være, men Tim fortærte den, noe som skulle vise seg ikke å være så smart senere på ferden. De ble simpelt hen et møkka-problem.
      Videre 12 km til Finisterre. De siste km er ofte langt lengre enn de første - også denne dagen. Flere meget bratte bakker (opp og nedover) ble strevsomt overvunnet og snart kunne vi skimte Finisterre i det fjerne. Fra å skimte til vi kom fram, ble det et par timer med gange, ned fra fjellet, langs strender og fram til målet.
      Vi sjekket inn på hotell Vida, gikk gjennom den vanlige rutinen; dusj, hvile, spise og så var vi klare for solnedgangen ved Cabo Finisterre. Været var klart og alt lå til rette for en flott solnedgang, som det også ble. Flere bakker, 3 km til Cabo Finisterre fra hotellet, men med en vakker solnedgang i sikte gikk det greit. Ved fyret på Cabo Finisterre er 0km merket, som for oss betyr at vår pilegrimsferd har kommet til sin slutt.
      Nå blir det å hvile en dag eller to i Finisterre før jeg reiser sydover for noen feriedager i Faro på Algarvekysten.

      I sum har det vært en fin tur. Tim har vært et hyggelig reisefølge. Jeg har møtt interresante personer, har kommet nærmere meg selv og egne utfordringer - som ikke lengre er så store, om de i det hele tatt er det.

      Takk til alle dere som har fulgt meg på ferden. Dere har vært til stor inspirasjon og glede. Glad i dere alle og så er det slutt for denne gangen. Kanskje har jeg en pilegrimsferd igjen i kropp og sinn?
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    • Dag 31

      Before my plane arrives

      30. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I spent the last day with Davide and partly with some of his friends in Muxia and Fisterra! Muxia is officially the religious point zero of the Camino (while Finesterre is the geographical end of the journey!)! However for me Santiago de Compostela was the final point of the way and the rest was just an add on!
      We had a nice dinner to watch the sunset- although the sun was hiding behind clouds! In the night I drove back to the Airport, slept 2 h in the car and started my flight back home via Barcelona (where a mega thunderstorm shook us up)! Ready to finally get back home to my family- can’t wait!
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    Fisterra, فيستيرا, Finisterre, فیسترا, フィステーラ, Фистера, Finisterra, Финистерре, Фістерра, FNE, 菲尼斯特雷

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